Reviews of AS DARKSEID IN MARVEL (OMNIVERSE) by GodOfGreedAs - Webnovel



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i read mtl chinese novels, but this piece of garbage can't even compare like dawg how is that even possible

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Trying to read this made my brain bleed out of my brain bleed. The start of the first chapter seemed fine. But grammar, sentence structure and spelling went out the window. Random words added to sentences just to keep you on your toes. My only guess is this was a story written in another language machine translated to english. Which makes no sense because the author notes seem to be well structured and spell checked.

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drooling over every woman he sees is a little unnatural

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Full marks love the story ………………………………. ………………………………. ………………………………. ………………………………. ………………………………. ………………………………. ……………………………. ………………………………. ………………………………. ………………………………. ……………………………….

Lihat 0 balasan

I can summarize this whole novel in one picture:

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I opened this work with the thoughts: "Darkseid in Marvel? It will be interesting." But this unfulfilled dream was shattered by grammar. I realized that everything was very, very bad when I felt the moisture that came out of my eyes, and this moisture is not tears.

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Beware the absolutely wanton use of Google Translate, the grammar hits like a truck and the structure of sentences as well as punctuation is abhorrent. Having said the above, I like the premise and I only wish my brain didn't hurt when I tried to read it.

Lihat 1 balasan

Interesting idea and a decent story, only problem is it takes me twice the effort to understand what's written or what everyone is trying to say when compared to a badly translated MTL novel. The author claims he's in college and has been consuming many types of media in english ever since he was in 7th grade or so which makes me doubt his words as it's clearly seen in his works that he has worse vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure than a 12 year old street vendor in Varanasi selling trinkets.

Lihat 0 balasan

love the work bro its awesome please write more [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=fp][img=recommend][img=update][img=exp][img=coins][img=update][img=update][img=update]

Lihat 0 balasan

send more chapters, send more chapters please🙏

Lihat 0 balasan

grammar was atrocious, please get an editor

Lihat 0 balasan

You have a great story here... I'll just say thank you for your efforts in writing this story. Putting that aside. I feel that there are too many grammatical errors which makes it a bit difficult for me to enjoy the story to the fullest

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Lihat 0 balasan

The idea of this ff sounds awesome, yet all the grammatical mistakes just makes you head spin. Sometimes in a chapter or paragraph the writing makes sense, but all of a sudden it just dips out the boundary of order and becomes pure chaos insume. The update is nice and chapters are long, and to top it all of the character is darkseid, and I know we all want to read it, or at least are curious about finding out how this ff tastes like. It has potential, but currently it is a huge disappointment. Lastly this ff is a grammatical monstrosity that should be rewritten.

Lihat 0 balasan

[img=coins][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update] Awesome work I only read first few chapters I would say I love it there is some grammar problems but its very good

Lihat 0 balasan

It's a good story. If you can get to the story that is. More than half the entire chapters are just the MC going off on an unknown thinking adventure about useless topics that he brought up in his thoughts when meeting someone or just walking. It's like watching a filler episode of an anime, but it's literally every chapter. Very few chapters are not filled with useless thoughts on his parademons, telepathy, his powers, what he's scared of, ect. ect. ect. Just know that and the poor grammar and lack of proper coma usage to separate your sentences to make them coherent is what cost you a reader and fan.

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The story has a great concept however the grammer is terrible it makes it very hard to follow along with the story and the plot.

Lihat 0 balasan

Estou adorando a fanfic espero que continue e mantenha uma boa taxa de lançamento. Seria ótima se envia-se muitos capítulos no ano novo Feliz Natal e próspero ano novo

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Lihat 0 balasan

I love this novel keep up the good work don’ t give up on it n how many chapter you have in mind for this story

Lihat 1 balasan

you need either grammarly or a dedicated editor my guy because it's just not understandable at this point, you need either more practice effectively describing a characters features or you need images ahead of time to post at a characters introduction, too much monologuing honestly other than your update stability this needs a lot of work but I'm sure you'll get there

Lihat 0 balasan

Besides what we already know about the Marvel Universe, there is no world building or environmental descriptions. The initial character background is what you woild expect, so no problem there. Everything that happens from the point the MC merges with the other two identities is garbage. I can say that as an America I love the works that I find on Webnovel, but then I find fanfictions like this one. The english grammer is a disgrace. I have absolutely no idea what a major park of each chapter is trying to convey. The way additional characters are introduced is subpar at best and that is if you can understand the information leading to the character introduction. The way i would describe the MC is if you took a child, maybe about 10 years old, gave him his favorite villains powers and placed him in another world. There is nothing logical about this fanfiction. If you know about Darkseid then you know that only the strongest of females have the chance of producing his offspring. But this is a fanfic so I get that we want to be with our favorite characters. Overall I have only read about 6 chapters and I can not stomach the horrible butchering of the english language. If you are going to make a fanfic in another langage, then do so with the ability to not come off as a kindergartener throwing a tantrum. I would have probably made it a little further in your novel if not for the unreadable grammer/english, poor story line, unrecognizable plot (just plan wish fulfillment novel), and subpar ability to describe anything going on. I do believe you have some nice ideas that are worth being put on Webnovel. You just do not, at this time, have the proper ability to deliver it in a way the native American english speakers would be willing to consume. The first thing that stops me from investing in a fanfic is poor understanding of the English language and the excuse that english is not someone’s first language. It would be like me going to another country doing something bad and using the excuse that i did not know to disperse all wrong doing. But that is enough of a tangent.

Lihat 2 balasan

the quality of the grammar is bad, it's confusing!. it's easier to read MTL than this fanfiction, besides that the POV is very messy. especially first-person POV. sometimes there is the use of "he/she" instead of "me" when it is the character's first person view.

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There is to much unnecessary explaining.

Lihat 0 balasan

I have had atleast 12 strokes reading this, the Grammer is atrocious, but the idea is good...the only problem with this novel is the grammar

Lihat 0 balasan

its amazing hard to believe its such good story [img=exp][img=exp][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=exp][img=coins][img=coins][img=exp]

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Lihat 0 balasan

Wow this is a work of art. Haven’t read anything close to this ever. It truly is a breath of fresh air. I hope the author won’t drop this unique story.

Lihat 0 balasan
LV 13 Badge

Man this novel is CLAPPED, the grammar really needs to be improve. I can not immerse myself to the story because of how difficult it is to understand the sentences. I've read your Zeus novel I'm only at chapter 21 and its getting to taxing to read further because of how awful it is. I hope you don't get offended by this, my opinion on this novel might change so if it improves I will right another review!

Lihat 0 balasan

i read mtl chinese novels, but this piece of garbage can't even compare like dawg how is that even possible

Lihat 0 balasan

Trying to read this made my brain bleed out of my brain bleed. The start of the first chapter seemed fine. But grammar, sentence structure and spelling went out the window. Random words added to sentences just to keep you on your toes. My only guess is this was a story written in another language machine translated to english. Which makes no sense because the author notes seem to be well structured and spell checked.

Lihat 0 balasan

drooling over every woman he sees is a little unnatural

Lihat 0 balasan

Full marks love the story ………………………………. ………………………………. ………………………………. ………………………………. ………………………………. ………………………………. ……………………………. ………………………………. ………………………………. ………………………………. ……………………………….

Lihat 0 balasan

I can summarize this whole novel in one picture:

Lihat 0 balasan

I opened this work with the thoughts: "Darkseid in Marvel? It will be interesting." But this unfulfilled dream was shattered by grammar. I realized that everything was very, very bad when I felt the moisture that came out of my eyes, and this moisture is not tears.

Lihat 0 balasan

Beware the absolutely wanton use of Google Translate, the grammar hits like a truck and the structure of sentences as well as punctuation is abhorrent. Having said the above, I like the premise and I only wish my brain didn't hurt when I tried to read it.

Lihat 1 balasan

Interesting idea and a decent story, only problem is it takes me twice the effort to understand what's written or what everyone is trying to say when compared to a badly translated MTL novel. The author claims he's in college and has been consuming many types of media in english ever since he was in 7th grade or so which makes me doubt his words as it's clearly seen in his works that he has worse vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure than a 12 year old street vendor in Varanasi selling trinkets.

Lihat 0 balasan

love the work bro its awesome please write more [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=fp][img=recommend][img=update][img=exp][img=coins][img=update][img=update][img=update]

Lihat 0 balasan

send more chapters, send more chapters please🙏

Lihat 0 balasan

grammar was atrocious, please get an editor

Lihat 0 balasan

You have a great story here... I'll just say thank you for your efforts in writing this story. Putting that aside. I feel that there are too many grammatical errors which makes it a bit difficult for me to enjoy the story to the fullest

Lihat 0 balasan


Lihat 0 balasan

The idea of this ff sounds awesome, yet all the grammatical mistakes just makes you head spin. Sometimes in a chapter or paragraph the writing makes sense, but all of a sudden it just dips out the boundary of order and becomes pure chaos insume. The update is nice and chapters are long, and to top it all of the character is darkseid, and I know we all want to read it, or at least are curious about finding out how this ff tastes like. It has potential, but currently it is a huge disappointment. Lastly this ff is a grammatical monstrosity that should be rewritten.

Lihat 0 balasan

[img=coins][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update] Awesome work I only read first few chapters I would say I love it there is some grammar problems but its very good

Lihat 0 balasan

It's a good story. If you can get to the story that is. More than half the entire chapters are just the MC going off on an unknown thinking adventure about useless topics that he brought up in his thoughts when meeting someone or just walking. It's like watching a filler episode of an anime, but it's literally every chapter. Very few chapters are not filled with useless thoughts on his parademons, telepathy, his powers, what he's scared of, ect. ect. ect. Just know that and the poor grammar and lack of proper coma usage to separate your sentences to make them coherent is what cost you a reader and fan.

Lihat 0 balasan

The story has a great concept however the grammer is terrible it makes it very hard to follow along with the story and the plot.

Lihat 0 balasan

Estou adorando a fanfic espero que continue e mantenha uma boa taxa de lançamento. Seria ótima se envia-se muitos capítulos no ano novo Feliz Natal e próspero ano novo

Lihat 0 balasan


Lihat 0 balasan

I love this novel keep up the good work don’ t give up on it n how many chapter you have in mind for this story

Lihat 1 balasan

you need either grammarly or a dedicated editor my guy because it's just not understandable at this point, you need either more practice effectively describing a characters features or you need images ahead of time to post at a characters introduction, too much monologuing honestly other than your update stability this needs a lot of work but I'm sure you'll get there

Lihat 0 balasan

Besides what we already know about the Marvel Universe, there is no world building or environmental descriptions. The initial character background is what you woild expect, so no problem there. Everything that happens from the point the MC merges with the other two identities is garbage. I can say that as an America I love the works that I find on Webnovel, but then I find fanfictions like this one. The english grammer is a disgrace. I have absolutely no idea what a major park of each chapter is trying to convey. The way additional characters are introduced is subpar at best and that is if you can understand the information leading to the character introduction. The way i would describe the MC is if you took a child, maybe about 10 years old, gave him his favorite villains powers and placed him in another world. There is nothing logical about this fanfiction. If you know about Darkseid then you know that only the strongest of females have the chance of producing his offspring. But this is a fanfic so I get that we want to be with our favorite characters. Overall I have only read about 6 chapters and I can not stomach the horrible butchering of the english language. If you are going to make a fanfic in another langage, then do so with the ability to not come off as a kindergartener throwing a tantrum. I would have probably made it a little further in your novel if not for the unreadable grammer/english, poor story line, unrecognizable plot (just plan wish fulfillment novel), and subpar ability to describe anything going on. I do believe you have some nice ideas that are worth being put on Webnovel. You just do not, at this time, have the proper ability to deliver it in a way the native American english speakers would be willing to consume. The first thing that stops me from investing in a fanfic is poor understanding of the English language and the excuse that english is not someone’s first language. It would be like me going to another country doing something bad and using the excuse that i did not know to disperse all wrong doing. But that is enough of a tangent.

Lihat 2 balasan

the quality of the grammar is bad, it's confusing!. it's easier to read MTL than this fanfiction, besides that the POV is very messy. especially first-person POV. sometimes there is the use of "he/she" instead of "me" when it is the character's first person view.

Lihat 0 balasan


Lihat 0 balasan

There is to much unnecessary explaining.

Lihat 0 balasan

I have had atleast 12 strokes reading this, the Grammer is atrocious, but the idea is good...the only problem with this novel is the grammar

Lihat 0 balasan

its amazing hard to believe its such good story [img=exp][img=exp][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=exp][img=coins][img=coins][img=exp]

Lihat 0 balasan


Lihat 0 balasan

Wow this is a work of art. Haven’t read anything close to this ever. It truly is a breath of fresh air. I hope the author won’t drop this unique story.

Lihat 0 balasan
LV 13 Badge

Man this novel is CLAPPED, the grammar really needs to be improve. I can not immerse myself to the story because of how difficult it is to understand the sentences. I've read your Zeus novel I'm only at chapter 21 and its getting to taxing to read further because of how awful it is. I hope you don't get offended by this, my opinion on this novel might change so if it improves I will right another review!

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