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58.82% Is it wrong to be a Shrine Maiden Kitsune in a Dungeon? / Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Getting Attacked and Taken

Bab 14: Chapter 14: Getting Attacked and Taken

[Miko's POV]

I feel like shit

That's what I am feeling right now

Because right now, me and Haruhime-san are being taken away by this perverted looking midget.

How did I get in this situation anyway?

First of all, I have been framed and was accused of eating the food offering for Amaterasu-sama, in which I did not do it. I remembered following an imposter Haruhime getting inside the room to where the offering was stored. Then when I followed to check, I was knocked out from behind. And next think I know when I woke up, the pellum and that shitty renard started accusing me of a crime that I didn't commit. Then that perverted midget proposed to my father and that renard to give them money and status immunity in exchange for us. I never expected that father agreed for me to be taken by a man I never knew. Honestly, I felt betrayed and dishonored because of that.

*sigh* 'Why is this kept on happening to me? What did I do to deserve this punishment?

We are currently riding a horse-drawn carriage with Haruhime and that perverted midget. Me and Haruhime's hands were tied behind our back and were currently sitting on a seat, facing the midget.

When I look at the perverted midget and by the looks of it, he looks like he is in a very good mood. like he just caught a golden scaled carp in a lake. Honestly, the face he is giving me gave me the creeps and wanting to beat the ever-living shit out of him.

"Ah, well do look at that, I got myself two lovely and beautiful women. I am truly lucky am I" The pellum said to himself

"Hmph, you talk big for someone as small as you"

"What was that? I can't hear you over the sound of your moaning you will make after I eat you two later" Gross, what an absolute degenerate he is.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you have hearing problems. I recommend you to see a doctor to check that"

"Hmph, why won't you accept your fate and become servile to me"

"Like hell I will do that! I won't submit to a dirty scumbag piece of shit like you" I cursed at the pellum with the face of disdain.

"Hmph, no matter I will just going to use this on you to make you servile anyway" he said as he brought out a bottle of pink liquid from his breast pocket.


I look at Haruhime-san who looks visibly shocked and shaken

"What's wrong?"

"T-that thing he is holding. it is an Aphrodisiac"

"Yes, this baby will make any woman servile and love me whenever I want"

"Oh really? Can you move it closer? I can't see it quite much"


The pellum moves the Aphrodisiac closer to me. Then I kick his hands upwards with my left foot and he loses his grip on the Aphrodisiac. Then I quickly kick the medicine with my right foot while at mid-air and it was fling towards the open window of the carriage.

"And you were saying?"

The pellum was dumbstruck by the performance I just did but returns to his normal perverted looks.

"Hmph, no matter. I have many of them back in base"

"Oh look, more shit juice to destroy`"

Haruhime-san giggled at my provocation on the pellum and I smugly smirked at the midget.

"Grr, that's it! I can't hold myself any longer"

The pellum said as he reaches out of to my chest area

"I will kick you, you son of a-"


I loud shriek echoed to the surrounding and the carriage stopped moving.

"What was that?"


A huge thud was felt on the roof of the carriage, and then..

"Wait?! What's going on?"

I look at the window and saw the carriage is being lifted on the air. Then the creature let go of the carriage and we plummet from high ground.


The carraige was destroyed on impact and we were flung outside.

"Urggh, shet that hurts. Hey! Haruhime-san, are you okay?"

"Ugguh, I think so. ouch"

I tried loosen the bindings on my hands with a broken shard of wood. I successfully set myself free and undid the bindings on Haruhime's hand.

"Here, let me help you" I help her get herself up from the ground


We look around and apparently, we are at the cliffside of the road. Then a huge shadow appeared and I look up to see a monster flying in the air. I didn't expect to see that kind of monster again in my life.

Of all the monster that would attack us, why is it has the one that would haunt me for the rest of my life. Yes, the said monster that is currently facing us, was the same one that took me away from my mother.

It is a giant Griffin.


The Grifin silently stared at us as it flaps its wings on its back. We didn't move because I know that it would never attack a moving object.

Then I saw the pellum waking up from the rubbles of the broken carriage. He looks up and he was visibly frightened. He screams and tried to run away.

The Grifin saw that and it swoop at the running midget. Its sharp talons grabbed the man and he screamed like there is no tomorrow.

"Anyone!! save me! I don't want to die please" The pellum begs is distress while squirming to break free.

The he saw us two and he smirked a bit.

"Hey, you two! I order you to save me from this monster, this instant" he ordered us arrogantly. I sneered just sneered at that and turns away from him and grabbed Haruhime's hand. When he saw us leaving him behind, he panicked.

"OI! Don't leave me! Please, save me! I'm sorry okay! I'm sorry that I tricked you both! I will send you two back to your family if you save me! So please, save me!!" The pellum pleads and apologizes profusely,

I turned around and saw his desperate face. I sighed and picked up a relatively huge rock. I wind up my arm holding the rock and I chucked it towards the Grifin. The rock hit the monster's face and it looks visibly startled and looks at me.

I chucked another one at it and Haruhime also copied my action to catch the attention of the bird.

"OI! Bird face come at us and leave that midget alone" I provoked the Griffin.

The Grifin released its grip from the pellum and he fell to the ground. He got up and he run away.

"HEY! Where are you going! You said you will bring us back to our parents"

"I lied! Now you guys are screwed! HAHAHAHA, I see ya!"

"You bastard!!"

I cursed at the fleeing midget but we focused back to the monster who got our attention. The monster looks at its prey intently. Then the creature shrieks and dive towards us.


I grabbed Haruhime and we dodge to the side in order to avoid the talons. Then we run away while the Grifin is recovering from his dive. It saw us running away and he starts to fly again.

We run and run, in order to get to the dense forest at the distance.

"Miko-san! I can't run any longer" I saw Haruhime getting tired from running. I forgot that she doesn't have the stamina to run because left her room to excercise.

"It's fine, I'll carry you"

"Huh? Kyaaa"

I lifted Haruhime and carried her like a princess. She blushes from what happened

"Hold on tight, Haruhime" she nodded and wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

I then switch gear and run at top speed, Haruhime was startled for a second and she hold at me tightly.

Then I saw a shadow looming over us. I looked up and saw the Grifin's talons approaching us.

I used my footwork to evade the talons. I kept evading the Grifin's attack until we eventually reached the forest.

The Grifin tried to follow us through the thick trees, but his massive body can't traverse the terrain. The monster lost its interests on us and fly away.

*pant pant* "I think we lost him"

"pant pant" "I see, thank goodness"

"We better be get going. We might go to the shrine for help and stay there for a while"

"I see, let's go then"

We walk through the dense forest towards the direction of the shrine. We walked for hours through the thick foliage and bushes. However,

*rustle rustle*


We looked to our left and we saw a group of armed thugs. They look at us very perversely and we both stepped back from them.

"Oh, look do we have here? We found ourselves two lovely little foxes in the forest" One of the thugs said with malicious intent

"Tsk, bandits. Haruhime-san, you should go ahead, I'll hold them off"

"What no, I won't leave you behind"

"Don't worry, I will catch up with you if I lost them"

".....okay then"

"Kukukukuh, you think you brats can run away from us" the thugs said as they walk towards us



When the thugs are five meters away from us. I reach for my tail and pulled something from it.

"NOW HARUHIME, RUN" I yelled at her and pulled out the Kagura Suzu

"Yes!" She took off leaving me behind

"You are not getting awa-"


"Urggh! I can't move!" The thugs then stopped moving, feeling stunned and electrocuted

The Kagura Suzu I had now, has a new feature after fusing with the partial soul of the original Miko. The bells can now stun and electrocute any enemies I wished to target when I clang them.

Seeing the bandits being stunned, I run away from them and catch up with Haruhime.

However, the thugs broke free from the stunned status and recovered

"GO! AFTER HER! DON'T LET HER ESCAPE!" The leader of the bandits ordered and they start chasing me.

I saw them running towards me and I click me tongue in irritation.

'Still persistent, are we? Well, how do like this!"



One of the thugs fell over and the other still keeps on pursuing me.

I kept on clanging the Kagura Suzu every time they went too close to me and they keep on tripping and falling over.

Eventually, I lost them and kept moving towards the direction of the shrine.


After a few minutes of running, I completely lost the bandits.

However, I then saw Haruhime being captured by the bandits on the distance.

"HARUHIME!!" I screamed and rush towards the fleeing bandits along with her.

However, a huge and skinny man with scars all over him. He has a mohawks hairdo and long arms.

He looks at his prey, then he stretches his long arms and tried to grab me. But I dodged the arms and clang the bell. However, the man didn't seem to be affected by the stunning effect of the Kagura Suzu and extended his other arm. I evaded it and started to run the opposite direction.

I run and run, until I meet with a huge curved stone wall. I want to turn back but I saw the long arm man approaching from a distance.

I look back to the wall and saw a small gap on the middle of the wall. I rush towards the gap and squeeze my way through it. However, the inside of the gap is just a small cave with a dead end and no other pathways.

'Shet!! I got myself at a dead end'

I cursed at myself for entering a useless entrance. I rush to the end side of the burrow and hide behind a rock. I hope that the man doesn't notice that I was here.

Then suddenly a long arm entered the gap of the cave. It patted the surfaces of the cave and search for my location. He scoured the entirety of the cave except for the place I was hiding.

Eventually, the hand exited the gap and footsteps can heard that are fading away.

'I think gave up and left'

I got out of my hiding place and walk towards the gap. I peek at the gap to see if the coast is clear. After a few second of scouting, I found no one.

"Phew" I sighed in relief and was about to leave. However,



The man suddenly pops out from the outside of the gap. He hasn't left the place at all and was hiding the whole time.

I fell to my butt and started backing away from the gap. A hand suddenly entered and choked me by the neck. The hand slowly drags me out of the cave and I tried to pry the hand open, but the grip of the hand is strong.

"Let me go!!"

"kukukukuh, you will not escape me this time. kuukukuh" The man chuckles as he keeps dragging me out of the gap.

'Shet, this is bad! I have to do something. I know!" I grabbed the hand and I opened my mouth, showing my canine teeth. And then...


"UUGGEEEEEEEEH!!!!" The man screams in pain as his hand suddenly get bitten.

He tried to let go of me but I sank my teeth further to his hand's flesh.

Eventually... I took a huge chunk of his hand and spit it out

"Uggh, gross"

I felt disgusted as I saw the chunk of flesh I just chomp. It also has his index finger and ring finger in there. Uggh, I am not doing that again. As I am done not to throw up, I walk towards the gap of the wall.


[Third POV]

"UUuuugh, shet! My hand! My bloody freaking hand!!" The man clutches on to his partially severed hand as he winced in pain.

"Hey you" a sound comes out of the gap on the wall.

The man looks back and saw a glowing purple eye peeking out of the gap. The eye stared at the man menacingly. The man was frightened by the aura that those eyes show,

"Let me give a small warning and I don't want to say it again. If I ever found my friend got badly hurt, defiled or even dead, I will make sure that you will not just loose a chunk of your hand. I will slice and dice every limb of your body and shove it all in your ass, do you understand?" The voice said in a cold and deep tone giving the man most terrifying nightmare in his life.

"EEEEEEeeK!!!" The man ran away from the frightening image of Miko, leaving her behind.

Miko came out of the gap and then suddenly kneeled to the ground. Her whole body trembled and her fist clenched and unclenched uncontrollably.

"DAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMNNNITTTTTTTT!!!!!!" Miko snaps and roared to the sky


[Yamato's POV]

I am currently swinging my sword in the early morning at the shrine's courtyard.

Suddenly I felt a presence and went to check it out

When I get there, I saw Miko-san on the entrance with torn clothes and a messed-up appearance.

I rush towards her and check her condition

"Miko-san! What happened?! You look injured"

"Haruhime.... was taken away by bandits"


"I failed to save her... and now she... *sniff* ugguh.. Waaaahhh" Miko cried and clings to me tightly

Tsukuyomi-sama and Takemikazuchi-sama eventually went out of the shrine to check what's going on. The other children also take a look.

We all hold on to the crying Miko until she calms down...


Hello everyone, Author-san here


*ahem* sorry, anyway, we are at the final stretch of the prologue and I am very happy that came so far to reach it.

As a token of appreciation, I will leak the title of the last one and a bit of sneak peak

Final Chapter: A Promise to Save Someone Someday

- Yae's decision to save Haruhime and leave Far East

-Hakuro's redemption


-After credits, which includes Haruhime meeting the two other MC in the Love District, Ishtar's domain. As well as the appearance of the two MC.

That's all, thank you for reading


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