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86.64% Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 309: War of Change Part 3: The Goddesses of Chaos

Bab 309: War of Change Part 3: The Goddesses of Chaos

(General POV)

Location the Warp-The Neutral Zone of Chaos, the Mount Olympus-Palace of the Chaos Gods, The Council Chamber of Calamities; Balcony Area

Laharl was smiling at what he saw, Jinx was a stronger version of the Darkstalker, Morrigan Aensland.

Having just killed one of Tzeentch most infamous Greater Daemons in the future of 40k, and did it such a fashion that he bets even the OG Succubus of Capcom would be exhilarated and proud of.

Even Khorne was impressed, as he drank his twelfth cup of Ambrossia, while Nurgle was very happy seeing all the carnage and mayhem, that was befalling the army of Change.

The Maggotking was clapping and cheering, as he drank his fifteenth cup, Laharl shuke his head with a smile on his face, and taking another drink of Ambrossia.

Still Tzeentch hasn't appeared, but the three of them weren't clueless of their new brother's situation.

They felt warp-energies being pulled into the Realm of the Sorcerors, meaning that Tzeentch was desperately trying to mend himself, after the situation with Iron Maiden 666, they agreed to expand the Changer's deadline before the Dark One calls it, that Tzeentch wasn't going to come, and in turn activating the fourth curse, that bindes the God of a Thousand and One Schemes...

Location the Base of Mount Olympus-Battlefield: Allied Chaos Forces Vs Tzeentch Forces

Kiira and her succubi daughters were clashing against another force of Tzeentch, with the Death Stingers and Allure Stingers, dealing with the aerial enemies.

While the Succubus Matriarch, slashed and cleaved through the hordes of Horrors and Flamers with the grace of exotic dancer, at that moment a small tidalwave came and swallowed up some of the tzeentchian forces, that were trying to flank Kiira and her daughters.

This was courtesy of Scylla, the Sea Songtress, that apart from using her song-magic, she commanded the waters around the flooded battlegrounds to provide, support to all her sisters.

Making things go more into the favor of the Allied Chaos forces.

Ioke fighting alongside Invidia, and Lady Valkia, rised her flag-spear and smashed down onto the ground, creating a golden, scarlet dome of energy that bended the tide of victory and favor into their side.

As the khornate daemons, followed Lords Skarbrand and Kratos into a open battle between them and another force of Tzeentch lead by a Greater Daemon, named Niz'roppxl that was easily overwhelmed by the Blood Goddesses, and Blood Elder Daemons of this force of the Blood God.

Skarbrand together with Wrath, masscred everyone of Tzeentch's daemons under Niz'roppxl's command.

By hellfire, violence, and brutality all fell to Skarbrand's axes or Wrath's claw or blade, as they chanted in pride, "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!!!! MAINE!!! KILL!!!! BURN!!!!!" over and over, even the eldritch daemons of fate weren't immune to Wrath's rage/bloodlust inducing aura, which lead in the end, to this bloody massacre of Niz'roppxl and his forces.

Speaking of the Greater Daemon, he fell to Kratos in the end, after the Daemon of Sparta transformed into his true daemon form he brutalize the Lord of Change with his lionheaded gauntles known as the Nemean Cestus paying hominage to his alternative self when he killed Hercules, bashing Niz'roppxl head, over and over and over again, with his lionheaded gauntlet, every blow sending shockwaves of force, and the echoing sound of crushing, and wet splashes of blood.

Then he summoned his Barbarian Hammer, and with it several undead spirits emerged from his call, picking up the broken Lord of Change, and suspending him in the air for Kratos to finish him once and for all.

Changing to his primary weapons, the Blades of Chaos, Kratos stabbed his blades at the base of the Greater Daemon'd neck and a brutal and gorery fashion, he beheaded Niz'roppxl.

As the massive bird head of the Lord of Change, rolled onto the ground, the spirits returned to Kratos' hammer and let the headless body of Niz'roppxl fall onto the flooded ground, staining it in daemon blood.

Kratos reverted to his humanoid form, picking up the head and rising it to the air, letting out a ferocious battlecry, as he praised his true God, "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!!!" the khornate daemons, saw the Daemon of Sparta and praised their Elder Daemon, rising their weapons and releasing untold fury and bloodlust.

Kratos offered the Lord of Change's skull to Khorne, that was watching pleased from the balcony of the Palace of Mount Olympus.

Laharl even commented that, "Told you brother. Kratos would be a great servent and general for your forces." Khorne grunted and thanked his brother again, for offering the suggestion to recruit and concert Kratos to Blood.

As the trio, kept on watching and waiting for Lord of Fate, to make his appearance on the battlefield.

The Skorpius and her spawn of scorpionlings were tearing into the Horrors, and some other tzeentchian daemon that were closest to the ground, unless their Queen, Skorpius brought them down to earth with her claws and stingers.

Beside the Plague Scorpions, the Glottkin were also fighting leading the whole force of Plaguebearers, Mukwalkers, Beasts of Nurgle, and some Great Unclean Ones against the forces of the Architech, Otto's scythe slashed and reaped countless daemons, while his brother Ethrac combat the magic casters of Tzeentch, in order to protect their scorpion forces and their beloved Mother, Lady Aiikila that was also fighting alongside them all.

Aiikila's poisonous tip spider-like legs, and foul Black Death polearm were tearing apart the forces of Tzeentch, in the name of her beloved Nurgle, aside from the laharlish forces the most causing havoc for the tzeentchian forces were the Plague Legion.

Without large number, or powerful commanders like the Elder Daemons, Lesser Gods, and Daemon Queens, along with fighting outside their home field, the Change Legion was completely outmatched by the combined forces of Laharl, Nurgle and Khorne.

This was mostly clear for Lords of Change, and the high-daemons of Tzeentch which have greater intellectual abilities than their kin.

Speaking of the high-daemons, a Changecaster has just fallen to the Elder Balrog Daemon, Zsach being cleaved across the body.

As the fire daemons of rage and shadow, were devastating the battlefield alongside the almagimation of corpses of Nurgle's Rotten which were lead by Ku'gath Plaguefather and his hordes of nurglings.

This was becoming more massacre than a battle as it progressed, enraging Sarthorael who was losing more ground, as time passed on the battle.

He knew should he fall or fail, Lord Tzeentch's rage will be unimaginable and his punishment the Greater Daemon, didn't dare to imagine it.

So in this battle there wasn't any retreat or surrender, only victory or punishment, so Sarthorael ordered all forces to double their efforts and prioritize the elimination of the Daemon Queens, without them that surely they'll win.

And just when the White Feathered Raven Prince, has just gave the ordered their left flank was utterly destroyed by combine assault from the Elder Daemons, Kratos having joined the offensive on the backline of Sarthorael's forces with Wrath and Zsach.

With him were the corrupted, and empowered grey stone-like skinned of the Spartan going straight into battle, ignoring all pain or defense for pure, unbridled rage and bloodlust making the tzeentchian forces lose a large number of their Fluxmasters, and Blue Horrors in this attack, if not for the Flamers and Exalted Flamers it would have been a complete massacre.

Then more grave news, their reserves were blocked off by the Frog Elder Daemon, Tsathogga using a massive amount of Plague Toads and Poxriders to attack and secure the direct point into the Realm of the Sorcerors, hence their reserves and reinforcements were blocked off, or were slaughtered by the strange and disgusting magics of the Frog God.

Things are only getting worse, and worse as the battle progressed Kiira and the succubi have join the Shi'lanorai Bloodstained Snow Beasts, and their God Queen, Crystallyl Shik'Adammine in a western assault.

Scylla continued her sending minor tidalwaves onto the forces of Change, and her sisters Ruu, Ragna, and Jinx were rising hell on the battlefield, with Cassandra Crimsontear accompanied by the Triarch and Alcina Dimitrescu were attacking the southern troops of Tzeentch, with droves of knightmares, mortifinis, night maidens as Alcina has taken to call her daughters both old and recent.

Meanwhile Camilla and all the magical forces of Carnage were laying waste to the tzeentchian daemons, with her using her warlock spells to drain the magical vitality and energy of the tzeentchian daemon sorcerors.

Using all that accumulated daemonic energy, to unleash a massive onslaught of [Dark Bolts, Shadow Bolts, Thunder Bursts, & Burning Heads] spells at the overwhelmed and outmatched minions of Sorceror Lord.

Then there was the duel between the Roman Fallen Goddess, Bellona, and the Slayer of Souls, Aetaos'rau'keres.

The two were admist of their gruesome battle to the death, with the Greater Daemon using a combine assault of melee and spell casting using both [Upgraded Pink & Blue Fire of Tzeentch] on the Chaos Goddess of War, but when Aetaos'rau'keres managed to courner the Daemon Queen-in-the-making, she'd block the attacks with her corrupted blood brass and golden round shield, shielding herself from the warp-flames.

Their battle continued on, with some blows being traded between them, either Aetaos'rau'keres manage to hit Bellona with his staff or claws, or Bellona struck down her warhammer onto the body of the Slayer of Souls.

Eventually after some few more exchanges between the two combatants, she noticed that regardless of the Lord of Change's power and size he left a crucial part of himself, unguarded.

It was the opportunity that Bellona was waiting for, dodging all Aetaos'rau'keres final attempts to hit her, all the while she was approaching her enemy, using her current size and greater physical abilities against Aetaos'rau'keres.

Until she was in range to attack the eldritch bird daemon, drawing back her Warhammer coated in daemonic and dark divine magical power, causing it to be covered in a blood red aura, Bellona swung her warhammer to the legs of Aetaos'rau'keres, specifically his knees.

With all her power and strength she has crushed the Greater Daemon of Tzeentch's, kneecaps, forcing the Lord of Change down painfully.

As the Greater Daemon screamed in gut churning agony, and dropped/smashed his broken knees onto the ground, allowing the War Goddess to stand tall in front of her beaten opponent, rising her Warhammer high above her head, she swung down with her full strength, and she smashed Aetaos'rau'keres' head into gorery paste!!!

Bellona won the duel, and rise her hammer with pride, as the Bloodshields, Spartans and khornate daemons cheered for her victory!!!

With this the morale of the khornate forces, has doubled while the tzeentchian forces were crumbling and breaking, at the lost of another Lord of Change...

Location the Realm of the Sorceror-Within the Impossible Fortress, the Crystal Study of the Architech

As the pain was lessening but his frustrations only grew, as he watched the battle continued.

At the end as the tide was clearly at the favor of the allied forces of Nurgle, Laharl, and Khorne, it was a bad move to go on the offensive in this war, as the invaders they were forced to fight his enemies at their field, instead of his own, should he had thought things through and not let his anger and pride dictate his action, the war would be going completely differently now.

Withing his domain, the ever-twisting, changing, and morphing limits of Realm of the Sorceror would have separated and overwhelmed all his enemies!!!

But regretfully he couldn't change what wad done...as much as the Changer wanted to do so...the Architech of Fate was forced to use all his acquired energy from the Warp itself, along the meager amount of mortal souls and worship he has gained from his time within his cocoon to drastically hastened his recuperation, in order to fight.

For he'll will not be defeated or further humiliated by his rivals, with the energies and souls he managed to gather he felt himself quickly restoring himself, back into his prime condition along with becoming slightly stronger than what he was originally.

Once restored fully, he'll attack and he swears he'll make all his brothers pay for what they done to him!!!

As chaotic energies were bursting and emanating from the Changer of Ways, that was finally able to focus his powers to stand tall, and double his efforts on healing...soon the God of Change, shall enter the battle!!!

Location the Neutral Zone of Chaos, the Base of Mount Olympus-Battlefield: Allied Chaos Forces Vs Tzeentch Forces

As the forces of the united Dark Gods, were clearly winning and demolishing the entirety of the tzeentchian forces, especially with the Chaos Goddesses crushing any attempts to turn the tide of the battle.

It was clear that the end was close...or was it, as the colossal source of chaotic and daemonic energies that originated from the Impossible Fortress of Tzeentch, suddenly disappeared while some barely noticed this, since their focus was solely on the battle, the trio notice this immediately.

Tzeentch was finally about to appear...

(Quick Note: I know I'm making Tzeentch's forces getting pummeled quite quickly. But think about it, in the other Chaos Wars it was slightly on the disadvantage of the Carnage Forces, aside Khorne since rage and bloodlust work against him with carnage driven daemons. But with Nurgle his realm played a huge part of equalizing the tide of battle between him and his brothers. So logically speaking a open battle outside Tzeentch's realm when he was just born, it a complete downhill for his forces, which are weaker and lesser number than Khorne, Nurgle, or Laharl. Thank you, for continous support, the next chapter will focus on the battles between Tzeentch and his brothers, stay tuned.)

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