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Chapter 145

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Title: Jounin Exams


In a secluded dojo, the air hummed with anticipation as the father and son faced each other, each a master of their respective Kenjutsu techniques. The father, a seasoned swordsman, possessed the absolute sword domain.

The son, a prodigy in nearly everything, the blade included, had mastered the perfect sword intent, a discipline that epitomized flawless technique and understanding.

The father stood tall, his presence commanding respect and admiration. His eyes, a reflection of years of experience, held a paternal pride as he observed his son before him. The bond between them was both a source of strength and a testament to the legacy of their family's swordsmanship.

With a deep breath, the father activated his absolute sword domain, connecting with the very essence of nature. The ground beneath him trembled, acknowledging his power, and the air around him crackled with energy. His sword, an heirloom passed down through generations, seemed to pulse with life as he prepared for the clash.

Facing his father, the son exuded a sense of tranquility beyond his years. His youthful visage belied a wisdom that came from a profound understanding of the blade. His grip on the sword was steady, his stance perfectly balanced, and his focus unwavering.

As the battle commenced, the father struck first, unleashing a torrent of elemental fury. Gales of wind swirled around him, leaves dancing to the rhythm of his blade. He followed with arcs of lightning, illuminating the dojo in flashes of brilliance. The son met the onslaught with graceful evasion, his movements seemingly guided by an unseen force.

The perfect sword intent guided the son's actions, anticipating his father's every move. His strikes were swift and precise, finding openings in the absolute sword domain's defenses. Each parry was executed with such finesse that the air seemed to whisper praise to his mastery.

The battle escalated, the father's power colliding with the son's unmatched finesse. The sword domain unleashed a deluge of rain, making the dojo feel like an elemental battleground. But the son responded with an ethereal serenity, his perfect sword intent akin to a gentle stream, flowing around obstacles with ease.

As the clash of their skills intensified, spectators could only watch in awe of the remarkable spectacle unfolding before them. Each sword stroke was a symphony of motion, a dance between elements and precision, tradition and innovation.

The father's strikes came with brute force, channeling the might of the world. He unleashed torrents of fire and cascades of water, aiming to overwhelm his son's perfect sword intent. Yet, the son remained steadfast, embodying the harmony between body and blade, intuition and technique.

In a brief moment of respite, the father and son locked eyes. Emotions swirled between them – pride, respect, and the recognition of their shared legacy.

The father saw in his son the embodiment of the swordsmanship he had honed, transcending his own achievements.

The son, in turn, found inspiration in his father's prowess, his journey intertwined with the history of their family's art.

The battle resumed with renewed intensity, both combatants pushing their limits. The father's sword domain roared with one final surge of power, calling forth a tempest of elements in a last attempt to break through his son's defenses.

The son responded with a resolute composure, his perfect sword intent surging with its own strength.

In a climactic moment, the son's blade found its mark, bypassing the absolute sword domain's last defense. The impact resonated through the dojo, sending ripples of energy outward.

The father staggered back, his sword slipping from his grasp, and the battle came to a poignant pause.

The son approached his father, a mix of emotions in his eyes. With a gesture of humility, he offered his hand to help his fallen mentor rise.

The father accepted the gesture with a nod, pride shining through the exhaustion. The bond between them had deepened through the crucible of the battle, and the torch of their family's Kenjutsu had been passed on to the next generation.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the dojo, the father and son walked side by side, each embodying the essence of their chosen Kenjutsu techniques.

Their bond, forged through a battle that transcended mere combat, would forever be etched in the annals of their family's legacy, inspiring future generations to seek mastery, whether in the raw power of the absolute sword domain or the immaculate finesse of perfect sword intent.

"So... You'll let me directly advance to the Gold rank now, won't you?" The son couldn't help but ask his father who sighed with emotions.

"As per our agreement, I will, but Shun, you still young-"

"And Strong." The son interrupted. "I've always been strong. This battle now, was you against me, in nothing but sword techniques. Was I allowed to use all the Jutsu in my repertoire, we both know how easily I would've won."

The father sighed and sheathed his Katana before looking at the stands where his wife was. "Your mother and I hoped you will live happily, you know..."

"I know, but father-"

"I know. I know. You can't seem to stay in a single place for a long period of time." The father interrupted and sighed. "But the assassination unit? You'll easily be forgotten over time."

"Does it matter? I don't wish to be the Kage, nor do I wish to be recognised. I only wish to have the freedom to roam around." Shun told his father.

Despite his ancient-ness, he was still reserved and humble in front of his parents. His father especially. He never did have a father, whether past life or this one.

Hagoromo was more like a guardian than a father. Whether it was due to his earlier mentality in his younger years or just due to the nature of the old man, he never felt the deep sense of attachment he felt with the man in front of him.


"Father." The boy couldn't help but pout due to his father's nagging. His handsome face pouted with an irresistible charm, his full lips forming a gentle frown that tugged at the heartstrings.

Despite the playful discontent, his allure remained undeniably captivating, leaving a lasting impression on all who caught a glimpse of his endearing expression.

"Hah... Whatever. You pass." The man said and immediately, there was a thunderous roar of applause which erupted from the spectators.

The standing ovation was a symphony of admiration and gratitude, a testament to the skill that led to the victory. With each clap and cheer, the air was filled with a sense of jubilation, honoring the young Genius who emerged victorious from the intense battle.

"Thanks Dad." The boy smiled and bowed in a show of gratitude.

"What are you doing? Don't wanna hug your old man now you've made it?" The man asked with a smile as he opened his arms. The boy smiled and went in for a hug.

The entire Tengoku clan jubilated at the coming out of another Gold Ranker and potential Diamond Ranker. Tengoku Shun, a genius from infancy, was finally stepping out into the world.


Shun's POV.

Damn, that was something. Although the clan isn't a stuck up clan like the Uchiha clan, they're still a little bit too much with the expectations they're heaping on me.

Thankfully, I'm this strong. I dread to imagine being in Itachi's shoes, where I'll be forced to enter the Anbu.

Yup, Itachi did enter the Anbu last year. The youngest so far, at the age of 11. He's still a Chunin though. The entire Village council felt that he was too young to be made a Jounin, considering they were in peace time, unlike Kakashi who was made one during war time.

A year had gone by and Hanagakure was about to hold its annual Gold Ranking Qualification Exams.

It was basically a Chunin Exams but for Jounin. Since we were never truly at war, this exam was introduced to evaluate our Gold Rankers battle experience, chakra, physical and mental strength.

Unlike other Villages where you'd need to have created an original technique, or mastered the nature change of an element, here in Hanagakure, anything goes as far as you're capable enough.

Keshiro had sent an invite to the five other villages to come and participate which was new, as the previous exams were held within, by Hanagakure and for Hanagakure.

When asked why, he simply said. "We're entering a new era. This will help bring the five Villages together."

Wise point of view if I do say so myself. This way, there will be exposure. Future Jounins will get to know their fellow future Jounins. When the Fourth Shinobi World War kicks off, there won't be much aversion between them.

The exams will be held a couple weeks from now and I will be following Yusano to Konoha-gakure to escort the Participants.

As for why I am following her... Perks of being a Genius. Tee hee.

I get to ask for whatever I want, and as far as it is within an acceptable limit, I'm allowed to do whatever.

Last year, I visited Naruto when he got into the academy. He was sulking as usual but it wasn't to the extent he was sulking in the anime.

Sasuke too was also sulking. His beloved Nii-san wasn't able to make it. So it was just me and Mikoto.

Naruto cheered up a bit with Sasuke's presence, coupled with my presence and Mikoto's motherly and calming aura, he quickly got over it.

Also, I made it so his system would activate.

What is this system?

Well, it was the little seal I had sneakily put inside Indra and Ashura when I last visited them all those years ago.

It would accumulate all their reincarnations experiences, Jutsu and otherwise. Knowledge included and gradually passed it down to both Naruto and Sasuke.

As for how it'll be passed down... Through missions of course.

That was where Kushina would come in. As Naruto's mother, I had made her the system instead of it being just an AI.

In the same way, she'd be in Naruto's life while not overly affecting the plot.

As for rejecting the mission... Well, six year old Naruto had a run for his life as he was being chased by a hundred meter long snake.

{A/N: Yup, you guessed it. Solo leveling style.}

Since then, he had been running his 1KM run daily as well as 10 squats, push ups and sit ups.

What? You thought I'd make it 100? Please, they're nothing but kids. That's for when they leave the academy. Well, the difficulty will increase as they grow so it won't come as a surprise when they graduate.

Right now, I need to get to Konoha to see how he's doing. Itachi and Sasuke too. The Uchiha clan, despite not being treated as harshly as they were in the canon, were still being ostracized.

Of course, Danzo was the culprit, but the suddenness of the end of the Hyūga incident seemed to tell him a thing or two, so he wasn't overly impudent in his action.

As for the Uchiha clan? They weren't even helping matters. From what I saw last year, their end was near. Their arrogance was just too over the top.

It is true they are...or rather were a legendary clan, but now, other than a select few, no one even has the Mangekyou Sharingan. Hell, the Hyuga clan is currently the strongest clan in Konoha right now.

Frankly speaking, without the Cheat Ability of the MS, the Hyūga clan would easily demolish the Uchiha clan. Why, you might ask, and the answer is simple.

One, The Hyūga don't use Ninjutsus, hence the Uchiha inability to copy them.

Two, the Hyuga are resistant to Genjutsu, making it impossible for the Uchiha to cast one on them.

Three, the Hyūga clan Taijutsu, created by yours truly, is a domain type Taijutsu. As far as you're within that domain, all your tenketsu would be blocked, leaving you to rely on your physical strength, Which the current Uchiha are not known for.

Four, the Hyūga clan literally has no blindspot. They were basically a clan with a nerfed Rikugan...or rather the Tengoku clan is a clan with an overpowered Byakugan.

Fifth and final reason. The Hyūga clan has a perfect defense. The Revolving Heaven, also created by yours truly. Unlike what's shown in the Anime, if Hinami or even the ancient Hyuga used it, they could withstand a full blown Bijudama.

I created it to be that overpowered. Basically, it offered the same level as defense the Susanno provided, only, it can only be used by rotating.

With these... I really wonder what makes the Uchiha clan so arrogant. Well, who am I to judge, although I had initially felt fate pulling some strings to make this world move as it is supposed to, my presence is enough to change that.

With the Uzumaki clan as example, as long as the Uchiha clan aren't entirely exterminated, everything would be alright.


Alright, 2k words as usual. But I'll be reducing my writing time a bit. Life has it out for me so I'll be tackling it... Whenever I have the time, I'll write down something.

Thanks for your support so far. I really appreciate it, but you know... Life.

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