Four heads peeked inside a sunlit room with a large cylindrical glass tank in the centre. The red curtains are completely drawn, allowing plenty of sunlight to enter the old-fashioned room. A small, round cleaner robot vacuumed the red carpet, which spread all over the floor.
It's been a long minute since the group took that pose, and there's still no sign of the target they were searching for.
"Stop sniffing me." Gino pushed Fairy's head every time she bent to snuggle into his shirt from the front.
"He meant you too," Lix pulled Tale by her shoulders as she tried to sneak into his shirt from his back.
Even though all eyes were focused on looking through the window for the slightest hint of the cat's presence; things continued to happen.
Lix sighed. Gino shivered after a puff of cool wind passed through his neck.,"This is the third time, and now I think you are doing this on purpose." He said, holding the back of his neck with his hand.
"I will say it again, this is a time waste." Lix said, not trying to conceal her voice.
"No, it is not," Fairy retorted, immediately pulling her head away from his shirt.
"Thank you for backing me up, Fairy."
"He knows what he is doing, if you are bored then you are free to go away. shoo shoo." Tale wiggled her open palm at Lix, but Lix didn't notice the girl, who didn't even make it into her sight.
With a sardonic smile, Lix leaned closer to Gino's ears, and whispered, "You don't know what to do next, don't you?"
Ok. I am done descaling this fish. I shall better get it done, before the air vents start.
Picking up all the dull golden scales of the metal flooring, I put them in a black pouch, and not to forget the large white pearl from the oyster-trap.
The dead, descaled Goldark and the oyster-trap which now looked like a strapless bra, remained behind as I headed for the basement.
I will return for the Goldark later, after I get the golden pearl ready. It will do well for today's dinner.
"Hey look! This air vent is dripping water. There is something over there." I hear someone's voice. They are catching o to me.
"Step aside, I will look inside." There is someone else, too. I think I heard this voice somewhere recently. Where have I heard this?
The large metal pipe shook vigorously, and a face with sunglasses and, red and black hair appeared in front of me almost suddenly. I should run away.
Placing the pouch around my neck, I prepared to run in the opposite direction, towards the main vent, to go downstairs.
What is this? My leg!!
The oyster-trap has clung to my leg, its long spines digging deep into my skin. I can feel the pain now, it hurts. My leg is bleeding. Why isn't it dead? I could hear my painful cries escaping from my mouth. I winced and limped, but couldn't make it far;
Kicking this oyster-trap away is also useless; it is stuck to me now. What should I do? What should I do? Run. Run.
"I see it, that cat with the weird eye." That fierce woman smashed the door with one punch and reached inside to grab me. I am not going to surrender.
"I can't get it? I think it got away?" Huh?
Her hand stopped in front of me and instead of grabbing me, she is doing this weird thing with her hand. Wait. She is shooing me away. What the heck?
"Get aside, I can still catch it." A third voice now spoke. That hand backed away, allowing some sunlight to enter the vent. What is going to happen? What is that black, long thing? Is that a snake?
Closing my eyes, I bit the oyster-trap on its top, plucking away the hollow shell; though a few spines bit my mouth, it unclenched open, setting me loose.
Yes! Finally. I can't set that leg down, but I can still make it through my three.
That hand, which was backing off, now shot right at me, punching me straight on my chafed butt.
"Aaah!" I screamed as I flew straight to the end of the metal corridor, to the main vent. My mind was blank, and I braced my teeth for the impact. So far, this is the weirdest day of my life.
Lix pulled out a fish from inside the vent. "This is all I got." She stepped down the window sill and showed Gino the dead Goldark. , "Also, the cat limped. An injury to its leg, maybe?"
"What about you Tale? Can you get him?" Gino hurriedly asked the girl on his right, whose elongated hand was still inside the vent.
Tale looked strained, "I am at my limit. "How's that cat so far if it's limping." Her black scaled arm reverted.,"It escaped. What do we do next?" she asked, looking at Gino.
He thought for a second, "We can't let it escape."
"Did anything happen? Did you find it?" Fairy asked after returning from the restroom.
Gino decided. He instructed Fairy to get to the roof as quickly as possible and spread a snake in all directions to keep an eye out and, if possible, catch the cat when it escaped.
"What do I do? Shall I follow my sister?" Tale asked eagerly.
"Do you remember the cat's smell?"
"Yes! So I have to sniff him out, right?"
"Exactly, good girl." Gino appreciated her, and soon both the sisters shot outside the door, their frocks fluttering behind them.
All this while, Lix stood motionless on his left, hands on her head, observing him.
"What do I do? Boss" Gino picked up on Lix's sarcasm as she stressed the last word, "Or shall I help you out?"
Reaching for something inside his jacket, he ordered, "Show me your hand, quick."
Hesitantly, she brought her bleeding right hand in front of him from behind her head. Tiny deep holes oozed out blood from her fingers.
Gino plucked out the remains of the spines from the oyster-trap and examined her right hand. Lix's eyes watched his hands as he opened a pack of Maximal bandage roll and wrapped it carefully around her fingers with the prickle marks.
"Sometimes I wonder if you do these things on purpose" Gino said as he dripped a yellowish liquid on the cotton roll.
"Obviously not. It was dim in there and that thing wasn't visible."
After pouring enough of that yellowish liquid to soak up most of the roll, Gino wiped his hands on Lix's blazer.
"Hey!" Lix exclaimed, tugging away her black blazer.
"You will be good in an hour." Gino placed the small container back in his jacket.,"The cat's injured, so there is a chance it may go to the medical room. You go look over there and let me know if you catch it."
"Yes, boss." Lix saluted with her banded right hand.
"And please don't let it escape this time."
"Ok, boss." Lix continued her underling act.
"Also, stop that. That ain't funny when I am the one getting toyed around."
Dropping her salute, Lix grinned and leaned forward to peck his lips.
"Stay safe." Gino watched as Lix walked outside the door into the corridor.
What the heck are those black snakes doing up here. Are they searching for me? Where should I go? I shall get out of these vents as soon as possible. They must be catching onto my smell.
This building may already be encircled, so I must remain inside until things cool down a bit. Dammit, it could have been so easy if I had it done this morning.
There are cameras all over the building; except for in the restrooms and in the basement.
I reek of fish, and hiding in the restrooms smelling like this is not a good idea. It's best if I go to the basement from the main vent, no one will expect that. I will hide in the room with the smelting machine; no one goes there anyway.
I am sure all this trouble is worth it.
The body of a nubile female flashed in my mind, her foxy eyes, which accelerated my already racing heart.
Darling, I am coming for you.
Sliding down the vents, I arrived at the smelting room. It was empty.
I emptied the black pouch in a funnel-shaped structure which slid down the golden scales into the machine. Opening a small glass door at the bottom of the machine, I placed the dull white pearl in it.
Now all I had to do was wait a few minutes for this golden pearl to be ready.
Since, this machine is as silent as a grave, I don't need to worry about the sound. My paws rubbed automatically with an eager smile on my face. I eagerly waited for the end product, sitting on top of the machine.
"Aha! Busted!" *click*
A blinding light flashed on my face.
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