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50% Reincarnated into a hentai world / Chapter 9: Chapter 8

Bab 9: Chapter 8


I jumped up from bed and dived behind my desk using it as a cover while my body changed.

Peeking out from behind the desk I saw Kinomi standing on the door, a surprised look on her face which quickly morphed back into an angry scowl.

"Your father is calling you for breakfast Saionji-sama" she told me in a cold voice before turning around and making sure to slam the door on her way out.

Getting up I heard her feet stomping away and shook my head in utter confusion.

"What the hell just happened?" I mumbled, it wasn't even a day since I ate her out until she passed out, you'd think she'd be happy about that not spitting fire.

Fifteen minutes later I sat down at the breakfast table with my father and released a sigh, feeling even more confused than when I woke up.

I barely managed to get my hand out of the way as Kinomi slammed a plate of food in front of me and stomped back to stand behind me with a mature lady in a maid outfit.

Behind father was another new maid, this one about Kinomi's age and glaring at me with even more anger than Kinomi herself if that was even possible her hands closed into fists and her teeth grinding audibly.

From her glare I was surprised she wasn't trying to kill me right now.

"Father, can I just ask why?" I said in exasperation as I saw the amusement in both his and Ai's eyes "why are you doing this to me"

"Isn't that obvious?" he said as he took an elegant sip of wine "You keep telling me you're uncomfortable with your maid, she's too young, she didn't have a choice, you said, well I finally solved that problem"

"By hiring another maid?"

"Exactly, I made sure miss Kanako meets all of your requirements, now where's my thanks"

For fuck's sake is it so hard for him to understand that, while I don't have a problem with adult women selling their bodies, that doesn't mean I have any desire to be the one buying it.

I'd much rather my women consider the money I have a bonus not the main goal.

Pinching the bridge of my nose I sighed "And the other girl?" I asked suspiciously as I looked at the younger maid, she looked like a younger version of Kanako so they were probably sisters or something.

"Don't worry I won't be touching her, as your father I'm perfectly aware of where your bottom line is and how far you're willing to go when it's crossed"

"Then why hire her?"

"Like my dear Ai and your Kinomi they came as a set" he told me and then smirked "but to tell it the truth, it's mostly because she's Tatsujirou's daughter and it amuses me immensely to have that man's progeny as my maid… even if she's not legitimate"

Yeah I could see the resemblance, Zaizen Tatsujirou was one of father's most hated competitors in the city, and the country, the man was an arrogant, megalomaniac asshole that left me with a strange feeling that I already knew him but I could never tell from where.

Probably another minor character from my previous life but, with how long it had been and the fact he was a real person and not a 2d drawing, I'd probably never know.

"Father, I don't like nor need to buy sex"

"Well, should I fire then them?"

Looking back at my new maid I saw the worry and fear on her eyes and sighed "No it's fine, I'm sure Kinomi will appreciate the help right"

"As you say Sadaharu-sama" she answered with a dead voice.

Ugh, she's back to using my surname now.

Finishing his meal father wiped his mouth and left for his study followed by Ai and the new maid who seemed to have calmed down at least a little, she wasn't happy by any stretch of the imagination but father probably found that amusing too.

"Why me?" I grumbled as I pushing my plate away and held my head between my hands, glancing at Kinomi's angry face and Kanako's grateful one I sighed yet again "It seems your little sister doesn't like me very much"

"Maika is my daughter Sadaharu-sama" the woman said with embarrassment making me lift an eyebrow.

She looked too damn young to be her mother, was I going to have to kill another motherfucker already?

Zaizen was almost as powerful as father, getting through his security would be an interesting challenge.

"You can just call me Saionji from now on Kanako-san" I told the maid before asking eagerly "As a curiosity, just how young were you when you had Maika?"

"Ah… I was 16, almost 17 when I had Maika Saionji-sama" she told me a little taken aback by my interest.

Hmmm… not completely a child then, an old man seducing a 16 years old made him a criminal and a scumbag but I don't know if it was enough to justify killing the man much less the kind of fun I was anticipating.

"By any chance was it…" I started to ask but thought better of it, it was a little early to be asking the woman if she had been forced and I already had a lot of leads from my conversation with Obata "Nevermind, I'm gonna leave for school earlier today"

"Understood Sadaharu-sama" Kinomi said stiffly and started to brutally clean the table, she pilled every place as tall as she could before stomping towards the kitchen almost as if she wanted everything to fall over.

A little confused Kanako started helping taking care to gather everything Kinomi had left behind, pausing for a second she seemed to gather herself and ask "Should I do anything special tonight when servicing you Saionji-sama?"

"Haaaaa… Kanako-san, as my father is perfectly aware I'm not going to make sex a part of your job" I assured her with a smile.

"Then… why hire me?"

"My father is very petty man, if I had to guess he was probably willing to pay twice whatever salary you're receiving just to be able to brag about treating Zaizen's daughter as a servant" I confessed, then thought about it for a little longer and decided that was not the full truth "Using you to tease and annoy me was probably a factor too if I'm being honest"

"I see…"

Letting her continue with her job I got up and left for a run before school.

At first I had started with the Saitama workout but, when I didn't start losing my hair or getting ridiculously strong, I quickly increased my routine until I hit something that would give my normal body a good sweat without costing too much time.

Getting to school I took a quick shower and nodded to Kogushi and Miyabi as they left the female bathroom after their own morning workout, without Biokinesis they actually had to work hard to improve.

On my way to the classroom I nodded in satisfaction as I saw Ginta and Setsuna holding hands and talking quietly on a corner, the couple seemed to be doing very well despite their troubles.

"Grooooan" came a moan from behind me as a small, dried up hand grabbed me by the waist.

Turning around I held the dried up husk of my friend by the arm and helped lift him up, Kenta looked thinner, his arms lacked strength and there were heavy bags under his bloodshot eyes.

"Help me…" he groaned again as his hands tried to grab my neck like a zombie.

"Alright, alright" I told him and pushed his hands away from my shirt when he didn't stop "stop being dramatic already and tell me what's the problem"

"It's Aya-chan she's… you know what, not here."

With newfound strength my friend dragged me inside an empty classroom and locked the door, I sat down in front of the teacher's desk and he pulled a chair to sit in front of me.

Putting both elbows on the table Kenta crossed his fingers over his face and said in a very serious voice "Look this doesn't leave this room alright"

"Come on Kenta you know me"

"It's not just about me alright, swear to me"

"Fine I swear" I rolled my eyes, the guy had approached me acting like a zombie, there was no way it was anything all that serious

"Alright fine, it's just… I can't take it anymore man, there's just no way to satisfy her and I'm at my wits end, I need help!" he banged his head on the table in frustration.

I burst out laughing, I couldn't believe this was really happening "You're seriously asking me for help satisfying your new girlfriend? What, you need money to buy some pills or something?"

"Shut up! I'll let you know I can satisfy my girlfriend very well!" he threw his shoe at my head causing me to block and laugh again, then turned his head aside in embarrassment and mumbled something so quietly under his breath even I couldn't hear it.

"What did you say?"

"I said it's her nympho friend being there every day I can't handle alright!"

"You're kidding me" to think he used to be so shy and look at him now, having threesomes and everything , I was so proud!

"I wish I was" he sighed "everything was fine at first but then Youko convinced Aya that it wasn't cheating if she was there too…

Since then they won't let me rest, they won't let me sleep, they drain me over and over again until there's nothing left, I have seen the devil man and it has freckles in its face, you need to help me!"

"So you want me to take her off your hands is that it?" I asked when I finally managed to stop my laugh and he furiously nodded.

"Yes please, you and Ginta are my only friends and he already has a girlfriend, you're my only hope"

"I guess I can try… but I won't just start dating the girl without even meeting her"

"I doubt that sex monster wants to date anyone" he grumbled and grabbed his shoe back "Look I just need you to remind her there's other guys in the world, I'm sure she'll leave me alone once she remembers I'm not the only guy with a big dick out there"

"And how do you know the size of my dick?" I lifted an eyebrow.

"Come on we used to train baseball in middle school man, despite my best efforts I have seen you in the locker room"

Ahh the beginning of puberty, a period I'd really much rather forget.

At the time I had gotten it into my head to experiment with hormones and messed something up, worse yet my power interpreted the change as benefic leaving me as an extra horny teenager for almost a year.

I'd also taken advantage of my power to give myself an absolutely massive cock for a few months until I got tired of it, I knew I wouldn't be able to resist doing it someday and it was good to get that little bit of immaturity out of the way early.

It was very amusing to catch the odd looks from woman in the streets when they saw the massive bulge.

"Fine I'm willing to take one for the team" I told him and burst out laughing again, who knew my midget friend would have this kind of trouble one day.

"Fuck you stop laughing already"

"Fine, fine, when do you want me to meet her anyway?"

"My family won't be home tomorrow so they are coming over, if you could be there after class"

"Alright I'll be there" I had seen Shimada Youko around the school before and she was hot.

Not hot enough that I'd go out of my way to woo her or be willing to participate in a gangbang but, since Kenta asked so nicely…

Leaving school after class I sent a message to the gym telling them I'd miss another workout and then sent a message Osen to see how Saki was doing.

Getting her system purged of the drug wasn't being easy and she was currently sedated and receiving intense treatment at the clinic, she'd probably be awake in another 3 days so I could visit and see how she was doing.

After what happened yesterday I had thought a lot about the world I was living in, there were a lot of people that felt vaguely familiar to me but I had dismissed them.

It's not like I could remember every minor character I had ever read about, or get to know then even if I did remember.

More than that, finding out a guy in my city was some character from a famous light novel was kind of cool but it wouldn't affect my life at all.

Since killing Obata I had made a list of everyone I had dismissed as unimportant and sent it to a private investigator so they could tell me where they lived, the guy worked fast and I already had 5 houses.

Ha-jin was waiting for me at the school's gate, he made sure to open the door for me before driving away.

"Did father put you under me permanently now?" I asked

"Yes young master, I'm also to take care of any of your requests"

"I see, did you have any luck getting to that Hayato guy?"

"Unfortunately he was already dead when we got there young master" he told me causing to snap to attention "It seems burning Obata's place drew someone's attention and they're eliminating loose ends"

"Good, I was too angry to get any of his documents anyway, with some luck they're gonna kill far more assholes trying to cover their tracks than I ever could by following them"

It would be much better if I had been able to get my hands on those guys but I accepted I had fucked up by burning the pub down, it had sent a warning that something was wrong to all of that asshole's contacts and destroyed any evidence I could use.

With someone burning loose ends at least there would be a lot of dead groomers and rapist, and who knows, they may even make some mistake and I'd be able to catch them before they disappeared.

"Keep some people looking at any suspicious murder anyway, it's unlikely but we may get lucky… what about the heroic disappearances, does father know anything about them?"

"I thought the young master was just having some fun killing scum and wasn't going to play hero" Ha-jin said and glanced at me with a frown but I just shrugged.

"I changed my mind, I decided I don't want those kind of assholes anywhere near my city"

"Very well young master I'll start looking into it" he waited quietly for a few seconds before remembering something "if the young master has decided to look into the heroic disappearances now you should know both Pantomai and Coolpunch disappeared yesterday in the city"

Damn, Coolpunch was a loose cannon but Pantomai had a strong power and the fame of being competent and professional… whatever villain was doing this was stronger than I thought.

"Are you sure they both disappeared yesterday? How did they manage two attacks in the same night?"

"Coolpunch and Pantomai were working together young master"

Well… that makes things both better and worse, on one hand whatever villain was doing this was powerful enough to defeat two fairly strong heroes at the same time but, on the other, at least they don't have the capacity to organize two attacks in the same night.

"Father does have people looking into it right?"

"Yes young master but it's not a priority"

"Well make it a priority" I ordered and sent the number of one of my smaller private accounts "I'm sending you some money, hire more people if you need to, I want to know who this bastard is before the week is over"

"Very well"

The first guy I found was a policeman called Toshiyuki Saejima but he looked more like a yakuza than anything else, looking at him intimidating a couple of kids I was almost convinced he was corrupt or something, then I read the information my PI had gotten on him and almost chocked.

Turns out the guy was actually Eikichi Onizuka's childhood friend, he really was a dirty cop but mostly dealt with smuggling of goods, highly illegal but nothing that I would consider over the line.

Joji Shimaki, the second guy, was a dark skinned bald man with a violent personality, he was also a minor hero who wore a pitch black armor, I kept a man watching him for the next month just to make sure but decided he was probably OK.

Another two targets were completely normal guys but, when I reached the last one, a completely average high school girl called Wakaba Hiiro, both Ha-jin and I were frozen in place, there was no indication or magical effect in play we simply found ourselves frozen.

I started to panic as I stood there unable to even blink, even my biokinesis was useless.

Wakaba entered the backseat of the car without hurry, her delicate arm warping around my neck I felt her cold breathing against my neck as she bent over the car seat and whispered "Now what should I do with you little fly…"

She looked around the car taking everything in with a curious glance, barely looking at Ha-Jin she tapped her fingers against my neck for a few seconds in thought before seeming to come to a conclusion

Slowly she traced a finger over my cheek and forced me to look at her pitch black eyes, they were deep pools of endless darkness filled with madness and cruelty.

I had never been so afraid before, even dying had not felt so… oppressive.

"Haaa… you're lucky I'm not in the mood to play with someone else's toy little boy" she finally said and took her arm from around my neck "Now begone, this is your one free pass don't waste it"

She got out of the car and happily waved me goodbye, than entered the house without looking back.

Regaining our ability to move I started to hyperventilate as the look on her eyes wouldn't leave my mind.

Ha-Jin himself was breathing hard but he managed to hit the accelerator and drove away from the house as if fleeing from a terrible monster, his face covered in sweat.

The car's tires screamed as he drove as fast as he could cutting off cars left and right and even driving over the sidewalk once, only stopping half an hour later when we were on the other side of the city.

"young… master…. Haaa…. I don't think… you should keep a watch on that one" he breathed out, his body bent over the steering wheel utterly exhausted.

"What the hell was that?" I said when I finally caught my breath.

"Something far above my pay grade" Ha-Jin answered while wiping his sweat on a napkin.

Damn the man wasn't even trembling anymore, he really was a tough one after all.

"Shit I think I need to take a bath" I cursed, I seemed to have lost control of my power for a little while and my clothes were soaked with cold sweat, at least I hadn't pissed myself.

What the hell was something like that doing in this city, for fuck's sake I doubt even that Demon king who attacked heaven a few years ago would be this terrifying and it had taken both Dark slug and Eight Wonder to defeat her.

"Are you going to get someone to watch her young master?"

"Fuck no, do you think I have a death wish?" I glared at him and finally released the door handle seeing that I had left the shape of my fingers on the leather "Why the hell did you even ask?"

"I wanted to know if I needed to hand in my resignation"

"Ugh, take me home already, today was a burst"

Getting home I decided to leave exploring the city for another day, Seeing Kanako greeting me at the door I ordered her to get me several large meals rich in iron and almost ran to my room.

Throwing my clothes in the floor I got under the shower and let the water run down my body as hot as possibly.

As the water ran down my back I forced my muscles to relax, damn and I had such high hopes for my first five candidates, I was sure I'd find at least one bastard that needed killing between the five of them.

Thinking about it I had been a little too eager to find another victim… can I even call someone like my targets a victim? Anyways I could wait a week or two to have my fun.

The sound of my bathroom door opening caused me to turn my head, I watched as Kinomi entered the bathroom completely naked, her face completely red as she used an arm to cover her large breasts.

"I'm here to serve you Sadaharu-sama" she bowed at the waist giving me a wonderful view of her backside.

For fuck's sake wasn't she mad at me? How am I supposed to understand this damn woman if she keeps changing her mind every hour?

"What are you doing Kinomi?" I sighed and turned the faucet until the water wasn't scalding anymore, the bathroom was still filled with steam but it wouldn't burn her anymore.

"I won't let you run away again Sadaharu-sama" She said with an angry face "you can't keep escaping me anymore"

"Running away was it" I lifted an eyebrow and took her entire body in, Kinomi's body had a pear shape with heavy breasts and a full back, contrary to Osen her skin looked soft and rosy.

"You abandoned me on your bed after playing with me" she pouted but finally met my eyes "I won't let you do that again"

Well, I may not have gotten my hands on someone new to murder but it seems getting home early got me something even better.

Taking her by the hand I pulled her under the shower with me, I felt her hard nipples pressing against my chest and warped an arm around her soft waist.

Bending down I smiled at her blushing face and capturer her lips, kissing her deeply and exploring her mouth, when we finally separated she released a moan of pleasure and grind her belly against my cock.

Somewhat amused I caressed her face tucking some of her wet hair behind her ear and teased her "Alright you caught me, I'm not running away, now what?"

CaptaoCav CaptaoCav

Alright guys I want to ask... do you guys want some proper fights where there's a risk he loses or is forced to flee in this novel?

I'm in doubt if I should keep him as a fairly strong super who has to work for it when fighting or grow him into incredebly OP territory.

No matter what there'll be another asshole getting killed next chapter and even some real action but I just wanted to know how you guys felt.

Most stories of this kind I read were just about the guy saving everyone and stomping on his enemies without trouble even when he's fighting alone.

Also... is the amount of sex enought? Too much? Too little? Pity I can't make a poll here

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