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97.93% Harry's New Game Plus / Chapter 233: Chapter 233

Bab 233: Chapter 233

Everyone watched as Gohan was suddenly engulfed in an intense orb of white reddish ki, the roar coming out of him sounded primal but most of all, full of rage, as this was happening, Harry couldn't help but grin and watch on with an expectant look in his eyes.

Meanwhile, as Gohan's power surged, he began to think about all his past battles and failures, Piccolo's sacrifice, his inability to avenge him against Nappa, and his failure to help his father battle against Vegeta.

Him just watching as Frieza and his force took the lives of many Namekians, his defeat against the Ginyu Force, once again being saved by his father against the Ginyu force as well, having to fight off and hurt his dad when he was possessed by the leader of the Ginyu Force, Captain Ginyu himself.

His fight and loss against Frieza, watching Piccolo almost getting killed by him, Krillin being killed by him, and the fact that once again he couldn't help his father and would only get in his way when he first became a Super Saiyan.

As more and more memories came forth, so did Gohan's rage and power, everything was vibrating around him as the ground crumbled and debris began to float and explode with the force of his ki.

Harry, still grinning called out to everyone, "Guys! Get back, this is going to get rather intense!".

Everyone nodded and immediately took off flying to get away from Gohan, however, Piccolo and Harry stayed behind to watch, Piccolo himself was rather surprised by the increasing level of power that Gohan was now displaying, however, something about Gohan's KI began to worry Piccolo.

But before he could voice his concerns, Gohan's ki exploded outwards and turned into a spiral of silver and red lightning ki, clouds began to swirl around Gohan's KI and thunderbolts dropped from the sky with loud and echoing booms.

All the while Gohan's memories continued to come forth in his mind, his second fight with Vegeta, which he lost rather miserably, the fight with the androids, in which he couldn't do anything to help against them.

Watching his father being affected by the heart virus and being brought down to his knees in pain, the unleashing of Android 17 and 18, Cell appearing and killing countless humans.

But most all of all, the moment in which everything changed for him, Cell sending the Cell Juniors to attack his father and friends, and the destruction of Android 16, the very moment where he first let go and his rage reached a fever pitch.

The power and confidence he gained at that moment was amazing and in his pride-filled ego, he toyed with Cell wanting to make him pay for everything he had done, a mistake he had never forgiven himself for.

It all led to his biggest regret and most painful memory, the moment in which Goku had to once again sacrifice himself to save himself and the planet, all because he failed to finish Cell off, the bastard decided to blow himself up and destroy the planet in petty revenge at the humiliation Gohan had given him and Goku teleported himself and Cell away from earth to save it.

This was the moment that filled Gohan with the most sadness and guilt in his life, he failed everyone that day, but most of all his father, "But not again! Never again! Haaaaah!".

Gohan's ki violently exploded outwards, and his inner power awakened once again as he let all his feelings fill him, it wasn't just his rage anymore, but everything he had, and in that moment, the amazing potential within him answered his call.

Gohan's power exploded and a massive shockwave shook the entire planet, luckily, Harry immediately snapped his fingers and created a barrier around the battlefield to protect both the planet and everyone on it from Gohan's newfound power level.

Piccolo grunted and struggled to keep himself from being sent flying away, "Grrr! What is this power!? It feels wild, angry, like a beast filled with nothing but bloodlust, it almost seems like Gohan has become a de-".

Harry grinned and nodded before he finished Piccolo's sentence, "A demon right? Well, he is a practitioner of the Demon Clan Martial Arts, a disciple of you, son of Piccolo Daimaou, the Demon King".

Piccolo widened his eyes and turned his head towards Harry, "What!? You don't mean...".

Harry chuckled and nodded, "That's right, unknowingly, the Demon Clan style is perfect for Gohan, an aggressive and ruthless martial art style that emphasizes rage and hate.

The primal rage within Gohan thrived on that style, you gave him everything he needed to become the best fighter possible Piccolo, he is your student and now, he's the new master of your father's and your martial arts style".

Piccolo was speechless, at the time, he taught Gohan his fighting style to toughen him up, to make him ruthless and strong, he didn't want to make him a full member of the Demon Clan at some point back then, but he all but forgot about it.

After all, Gohan was always a sweet kid and a strong reliable adult now, sure Piccolo would get angry when Gohan neglected his training, but he was also proud of the man he had become.

Suddenly, Piccolo grinned and began to laugh, "Heh! I wonder what Goku is going to say when he hears about this!?".

Harry chuckled and nodded, in all honesty, Harry always thought that Piccolo training Gohan was the best thing that could have happened, back then, he and Goku tried to train him but Chi Chi spoiled him to much and in a way, so did Harry and Goku.

Gohan would have never grown strong if things had kept going the same way, He and Goku dying against Raditz was something that benefited Harry, Goku, Piccolo, and Gohan.

Harry and Goku were trained by King Kai, while Gohan was trained by Piccolo, and Piccolo himself grew a heart and goodness began to grow in him, things were difficult and painful back then, but Harry had to admit, that everything went the best way possible.

Suddenly, the enormous pillar of ki exploded and dissipated, revealing Gohan, who now had taken on a new appearance, Harry whistled as he looked at the changes in Gohan's appearance and new power level.

His hair had spiked up similar to his Super Saiyan 2 form, but his hair color was different and so were his eyes, his hair was now a white silver color, while his eyes were crimson red.

In Harry's eyes he looked like both, a predator and a demon ready to cause chaos and destruction, "Hmm, I think I will call this... Super Saiyan, Demonlord form".

Piccolo grinned and nodded liking the name a bit too much, he didn't know why, but he felt proud of that name and Gohan's transformation, perhaps it was his father in him, but Gohan was now a full member of the Demon Clan and he was very proud of that, "Heh... take that Kami, father!".

(OST: Gohan's Anger theme)

Gohan looked up towards Cell Max and took a big breath, he then grinned and brought up one of his fists to his face, he watched the red lightning and white silver ki flare in his fist for a few seconds before speaking up, "So this is what Uncle Harry meant by using my rage...

My ki feels incredible, it feels like a beast ready to pounce on its prey, heh, it seems like my ki shifted as well, it became dark, like Piccolo's was back when I first met him.

But... Uncle Harry always says that dark doesn't necessarily mean evil, it just means my power is on a whole different spectrum, I decide what to do with it... and right now, what I want to do... is destroy this abomination!".

Ophis, having heard Gohan, nodded and immediately slithered away, she quickly reached Harry and wrapped her body around him, Piccolo who was close by, moved away while sweatdropping, no matter the power level, a dragon god wrapping itself around you was just too intimidating.

Harry smiled and when Ophis leaned her head towards him, he reached over and rubbed the side of her face, Ophis closed her eyes and enjoyed the loving caress Harry gave her.

Harry continued to smile and then spoke to his dragon god girlfriend, "Thanks for letting Gohan deal with this, I think he needs it".

Ophis nodded and opened her eyes, "I could tell, there were a lot of emotions in that surge of power, just before he transformed, he had a rough childhood right?".

Harry frowned and nodded, "Yeah, circumstances took his childhood away, Gohan had to grow fast and was involved in battle after battle, he saw so much death and destruction.

I think that's part of why his ki took on a dark shift, Piccolo training and teaching him in the Demon Clan's style, along with everything he went through, made him fill his heart and soul full rage and guilt, there was always a lot of potential in him.

But rage has always been a trigger for his true power, I was afraid that someday he would lose control of that power, but thankfully, he found the best teacher for him in Piccolo".

Ophis nodded and turned her head towards the battle and watched on as Gohan put his fist down and glared at Cell Max, so much raw emotion and rage could be felt from that glare alone, in fact, that's all she could feel from Gohan right now, "Wrath, he feels like wrath itself".

Gohan clenched fists, while Cell Max roared at him in challenge, the evil bio android suddenly charged forward towards Gohan at an incredible speed, and as soon as he got close he lashed out with a punch, Gohan however didn't even move and took the attack head-on.

Cell Max's punch crashed against Gohan's body and released a massive shockwave upon contact, however, the punch failed to do anything at Gohan, who just stared Cell Max in the eyes with a frown on his face, "Is that all? Hmph!".

With a single swing of his arm, Gohan slapped away Cell Max's arm off of him, next, in the blink of an eye Gohan charged forward as his ki exploded around his body and delivered a flying charging kick at Cell Max, the kick violently crashed against Cell Max's abdomen with a loud thud.

Cell Max's body then folded over Gohan's leg while he growled in agony, but Gohan didn't let up his attack and quickly flew upwards where he smashed an uppercut right under Cell Max's chin.

Cell Max grunted in pain as his head whipped upward from the force behind Gohan's powerful uppercut, the uppercut was so powerful that Cell Max did a whole-body flip and landed on all fours a short distance away from Gohan.

Meanwhile, Gohan landed on some tall pillar made out of debris and glared at Cell Max as the evil bio android gagged and gasped in pain, "This time I'm not making the same mistake... no, this time! You will be gone forever!".

Gohan's ki exploded from his body once again, Gohan then quickly spread his legs and brought a hand towards his face, he pointed two fingers towards his forehead and began to channel an enormous amount of ki into those two fingers.

Piccolo gaped when he recognized that stance, while Harry chuckled and nodded, "Looks like Gohan wasn't completely neglecting his training after all".

Cell Max, feeling the enormous amount of ki that Gohan was accumulating, began to try to quickly get up, but he soon lost balance and fell on his ass, Gohan's attacks did him a lot of damage, enough for Cell Max to struggle to even get up or recover.

Gohan grinned and then pointed his two fingers towards Cell Max, "Take this! Makankosappo!".

A spiraling beam of silver and red ki shot out of Gohan's fingers at a high speed, Cell Max gaped and widened his eyes as he saw the powerful and deadly ki technique head his way, the last thing he felt and saw, was Gohan's attack go through his forehead to the back of his head.

Everyone watched in awe as Gohan's ki technique went through Cell Max's head and finally put an end to the evil bio android, the ki beam continued going forward until it broke the atmosphere of the planet and disappeared into open space.

Gohan sighed and let down his hand, he watched as Cell Max lost all the color of his body and then dropped to the ground dead, suddenly Gamma 1 yelled at everyone "Quick! We need to get out of here!".

But Harry raised and hand and instantly created a barrier around Cell Max's dead body, the evil bio android's body disgustingly bloated and then violently exploded inside the Barrier which held strong, protecting everyone.

A few moments later

Krillin, having sensed that things had calmed down, told Bulma to head towards the crater to check on everyone and see if they were okay, Bulma immediately agreed and flew her airship towards the crater where everyone was located.

It didn't take long for Bulma, Krillin, and Pan to arrive and find everyone, who were now standing in a circle while Gamma 1 and 2 were digging up Doctor Hedo, who had survived the craziness somehow.

Bulma smiled and laughed feeling relieved that everyone seemed okay, Pan couldn't wait any longer and opened a window, which she jumped out of and then landed on the ground with a soft thud, she immediately ran towards everyone the moment her feet touched the ground.

She immediately saw Ophis, who was still in her dragon god form and wrapped around Harry, Harry himself was watching in amusement as 18 suddenly slapped Doctor Hedo awake, much to the shock of Gamma 1 and 2.

Goten and Trunks were laughing at the doctor and having fun it seems, Pan smiled happy to see that they were okay and immediately looked around for her father and Piccolo.

However, Bulma arrived with the airship and kicked up a lot of dust, making it hard for Pan to see where her father and teacher were, but, she then noticed their silhouettes within the dust cloud and immediately ran towards them.

As Pan got closer the dust began to dissipate, which revealed Piccolo and her father to her, but Gohan's new form caused Pan to skid to a stop and stare at her father in surprise, suddenly, Gohan's transformation reversed, leaving him back into his base form.

With Gohan being back to normal, Pan smiled and immediately ran towards her father, Gohan sensed his daughter coming and quickly turned around to catch her when she jumped to hug him.

Pan was going too fast that she ended up sending Gohan to the ground, not that he minded because he laughed and hugged Pan tightly, all the while, Piccolo grinned at the scene before him.

Harry smiled as he watched the teacher, father, and daughter share a moment of peace and victory, he was about to walk over to speak with his friends, when everything stopped, time seemed to have frozen over and this universe then shook.

Harry frowned as he looked around in surprise, he didn't know what was happening, but it looked serious, "Something big has happened... something out there in the multiverse has shook it to its core".

Harry stood still for a few seconds trying to make sense of the situation, until he decided to check what had happened via the Akashic Record, something he usually doesn't do.

But he had a feeling that he had to find out what was happening, so connecting his mind to the Akashic Record, he began to look for the cause of whatever had made the multiverse stop and shake.

It didn't take him long and eventually, he began to watch the going ons of a nexus world, the prime world, where all other universes were born, there he saw something that shook him as well, the creator of the world where Goku and all his friends had been created from, had passed away.

"What?... I see... this universe is weeping for its creator, like a child crying out for its father..".

Harry looked down and frowned, it was always sad when a creator of a universe left the physical realm, unlike him, who is a creator dragon god, they had the love, care, and imagination to create so many worlds.

Worlds that he got to live in thanks to them, but to think that the passing of this creator would not only shake the world he created but so many others as well, it had both, surprised and impressed Harry.

The dragon god then closed his eyes and lowered his head in respect and gratitude, "Rest in peace, creator and father of the world I got to live in and experience, thank you for the wonderful friends and memories I made in your world.

Rest, for I will protect this world with everything I have, I will make sure it lives on, go creator, for my beloved Death will embrace you and take you to your next destination".

Harry opened his eyes and raised a fist, gathering the powers of his many domains, he was about to check, fix, and make sure this world would continue to thrive and grow, however, Harry suddenly stopped.

The many powers he was about to use dissipated as he widened his eyes and gaped at what he was watching at this very moment via the Akashic Record, "... What an amazing and wonderful sight".

The old dragon god couldn't help to smile, a small caring smile, as he watched billions of mortals raise their hands to the sky, as if wanting to send energy to Goku when he would use a Spirit Bomb.

All as a tribute to the creator who had made their childhoods and lives fun with the worlds he had created, "I see... this universe will live on and thrive, thanks to the many lives it has inspired, entertained, and most of all taught so many lessons to.

Can you see that creator? Can you see the many lives you touched? How beloved this magnificent world you created is? I hope you do... because no other creator would ever be as loved and respected, as you are...".

Harry smiled a bit more cheerfully and then looked up at the sky, as slowly, the world and the multiverse began to move again and stopped shaking.


~Meanwhile, in Death's domain~

A bright soul arrived into the embrace of Death, who softly smiled and then pushed the soul to where its next journey would begin, Death watched on as the soul left and then disappeared within the massive and ever-expanding multiverse, "Good job and... have a great journey, creator, I hope you know how much you are beloved".

The multiverse now feels a little less bright having lost such a creative and wonderful soul, but Death knew that life goes on, and even in the end, it is the memories and the people we touch that truly make us eternal.


Time soon started moving without anyone ever noticing, but Ophis did notice something, Harry was looking up at the sky and for some reason, he seemed melancholy and sad, as if something had happened that only he knew about.

The Dragon of Infinity quickly leaned her head towards Harry and rubbed her face against his, Harry didn't move much, but did reach a hand to caress her snout, "I'm okay Ophis".

Ophis didn't question Harry, nor say anything else, she just continued to rub her face against her mate and helped him ease the pain he was feeling in his heart.

None the wiser of what had just happened, just a faint feeling that something occurred, everyone frowned but soon went back to what they were doing, Pan hugged her father and then smiled up at him, "What was that transformation, Daddy?".

Gohan snapped out of his thoughts and looked over at Pan, "Hmm, not really sure Pan, it just sort of happened when I followed your Uncle Harry's advice".

Piccolo looked down and crossed his arms as he began to explain, "Harry called it, Super Saiyan, Demonlord form".

Gohan raised an eyebrow in surprise when he heard what Harry named this new form of his, " D-Demonlord! Huh... that sounds scary".

Piccolo sighed and shook his head, Gohan will always be Gohan it seems, not that he minded though, but still, Piccolo really wished Gohan would toughen up more, Pan however, felt awed, "I think it sounds cool Daddy!".

Gohan turned his head towards Pan and watched as his daughter gave him a bright and cheerful smile, "I see, then I guess that's what we'll call my new transformation!".

Pan excitedly nodded and seemed rather happy, "Yay! You think if I continue to train with Mr. Piccolo I could also become a Super Saiyan, Demonlord!?".

Gohan hesitated a bit in answering Pan's question, in all honesty, he had no idea if Pan could even become a Super Saiyan to begin with, Goten and Trunks could do it from a very young age, so Pan should be able to do it.

Though Pan is more human than Saiyan as well, so that might prevent her from becoming a Super Saiyan, to begin with, "I honestly don't know Pan".

Piccolo frowned a bit, he didn't know the answer to Pan's question either, though he also knew that she had an even bigger potential than Gohan when it came to power, she was already quite more comfortable with battle than Gohan was at her age.

Before anyone could say anything, Harry walked over and spoke up, "Super Saiyan, Demonlord form might be something that doesn't fit you Pan, but you might just unlock a new Super Saiyan transformation in the future, who knows? It all depends on you and the kind of warrior you choose to become".

Pan, Piccolo, and Gohan turned their heads towards where Harry's voice came from and watched him walk over with Ophis slithering beside him, Piccolo sweatdropped when he saw Ophis' enormous dragon god form coming towards them and then stop right in front of Gohan and Pan.

The Dragon God of Infinity lowered her head and then rubbed her face with Pan's, which made her giggle and hug Ophis' face, "Ophis! You're okay!".

Ophis softly smiled and shook her head a bit in amusement, "I'm the one who should say that to you hatchling".

Pan just smiled up at Ophis while Gohan grinned at the interaction between Ophis and Pan, Piccolo just looked about done with today, however, Gohan was now curious about something, "Do you really think Pan can even become a Super Saiyan, Uncle Harry?".

Harry nodded and then smiled at Pan, "Of course, she can, in fact, I can sense her potential, she has an enormous amount of S-Cells in her body, I guess her hybrid physiology is more effective in creating these cells than even you".

Gohan nodded and stared at Pan with a curious look in his eyes, Piccolo sighed and then decided to add his opinion about the current conversation topic, "If that's the case, Pan is going to need to be taught how to control that much power.

She lives a rather normal life and I don't even want to think about her suddenly transforming into a Super Saiyan in the middle of class, who knows what could trigger her transformation".

Gohan began to nervously sweat at the idea of Pan suddenly transforming, the first transformation into a Super Saiyan is always a rather aggressive one after all, "... You do have a point, Trunks and Goten were able to become Super Saiyan out of nowhere.

We were lucky they transformed the first time while they were sparring by themselves and in the mountains... Mom would have had a heart attack if Goten transformed in school or something".

Both Harry and Piccolo sweatdropped at the image of Chi Chi receiving the news of Goten transforming in the middle of class, she would first go berserk and then have a heart attack for sure.

Luckily Pan wasn't listening to what the guys were talking about, she was far more busy touching Ophis' scales, "They're so hard and shiny!".

Ophis smiled and felt rather happy about the compliment she just received about her scales, she was quite proud of them after all, it's funny, some time ago, she didn't really care about things like that, but now? She takes care of herself better.

Not only out of pride in herself but because she knows everyone is happy that she's taking care of herself, Harry softly smiled at the happy smile that appeared on Ophis' face and the compliment Pan just gave her.

Though at the same time, he was listening to Gohan's and Piccolo's concerns and had an idea, "Gohan, Piccolo?".

Both Saiyan Hybrid and Namekian turned their heads towards Harry when he called them and wondered why he had called for their attention, Harry, without looking at them began to tell them his idea, "What do you think of letting Pan study in Neo Kyoto?".

Both Gohan and Piccolo widened their eyes at Harry's idea, after all, they both knew that he really didn't want to connect their worlds together and for good reasons too, so for him to offer this was actually a big thing, Piccolo was the first one to snapped out of it and asked a question, "Do you think that's a good idea?".

Harry nodded and then moved his gaze toward Pan, "Yeah, in Neo Kyoto, children are allowed into the Natural Dungeon and get training from the guilds and even other people, it depends on what they want to learn of course.

But this way, Pan will be able to learn with children of high levels of power like herself, she'll be able to make friends with peers on her level, plus she will be able to use her abilities in the open as well.

No fear of being treated differently, no need to hide and if she were to transform into a Super Saiyan, no one would bat an eye at her, they would think it's just any other day in Neo Kyoto".

Gohan quite liked what Harry described, he knew too well how hard it was to go to school when you were so powerful, and he had a hard time fitting in high school because of this.

This is why he was really happy and interested in Harry's idea, especially because it would help Pan a lot, however, Gohan had some concerns, "But I thought you didn't want to connect your world with this one.

Are you sure you're okay with this Uncle Harry? I wouldn't want to risk your world, even though I know Pan would be very happy about your idea".

Harry turned his head towards Gohan and then said, "Well, I have a solution for that, in fact, it's part of the reason I came to visit you guys!".

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