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100% DxD: The True Sekiryuutei / Chapter 21: A peek at the Gamer.

Bab 21: A peek at the Gamer.

-A week before the Quest.

[Emiya Shirou POV]

Slashing my sword to the side, I dodged the icical flames of the Wyvern and launched myself with a sonic boom towards it's long neck. The Blue Wyvern was stubborn and the strongest monster I had ever encountered in the Dungeon.

Slaying this beast of a Boss would mark my Eternal Winters Dungeon as complete.

Noticing the incoming threat, the Wyvern flapped it's massive wings in my direction. But instead of guarding the attack with my sword, I extended my blade forward to meet the Wyvern head on.

I empowered the Crimson bladed Heavysword in my hands by channeling my mana and activating it's demonic properties, "Slay this beast for me, Gram!"

The Wyvern's eyes looked terrified when it noticed the burst of prana released from my body and the lethal threat presented by my sword. Alas, it was too late to avoid the blow and clashed his claws against my Demonic Sword.

Gram pierced through its claw like the blades of scissors through a paper. I flexibly rotated my body through the length of Wyvern's wing and easily cleaved it's head through its long neck.

Finally, the Boss that had been troubling me for the past month fell down with a loud thud and laid dead before me.

{You have leveled up!}

{You have leveled up!}

'Only two levels? Tch.' I frowned at the meagre rewards awarded to me by slaying the Boss.

{You have completed the Eternal Winters Dungeon!

Rewards: 1000 Game Points, Ice Elemental Affinity, Armour: Winter's Embrace.]

"Only 1000?!" I yelled in frustration, "Do you you know how much I need for the Saiyan Bloodline!?"

{19,200 Game Points, Master.}

"And I only have 2410 Points right now, including this!" I exclaimed with a frown, "What shitty Game are you if you can't help me grow strong faster! It's all me who's doing the job, you're not helping me at all!"

{The next Dungeon, Dryad's forest has been unlocked. Maybe, exploring this Dungeon can help you grow stronger?

Type: Poison, Earth, Carnivorous Plants.

Suggestion: Developing immunity to Poison.}

"So you want me to spend more points by purchasing the Poison resistance skill. You know what? fuck off! I don't need you!" I grumbled and swiped away the notification screen, "Show me my Status."

{Name: Emiya Shirou

Level: 24

Age: 17

Race: Human

Class: Swordsman

Title: The Gamer

Status: Unaffiliated Mage

HP: 320/410

SP: 118/ 200

MP: 80/560

Strength: 82

Endurance: 91

Agility: 84

Intelligence: 62

Wisdom: 51

Luck: 96

Stat Points: 10

Game Points: 2410.}

'At least my Stats are higher than any Master participating in the War.' I thought with a sadistic grin, 'I should be able to handle one or two Servants on my own in my Reality Marble, but the Trump card to winning this war is something else.'

The grin on my face extended further as I summoned a old looking box from my inventory. I opened the lid of the box and looked at the Skull mask, which was going to be the catalyst for me to summon the ultimate Servant of Death.

I had to use one of the two minor wishes to obtain this.

I was lucky to have inherited the memories of Emiya Shirou and the details of alternate realities of the fifth Holy Grail War. Originally, Emiya should've summoned Saber as his servant, but not me.

I know the power of the Assassin Class and the potential it brings me in the war. I could handle the Saber Class getting summoned by someone else, because all my Assassin would need to do is kill their Master for me to win the war.

Kotomine and the two Archers were going to be a trouble if left alone. If I summon Assassin, there's a high chance of Rin summoning a Saber as her servant. They would've been formidable opponents in the war, if not for my years of planning.

And as for the Blondie, if the original Emiya was able to kill him so easily, then he stands no chance before me in my Reality Marble.

Artoria as Saber won't be summoned in this war, I was sure. Because only I had the catalyst to summon her and I wasn't going to. At most, Rin would be summoning Modred or Siegfried.

I laughed in excitement knowing that I would be summoning the strongest Servant in the War. It would be amazing seeing the First Hassan taking all Nine lives of Hercules. And it would be then, when I make my move against my sweet little sister and corner her to my side.

After all, she was one of the necessary elements for me to obtain the Holy Grail. And once I obtain the Holy Grail...

"Hahahaha!" I laughed hysterically by raising my head to the sky, "I would be moving through the Multi-verse and conquering all the Worlds! Marvel, DC, Naruto, Bleach, and those bitches from Highschool DxD! Rias Gremory.. Hehehe."

[End of POV]


Issei was totally speechless by how easily he had travelled from one world to another. All it took was a single line to connect the two worlds through the Dimension Gap and open a gate. To avoid any accidents, the System had momentarily frozen both the Worlds as Issei travelled through the cosmic portal.

[You have arrived in the World of Moonlit, Fuyuki City, Miyama Town.]

Standing in a small empty park for kids, I looked around and felt a slightly different atmosphere in the air.

'How do I say it.. Um, it feels light?' Issei thought by furrowing his brows, 'The density of Magic here is less than what it feels in my world, but that doesn't seems to have any negative effect on me.'

[That's because the low presence of the Supernatural beings in this world. Your world has a high population of Magical beings as compared to this world. Not to mention, the Age of Gods never ended in your world, which is the reason why your World's atmosphere has a rich density Mana flow in the air.]

'That clears the doubt.' Issei nodded in acknowledgement, 'Why are you so quiet, Ddraig?'

'I'm just.. Speechless.' Ddraig answered in a baffled tone, 'Did we really just bypass the Great Red and travel into a different world?'

"It seems so." Issei muttered under his breath as he scanned his surroundings. It was still day. He noticed a few people passing by the streets and they were normal humans, alright.

'It seems I did not think too much about what I am going to do after coming here.' Issei realised, 'It's only now that I notice that I have no home in this world, nor do I have any money. Is the currency the same in this world?'

[You don't have to worry about such problems as I take care of them for you. Your Identification Cards, a fair sum of wealth, and the keys to your new house are already transferred to your inventory.]

'Wait, you can even create a new identity for me in a different world? Just how busted are you, Isis?!' Issei exclaimed in his mind in disbelief, 'I don't know how I would've managed without you, truly.'

[I appreciate your words, Issei. You're welcome.]

'Now, what do we do?' Ddraig asked the main question.

'Well, I would like to take look at the town first before making a move.' Issei replied and opened the Map function. It took a few seconds as the Map updated to the new world, but then it showed him the detailed locations of all the spots in the Fuyuki City.

'Hm, that's the Church.' Issei noted, 'And that place is labelled as Emiya's Residence.' Issei smiled meaningfully, 'Time to see how strong the Gamer of this world is.'

Issei chuckled at his thoughts and moved in the direction of the Emiya's house. He lived separately from the residential district but not too far. As per the structure from the map, it seemed like a old traditional Japanese type house than the ones with the European style.

Although, the moment Issei reached the house, his eyes went wide in disbelief when he sensed the aura eminating from the house.

'Death.' Ddraig stated in a grave tone as he sensed the grim presence.

Issei was speechless. Seconds felt like minutes passing by as his mind worked out various possibilities. He had obtained the concept of Void after reversing space and time in his world.

He had developed the concept of Void in a power he termed as the Void force, which allowed him to create various spells like Void step, Blink, Spatial awareness, precognition, and Quantum manipulation.

What would've Emiya needed to do to obtain the concept of Death and develop such Mastery over it?

'I should not forget that he reincarnated into this world, not transmigrated like Yuuki.' Issei thought on a serious note, 'He should be about my age or older than me, which means he had more than a decade to Master the functions of the Game and grow stronger.'

'There could be a possibility that it's his Servant.' Ddraig added his thoughts, 'I don't know how powerful Servants are, but this one surely is strong enough to rival a God of Death.'

Issei acknowledged Ddraig's thesis and closed his eyes to use his Spatial awareness around the House. The Skill did not give him a direct sight of what's inside, but since he was standing right next to the outer wall of the house, he should be able to clearly sense the people inside.

'He's there.. But he's also not there?' Issei was confused. He was sure he could feel a human's presence in the house, but there was some sort of spatial distortion that linked him to a spot in the house and somewhere else.

All of a sudden, Issei's danger sense flared at the maximum intensity. He grabbed the dagger that was thrown to his nape and looked at it with an horrified expression.

Someone had sneaked up on him while he was using Spatial Awareness. How could that be possible?

'Be careful, the enemy is near.' Ddraig warned.

"Yeah, he's testing me." Issei muttered in response and looked at the dagger in his hands. It was a old metal Dagger with a cloth wrapped around it's handle as a grip.

Issei looked in the direction where the dagger came from but he found nothing over there.

"I will leave." He spoke normally as if his words were directed at someone. Hopefully, that would be enough to stop the Servant from chasing him.

'It's likely that his Master had asked him to guard the house while doing whatever he was doing.' Issei talked to Ddraig on his way out, 'That Dagger was just a warning.'

'A lethal warning.' Ddraig grumbled, 'I don't like this. You should've fought back.'

'Well, as much as I would like to, I'm not a hot head like you to be offended so easily.' Issei chuckled in response, 'I don't want to start a fight without knowing whom I'm facing. Though, one thing is clear from this visit, Emiya Shirou has a strong Servant, probably a Assassin Class seeing how his stealth surpassed my detection skills.'

'And the Servant will now inform his Master that there was a suspicious individual sneaking around his house.' Ddraig snorted in response.

"Yeah, I wonder how he would react?" Issei nodded with a smile as he casually folded his hands behind his head and stretched his back, "I'm a little hungry, I haven't ate anything since I fought Vali and Grandpa."

'On that point, I'm more surprised that Hakuryuulo gave you the final piece of the Holy Sword just like that.' Ddraig replied, 'Even if he did ask you to consider joining his group in future, I think it's a bad move from his side to allow you to complete the Holy Sword.'

'Sometimes it's not just about Power.' Issei replied wisely, 'And knowing Vali, he would only want me to grow stronger than to deteriorate my progress. He knew I was missing the final shard of the Excalibur and he had it at the moment, so he simply gave it to me. He knows I would've done the same if the positions were reversed.'

'Still..' Ddraig sighed, 'It's not just any Holy Sword, it's the strongest Holy Sword in existence. And your Cursed Katana casually gobbled up all the Shards like it was a snack.'

'Yeah, thanks for reminding.' Issei remembered, 'Isis, can you tell me the current progress of the synthesis of the Swords?'

Issei had to forcefully lock his Kantusa into a stasis chamber after the Sword had started releasing a rampant, destructive Holy aura after consuming the last shard of the Holy Sword, Excalibur Ruler. The one time use Stasis Chamber alone costed him 840 System Points, but it was worth it considering the fact that the Youkai village would've been wiped out instead.

The innocent Youkai had not done any wrong to him, even if they didn't like his presence on their land.

[There is high flux of energy in the Stasis Chamber. If the Synthesis is successful, you should be able to safely release your sword again in Six hours, Twenty nine minutes.]

'I won't ask what would happen if its unsuccessful.' Issei stated nervously, 'Anyways, that means I have all the day to myself. Let's see what's different and new in this alternate world. I'm looking forward to the Manga and games of this world.'

'If the cliche trope is to be followed, I suggest you to look for a Highschool around here.' Ddraig remarked sarcastically, not knowing just how right he was.

'Yeah, that's the plan.' Issei chuckled in agreement, 'Let's check my Status.'

[Name: Issei Hyoudo

Level: 70

Age: 17

Sacred Gear: Boosted Gear

Race: Human

Title: The True Sekiryuutei

Master Title: The Game-Slayer

Strength: 256

Endurance: 291

Agility: 396

Intelligence: 266

Wisdom: 251

Luck: 152

Attribute Points: 134

System Points: 22810.]

'I don't think I'll be able to handle that Servant on my own.' Issei thought after measuring his capabilities against the one he hadn't even fought yet, 'I'll need to find a way to join the War and Summon a Servant.'

'Are you really forgetting that you have the most broken Longinus, the Boosted Gear?' Ddraig seriously started doubting Issei's Intelligence.

'Oh, I forgot.' Issei sheepishly scratched the back of his head.


AN: I wonder how other authors are able to publish daily updates. Unfortunately, I can't do the same as I write for hobby, not professionally.

-The next update will be on Monday as I don't post on weekends. Do suggest your opinions, I will try to take them with a open mind.

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