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5.78% Harry's New Game Plus / Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Bab 10: Chapter 10

A day has passed since the rescue of one Valerie Tepes, after a goodnights rest she was mostly recovered from her ordeal and Harry along with Valerie and Le Fay took off to buy some clothes for their use, with the use of the dark corridor Harry was dragged all over the world for clothes, it seems both Valerie and Le Fay really did have a soft spot for cute things since Valerie picked a black hoodie with cat ears to wear she liked so much that she took another one in white for Elmenhilde too, Le Fay, of course, picked a cute light blue school uniform she fell in love with, along a tan jacket, though he didn't mind all the cute stuff too much, he even picked a few things for Kunou, Yasaka, and Ereshkigal, along for some cool things for his dogfather.

Along the way Valerie told him about her life and about her dear friend Gasper who Harry promise to look for, earning him a bright smile from Valerie and in turn Harry told them about some of his adventures in other worlds and the many people he met, eventually Valerie asked Harry to take her as a student too, she had heard from Le Fay wonderful things about Harry and she wanted to grow strong so no one could take advantage of her sacred gear something Harry can relate too and thus Valerie became Harry's third student however she asked to specialized in gun mastery since she was a fan of first person shooters games they played at a arcade during their shopping spree, and wanted to learn how to use fire arms, of course Harry agreed however he told her he didn't know how to use a gun but told her he would teach her how to use elemental bullets, he was so fond of using these types of attacks with his keyblades so it was something he would be able to teach her among some other things, he was also pretty sure he had a couple of magic guns somewhere in his inventory that she could use.

Eventually, they came back to Carmilla castle where they met an excited Sirius in his animagus form who jumped on Harry and started to frantically lick his face causing Valerie to giggle at the scene.

Eventually, Sirius calm down after Harry proceeded to flick tiny fireballs at him and he gave his report about the information he managed to gather with his contacts, not only confirming the name of the organization that supported the Tepes clan as the Khaos Brigade but also confirmed that a lot of money was being moved around, especially to acquire rare ingredients and magical objects, amongst the most pricey objects he found were Phoenix Tears and information on the Excalibur blades, this made Le Fay jump in panic and immediately contacted her family to let them know and also to inform them of her leaving her organization Golden Dawn and being under the tutelage of Harry Potter she also let them know of her joining the yokai faction so she could stay close to her new sensei, something she will later find out did not go well with her brother, however, her daddy and mommy seemed oddly happy about her decision.

And speaking about Excalibur blades, it came as a surprise when Harry checked the rewards he got for clearing the 'Save the Vampire Princess' quest he received.

One was the holy sword Clarent, this surprised him and he immediately checked it with 'Observe'.

[Clarent (Fate stay night series version)]

[The radiant and brilliant royal sword.]

[Originally stored away by King Arthur in the armory of Camelot.]

[Described as 'more dazzling than any silver', it is an ornate, sparkling white silver sword adorned with splendid decorations, acting as a symbol of kingship denoting the right of succession of the throne. It is a treasured sword that has worth equal to, if not, exceeding Caliburn, that amplifies the authority of the king, the 'king's royal aura'.]

[In one possible future this beautiful sword was stolen and used by Mordred Pendragon resulting in the corruption of its once beautiful light becoming a demonic holy sword, however, this version is one that was never touched by Mordred and thus remained untainted.]

As Harry read the information about the sword and confirming that it was indeed powerful decided to chuck it towards Le Fay who struggle to catch it and said "That's yours now Fay-chan! and I'll be teaching you how to wield it, so swordsmanship lessons will be added to the training regime" poor Le Fay was left gaping at the powerful and beautiful holy blade she was holding which in return shrank and became thinner taking on a rapier-like form making it easier for Le Fay to wield and also confirming her as it's chosen wielder.

The second reward was unique too, a skill orb with the skill Summoning, which would allow the user to summon elemental spirits to help in battle but he put it in his inventory since he already has his Digimon friends but maybe he'll find someone else to use it.

Another surprise was Remus Lupin sending Sirius an owl mail, apparently, Sirius sent an owl mail while he was looking for information and demanded Remus to give a good reason for not looking out for Harry, it wasn't a surprise when the response was that Dumbledore refused to tell him where he was and that he spend all these years globetrotting in hopes of getting a hint of where Harry was but no matter how much he looked he couldn't find out anything, no one knew where he was or/and refuse to tell him under orders of Dumbledore, this made Harry and Sirius happy, it was good to know that their furry afflicted friend was on their side and happily they sent him another owl mail to tell him to go to Kyoto, Japan and wait for them there, they also informed him that they had left the British magical community and joined the Yokai faction something they were sure would greatly surprise him.

The day passed with Harry and friends joking and playing around to the amusement of the vampire maids and Elmenhilde who was doubly happy to be able to see Valerie smile after being abused and hurt for so long, she smiled and teared up a bit at the scene of Valerie giggling at Harry hitting Sirius with a stream of water after he had turned Harry's hair bright pink.

The group was completely unaware of the panic Harry caused to the supernatural world or rather they really didn't care.


(Timeskip: Next day)

~Seventh Heaven, God's throne~

Four angels were having a meeting while keeping an eye on God's system, these four were the archangels and leaders of heaven and the church Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel four powerful Seraphs, these four are in charge of the everyday maintenance of the system, political and research needs of said faction.

Today they called a meeting to speak of current events and happenings along with the mysterious activity from God's system.

Gabriel was the most concerned and hopeful as it seems like something is causing her father's precious system to actively respond to something happening in the human world, meanwhile, Raphael sent a few angels to investigate, according to the reports they've received from said angels that were sent to investigate the surge of holy energy, they found nothing but small traces of that strange holy energy, along with a heavily injured old man who was promptly ignored in favor of investigating further, they spent most of the day questioning a few of the magic users found around, all they found out were rumors of a 'boy who lived who abandoned his people and used light to bring down an evil and foolish old man' this information confused them all but they decided to leave it at that and go back to heaven to report.

Michael was mostly concerned because his connection to his father's system was deteriorating and he didn't know why, but just now Raphael and Uriel reported another surge of holy energy, this time over Romania on vampire territory and the use of holy fire, something that only his father and a few other sun gods were only able to use.

Of course, they sent angels to investigate but all they found was a giant crater and three lingering holy signatures.

Michael can only rub his brow in stress. {What is happening? all of this doesn't make any sense and what was that holy energy? it almost overwhelmed our sensors, even father didn't let off this much holy energy...} Uriel spoke up bringing Michael out of his thoughts.

"What are we going to do about this Michael? the devils and fallen might take this as an aggressive act from us and use it as an excuse for war".

Michael stares at Uriel in concern. {Uriel is right I have to get in touch with Azazel and Sirzechs, and let them know that heaven and the church weren't involved in this, hopefully, they know more about what's going on.}


~Underworld, Grigori headquarters~

Azazel for the first time in a long time has concern vividly showing on his face, last night a bunch of hysterical and heavily injured fallen angels returned to headquarters, of course, they tried to lie about why and where they were attacked but Azazel and the others executives were already aware they were traitors, these fallen angels were interrogated and executed on the spot for risking war with the other factions but the most concerning thing about all of this is the information procured from the traitors.

Three holy beings of massive power came down on them and basically destroyed them and two of these beings had similarities with both Gabriel and Michael, however, Azazel knows that those two wouldn't risk a conflict like this and that their power would reach that level, not since God's death that is.

Azazel is sitting down by himself in his office thinking about the information he received and the report of the constant surges of power. {sigh... according to prior reports the Tepes clan was rebelling against the other vampire clans causing a civil war, however, the Tepes were obliterated in a single day along with an army of fallen, devils, and who knows what else... did the Carmilla clan called for assistance from another faction? but who? and who would have such power?... I'm going to have to let Michael and Sirzechs know about all of this and about this group that seems to have formed right under our noses.}

Azazel was completely unaware that Kokabiel another executive of Gregori was part of this terrorist group and secretly passed down any information they were able to get about the event.


~Underworld, Gremory mansion~

Ajuka Beelzebub and Sirzechs Lucifer were having a meeting in Sirzechs office, a stoic Grayfia Lucifer nee Lucifuge is standing beside her husband listening to the report Ajuka is giving to her husband in concern.

Ajuka looks intently toward Sirzechs. "Two days ago a massive signature of holy energy practically blew up our sensors and sent everyone in the research facility in a panic, but we were able to find that it originated from somewhere in London, we suspect it came from one of those hidden magical communities". Ajuka closes his eyes and takes a big breath.

"...However that isn't the end of it.. three more holy signatures were picked up by our sensors a day after, this time in Romania... Sirzechs they were massive, and they seemed to have had a fight with a vampire clan".

Sirzechs closes his eyes in worry. "Do we know who they are? was heaven involved?".

Ajuka slightly shook his head. "No we don't know who it was and I don't believe heaven is involved, they wouldn't risk war by doing something like this but that's not the most concerning thing... pure-blooded devils were killed".

Sirzechs and Grayfia's eyes widen in shock. "What?!" Sirzechs stands up while slamming his hands on his desk. "What were devils doing there!? who and why?!".

Ajuka stares at Sirzechs not surprised by his outburst. "We don't know... the only thing we found out is that most of those devils belonged to the Old Satan faction... among the ones killed we suspect Shalba Beelzebub and Creuserey Asmodeus were in that list, their energy signature was found in the area which was completely destroyed... only a giant crater was found".

Sirzechs sits back down and gapes at this information. {Shalba and Creuserey are dead... they were ultimate class devils who would have the power to take them down? I'll have to meet with Azazel and Michael, we have to make sure this doesn't escalate into war...}.


~Khaos brigade headquarters, unknown location~

Rizevim Livan Lucifer was infuriated... not only are two of his generals dead but the Khaos Brigade's army took a giant hit! and to make things worse he lost access to the Sephiroth Graal.

Suddenly a cold and emotionless voice frightens him out of his thoughts. "Why did we lose so many soldiers devil..." Rizevim turns around in fright and shakily answers the question of this massively powerful being.

"Lady O-ophis! we don't know for sure but according to the few surviving members and our spy in the Grigori they were attacked by three holy beings... two are described to have a likeness to the Seraphs Gabriel and Michael...".

Ophis who is a petite black-haired girl with emotionless gray eyes and elvish-like ears narrows her eyes at the foolish devil in front of her. "Those Seraphs wouldn't dare to attack devils or fallen... they wouldn't risk war... find out what happened and who did it...".

With that said she vanishes leaving a sweating Rizevim.

"Damn stupid lizard.. you'll get yours someday".

He growls and disappears by a magic circle he had other plans which now have to be changed, {Damn whoever decided to stick their nose where it doesn't belong!}.


~London, St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries~

It's been almost three days since Albus Dumbledore's beatdown and just this morning he regained consciousness, as he lay there in that lonely hospital room his mind raced as he thought back on everything that happened that day.

{How did that boy get so powerful? I know he was being starved and beaten constantly, he shouldn't be able to move like he did and he certainly didn't have that amount of magic he used last time I checked, I made sure to always monitor him and Arabella didn't mention anything weird happening to him... just how did all of this happen? Poor Severus is dead, how could Harry have done that?.. and that double be damn Rita Skeeter! she practically destroyed my image on that bloody newspaper again!}.

The old headmaster was in pain and frustrated, the healers weren't sure how to heal the injuries he received from Harry's impressive spells, and just now to make things worst he received an owl mail informing him he had lost all his titles and political positions, the only thing he was allowed to keep was being Headmaster of Hogwarts and that was because he was the only qualified for the position at the moment, the backlash from his battle with the boy and his reckless words was enormous and it seems like both his political and public image took a huge hit, he was taken out of his thoughts by his healer coming in to check on him.

"Good afternoon Mister Dumbledore, I regret to inform you that we still can't find a cause for your injuries not responding to any of our healing methods, were still investigating and we have requested the Unspeakables to research possible solutions".

Dumbledore didn't know what to say, he wasn't sure what kind of magic that blasted boy used on him, however, a familiar voice spoke up.

"There won't be any need for that master healer".

Both men turned towards the doorway and see Madam Amelia Bones standing there with a glare and the old man just knew his day was about to get worse. "I already know the reason why those wounds won't heal so easily".

The healer stared curiously at the head of the Auror department. "You do? Could you inform me, I'm afraid that we have been stumped with this for quite a while".

Amelia only took in a big breath and close her eyes. "The type of magic young Harry Potter used was that of holy magic, a variant of the light element, it is mostly used by gods and angels... that particular type of magic has a peculiar quirk, something I'm sure you already are aware of headmaster".

Of course, Dumbledore was already aware of what that meant for him but only choose to glare at Madam Bones who only gave him a grin in return, she enjoyed torturing the old man quite a bit, and she turn her gaze towards the healer.

"That type of magic is holy by nature and if the person is pure of heart and genuinely good the magic spell wouldn't have any effect... only those with darkness and sin in their heart could be this affected to it... unfortunately, this means that the headmaster is going to have to heal the slow muggle way" she points at a still glaring Dumbledore.

"You and most of the purebloods along with the ministry might be happy ignoring the rest of the supernatural world but most of us are aware of them and some old families like the Bones have had dealings with other supernatural beings, you messed up headmaster not only did your meddling cause three Most Ancient and Most Noble houses to leave our community but you also attempted line theft and you're even guilty of child abuse and endangerment, among other things the goblins were very forthcoming with evidence, luckily for you your name still had just enough pull that you didn't get any jail time and trust me I tried, however, the goblins were overjoyed to empty any personal vaults under your name and transfer any contents to the potter vaults, you know for annoying them for too long and attempting to fool them, tsk tsk headmaster" The grin on Madam Bones widened even further.

Albus was struggling to keep from raging, this blasted boy has practically destroyed everything he worked so hard to obtain.

Madam Bones left the foolish old man to seeth in anger with a happy smile on her face, she might have not been able to imprison the meddling old fool but she enjoyed him being humbled quite thoroughly.


(Timeskip: one week)

~Romania, Carmilla castle~

Harry can be found sitting on his bed in his guest room going through his inventory, he's looking for a magic gun/guns for Valerie, over the week he and Sirius moved about all over Romania looking for any remnants of the Tepes clan and information about the the Khaos Brigade, however, the information on the later has gone cold and thus he focused on training Le Fay and Valerie, starting with adding gravity seals and physical conditioning like he did with Kunou, he's still teaching Le Fay all sorts of magic spells but it seems that she has a talent with the sword too, her bloodline seems to be strong in her both magical and with the sword, this was proven by the ease in which she learned new spells and adapts to wielding a sword even healing to time magics were easily learned by her and the young witch was loving it.

{I'm sure I have some magic guns here somewhere... I have to organize my inventory soon, I have too much stuff in here... Ah here they are, let's see... I'll give her these they seem cool and they have infinite ammo too}. Harry pulls out both handguns and uses 'Observe' on them.

[Ebony and Ivory (Devil may cry series)]

[Semi-automatic pistols, designed to rapidly fire bullets instilled with demonic power and are one of the several firearms to appear in every Devil May Cry game series]

[The left-handed black gun, Ebony, has been modified for long-distance targeting and comfort, while the right-handed white gun, Ivory, was custom built for rapid firing and fast draw times]

[These beautiful handguns are the go-to long-range weapons for devil hunter Dante!, however, these are modified by the Game to be able to take in any form of energy and thus making them usable for both the Gamer and any member of his party]

A grin appears on Harry's face as he gets up and begins to look for Valerie, it took a while but he found her in the castle's garden along with Le Fay, they seem to be enjoying themselves talking and drinking tea as Harry hears their giggling, he turns his gaze at a sleeping Sirius laying on the grass, he sweatdrops at his godfather laziness, both girls notice him approach and smile something that makes a smile appear on his face.

"Hey girls, seems like you're having fun!" both girls nodded while Harry took a seat by them, he took out Ebony and Ivory and hands them to Valerie.

"Here, I found these in my inventory they seem powerful and they can use your energy to create bullets, I don't know how to use guns so that's something you'll have to learn by yourself but I do know how to make elemental bullets and charge bullets so I'll be teaching you how to do that instead".

Valerie stares at the guns with sparkles coming out of her eyes. "They're so cool!" she grabs ebony and inspects it carefully, she then takes aim with it and charges a bit of her mana into it, the gun sparked with red and black lighting, and then she pulls the trigger, a loud bang resounds all over the garden scaring the fur off Sirius, who jump with a bark and began to run around in a panic causing Harry to chuckle however he was also amazed at the power displayed by the gun and it seems that Valerie was too, if the excited look on her face was any hint.

She grins and stares at the guns. "They're Amazing Harry! thank you".

Harry nods and smiles at her. "You're welcome... we should prepare to leave soon, me and Sirius haven't found any signs of the Khaos Brigade or of any leftover Vampires from the Tepes clan, I'm sure they'll stay quiet for a while since their operations were stopped".

Sirius walks back towards them having calmed down and turned into his human form. "I'm going to miss the vampire maids, they are very pretty...".He turns to stare at one who was cleaning the windows who must have sensed his eyes on her since she turned around to wink at Sirius who just boyishly grin and wave at her.

Harry smiled at his godfather's antics. "And as keep telling you, they're quite powerful and dangerous oh! dogfather of mine!".

Sirius just barks out a laugh. "What's life without any danger, Harry! besides you're just jealous of your dogfather's charm!".

Harry only raises an eyebrow at him. "Erm... I have three girlfriends, so nope! you can keep your charm".

This proclamation caused everyone to freeze and to suddenly turn their head towards him, it actually worried Harry that they snapped their necks with how fast they turned to gape at him, Sirius of course had to get all dramatic. "Yes! Hear that James!? Harry is already on his way to make us proud!". I sweat drop and the girls just sweetly smile at me while their eyebrows twitch in irritation causing me to start sweating bullets.

Sirius just had to make things worst by asking how they look, if they were sexy or if they were cute causing a black aura to begin to flow out of the girls, I silently pray to Ereshkigal to save me.

In the end, I ended up describing my girlfriends to my annoying dogfather. "One is a feisty red-headed mage who is very good at wielding a whip so I recommend not to piss her off Sirius, she will whip your bollocks off".

Sirius sweats and pales a bit. "The other is a ninja from a village hidden in waterfalls 'Takigakure' she wasn't well-liked in her village and she went through a lot but she's very friendly and very powerful! she's a Jinchūriki like my friend Naruto I've mentioned before".

The girls look confused at the weird terms but Sirius is aware of how hard life was for Harry's friend Naruto, he smiled sadly at me in understanding.

"The last one is a bit wild but kind and friendly girl once you get to know her, in her world she's known as a Demonlord and she's a Dragonoid, she's petit and cute but don't let her looks fool you, she capable of devastating entire continents quite easily".

This surprised both Le Fay and Valerie since this world has their own Demonlords and now they find out that there's more in other worlds and that their sensei was dating one, something that annoyed them a bit.

Sirius nodded and proudly slap his godson's back. "I'm so proud of you Harry! Now why don't you tell me the name of my future daughters-in-law!".

Harry was about to speak when Elmenhilde appeared and greeted everyone. "Hello everyone, here Harry this is for Yasaka, we knew you would leave soon so we prepare an official document, cementing the alliance between the Vampire and Yokai factions, thank you for your aid".

I smile and nod at her. "Your welcome Elmenhilde, I look forward to working with you and your faction more in the future".

Elmenhilde smiles and nods. "When do you leave?".

Harry closes his eyes. "Tomorrow early in the morning, we've been out here for quite a while and I'm sure Yasaka is waiting for our report, it sure has been fun spending time with your clan".

Sirius nods and grins at Elmenhilde which causes her to sweatdrop and try to jump back only to stop when Sirius caught her and lifted her by the armpits. "I still think we should take her with us! she is adorable with that kitty hoodie".

This of course made poor Elmenhilde sputter in embarrassment and begin to flail around. "Unhand me you mutt! let me dooown!".

We all laugh at her reaction causing her to pout cutely {She sure has relaxed a lot around us for her to act like that, I can't wait to go back and see everyone, Kunou will be excited to learn she has two fellow students now and I miss Yasaka and Ereshkigal}.

(OST: 'ANSWER' by Frederick and Keina)

Harry looks up to the skin with a smile on his face, the wind gently blows and he closes his eyes enjoying the breeze.

~Tamerawanaide fumidashita mabayui taiyou ga motion~

Ophis is floating in the sky as she stares at the giant crater that once was Bran's castle with a curious look on her face.

~Tagai chigau seikai no hate ni majiwatte taion joushou~

Michael stares in concern at his father's system as his connection with it slowly continues to deteriorate.

~Asu no jibun ni toikakete hirogaru senmei na souzou~

The four Maou are in front of the devil council reporting the death of many purebloods devils, many elders seemed concerned and afraid but most seem to be glaring in anger.

~Te wo toriatte waraetara raku dattan darou na

Naa ittai ima wa nanji nanfun nanbyou?~

Azazel stares out his window with a frown on his face, not noticing Kokabiel glaring at him from behind.

~Omoidashite omoidashite

Sore ga ittai zentai nan datte koto de sura mou

Wakannai ya wakannaku natte sa

Kizukitakunai yo

Kasanatte iku mainichi ni

Kizutsuite demo butsukatte demo

Yuzurenai mono ga aru kara

Seikai wo sagashite~

A bedridden Albus Dumbledore is glaring at the ceiling in his hospital room, and Minerva McGonagall is standing by his bedside glaring and frowning at him.

In the ministry, Amelia Bones is yelling at her Aurors while a grinning moody is seen behind her.

A tired-looking Remus Lupin is seen arriving in Kyoto with a happy and playful grin.

~Utagawanaide aruite kita hibi ni koukai wa nai ka

Ashi ga motsure samayotta saki wa sajou no fuukei~

We see a bored Kunou doing her homework, with a Yasaka who is drinking some tea and smiling at her daughter fondly.

~Kinou ima kako mirai no koto

Ima da shinkirou no you ni obotsuku

Amefuri no kokoro wo douka mitsukete~

Rizevim is trashing his office in a fit of anger, he glares hatefully at the floor his eyes glowing with malice.

~Soshite sono te wo sashinobete hoshikute~

Le Fay and Valerie are seen playfully packing their belongings the next day while smiling happily.

~Omoidashite omoidashite

Koko ni nokoru kasuka na hibiki sae mo

Wakannai ya wakannaku natte sa

Oboeteitai yo

Kasanatte iku taikutsu ga

Hatenai hodo ni utsukushii to

Kizukenai mama de iru kara

Machigai wo tadashite~

Harry is speaking with Elmenhilde while they smile and shake hands, Sirius is running in circles in his dog form happily barking.

Harry opens a dark corridor and the group wave at a smiling Elmenhilde as they begin to walk through.

~Omoidashite tsukandatte

Hanarete kizuitan da

Mukanjou na unmei ni

Kokoro ga aragatte shimattan da

Machigatte shimatte demo

Ushinatte shimatte demo

Kattou wo kuratte wa~

A dark corridor opens in Yasaka's office alerting Kunou and Yasaka of Harry's arrival, Kunou excitedly jumps into her sensei arms while Yasaka smiles at them

~Ittai ima wa nanji nanfun nanbyou?~

Harry smiles and points at Le Fay and Valerie letting Kunou down and introducing them both to both kitsunes.

~Omoidashite omoidashite

Sore ga ittai zentai nan datte koto de sura mou

Wakannai ya wakannaku natte sa

Kizukitakunai yo

Kasanatte iku mainichi ni

Kizutsuite demo butsukatte demo

Sugiru hibi ga itoshii no wa

Yuzurenai mono ga aru kara

Seikai wo sagashite.

Kunou happily hugs her fellow students, Ereshkigal rushes in and the moment she sees Harry she tears up and lunges at him, Harry catches her with a smile on his face and hugs her tightly.

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