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Chapter 6: Bank Heist

Hope you like the read, I would of posted sooner but broke my phone so using my old laptop. I've finished editing ch.10 working on 11


13 October 2010

New Jersey, Bludhaven


'Ughh... Ohh man I'm gonna miss this bed'

I was loving the motel I was staying at but I also knew it was best I didn't stay long, I knew I made plans to hang out with Gar but it was safer for him if he wasn't involved with me.

After a quick wash I handed in my room's keycard to the lobby desk even when I had the room for another night and made my way to town for some breakfast, soon I was walking out of a small building with a 'M' with my breakfast a bagel and Hot chocolate as I enjoyed my journey through town.

It was all going great till I suddenly heard the sound of ringing bells, shooting and screams, dropping my food in the nearest bin I launched myself into an alleyway running towards the sound as I jumped around through piping and onto the tops of the buildings.

Racing through my body started to make a familiar sensation as my body grew but I immediately tried to halt it, a giant black man-eater was the last thing I needed to be right now.

Surprisingly it's like my body knew what I want as it shifted to a famous red and blue character covered in webbing, as I continued to climb I soon stopped with only a street separating me from the bank as I stood high up on one of the neighboring buildings.

Watching I was disgusted with some people of multiple ages tied to the front doors with bomb vests strapped onto them, the cops couldn't make any unnecessary moves at the moment with hostages in the way adding problems.

I would of walked away but a loud crying scream entered my ears and as I turn back I could hear a child as it called for his mother but seemed unable to go to her, soon a thief brings a crying child to the front door and started to issue of demands.

Phasing anything he said I wanted to get involved now but I didn't fully understand why but it had to do with saving the kid, moving back a bit I leaped of the building and quickly generated a form of gliding equipment to slow my decent.

As I landed I shifted my suit back to normal and quickly start to crawl off the roof through one of the ventilation ducts, finding an air hatch I quickly made my way out into the hallway.

I quickly rushed through crawling along the ceiling while shifting my colors to a white-creme to match helping me avoid being spotted by cameras, but I also made sure to avoid any noticeable sensors as I made my way to the bottom floors to where the camera room should be.

Sneaking though I passed the odd armed thief till I found the security room and as I suspected it was guarded with the vault room in the other direction down stairs, picking camera room first I crawled along the ceiling till I was above them and knocked the thieves heads together making them drop.

Using their own zip ties I tied their pinkies behind their back (Fact: Stops person from slipping hands out) before I dealt with two more men in the camera room and soon the vault which had five thieves, after ten minutes I knocked out all the patrolling thieves in the upper and started my way onto the floor with the hostages.

There were only five more thieves remaining including the leader and he seemed very stressed out as he shouted into his mic so I assumed he knows his other friends have been dealt with, playing it safe I made my way onto the ceiling and using one of the borrowed gun's from the thieves I quickly executed three of them in the main floor with two-shots.

The hostages all screamed as bodies dropped to the floor including mine as I fell to the floor shooting the last two thieves in their respective areas, the crowd soon calms down slightly seeing I dealt with the thieves.

Dropping the gun I freed one of the closest hostages using a bladed finger before pointing him at the door, understanding the message he nervously walked off as I quickly left to bring all the knocked out thieves near the stairs before leaving.

Climbing to the upper floors I slip through one of the windows as I began my escape, leaping up to one of the neighboring buildings before any of the police caught me.

My creme color soon shifts to a gridded brick red as I jumped down into an alleyway to keep running, I was long gone and as I finally came upto another street I shifted back into regular clothes and blended back into the urban streets filled with people.

Being able to blend into a crowd was one of the few skills I picked up growing up in Gotham I'm actually happy for having.


(Robin POV)

I watched the young boy from a distance with a bit of surprise seeing how he helped those people in the bank but even if he didn't my team and I would have jumped in, I only disliked how he handled the last five thieves.

I understand Gotham changes people... but hopefully as long as I show him there's a better way he might have a chance, when Batman contacted me about this I brought a small part of the team with me while others dealt with crime in New York.

(A/N - Teen titans were first based in NYC/ Manhattan before later moving to Jump City)

I brought Bumblebee, Speedy and myself but for some reason Beast-boy decided to stow-away and join us, which a bit of a set back because he's still new with his powers so I couldn't have Beast-boy getting involved so I settled to let him play at an arcade while we were busy.

Bumblebee would follow Dylan whenever he moved large distances giving us his location while Speedy and I took turns monitoring him in urban areas, Beast-boy just hung around the arcade or annoying us to entertain himself but things went sideways when Dylan unexpectedly went to the same arcade as Beast-boy and for some reason Beast-boy didn't answer his comms the entire time.

But luckily it turned out pretty well from what Beast-boy told me after he returned though I did reprimand him for being extremely careless, but hearing Beast-boy tell me about his encounter with Dylan and what they talked about proved to me Dylan just needed some help.

'Hopefully I can find a quiet place to meet Dylan so I c-'

"Robin... Robin! you there? your zoning out on me"

"Oh s-sorry Speedy I was lost in thought" I replied as I looked towards my partner on my left, I had known him since I left Batman and he's been a good reliable friend and we've always had eachothers back.

"This kid is something else, he assessed the situation made a planned then adjusted when needed... But he's no hero look what he did at the end" said Speedy

"I agree with you that he's a bit rough around the edges... but if we show him the ropes he could make a great hero" I replied half disagreeing half agreeing to Speedy's assessment, "He needs help Roy... You heard what Gar said last night, he's scared and alone with abilities he's barely beginning to understand" I added.

"Your right but hero's don't kill, remember?.. Also how are you even gonna get him to trust you? I've heard stories what Gotham's like so it ain't gonna be easy to help him" replied Speedy with a judgmental look.

'I hate that he's right but I gotta at least try because this kid is what could of been me if I didn't have Bruce there to help guide me down a better path'

Part of me wants Bruce here but the other hated living under his shadow and I know it's better he's away.




13 October 2010

New Jersey, Bludhaven


After my little adventure at the bank I decided to take it quiet and grab a bite while getting my first phone, it was strange the phones here are like part apple part Android so using it took a bit of time which is embarrassing for my thirty-one year old mentality.

Ignoring my self-esteem I searched the internet and saw that Superman was already found in Metropolis after being recorded by a bystander as he saved a baby, with his involvement crime rates dropped from twelve to seven percent but city damage went up almost one-thousand percent.

I also found there was a giant 'T' building near Manhattan NYC so I need to avoid there, also seemed to be no sign of the Justice League having been formed so I have to worry about an up-coming Invasion which could either be 'the Imperium', 'Darkseid' or one of the many other many alien races after earth.

Even Hawkgirl a member of the Justice League once her race the 'Thanagarian' invaded earth at one point if I remembered correctly, Earth was literally a ticking time-bomb waiting to blow and the J.L didn't actually improve the situation much with their 'No kill' rule.

'Sigh... this universe is gonna be the death of me, even Marvel was better at this point with its mind R*pists and cloning bullsh*t'.

After having a little moment to myself I quickly got up as I started to make my way off to the next town, walking to the nearest bus stop I gazed at Bludhaven and smiled first it was the first place I made a friend.


(??? POV)

13 October 2010

Tibet Mountains, Nanda Parbat


"Hmm... the boy has talent, he'd be a great use to the cause. Send a three of our men to recruit him, if he doesn't... Kill him, we can't let him get too strong or he may stand in our way" said an old man as he watched the footage of Gotham and a certain bank.

A small group of armored black men bow silently before quickly disappearing leaving the old man as he walks into the courtyard, there stood a young child viciously training against two grown men and winning causing a small smile to appear momentarily on the oldman's face.

"Well done Damion, training is going well" he said slowly as he revealed his presence, the young boy quickly bows respectfully towards him as well as the two men.

"Yes... Grandfather"


Word count: 1779


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