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35.53% Harry's New Game Plus / Chapter 82: Chapter 82

Bab 82: Chapter 82

After the ten-minute break Midnight stood up and with a big seductive smile, she loudly cracked her whip "It is time for the semi-finals! Four very talented and powerful first-year students have reached this stage in the Sports Festival! We have witnessed amazing fights so far! and I for one can't wait for the climax of this year's Sports Festival!".

The public loudly cheered, to them and the people watching the Sports Festival at home also cheered just as loud, it has been the most incredible event they have ever seen in their lives and everyone is so excited.


Hazashi loudly cheered and then began to announce "That's right ladies and gentlemen! This Sports Festival is one for the history books and now we're almost at the end!".

Shota nodded and then spoke, "Indeed, the kids have shown not only their power but also their smarts and skill, I can honestly say that I'm proud of what the students of my class of 1A have accomplished".

Hazashi grinned at his best friend while Midnight continued on "The first match of the semi-finals is between the Green Strategist Izuku Midoriya! vs the Shining Star Tooru Hagakure!".

Both Izuku and Tooru stepped into the arena from opposite sides waving at the public who loudly cheered and chanted their name.

Eventually, both of them reached the ring and met up in the middle, and both of them smiled at each other. Suddenly Tooru began to excitedly hop from one foot to the the other "Oh! I've always wanted to fight you Deku!".

Izuke grinned and shook his head in amusement "Because both of us are speed types right?".

Tooru brightly grinned "Yup~ Harry-sensei said that you were a speed and strength type fighter while I'm a speed and technique type! So I've always wondered who is the strongest between us!? the Ninja or the Monk?".

Izuku chuckled amused at the way Tooru described their battle roles "You've been hanging around Harry-sensei and Luna too much Tooru".

Tooru grinned "Hehe! Nothing wrong with that! Harry-sensei is awesome and Luna is always fun to hang around with!".

Izuku smiled and nodded "Yes, they truly are but let's get this fight going Tooru! I want to fight you as well!".

Tooru grinned and nodded at her friend, both of them roared as they activated their power to the max and stared into each other's eyes, green bioelectricity and energy lashed out around Izuku while light began to wildly dance around Tooru.

Everyone watched as two pillars of power rose towards the sky as these two young heroes in training got ready to face each other with everything they have Midnight smiled "Such passion! Let's get this match started!".

With that said Midnight cracked her whip loudly and then loudly exclaimed "Begin!".

Both Izuku and Tooru disappeared in blurs and the public couldn't see anything but collisions and blurs moving all over the ring, it was something out of this world.


Both of these kids were moving so fast that no one -except Harry, Himiko, Susan, Luna, and Hermione- could see them move.

Eri who was trying to watch the fighting pouted and then turned her head towards Harry "Daddy I can't see anything...".

Harry turned towards his daughter and smiled at her "You're still not used to seeing high-speed movements sweetie but I'll teach you a trick, Hermione already taught you how to sense Mana right?".

Eri nodded her head which made Fuyumi who was holding Eri in her arms shake, making her giggle, Harry smiled at Eri "Alright, then try to expand your Mana everywhere and focused on it".

Eri nodded and then closed her eyes, the Todorokis watched as Eri began to suddenly glow a bit and then her energy flared spreading around the entire Stadium, Fuyumi gaped at the warmth feeling she was getting from Eri's Mana.

Eri nodded to herself and continued to keep her eyes closed "Okay! What's next daddy?".

Harry smiled and then explained, "Focus on everything inside your mana, let it connect to everything around you".

The Todorokis watched on curiously and Eri nodded, she then began to focus like her mommy Hermione thought her, little by little she began to connect her mana to everything around her and soon enough she could see everything.

She could see every person, object, and even the insects flying around, she could even see the wind slowly moving around everywhere, and then she saw Izuku spin kick Tooru in the chest.

Tooru was sent flying but she flipped in mid-air, landed on her feet, and then shot off at high speed toward Izuku and punched him in the cheek.

Izuku's head whipped to the side but he used the momentum of Tooru's punch to spin and heel kick Tooru in the shoulder, Eri watched Tooru grimace and grunt in pain but also push Izuku off of her shoulder and then blast him off with a light blast.

All of that happened too fast, no one in the public but Harry and the girls could see the action and now Eri could too, Eri opened her ruby red eyes and then brightly smiled at Harry "Daddy! I can see them! How?".

Harry chuckled at Eri's excitement "That's a skill called Magic Sense, it allows one to perceive waves of light and sound pushing every single particle of mana in the air which is why I told you to spread your mana first, with this skill you can get a perfect vision all around you and the only reason you're able to use it is thanks to my blessing your more dragon than human now".

Eri's eyes sparkled in excitement "I'm part dragon? Can I turn into a dragon as well?".

Rei, Hermione, Susan, and Luna giggled at Eri's excitement, the little bundle of cuteness loved dragons and now that she knows she was part dragon, nothing was going to stop her from wanting to become one, Harry chuckled and nodded "Yes, eventually you will get a dragon form".

Eri loudly cheered while Rei tilted her head and then spoke "Can I also learn the skill? It sounds like something really useful to have".

Harry hummed and nodded "Yes, you yourself also have my blessing so your part dragon as well, a normal human's brain wouldn't be able to handle the strain this skill puts on their mind, since my blessings comes with an understanding of nature and it's phenomena you can handle the influx of information safely, plus I also gave you the ability to use mana and a big mana pool".

Rei softly smiled and closed her eyes trying out the skill to see if she can also learn it while Eri was now excitedly watching Tooru's and Izuku's battle.

Meanwhile, Fuyumi and Natsou were in awe at the fact that their mom can use magic and were intently watching her as her own mana began to flare around her body while Shoto tilted his head in curiosity.


Meanwhile, both Izuku and Tooru continue to clash against each other at high speed which kept increasing more and more as the battle raged on, Tooru eventually disappeared in a flash of light and reappeared behind Izuku while creating I katana made out of light.

She swung down hoping to hit Izuku and slice open his back but Izuku immediately reacted and twirled on his toe while jumping, his leg suddenly lit up with energy and green bio-electricity.

Izuku spun kicked towards Tooru's light katana and deflect it up surprising her, Izuku then took advantage of the opening in her defense and twirled in mid-air catching more momentum until he lashed out a spin kick that nailed Tooru on her face while also spreading a bunch of green leaves around Izuku "'Leaf Hurricane!'".

Tooru was sent flying but quickly recovered and twirled in mid-air to land on her feet on the ring, as soon as her feet touched the ground she rushed forward and clapped her hands creating a bunch of light clones who also rushed towards Izuku.

Izuku's eyes widen in surprise and he jumped back to get some space but Tooru's clones disappeared in flashes of light, Izuku hadn't even landed when he was hit in the ribs by a kick from a Tooru clone.

The force of the kick sent him flying to the side where another clone appeared in another flash of light and punched him in the chest sending him flying back, more and more clones began to flash and hit Izuku all over the ring nonstop.

The poor One for All wielder became a pinball as he was bounce around all over the place until the real Tooru appeared bellowed him in a flash of light and kicked him up high in the air "'Dancing Lights! Shinning Star!'".

As Izuku flew through the air all of Tooru's clones appeared around him in flashes of light and then exploded engulfing Izuku in an explosion of light that shook the ring.

The public except Harry and company covered their eye's from the bright flash of light caused by Tooru's super move, Tooru looked up towards the explosion and waited for it to dissipate.

But Izuku suddenly burst out of the explosion with a loud roar as his body was engulfed in green lightning and energy, Tooru frowned and got ready to attack but was suddenly taken by surprise when Izuku turned into lightning and appeared right in front of her, his fist up and ready to punch her full on.

She barely had time to cast a light spell to protect herself one that caught Izuku by surprise "'Reflega!'".

Izuku growled and gritted his teeth recognizing the spell, he knew what would happen next and all he could say is one thing "Shit!".

Izuku's fist collided against Tooru's Reflega spell stopping his punch, then the barrier exploded and returned Izuku's attack back to him with double the force sending him flying in the air screaming in pain.

Izuku aggressively crashed against the floor and rolled a couple of times but quickly stopped himself with both hands and feet, soon after fully stopping himself, he suddenly drop to his side and held his ribs in pain "Aghhh!".

Tooru dropped to her knees and began to breathe heavily, the amount of magic it took to stop and reflect Izuku's punch was massive, she honestly doesn't how Harry-sensei can cast Reflegas spells nonstop.


Susan, Hermione, and even Luna winced in pain, all of them have been on the receiving end of that spell, especially when sparring with light elemental users like Kunou and Asia, they know how painful it is to get hit with twice the force of your own attack.

Even Harry winced because he had been hit by that spell once or twice before, especially before he had the Pierce Perk which allows him to break through barriers and natural defenses like the Reflega spell.


Izuku shakily got up to his knees and hands and tried to get up but couldn't, he actually began to throw up blood for a while "... That did a lot of damage.. ugh.. good counter attack Tooru.."

Tooru tiredly smiled and nodded, she then shakily got up, Izuku took a big breath and also slowly got up, Tooru stared at Izuku as he tenderly held his chest "I barely had time to use that spell... I should have known that you would have figure out how to turn into your element like me and Tsuyu... your too smart sometimes Deku".

Deku grinned and then stood up straight, he then took another big breath and relaxed his breathing while activating One for All, his body was once again engulfed in green lightning and energy, however, this time both the lightning and energy seemed denser.

Tooru watched in shock as red-like markings began to glow all over Izuku's body, she could even see them through his clothes, his eyes began to glow electric green and his hair stood up "Full Cowling 50%".

The ground underneath Izuku cracked but he then coughed up some blood "Ugh... I don't think I'll last much longer in this form, you got me good Tooru but I won't lose! This time I'm coming at you with everything I can handle so far let see you reflect this! Hahhh!".


Harry narrowed his eyes as he stared at Izuku "I see... quite the risky plan you came up with Izuku, it could horribly backfire on you kid, it seems like you're still quite reckless with your body".

Everyone turned towards him but it was Luna who answered their unasked question "Izuku is planning to overpower Tooru's Reflega spell".

Hermione frowned "Is that even possible? All of us know the spell but I didn't think it could be overpowered, especially since Reflega is the third level of that series of spells".

Harry nodded "It's possible... it happened to me once in the tournament of power, I fought an alien known as Hit, he had a special ability called Time skip where he would hit simultaneously by manipulating time, I had used Reflega to stop the attacks and reflect them back but after a couple of times he began to hit me with more and more strikes until my spell shattered and I received some very serious damage from the backslash, I lost that match soon after".

The girls' eyes widen in shock not knowing that someone had not only overwhelmed Harry's Reflega spell but also beaten him, Harry noticed the girl's looks and chuckled "Hey now, I wasn't always all powerful you know? There were times when I was overwhelmed".

The girls nodded but still looked a little shaken, Himiko then decided to ask "Do you think Deku could do the same as that Hit guy?".

Harry hummed "Yes, it's possible, Tooru still has a lot to train to reach a high level of power to use Reflega to its full potential but that last clash did drain her energy by a lot, of course, she was caught by surprise and more than likely overpowered her spell because of that but there's still a chance that her spell can take Izuku's next attack if she focuses and maintains a steady flow of mana on her spell, plus Izuku is severely injured right now so his body might not be able to last the usage of his quirk at that high level of power, it's a big gamble he's taking right now".

Himiko nodded while the girls turned towards the battle curious to see who would win, while the Todorokis having listened to everything Harry said were now very interested in this final clash.


Tooru narrowed her eyes and began to sweat, she and everyone else in Harry's training group knew that Izuku probably is the strongest of them all, they were all aware of how much their nerdy friend had been training in order to be able to use his quirk safely.

This is why everyone respects him and treats him as the leader of their group but everyone had their own pride too, a pride born from their own training and Harry-sensei's teachings, so she wasn't going to ignore this challenge.

If Izuku wanted a final clash to decide the outcome of their match then she will oblige him, so Tooru closed her eyes and began to focus on her energy and her light elemental power.

Izuku watched as Tooru's body began to glow with her element until she was then engulfed in a brilliant white light, everyone else but him covered their eyes to protect themselves.

The green-haired wielder of One for All watched as Tooru's body turned into pure white light, she looked like an elemental spirit and he couldn't help but grin at the fact that his friend was going all out as well.

Tooru stared at Izuku, this form was very energy extensive but it gave her quite the boost to her power, she was quite literally the element of light itself at this point, and now she was ready for their final clash.

Tooru spread her arms and got into position, Izuku was already fast at this point, and with his ability to turn into lightning he might be able to even match her speed, she was going to make sure to react just in time to cast her spell.

She can't afford to cast it before or after, it has to perfectly match Izuku's attack otherwise she will run out of energy and Izuku might be able to break through her Reflega spell.

Izuku got ready and crouched down, blood dripped down the corner of his mouth but he ignored it and got ready.

In a blink, Izuku shot forward turning into lightning, in an instant, he reappeared right in front of Tooru who was intently staring at him.

Izuku with his arm engulfed in lightning and energy lashed out with a straight punch, everything began to move in slow motion for both him and Tooru.

As as soon as Tooru watched Izuku's fist be a few seconds away from hitting her in the chest, she roared and cast her spell "'Reflega!'".

The light barrier surrounded her in an instant and Izuku's fist struck it, Tooru grunted at the force with which Izuku punched her barrier, Izuku however wasn't done.

With a roar Izuku struck the barrier with his other fist, and then again with the other, Tooru gritted her teeth as Izuku continued to punch her barrier again and again and again with the same force as the first punch.

Izuku's fists began to vibrate and hum as they continued to barrage Tooru's Reflega barrier until his fist became blurred and then flashes of lightning and thunder boomed each time Izuku's fist collided with Tooru's barrier.

Tooru's eyes widen when her barrier began to crack, suddenly she cough out some blood from the backslash of her barrier cracking but she didn't give up, she couldn't, and then she yelled at the top of her lungs.

Tooru's barrier glowed and reinforced itself but Izuku continue to barrage it with his fist, increasing his speed and power more and more.

Both teens gave it their all, they fought on and on to become the victor of this match but in the end, Izuku broke through Tooru's spell.

Tooru's eyes widen as her spell broke but she couldn't even do anything as she was suddenly hit with the full backslash and Izuku's attack, the One for All wielder roared one more last time "'Full Cowling! Thousand Heavenly Dragons!'".

Izuku's punches become literal dragon heads that lashed out at Tooru who couldn't even scream as she was barraged by a thousand dragon heads which exploded and engulfed her in a storm of green lightning and thunder.


Eri excitedly clapped watching what seemed to be so many dragon heads come out of Izuku's fist "Look, look! Those dragons look like daddy's head when he's a dragon!".

Harry and the girls narrowed their eyes and looked closely at the dragon heads lashing out at Tooru, Luna hummed "You're right~ amazing to be able to mold his energy and electricity to that extent~".

Hermione sighed but smiled "These kids are insane... but I have to admit that it is amazing".

Susan giggles "Well Izuku has a talent for observation so I'm not surprised that he was able to mold his energy into a replica of Harry's head in his dragon form".

Harry chuckled and shook his head "I swear these kids... though I'm flattered he created a technique in my image".


Suddenly Tooru came flying out of the massive lightning storm severely hurt and burnt, until she aggressively crashed against the ground outside of the ring unconscious and bleeding all over the place.

Izuku stopped his attack and swayed on his feet he suddenly coughed an alarming amount of blood but still stayed standing, Midnight panicked at both of their conditions and immediately cracked her whip "The winner by ring out! Izuku Midoriya! Harry get your scaly butt down here and help your students!".

Izuku grinned and then dropped face first on the ground and began to bleed a lot from his fist and wrists which were purple and heavily broken, he groaned in pain.

But then a magic circle spread around underneath him and covered the entire Stadium, Izuku grinned recognizing the spell, and painfully laughed when he heard his sensei say "'Revitalize!'".

Izuku sighed in relief as he felt all his wounds heal and the pain disappear, he turned his head towards where Tooru had landed and smiled as he watched her wounds heal as well.

The public watched mesmerized as the entire Stadium lit up in a beautiful white light, Harry appeared beside Izuku and helped him sit up while he floated Tooru's unconscious body towards him with Telekinesis "Izuku your pretty crazy you know? I thought I told you not to overuse your quirk like that".

Izuku chuckled and smiled at his sensei "Sorry sensei but I didn't want to lose... I... I wanted to show you and All Might that I'm worthy of One for All... I want to make you all proud".

Harry sighed but smiled at his student "We're already proud of you Izuku, you don't have to prove anything to anyone... looks like I'm going to have to make sure your powerful enough to do all of these techniques without ever hurting yourself like this again, I hope your ready Izuku".

Izuku groaned causing Harry to chuckle "it's for your own good kid and besides you should worry about your girlfriends more, they look absolutely pissed off and worried about you".

Izuku's eyes widen and he paled as he slowly turned towards where both Ochako and Pony were staring at him, he began to tremble in fear upon noticing the blank and dark faces they were staring at him with "... Sensei do me a favor and kill me now?".

Harry laughed "No can do kid, you're going to have to face your girlfriends, welcome to the ~I have a harem club~ I'll give you a shirt later".

Izuku groaned and whine for a bit but eventually got up, straightened his back, and then walked towards his end with dignity, Harry clapped and prayed to Ereshikal and Death to protect his student.


In Death's domain, Death who was watching the Sports Festival as well, giggled in amusement as she heard Harry pray to her to protect Izuku, she shook her head in amusement.


Back in the DxD world, Ereshikal was happily eating some chocolate ice cream when she suddenly sensed a pray come to her "Huh? Harry?... Who the hell is Izuku? And why do I feel like I should save his life?".


Harry chuckled as he watched Izuku get fuzzed over and scolded by both of his girlfriends, the poor boy couldn't even get a word in to defend himself since both girls didn't let him speak.

Suddenly a groan caught his attention and Harry turned towards the owner of that groan, he smiled when he saw Tooru blink and then turned her gaze towards him from where she was floating in the air.

Tooru teared up a bit but Harry kindly smiled at her and then said "No need to be sad Tooru, you did fantastic in your match and I'm very proud of you, you shone like a star today, so give the public a wave and a big smile okay?".

Tooru blinked and then looked around, the public was chanting her name and loudly cheering for her, she rubbed her eyes with her arms to get rid of the tears building up in her eyes and then cheerfully smiled and waved at everyone.

Harry smiled and slowly floated her up to her feet, Tooru began to walk towards the tunnel while waving and smiling the whole way, Harry walked beside his student following her back to the waiting room.

Once inside the tunnel Harry was suddenly stopped when Tooru grabbed his sleeve and pulled, Harry turned towards Tooru but then panicked a bit when Tooru began to silently cry.

Tooru let out a lot of tears but they weren't because she was sad or anything like that, no she was very happy, so she looked up towards Harry's eyes and then said, "Thank you Harry-sensei!... thank you for everything!".

Harry calmed down from his panic attack and stared at his student for a long second until he smiled at her and gently patter her head "You're welcome Tooru but you're the one who put in the effort to grow this strong, be proud of what you have accomplished and how strong you've become".

Tooru suddenly hugged Harry tightly and nodded to him while Harry chuckled and continued to give her head pats, they stay like that for a little while.


Midnight gave the next contestants five minutes to get ready, in those five minutes Harry gave a Miracle Gel to both Tooru and Izuku in order for them to recover both their stamina and energy.

Especially Izuku who will fight again as soon as the next match is over, Harry then left to go back to his seat to watch the next match.


Meanwhile, Hizashi was commentating on the match between Izuku and Tooru "These kids are insane ladies and gentlemen! We saw Hagakure become a Goddess of light before our very eyes! and Midoriya countered back by punching dragon heads made out of green lightning back at her! Where do these kids come up with such techniques!".

Shoto nodded in agreement "That is a good question, where exactly do these young heroes in training get their inspiration to create such devastating and effective techniques, the logical guess would be that they got it from Harry Potter, that man has some very interesting and crazy stories".

Hizashi nodded "Indeed, I can't wait for the next match to begin! I'm sure we're about to see yet another amazing fight! The climax of this year's Sports Festival is soon approaching and I'm super excited about it! Who will win!".


The five minutes break went by fast and everyone waited with anxious excitement, Midnight stood up from her seat in the stands and seductively posed, she then loudly cracked her whip "The second match of the semi-finals is about to begin!".

The public loudly cheered and Midnight grinned as she looked around all over the Stadium "Ara~ looks like everyone is excited! We'll let's not wait any further! The last match of the semi-finals is between the Maiden of Water! Tsuyu Asui! and The Goddess of Creation! Momo Yaoyoruzu!".

Both girls stepped out of the tunnels and waved at the public as everyone was once again cheering for them, both of the girls stepped up to the ring and met in the middle.

Tsuyu deadpanned at Momo for a long second and then sighed causing Momo to sweatdropped "... Tsu-chan... that's a mean reaction to staring at someone face to face you know?".

Tsuyu shrugged and shook her head "Sorry Yaomomo but I'm not really looking forward to fighting either you or Deku kero...".

Momo tilted her head and stared at Tsuyu in curiosity "Why?".

Tsuyu deadpanned at Momo again "No offense but your kinda crazy Yaomomo kero... and Deku's element is my weakness, fighting the two of you is not going to be fun kero...".

Momo and even the public nodded in understanding, what Tsuyu just said made a lot of sense "I see... yeah I can see how that wouldn't be fun... hey I'm not crazy!".

Everyone including Tsuyu sweatdropped "Yaomomo... you shot Fumikage in the forehead with a Shotgun...".

Momo flinched while the public nodded in agreement to Tsuyu's words "I shot him with a beanbag!".

Everyone turned towards where Fumikage was sitting, everyone looked up and stared at the giant bandaid on his forehead, Recovery Girls deemed his injury to light for her to use her quirk on, so she gave him a lollipop and told him to walk it off, thankfully Izuku had some bandaids and he gave him one for the giant red bump on his forehead.

Momo sweatdropped "Err... he's fine?".

Tsuyu deadpanned and then pointed at Mina who jumped a bit when everyone in the Stadium turned to look at her but she recovered quickly and waved at everyone with a smile on her face "... you tazed and then kicked Mina in the face with a metal boot kero...".

Okay... Momo didn't even have a defense for that one, she had honestly forgotten she was wearing her Booster Boots when she had kicked Mina in the face "... Okay, maybe I'm a little crazy but I blame Harry-sensei!".

Momo pointed at where Harry was sitting who was in the middle of eating another hotdog, he froze mid-bite and turned to look back at everyone, he tilted his head in confusion not understanding why everyone was staring at him right now.

The girls' Rei, Himiko, and Eri giggled at Harry's confusion while the public sweatdropped at his obliviousness.

Tsuyu just shook her head "I just know I'm going to regret this fight kero... but I'm not giving up and I'm certainly not going to hold back! kero..".

Momo teared up and slump at the fact that Tsuyu ignored her claims against Harry, it wasn't her fault that Harry taught her how to react rather than to think! Everything she does in a fight is a reflex now! She can't help it "Tsu-chan... you can be so cruel sometimes..".

Tsuyu giggled a bit and got ready, as soon as Momo saw her friend in position her demeanor changed as she herself got ready to fight with everything she has.


Hizashi was excited for the next match "Boy! Is this match going to be amazing, both of these girls have shown how powerful and versatile they are with their abilities!."

Shota nodded "Yes both girls are very good fighters and have shown they have the smarts to get out of any bad situation".

Hizashi nodded "Who do you think will win! Asui with her amazing ability to control water and her frog-like abilities? or Yaoyoruzu who is a literal bag of surprises?".

Shota looked down and thought about Hizashi's question "It's hard to say both of them are very strong and intelligent, I think this match will be decided on who can catch the other off guard".

Hizashi nodded and then turned to watch the last match of the semi-finals.


Tsuyu narrowed her eyes towards Momo, she was very cautious about her friend and a little hesitant to make the first move knowing that Momo more than likely already had formulated a bunch of plans against her, after having watched her prior matches.

If she wanted to win she was going to have to surprise Momo and catch her off guard with something she hasn't used before.

Momo stared at her friend and watched with a raised eyebrow when Tsuyu suddenly clapped her hands and loudly said "'Hidden Mist technique!'".

Momo's eyes widen in surprise when the entire ring was almost instantly engulfed in this layer of pure white mist "Tch! I should have known that Tsu-chan could do this...".

Momo began to look around everywhere expecting a surprise attack, she was about to create something, when she had to avoid Tsuyu's tongue that tried to wrap around her leg.

She sidestepped Tsuyu's tongue and then had to jump back to avoid water bullets heading from her side, Momo wildly looked around trying to catch sight of Tsuyu but frown when she couldn't see her at all.

Suddenly she had to scramble to dodge a barrage of water bullets coming at her from all directions, Momo tried her best to dodge them all but some were able to hit her arms and legs splattering blood everywhere which caused her to grunt in pain {How is she attacking me from multiple places at the same time? How can she even see me in this thick fog for that matter?}.

Momo jumped to the side to dodge a water whip that attempted to hit her on the back but she then had to immediately roll on the ground to dodge more bullets until she used her hands and her arm to push herself off the ground and into the air where she twisted her entire body to dodge more bullets coming her way.

She landed on her feet and began to run and jump around at high-speed to continue dodging all of Tsuyu's attacks {She's planning on not letting me create anything... to bad for her that I'm a fuinjutsu practitioner, I already have a bunch of stuff made in my wrist seal}.

Tsuyu who had been keeping an eye on Momo narrowed her eyes when she saw her grin mischievously {I just know that smile is bad news for me kero...}.

Just what is Momo planning and will it be enough to get her a win against Tsuyu?

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