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44.68% Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 155: Blood on the Snow Final Part: Death of a King

Bab 155: Blood on the Snow Final Part: Death of a King

(General POV)

Location Nord Sector, Eldar World-Ymir, outer snowfields of the Mountains of the Shi'lanorai

The final moments of the Shi'lanorai civil war, almost all resistance, have been hunted down and slaughtered by the forces of Carnage, the royal guards of the king were desperately trying to go and aid their king that was currently fighting a death duel.

But they were stopped and killed by the high-daemons and gobos slashing, shooting, and bombarding them with warp-sorcery as they were commanded by their Dark God, which was currently sitting on the snow with Ruu still resting on his Avatar's shoulder and Ragna laying next to him, all watching amused at the useless struggle of these mortals.

All they were doing is being butchered by heralds of Carnage, Ragna was getting eager to fight and kill the royal guards, with Ruu getting tired with the taste of shi'lanorai and wanted to eat the food the lilims prepare back home, this made Ragna and Laharl laugh hysterically at Ruu's comment.

Returning the battle between Crystallyl and King Shik'Adammine.

Clashing weapons as sparks, frost, and blood was bursting with the frost ghostsword and Carnage-touched great ice-axe both overcome with bloodlust to make the other bleed.

When Emrril swung at Crystallyl head, she counters with a heavy shove followed by a reverse rising strike once again hitting the king's helmed face chin area.

The impact was so strong this time that not only did the helmet break completely, knocked off his head and revealing a bruised and bleeding masculine face, with a grey colored short beard with a lock style thin mustache, short once regal hair completely messed up and bloodied...but what brought joy to Crystallyl was the look her former father was showing at her.

A look of utter hatred and bloodlust as she smiled and said, "Seems the beast, the predator you've chained down wants to play." spinning her Skathi, with the last spin she pointed the corrupted Skathi at him and finished her little exclamation, "We'll shall we bleed...father?" hearing her say that enraged the shi'lanorai king.

Grinding his teeth against each other until blood started to seep out his mouth, he yelled out furiously, charging at Crystallyl as she responded in kind, upon reaching the other's range they each swung heavily and wide to cut down the other.

Laharl, Ruu, and Ragna watched excitedly as the two fighters once again started their exchange of blows, Laharl noticed how Ruu was getting hyper, cheery, and excited seems that regardless her childish, and predatory nature Laharl believes she's still a fighter, and daemon who enjoys Carnage.

He sighed compemtly, as he loved her deeply, while the Dark One normally checks his stats after a huge battle...but seeing that everything is going his way, he decided to inspect them early.

Before he could even ask, Aillia said, <Don't worry, my Lord. I'm way ahead of you. (•u<♡)> and as she said to Laharl, a blue transparent screen appeared in front of his Avatar's face.


Name: Laharl

Other Aliases-Na'nag Othah, Adrak'Maal, Alka'lkarnak, the Dark One, the Dark Harbinger, the One that Dwells in the Void

Titles-Warp Bender, Keeper of Oaths, Breacher of Realities, the Great Seductor, the Defiler of Reality, the Father of the Neverborn, the First of the Chaos Gods of the Immaterium, the Force Within the Void

Major Divinities: Carnage, Lust & Love

Dark Divinities-Greater: Infernals, Void, Atrocities, & Devastation

Lesser: Horrors & Punishment

Noble Divinities-Greater: Promises & Omni-bending

Lesser: Authority

Sacred Number # 13

Chaos Colors-Dark Purple, Maroon, Burgundy & Black

God-Tier: Force of Nature (Mid)

FON: The Void

Army Size-3B+

Soul Collection-1.60B

Strength: 35.05M

Durability: 31.19M

Psychic: 27M

Resistance: 23.33M

Domination: 20M

Worship: 51.01M

After Laharl saw this huge increase to his stats, he was overjoyed soo much that he started laughing out loud from within the Infernal Destroyer and released some of his dark divine power that majority of still resisting royal knights were overwhelmed by fear and despair.

Turning them into easier prey for his heralds and gobos, butchering them.

Ruu was happy that Laharl was getting excited, while Ragna was surprised at first by her beloved's outburst, she quickly grinned and thought that whatever made her man this excited will mean a lot of fighting and slaughtering is yet to come, as she cracked the fingers of her left hand in response of these thoughts.

As Laharl calmed down a bit, he thought of closing the gap to ascend another divine rank might be possible before Nurgle's birth.

He only needed two of his remaining stats to reach/surpass 25mill and he'll join the Mid-High ranks of gods in the Warhammer world, which also meant another drastically increase in his overall power, he might be able to not only take on both Khorne and Nurgle in a fight, but also Asuryan added to the mix, thinking of this made his happiness and joy overflow once again, along with his ruinous power.

The Infernal Destroyer/Laharl then brought Ragna closer, and snuggled with Ruu telling them that if they wish they can return first to the Nethervoid, and relax also saying he'll handle what is left in the battle.

Ruu and Ragna though about it and decided that their beloved lord, was right aside from the fight with a clear outcome, there was nothing else to entertain them so the two Daemon Queens, told their beloved to hurry back, cause they wanted to feel his flesh and warmth, as they started to channel their dark powers.

Shortly after a violet, maroon, and burgundy colored rip into the Immaterium emerged and the Slime and Rampaging Queens started to walk towards it, with Ragna crossing through first waving her beloved farewell.

While Ruu skipped through, she cheerily said "goodbye and seeya soon" to her love, promising a juicy hot steak for them to share waiting for him as she returning to the Nethervoid as well and the rip closed and banished.

Seeing them leave and show affection to him in their own unique way made the Dark One chuckle, as he dismissed the Status Screen, returning his attention to the duel.

After another onslaught of mutual attacks and blocks, Crystallyl and Emrril were currently caught in a death-lock.

Emrril with expression of rage his soul being tainted by the horrendous power of Carnage, only desiring to kill Crystallyl who looked at him with a grinning, mad face filled with bloodlust and eagerness to strike him down.

As the fallen king used more of his strength to push against Crystallyl, the dark influence of carnage and slaughter were plaguing and blinding him, which was clearly proven when Crystallyl taking advantage of his close proximity to her, drew back her head and gave a brutal headbutt.

The surging pain that flooded Emrril's mind from Crystallyl's crude blow, which made him dizzy and also caused him to hear a high-pitched whistle to ring in his pointed ears, this cause his strength to wain and grant Crystallyl another opportunity to attack, she pushed hard against the king's Frozen Dragon utterly breaking their death-lock and shattering his guard.

Still writhing from Crystallyl's headbutt along with her sudden knockback, the Carnage worshipping ice princess struck.

With a powerful two-handed horizontal slash to the side of King Shik'Adammine, Crystallyl's blow struck true, breaking through the wraithbone and shi'lanorai silver armor and cleave into the right rib area of Emrril.

The Shi'lanorai King felt pain unlike anything before, even counting the many battles from his past, Crystallyl's Skathi not only cleaved deeply on his side, but shattered a couple of his rib, shards of his broken armor now stabbing at his side, as he bleed and gasped for air knowing that quite likely his lung was pierced.

With a brutal yank, Crystallyl pulled out her great ice-axe from Emrril's side, causing blood to burst fort from the open and bleeding wound.

Desperately trying to fight through the pain and putting his right hand over the wound to stop the heavy bleeding as not only has he suffered a mortal wound, but the king he was basically cripple, he heard as the creatures (Carnage Daemons & Gobos) cheered and celebrated his pain.

Emrril also heard some of his warriors calling out to him and try to reach him only to be slaughtered, he desperately tried to rise his guard and fight back, but the blow to his side was preventing this, even worse his former daughter didn't stop as she swung her weapon at him again aiming for the same spot as before...

The agony prevented the king from doing fast movements or blocked with his sword, so to defend against the next fatal blow, he used his own right arm to get in the way of Crystallyl's axe swing.

Crystallyl's brutal attack was not so easily stopped as her superstrength not only chopped right through the king's arm but once again cleave into his right rib area, splashing blood everywhere as she wasn't done yet, Crystallyl then tackled her former father while her Skathi was still in-bedded in his ribs, smashing herself against him as she lifted him while still having her ice-axe inside of him, with a brutal move she adjusted his body as she delivered a powerful overhead throw smashing him against the snow-covered ground.

Bleeding and writhing on the snow, the king felt another blow as Crystallyl smashed her Skathi's back head ice spikes onto the back of Emrril.

Not relenting, she pulled out the spikes from her former King's back, and she started to strike down her great ice-axe spiked head over and over onto her prey's back.

Causing mayor damage as Crystallyl broke armor, flesh, and bone with every brutal, merciless blow as Crystallyl began yelling at him, "SEE THIS IS WHAT WE WERE DESTINED TO BE!!!! WARRIORS, BEASTS, APEX PREDATORS, CONQUERORS!!!!! BUT YOU AND ALL THAT STOOD BESIDE YOU, MADE IS WEAK...MADE US SLAVE TO THOSE DAMN ALDERI!!!!!!!!" still swinging down her, Skathi's ice spiked head down onto Emrril's back as she yelled.

This brutality was bringing so much excitement for the daemons of Carnage, the Gobos, and the Dark One as the daemons and gobos cheered and, in the gobos case fired off their weapons up to the air.

Stomping her armored heeled boot onto the back of the Shi'lanorai king, Crystallyl yanked out her Skathi slowly lifting it over her head while slightly turning her body to the right.

Looking down coldly at the broken and bleeding man before her, Crystallyl spoke again, "Worry not. I'll ascend to the throne. As queen, I'll bring back the pride and honor of the frost eldars, as conquerors, warriors, and beasts." immediately after finishing her statement, she swung her Skathi onto the side of Emrril with all the strength and force she could mustered.

Her blow destroyed what was left of his armor, and crushed what was left intact of his ribs, he was launched across the arena.

Hit across the area, Emrril smacked against some the slaughter heralds that growled and swung their long tongues at him, before they picked up the broken mortal and shoved him back into the center, with Crystallyl waiting there patiently.

He desperately tried to stand but only fell back to the snow, as the pain and struggle to breathe forced him back down...

Bleeding from two mortal wounds, his right arm and rib area, while his opposite side was becoming badly bruised and plum colored meaning he was suffering from internal bleeding.

Crystallyl watched the pathetic display before her, closing her eyes and lowering her head slightly to sigh, and after that, she raised her head and looked at the broken king...no victim wobbling in front of her, Crystallyl she slowly approached her victim, seeing this Emrril tried to swing his Frozen Dragon one final time only for Crystallyl to lazily block it with her own weapon.

With a simple push, she knocked his swing away, and with one powerful one-handed swing, Crystallyl chopped off his left hand along with literally disarming him.

Another pain filled scream escaped the mouth of Emrril, but Crystallyl was tired and desires to end this duel, so she spartan kicked him straight into his face, knocking him flat on his back.

Crystallyl turned towards the Infernal Destroyer's direction as she smiled and said, "As I promised." Laharl knew exactly what his daemon queen-to-be was talking about.

Turning back at her downed opponent, she was standing over him as he was fading fast, he gasped and struggle to breathe with his lung penetrated along with the pain adding to the difficulty for him to breathe...

Placing her armored heel over the belly of Emrril, she placed her axe blade over the throat of her down victim and said to him, "I am the Shi'lanorai Queen now...and I owe your heart to my Dark God." with a swift movement, she lifted her Skathi over her head and swung down over the heart area of Emrril, causing blood to splash her, him, and the snow as her great ice-axe cleaved into his chest.

Yanking it out as she swung down again, repeating this over and over, cutting into the chest cavity and chopping through bones, every time she did this, Emrril felt himself becoming more numb to the pain, as his life fadded away...the heralds and gobos were enjoying the gruesome spectacle and the gorery bloodbath happening in front of all of them, the one that was most enjoying this was Laharl himself as not only has Crystallyl proven herself worthy of being rewarded with several blessings, but was closer to ascending to a Daemon Queen.

He watched as Crystallyl stopped chopping down at the lifeless body of Emrril, soaked entirely in blood as she tore out the heart of her former father, she was standing over the corpse of her former King, Crystallyl turned towards Laharl's direction and started walking to him.

The high-daemons and gobos made way for her as she walked towards the Dark One's avatar, the Infernal Destroyer once a few feet away from him Crystallyl kneeled before him and presented her promised offering to him...the King's Heart, this pleased Laharl as he laughed with amusement with this the Shi'lanorai Civil War was finally over.

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