Unduh Aplikasi
64.57% Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 228: The First Trial of the Gods

Bab 228: The First Trial of the Gods

(General POV)

Location the Chaos Wastes/The Folly of Malofex

Enzium roared as it finally cross over a great hill obstructing the view of their target, at the other end of the way.

It only took but a couple of days, for them to arrive at the desolated dwelling of the late fool, Malofex.

As Enzium buckled back, roaring to the heavens before smashing his massive, plated arms against the grey desolated ground of the Chaos Wastes, stopping some distance away from the ruined castle of a former sorceror.

While inside the tallest gothic tower...

Location Within Enzium, the Throne Chamber

Through the crystal ball, and Enzium's previous roaring they can safely say that they have arrived, and told the Speaker this as the hooded specter floated towards the exit, only for Laharl to sigh and speak through their avatar, "Speaker...only by our will you can traverse, Enzium. Once we leave this chamber, you'll be expelled outside of our domain, waiting for us to arrive outside as well."

Zxaie-xie clearly understanding that Lord Daemonhart, didn't trust him which was a good trait for the new and true Everchosen, apart from spying for the Four Dark Gods, he is also to meature the character of Ixion Daemonhart possessed...but still in truth he still believes that the one true Everchosen should be Lord Archeon, so after he enter the trail the Speaker shall tell the Gods and Archeon what he has discovered earning favor from them all.

And should Ixion, he survive the trial grounds he'll guide them straight to the next trail against the Herald of the Tempest, Kholek Suneater in a battlefield of his advantage insuring the fall of Ixion Daemonhart, and the continued glory of Archeon Everchosen!!!!

Little did he know the Speaker's, desecration of the Gods' decree, his hatred towards them and desire of their death was sensed clearly by Laharl, Khorne and Nurgle inside of Ixion.

Like they all suspected, the Speaker was another fool seeking glory and favor when he isn't worth much, they'll agree once he tells them of the fourth trial...they'll devour his soul, and end his worthless existence!!!

As the Warp Gods, they commanded Ixion to stand from their throne and start leaving the chamber to get this trial over with...

While walking down the extremely long bridge that lead to main lift tower, Nurgle and Khorne gave Laharl immediate control over their avatar, transforming it into it Laharl/Carnage state with the Hellbane shifting to its Darkness form as well...all the while the Dark One, mentally instructed his shi'lanorai to gather all their mortal forces outside of Enzium, so whist they or better he took the trail they can raid and claim the Folly, as part of their quickly expanding territory.

Location the Chaos Wastes/The Folly of Malofex

Zxaie-xie was waiting beside a huge Chaos Portal that was manifesting the archway of the Folly, as just as Ixion said the moment he left the throne chamber of Enzium, Zxaie-xie tried to leave the chamber and try to wander a bit around the castle fortress before he was expelled but it happened immediately after the supposed "Chosen of the Gods".

As Enzium got slightly closer to the ruined fortress of the late Malofex, the faceless, hooded, Speaker watched as the colossal daemon beast laid down, allowing a secret entrance to open on the side of the beast.

Coming out of Enzium, were all the mortal tribesmen of the Dark Legion, Norscan Raiders, Plague Marauders, and Blood-Drinkers, came rushing out onto the corrupted grounds.

Lastly to come out the daemon fortress, was Ixion Daemonhart, emenating so much power unlike any of the ruinous powers that the Speaker, realizing that there is a fifth Chaos God...and this void power was emenating from this soul of Ixion.

The Speaker watched as the Chaos Lord was allowed to pass through his warriors, as they praise his name and he made his way to Zxaie-xie the Speaker, stopping once he reach him.

The Speaker address Ixion, "So this is the eldest Daemonhart? Must say, I'm impressed with your power, maybe it'll will serve in your success in this trial." Ixion/Laharl didn't need anymore information, he walked passed the Speaker, surprisingly said hooded specter

Location the Cavern of Dark Worth, Main Chamber

After crossing through the portal, they saw the horrific chamber that they step into.

It was a dark, gloomy, and daemonic architecture all around them, barely able to see if not for the only sources of light being the hanging black, iron torches that were stabbed into the walls and the skull spires around the chamber...Laharl couldn't help but compare it to the Cave, Thorgar the Blooded went into only instead of just being the Blood God and the Maggothking being the ones that oversaw the trial, Laharl and his brothers could sense the other forces of Chaos emenating all around them, weaker of course but still present...

Walking down the steps, and heading deeper into the main chamber more torches and spires began to lit themselves and illuminate through the darkness, allowing the Warp Gods to see the two massive doorways made of brass, and iron baring a giant eight-point star at the center of both doors and a golden daemonhead represented on each path, two paths meaning that this trial will more likely be a set of challenges.

That's when the Warp Gods headed a rage filled voice, full of much bloodlust and hatred echoed across the cavern, immediately Laharl and his brothers knew the voice to come from the weaker Blood God.

As he said to them, "Kneel before the Throne!!! Ixion Daemonhart!!! This first, challenge will be one of might and blood!!!! GO!!!! And prove your worth, to the Blood God!!!!!"

Laharl suggested to his brother, Khorne to start consuming the wrath energies that they'll soon come in contact with, that power will serve to empower him and start the process of him consuming part of his weaker counterpart.

On the right path, the doors started to part meaning that's where they must go to first, when the doors fully opened it revealed a bloodstained hall, filled with skulls, bones, blooded discarded armors and weapons of fallen foes.

Letting a small snarl through the avatar, Laharl command Ixion to start going through the passage way...

Location the Cavern of Dark Worth, OW-Khorne's Challenge Hall-The Bloodsoaked Ring

After a short walk, all over the khornate passage was signs of battle and massacre all the while Khorne was feasting inside of their avatar, feeling slightly stronger as they arrived at the other end of the passage way, right in front of their avatar was a set of brass and crimson doors manifested at the edge of the bloody ring, the doors have half of the mark of Blood God, as skulls lined the edges of the doors and the trail of the mark, as they approached the door they quickly parted open.

A round scarlet chamber resembling a khornate coliseum, as Laharl step into the ring and the door shut behind them.

Immediately, knowing what happened to Thorgar, he knows that OW-Khorne's challenge would be a horde battle, immediately when he sensed the daemonic servents of the weaker Blood God started to appear around the ring, he began his slaughter by channeling the lore of fire, and casting two fire spells [Cascading Fire Cloak] covering his avatar in magical flames, then pointing his arm at the four bloodletters charging at them, Laharl/Ixion [Fireball] the magical ball of fire was huge not only catching all the bloodletters in fire but also cause a great fiery explosion.

As the lesser blood daemons, burned to death, as Laharl turn Ixion around and wide a wide vertical cut of the Hellbane beheading some bloodletters that charge behind them.

Already Laharl/Ixion has killed the first wave of bloodletters, and soon enough more khornate daemons manifested in the ring in a larger number than before.

Smirking, Khorne said to him, "Make this amusing brother. Let the blood flow!!!! HAHA!!" all the Dark One and the Decaying God could think was, "Well Khorne is excited by this challenge..." the fight resumed...

For hours Laharl/Ixion slashed and hack the bloodletters apart, stab and smashed the khornate daemons with his blade and fists.

He also cast [Fireball & Cascading Fire Cloak] some more times, and even unleashed his [Chaos Strike] on the lesser daemons of the Hound, slaughtering all that stood in his way.

Killing and killing all the waves of bloodletter, unleashed upon him by OW-Khorne, one of the bloodletters that tried to behead Ixion/Laharl only for the Dark One command the avatar to grab the bloodletter, out the air and saying, "Pitiful. But be happy, your about to kill a lot of beings before you, die lesser daemon." tightening his clawed grip around the bloodletter's throat.

As he started swinging and bashing the poor lesser daemon, using it as a weapon utterly crushing his enemies while also beating his own weapon/victim with a reverse rising cross swing, knocking away several bloodletters, Laharl decided he had enough fun and that his new "weapon" has outlived it's use.

So Ixion under Laharl's toss the bloodletter onto the bloody metallic ground, as I squirm and struggle Ixion rised his right foot over the back of the bloodletter's neck and in a quick and powerful stomp using all the avatar's strength, not only breaking the bloodletter's neck but nearly decapitated it as the armored boot tore into the daemon's flesh.

As the hundreds of bloodletters came rushing at them, and like Nurgle before Laharl also used the [Daemon Cleave] skill with his sole power feeding the attack.

The Hellbane started to glow in neon violet and mauve, as daemonic shadows started to coat the Hellbane causing all the shadows of the ring stretch out towards Ixion, acting on instinct Laharl grabbed the Hellbane's handle with both hand got into a stance, bending his knees slightly with his avatar's greatsword close to him behind his right shoulder.

Once all the bloodletters rush in closer, Laharl/Ixion swung his sword in a horizontal slash as all the shadows caught in the slash of the daemonic greatsword were severed along with the owner of said shadows...

All hundreds of khornate daemons, were suddenly viceted or beheaded as blood splashed and gushed out the daemons, and their bodies finally realized they have died, falling limp onto the bloody ground as they banish away into the Realm of Chaos.

Hundreds of daemons now slain, all that remain for Laharl to face is a brass armored herald of OW-Khorne, seems that their final opponent is a Rendmaster.

The rendmaster roared out, "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!!! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!!!!!" and charge at Ixion/Laharl, the Dark One easily blocked all the khornate high-daemon's attack against him.

So instead under Laharl's instructions Ixion, redirected or counter the slashes and thrust the rendmaster tried to land on the Chaos Lord, but all the earn the high-daemon was a beating from Laharl/Ixion empty hand or the pummel of the Hellbane.

At the end as Ixion/Laharl was tired of this dull fight and finished the high-daemon by stabbing his daemonic greatsword through the chest of a high-khornate daemon, a rendmaster, ending the challenge with them as the victors.

OW-Khorne rewarded Ixion Daemonhart with a smidgen of his power, enhancing their physical strength slightly to all states of Ixion Daemonhart.

As the Rendmasters started to banish away from the being impaled by the Hellbane, Laharl and his brothers stood victorious.

Location the Cavern of Dark Worth, OW-Nurgle's Challenge Hall-The Festering Room

As Laharl/Ixion swipe his avatar's greatsword in the air, swiping away all the khornate daemon blood off Hellbane.

A massive set of brass and crimson doors manifested at the edge of the bloody ring, the doors have half of the mark of Blood God, as skulls lined the edges of the doors and the trail of the mark.

The doors started to slowly part and open, which clearly meant that the Dark One has passed the first challenge of this trial.

Once the brass door open, revealing a long green passage cover in rotting bodies, flies buzzing and maggots crawling over the whole infected passage.

It was obvious the next challenge is going to be OW-Nurgle, Laharl heard inside of Ixion Nurgle complementing the lovely decor, and decay all over the passage way, making both Laharl and Khorne mentally shake their heads as they made their way through the muck and slime to go into the Plague God's challenge.

Eventually, the reached another set of huge doors covered in nurglish corruption once they got closer they open to a room, greatly different than the last...

It was square with a seven torches with rotting heads hanging from them, surrounding a massive bubbling, yellow-green pool of thick liquid at the center...that's when they heard the sick, heavy breathing voice with an old, grandfathery tone echo through the room.

OW-Nurgle spoke to them, "Ohhh child...of Chaos. Rejoice...under...the embrace...(OW) Nurgle. Your next...challenge...shall...be of...fortitude. Step into...the...pool...Ixion, and...embrace...poxes...filth...and decay. Survive...and become...stronger...or rot...and die...hahahaha."

Laharl though this test will be utterly pointless, even if their avatar didn't possess [Sickness Immunity] their was no way for the avatar to be infected by anything the weaker Plague God could brew.

So like before he told Nurgle to drink and consume both the plague energy of the room, and the liquid within the pool no reason to let these things go to waste.

Nurgle chuckled and thanked him for the meal, as Laharl commanded Ixion to walk into the pool without any doubt or fear.

Bathing in the pool, they remain undisturbed or affected as Laharl ordered the avatar to sit and submerge itself as Nurgle feast and drank away...

After seven hours, OW-Nurgle commanded Ixion to surface, as bubbles started to surge in the center of the pool Laharl/Ixion surface his violet armor completely covered in slime, ooze, maggots and lavas.

But completely unaffected by the plagues and carrion inside the pool, this meant that this Dark Harbinger, Laharl Valboga was powerful and bestowed great blessing to this Daemonhart.

OW-Nurgle told them they passed, and before they went on the pool started to swirl and become a raging whirlpool, as the pool was being drain away, revealing a dark green heavy armor...a decaying, rusted heavy set of Blightking Armor, with one shoulder pauldron with a huge curve spike.

This armor is called the Decaying Armor of Bluttaplex, a fine addition to Nurgle's arsenal.

So Laharl/Ixion walked down to the empty crator and upon touching the Decaying Armor, he allowed Nurgle to channel his dark vile power to absorb and merge the enchanted blightking armor to his avatar state.

Immediately after taking the armor, they heard OW-Nurgle joy filled laughter echo across the room, as a burst of red and orange energy, like a small geyser manifest at the far edge of the room surrounded by chaotic glyphs.

Remembering the portal used in Mark of Chaos, Laharl made Ixion walked toward it...

Location the Cavern of Dark Worth, Main Chamber

After stepping into the glyph, they've returned to the main chamber, teleported back and not alone...

Around the chamber were all 336 frost eldars, all confused as Laharl himself, before he could ask through Ixion they've hear another voice, speak to them this time it was feminine.

The sensual voice was...perfect, almost euphoric, angelic but also sounded wrong and vile this could only be the Dark Princess, Slaanesh, Laharl should have guessed that it was going to be Slaanesh when his shi'lanorai were forcibly summoned into the cavern.

Slaanesh spoke to them, "Ohhh champion♡ The next challenge shall test a quality all champions of the Gods should possess. Leadership. Command your forces in perfect manner and head to my challenge♡ Experience, untold sensations as you face the Hedonites forces and overcome them to proceed..."

As the doors of the left passage began to open, Ixion/Laharl rallied and organized his frost eldars to his side.

Calming them, and quickly he psychically told them that they are in a important trial of the weaker Chaos Gods...specifically the Chaos Goddess of Obsession, Slaanesh, the Dark One also warn them of Slaanesh obsession over elven or in this case eldar souls so they are to slaughter all of slaaneshi followers that their about to face.

Swearing to fight for their lord and future king...they followed Ixion Daemonhart as he lead them through the open path on the left of the main chamber...

Location the Cavern of Dark Worth, Slaanesh's Challenge Hall-The Suffering Catacombs

The shi'lanorai force following their dark master, as they entered the pink and purple passage way with violet chains, drapes, and erogenous statues of she-elves, daemonettes, and marauders adorn this dark dungeon-esque route.

Since Laharl knows that this alternative Old World is filled with AOS units reinforcing the Old World Chaos factions maybe other as well, plus being a Slaanesh player in his previous mortal life he knows all the ins and outs on how to fight and beat the Hedonites, with acceptable losses...

Continue to following the path until they reached the massive door that will lead to the Dark Princess' challenge.

The doors were purplish-pink made of living, wailing flesh covered in dark purple scarapes and scales the symbol of Slaanesh carved into the flesh doors as they started to part open causing pain and agony to the souls used to make this door...and Laharl though Konrad Curze's Screaming Gallery was hard-core.

Needing to reacon he order his frost eldars, to hide themselves as they watch what was waiting inside the twisted slaaneshi hall...

Inside the elegant but twisted dungeon there are many Hedonites waiting for them, lead by two aspiring mortal champions, (Lord of Hubris & Lord of Pain) one wielding a scimitar (Quicksilver Sword) and shield (Chaos Runeshield), while the other was wielding a great spiked club known as a Soulpiercer Mace.

Among their forces are several tribesmen ranging from Pleasure Marauders mainly women, Slaaneshi Knights which are a males, Blissbarb Archers, as well as beastmen warrior dedicated to Slaanesh called Slaangor, the savage and lustfull animal men resembling a twisted combination between a Chaos beastman and a daemonette, and lastly standing at the far side of the great dungeon is a veiled beauty and horned sorceress known as a Shardspeaker of Slaanesh.

All these followers of the Mistress of Excess in All Things, were wearing gilded golden and glimmering armors and erotic purple or pink robes and clothes.

As well as Myrmidesh Painbringers amongst the ranks of the Hedonites, which are elite Slaaneshi warriors of the Hedonites, each of the painbringers considers themself to be a paragon of battle, taking pride in dealing death in the most painful, yet beautiful way, utter narsacists and psychos all eager for indulge in unspeakable acts.

Slaanesh summoned around 360, hedonites to fight against Ixion and the dark skinned that have almost the exact numbers as the Hedonites, the shi'lanorai number around 336 lead by their lord and dark master Laharl within Ixion Daemonhart.

Seeing the immediate threat from the blissbarb archers, Ixion/Laharl set out to kill them all in one fell swoop, their being 50 slaaneshi archers amongst the hedonites, but he was limited on that approach but not in assassinating the blissbarbs, so he decide in using stealth to eliminate the archer in one shot.

Casting [Black Haze] that shrouds the targets in absolute darkness only he and those permitted like his shi'lanorai can see throught it, utterly blind and in disarray Ixion/Laharl commanded the attack to begin.

His Shadow Hunters and the Dark Wendigo immediately rushed at the main, priority target the Blissbarb Archers.

While the Dark One and the rest of the Shi'lanorai, Bloodstained Snow Beasts charged at the enemy taking full advantage of the dark.

As the small battle began...

The Hedonites were hit fast and hard, this completely caught them out of surprise as ice weapons of the Shi'lanorai, cut, chop, stab, and tore through their numbers.

The Pack of shadow hunters quickly reached the gelded armored archers that were in complete disarray firing arrows randomly at any sound they heard, which by pure luck managed to kill a couple of their pack along with others of their kin, but that only served to fuel their bloodlust, as these xeno-lycans jumped at their prey, tearing, slashing, and feasting on their victims.

The Crystal Wraiths keeping their distance shooting down all the pleasure marauders they caught in their multiple sights, those beautiful and several mutated mutated women were left filled with shards of ice.

The Ice Warriors, struck at the painbringers, while the cryowitches unleashing their Warp ice sorcery on the hedonites, while Ixion/Laharl was cutting down in their path, as this was lore accurate the weakness of slaaneshi followers...erogance, and blindness together will cause utter panic and chaos for the force of Slaanesh.

But this advantage was soon lost as Slaanesh herself must have interfered as Laharl's [Black Haze] spell was canceled much earlier than intended, allowing the Hedonites to see and rally against him and his shi'lanorai.

While obviously she can't manipulate Laharl's darkness, Slaanesh can bend the Winds of Magic to disturb his spell...especially when his and his brothers magic cores were still developing in a world without the Warp.

Immediately the hedonites strike back against Ixion/Laharl's forces.

This quick strike assault, became an all out battle now at least they managed to kill several hedonites before the [Black Haze] was canceled.

That's a Pleasure/Slaaneshi Knight with a morningstar tried to strike at Ixion while his back was turned...resulting in Laharl making Ixion cut-off both the knight's arm and take the Morningstar and using it to crush the skull the Dark Princess' follower.

Now dual wielding the shi'lanorai regrouping with their dark master, they fought the Hedonites in direct combat...

Location the Cavern of Dark Worth, The Final Challenge Hall/Tzeentch's-The Enchanted Grounds

Smashing the last skull of these pleasure marauders, with the newest weapon that Laharl/Ixion has taken, a black and burgundy colored morningstar with long, sharp spikes.

As Laharl rise Ixion's left arm holding the morningstar, the Dark One could sense some meager brush of Slaanesh's power through the former marauder's weapon...well it shall be his avatar state secondary weapon.

He saw the slaaneshi sorceress, kneeling and groveling at their feet, she was the last remaining survivor of the hedonites that were slaughtered and scattered all over catacomb dungeons.

In the end, they decided to take the Shardspeaker as their sorceress as long as she swear by the Dark Princess and her own risk of damnation, to faithfully serve them and the Dark Legion.

Listening to their demand, the sorceress Arrel-zhan sweared on her dark master and soul to follow Ixion, this pleased Slaanesh as her womanly, charming laugh echoed around the dungeon, accepting the Shardspeaker as their servent, Laharl/Ixion order his frost eldars to not only take the sorceress with them but also their dead back, grateful to their dark master to allow them to honor their fallen kin they started returning to the main hall as another portal manifested for them...a rare kindness shown by the Four Chaos Gods.

As Laharl once again overcame, a challenge and that was left was taking on Tzeentch's challenge...another massive set of door coated in tzeentchian corruption, pink and blue tentacles swaying, wiggling, and reaching out towards Ixion/Laharl.

Tentacles and clawed hands held to the all-seeing eye acting as the doors' lock as they released their hold and allowed the avatar of the Warp Gods passage to the next and final challenge in this trial.

Walking throught the mainly blue eldritch horror that is a passage way they felt not only the corrupting powers of Change, but incredible amount of arcane and chaotic magic in the very air...

Deciding to take advage of this just like Khorne and Nurgle did in the first two challenges which resulted in them growing more stronger than before and tell him that they managed to permanently snatch around 2% of the entirety of both their counterparts, telling Nurgle to also do as he is about to, absorb the magic and arcane energies to empower themselves and their magic, while Nurgle grumble about not really wanting to take anything related to Tzeentch...he relented since his brother was right about taking magic and lore into their being, so as they made their way through the tzeentchian passage way they absorb as much magic as they can.

After sometime they made it to the end of the hall which was...open, no doors blocking the way like the other challenges.

So they went right in to what appears to be a massive blue, tzeentchian chapel inners and a swirling amount of magic started to manifest before Ixion/Laharl, tightening the grip on his weapons (Hellbane & the nameless Chaos Morningstar) he prepares for what might come next.

Once the dark magic ceased and reveal a exact duplicate of Ixion Daemonhart in Carnge state...Laharl was not impress if it wasn't for the fact the Thorgar didn't exist in this version of Warhammer Fantasy, he'd believed that Tzeentch has no originality...so the final challenge is to face himself, and all the emotions that may rise against the Chaos Gods, I believe this test and all like it is so the Four don't get another Be'lakor in all honesty.

The fake Ixion Daemonhart charged him...unimpressed Laharl immediately channeled the Winds of Magic, and his power over darkness through his avatar.

He cast [The Grasp of Laharl] on his enemy, summoning a massive daemonic claw made from shadow that surge fort and grabbed the Fake Ixion, pushing away the Fake Ixion at the center of the tzeentchian chapel, while Tzeentch might be able to duplicate the avatar's form but not their power, divinities and lores...

Unable to move or run, from them Laharl instructed Ixion to kill the fake doppelganger by using his newest weapon, as he made Ixion walk towards the struggling Fake Ixion, during that short walk toward the victim, Laharl was channeling his power through the morningstar slightly modifying it to better suit his avatar state.

The spikes extended as maroon tipped the spikes around the black and purple morningstar...which he'll name later...as he reaches the doppelganger.

Rising the Chaos Morningstar high, Ixion was commanded to strike and strike and strike again, causing blood to splash everywhere as the sounds of wet crushing echod the room, Laharl made his avatar continued this until the enemy is dead.

At the end the Faker head and most of his upper body was turned into gore but in end and quite blunt way said to his brothers, "This was not what I was expecting, from so called Changer of Way. Did he believe he could create a working duplicate of our work?" Laharl declaration made Nurgle and Khorne laugh as he was completely right!!!

Tzeentch must have thought he could gain total access to all of Laharl's secrets and powers...a fool's errand.

But then the mangled remains of the doppelganger started to twitch and snap as all the magic used was released in a swirling pillar of black and dark blue, eventually revealing a small ring.

Walking up to it, the Warp Gods could feel great amount of magical power and energy emenating from it, as Ixion/Laharl was looking at the black and Azure ring with a small silver daemon skull similar to a Daemon Prince, surrounded by a brass eight-point star they heard multiple voices whispering, screaming, and talking in unison at same time, those voices said to them, "Wonderful. You Ixion Daemonhart, possess great potential of magic and change fate to your wimms. Take the Ring of Damnation, as your reward for passing my test and proceed on Champion, it time to reshape yours and many others destinies with a simple choice..." both Laharl and Nurgle immediately recognized the voices to belong to the Chaos God of Change and Fate, Tzeentch, Nurgle was not pleased on hearing such a scheming and scanning sounding voice...while Khorne honestly didn't care...and Laharl just sighed, thinking that Tzeentch was probably the origin of all future "Trolls" that have come out in the modern era.

Regardless the Dark One, commanded Ixion to pick up the ring claiming for them and quickly banishing within their "void" as they need to decide which avatar state deserves to bare such a magical artifact.

Location the Cavern of Dark Worth, The Final Chamber-The Hall of the Gods

Laharl/Ixion has easily dealt with the cheap imitation Tzeentch prepare against them, since the Sorceror God can imitate his lore of Laharl he used that to easily kill the copy.

For all his efforts he was rewarded with an enchanted ring, that empower magic and replenishes one reserves and connection to the Winds of Magic, in the end the three brothers agreed that the ring was best serve as a new gear for their Undivided state.

Then another massive set of door coated in tzeentchian corruption, pink and blue tentacles swaying, wiggling, and reaching out towards Ixion/Laharl again.

As various eyes of blue or green were looking in various locations, at the center of the tzeentchian doors was the eight-point star of Chaos in black colored metal as a mouth like edge held the doors closed with huge teeth intertwined...until they started to part open revealing the final chamber in this cavern.

Again Laharl was amazed how much this trial was basically what Thorgar's trail should have been as an undivided Chaos Lord.

Cause in the dark chamber were four gates each representing one of four ruinous powers of Chaos, this chamber was divided in four as the trail of corruption lead each respective Dark God that governs it.

Slime and puss for OW-Nurgle, magma and blood for OW-Khorne, eldritch taint and arcane blue energy laylines for Tzeentch, and lastly musk, wine, and trenches of euphoric pinkish energy leading to Slaanesh gate...each gate was presented in the symbol of each Dark Gods.

The central gate which bore the three rings of the fly, on top of a green, withered, decaying wooden gate covered in spikes and dripping pustules, with maggots burrowing throughout the gate and flies buzz around the perfect representation of the Maggothking, OW-Nurgle.

Next to the Maggothking, was Skull Rune of the Lord of Slaughter, OW-Khorne his brass and red Madd gate alit with hellish fires, and cover as well as encrusted with countless skulls of various races...human, orc, elf, dwarf, skaven, beastman, and more the never ceasing blooded symbol of battle and slaught, both Laharl and Khorne could feel the energies feeding into their respected divinities of Slaughter & Blood.

To the far right displayed proudly was the all-seeing eye of Sorceror God, Tzeentch, a blue gate covered in eldritch mass of eyes, tentacles, and limbs grasping on the edge of swirling vortex inside the center, magical runes edged on all over the gate, the magical energies pouring out the gate easily surpass the arcane forces that Laharl and Nurgle, absorbed during the previous challenge.

Lastly on the far left at a plaque of elegant, pristine gold was the symbol of desires and and excess a mark that symbolizes both male and female, the mark androgynous in royal purple, as pinkish violet drapes adorn the column of pinkish, purple marble with spiked chains bounding bodies expressing unimaginable pleasures...and agony bound to the columns, as snake like long tongues stretched out the gate, and the sounds of women moaning and screaming could be heard, the perfect gate for the Princess of Unspeakable Excess, Slaanesh.

Laharl/Ixion thought this will be a huge argument and briding section, as they are going to be extremely annoying to listen to...but what happened next was a surprise even to him...

They started to praise him as a greater champion than all past Everchosen, not only has Laharl/Ixion surpass all expectations, they see him as a stronger champion than all others before, they desire him to choose an eternal master...but in the end, he and his brothers knew about the jealousy and disfunction between their weaker counterparts...they could hardly believe, that they were like them...so Laharl made Ixion say, "We are the servents of the Gods. Me and my brothers serve each a God, but are still united. So we choose all of you...and none of you."

This declaration silenced the Four Chaos God, as Tzeentch spoke the question for them, "You'll seek the path of the Everchosen?" Ixion/Laharl shuke his avatar's head and answer the question all four Gods were having in their minds, "No...we chose something greater. Even, Archeon cannot unite all the forces of Chaos, across the world and remains on the north!!! We offer more than just the fall of the Southlands, but the souls and worship of more than humen, beastmen, fimirs, dragon ogres but all races seeing Chaos as the only force of worship!!!!" Laharl said this declaration in all honesty...but he wasn't talking of the Four Chaos Gods, but himself and his siblings of the Warp.

Contemplating Ixion's words the Four Chaos Gods blessed his decision and eagerly expected the result of his bloody campaign as they declare that they have completed, successfully the first trial of the Gods, with that finished Laharl/Ixion began to make their way back to the Chaos Wastes, and their forces for next it was time to prepare, for the upcoming battle against Kholek Suneater.

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