Unduh Aplikasi
2.06% Harry's New Game Plus / Chapter 1: The beginning of a new journey?!

Bab 1: The beginning of a new journey?!

~Surrey, Cupboard Under the Stairs, The Boy~

On a quiet and lonely night, a bright light begins to shine out from under the door of a peculiar house in Surrey. The light poured out from a small closet under the stairs. After a moment longer the light slowly begins to wane and then fades away completely.

On his knees from within the small cupboard was a young boy of about 9-10 years of age whose eyes were closed as took a few deep and steady breaths. After a moment more he opened his eyes and looked around himself to gain his bearings.

"...So I'm back here again! Even after all that time away, it still looks the same." He mutters to himself quietly. Shaking his head he looks down at himself and quickly notices that he's a lot smaller than he remembered himself to be.

"I see... It's all coming back to me... That night when everything changed. When I found out the truth and where my long journey began..." He wryly mutters to himself.

After a moment more, he closes his eyes to concentrate on the fleeting memories of a past he deeply wishes to forget, but knows that in the end, it was his past that has made him who he is.


(Flashback Start)

In the same small and dark cupboard under the stairs, was the same boy on the floor weak and hurt.

"Ugh... I'm so hungry... Ouch!" The boy gasps in pain when he slowly shifts his hands to clutch at his empty stomach.

He simply allowed the tears to fall slowly from his eyes as he was barely able to move his arms without causing more pain due to the injuries he'd received from his uncle and cousin had just recently inflicted upon him before roughly shoving him into his prison without food once again.

Many people would perhaps wonder what this child might have done to deserve such treatment. Many more would be horrified at finding out the answer.

Which is: Nothing.

Absolutely nothing, his only wrongdoing, according to his so-called family, was that he was born different from them. Not that the child even knew he was different, nor how very different he really was. But he would soon.


~Underworld, Throne Room, Death Goddess~

Sitting atop a black throne was a young woman whose face was twisted in anger and despair.

The woman was a truly beautiful looking specimen of her gender with her long flowing blonde hair and deep ruby red eyes which were currently staring intently upon a crystal ball that floated lazily in front of her.

"My poor, poor Master..." She mutters depressedly.

"Why are those humans such horrendous beings!? And that meddling old fool! That arrogant dark lord! WHY! WHY! WHY!?" She angrily yells.

In response to her growing anger, it seemed like the shadows throughout the throne room seemed to whip and flail from side to side."No more!" She screams as she suddenly jumps up off her throne.

Moving quickly she walked towards the large solid black marble double door entrance which slammed open as she neared.

"If no one wants to help my master, then I will! I'll help him get so strong that no one will use or abuse him ever again! And I know just how I'm going to do it!" She said as a slow and vicious smile slowly spread across her gorgeous face.

{Humans... They may live for only a short period of time, well comparatively, but their ingenuity and imagination is both inspirational and something to be feared...} She thought contemplatively just as she passed through the threshold of the doorway and was suddenly covered in a shroud of foggy darkness and, for the briefest of moments, she is both at her throne room and somewhere else. And then it's gone and her throne room is now deathly silent.

A moment later she steps out a matching marble doorway and with a quick wave of her hand, she banishes it back into nothingness.

Taking a moment more, she makes sure she's presentable for her first meeting with her Master.

{Because, no matter what anyone tells you otherwise, first impressions actually matter...} She thought with amusement as she pulled off the padlock locking the cupboard door, and looked upon her Master in the flesh for the first time.


~Surrey, Cupboard Under the Stairs, The Boy~

Holding back his sobs and moaning as best as he possibly could, as he was terrified of making too much noise and possibly waking his Uncle up, he struggled to sit up against the cupboard wall.

Unfortunately, just as he was about to succeed, his arm bangs against something, causing him to yelp and rock forward away from whatever he had banged into… but the pain is too much for his weakened and beaten body.

"Ugh!" He grunts in sudden pain. "Why... Do I..." Giving up and he sighs in resignation.

At this point, he simply gives up trying to sit up or move at all really. So laying almost face down on the thin mattress, he decided that he would just continue to lay there staring sadly at the door of his small room/cupboard.

{I'll just rest my eyes for a moment} He thought tiredly and before he realized it, he'd fallen into a restless sleep.

He wasn't totally sure what had woken him, his mind groggy with a terrible mixture of pain, hunger, and what might be the beginning of a fever.

To him, it felt like it was just a moment ago that he'd closed his eyes to rest when he noticed the briefest flash of light, a loud snap crack sound, and then the gentle and soft hand brushing across his sweaty brow.

"Tsk, those blasted humans!" He heard the soft lilting voice of a woman he'd never heard before. It was at this point that his brain decided to catch up and his eyes snapped open in alarm only to stop and stare into two sad ruby-colored eyes staring into his own emerald green.

"Wha- w-who... A-are you m-miss!? And how d-did?" He stuttered and fumbled over his words in shock.

For a long moment, the young woman continued to only smile sadly at him while slowly lifting his head onto her lap and gently brushing his back hair with her hand.

He knew he should scream for help, or maybe even struggle to get away, but for the life of him, he just couldn't work up the strength or willpower to pull away from her warm embrace and touch.

After another minute or two of simply staring at each other, the strange woman decided to talk to him.

"Hiya Harry... I've been waiting a long time to meet you." Her voice was soothing and gentle and he could honestly say he'd be happy to listen to it for hours if he was given the chance.

She smiles softly as she continued to caress his unruly black hair. It was beyond relaxing and he almost found himself drifting off back into sleep, which the strange woman prevented due to her softly giggling at him.

His eyes snapped open once more with a deep blush spreading across his face and he realized what had almost happened, he shyly asked her the only question that sprung to mind.

"Errr… W-why did you want to meet me? I'm no one special, I'm just your local Freak H-harry..." He finished lamely only to flinch at the look of almost pure loathing flash across the beautiful woman's face.

Her teeth grinding in anger, she replied.

"You're not a freak Harry James Potter! You're an incredibly special person just like almost everyone in your direct family tree was. Well mostly on your father's side that is.

Your mother's side was also special, but it's through your father's side that I am bonded to you."

He looks at her confused, but after a moment, his young mind grasps onto him what is the most important thing for a young and lonely child. His missing parents.

"Y-you knew my mom and dad?!" He asks with some hope sparking through his eyes.

The look of hope in his eyes almost makes her cry. It was so innocent and pure. It only made her hate for the monsters who had so far ruined his life grow.

He could see again, the wrathful look passing over her face, but after a few deep breaths, the beautiful woman was able to wrangle in her emotions once more before answering him.

"Yes. In a way, I suppose you could say that I do, or rather did, know them." She smiles sadly at him.

"Your father; James Andrew Potter and your mother; Lily Anne Potter nee Evans, were quite possibly the two most talented magic users of their generation." His brain must have melted under her touch, because he could have sworn she said 'magic users'.

{But that's impossible! Magic isn't real.} He argued to himself.

But before he could fully convince himself that was suffering from fever-induced delusions, the beauty continued.

"You see Harry, you're a wizard, just like your father and his father, and his father's father was and just like your mother was.

In fact, your family; The Potters, are one of the oldest surviving magical families left on the planet. Your family has had magic in its veins since even before Christ. To have survived to this day and age is an incredibly rare and special achievement. I'm almost convinced your family was blessed by Mother Magic herself."

He was flabbergasted. His family, HIS, were magical. He honestly couldn't believe it. But now that he thought about it, it would explain so many odd things that had happened to him and why his 'relatives' treated him as they did. Because they KNEW! They knew he was a Wizard, that he was magical and they HATED him for it.

All those strange events, from hair regrowing rapidly in one night, to somehow ending up on the school roof! It all makes sense now!*He thought bitterly. And now that he knew, he wasn't sure how he felt about this.

The Harry that had been beaten and starved of love and food found himself wondering if he didn't have magic, would they have loved him? Treated him like family? But there was another part of him, one that was growing stronger each moment as this new information sunk in.

{I have magic. I HAVE MAGIC!} That part of him, a part he never knew he had felt... Like something had finally clicked into place. It felt right. Good even. While he'd been internally monologuing, the beautiful woman continued on with her explanation.

"But that's not all Harry, you see, you yourself are known as the Master of Death... My Master, I've waited for eons for you to finally be born, waited and waited and WAITED."

She smiles triumphantly at him for a long moment, only for it to fall off as suddenly as it had arrived.

"And then I find out what has been done to you. My little Master. My Harry." Tears leaked from her ruby red eyes and her hand gently strokes his jaw.

Like most young boys, seeing a woman, a beautiful one at that, cry is more alarming than a train derailing in front of them. In a desperate attempt to distract her from whatever thoughts had caused her such distress and to bring a rather important question forward he asked her a rather important question.

"D-death? Y-you're Death?!" He squeaked out in some alarm.

She shakes her head negatively "No, no I am A Goddess of Death. One of many that exist within this universe. Oh and there are Reapers as well, but they are more like our little helpers... But you, my Little Master? You have the Peverell bloodline, You've become the Master of the Conceptual Aspect of Death and as such, you're the master of all Death Gods and Goddesses."

The tears were gone, thankfully, the beauty looked at him happily, almost expectedly.

"The Peverells? Who are they?" Harry asked confusedly.

Her smile grew a little stiff for a moment, before softening once more as she continued gently combing his unruly hair.

"Right, I'm sorry Little Master, I briefly forgot that you've been locked in this cupboard for almost your entire damn life."

Taking a moment to gather her thoughts she continued with the explanations.

"The Peverells are your ancestors, Harry. The Potters are the direct descendants of the Peverells bloodline through marriage of their last living heir and due to numerous reasons, war, diseases, etc, etc, you're the last and only living heir to both their once great families, and only you could claim the title; Master of Death, and it's heritage."

She answered. Of course, He had no idea what any of that really meant, but he nodded his head and tried his best to remember everything she said.

"But enough of that for now Harry. I've come to you to help you, and to grant you the means to not only protect yourself but to escape this awful place. The blessing should hopefully allow you to become one of, if not, the strongest being in the universe if you work hard enough!" She explained loudly with her nose pointed high and arrogant. Which he honestly thought was a bit cute.

As if suddenly remembering something she smacked a closed fist onto her spare open palm. "I've not introduced myself!" Her cheeks flush red in embarrassment and she quickly looked away from Harry. "M-m-my name Is Ereshkigal! And I am a Goddess of Death and control the Underworld! Well a part of it, that is..." She finished demurely.

After acting shyly for a moment more, she turns back to Harry and winks playfully at him, then she reaches down and gently helps Harry sit up against the wall outside his prison/cupboard/room.

"Now that introductions are out of the way, now let's get you all healed up!" She says with a gentle tone.

With a quick wave of her hand in front of Harry, a Warm soft light shrouded him for the briefest of moments and then instantly all of the pain he had been feeling, all of his injuries, old or new, that He'd received from his so-called 'family' were gone.

"There now Harry, we're almost done! I just need to give you my blessing and then we'll get ready to send you to another world, the first of many hopefully fun adventures! While you're traveling around the vast cosmos, I want you to have fun! To have as many adventures as possible! To make new friends! But most of all… Most of all, I want you to grow up healthy, happy, and strong! So strong that no one will ever hurt you, use you, or manipulate you ever again!".

With that little speech, she turned that 200-watt smile his way and he couldn't help but feel his brain turn into so much mush. But slowly, once he regained his wits, he couldn't help but grow excited and hopeful at the future this beautiful woman, his Eris, was painting for him.

"Once you become the strongest, you'll come back here, to this exact spot, at this exact time and we'll be ready to tackle the world!" And with that, she takes out a small orb of light that glows with such intensity it was blinding. It flashed so rapidly that it looked more like a wildly out-of-control disco ball than anything else. An intense, migraine-inducing rainbow disco ball, As Harry struggles to not have his eyeballs burn in their sockets, Eris slowly pushes the tiny sun into his chest.

Blinking away tears, that had nothing to do with them being seared, "It's warm.." He says softly while smiling at the feeling and then looks up at her expectantly.

She smiles at him. "I worked really hard on preparing that blessing. Honestly, I was inspired by humanity who've written all kinds of stories and created so many interesting video games! Which I have, of course, thoroughly played-I mean, researched, when I visited the human world!"

Trying her best to move past her slip of the tongue she continued, "Based on my vast amount of pla-research, I've gone ahead and modified my blessing so that it would grant you a trustworthy, reliable easy to understand, and useful system."

Harry blinked slowly at her, amused somewhat by her continued verbal blunders, but still somewhat confused at what her actual blessing is...

He knew of course what video games were since Dudley would never pass up the chance to rub him being spoiled in my face by showing whatever new game he got, all the while taunting me that Freaks couldn't play games. So intellectually, He knew vaguely what Eris was talking about, but as n

he never actually played them himself, He's not fully confident what stories/games she's referencing when she's talking about them.

Of course, He got a pretty solid clue a moment later when a semi-transparent box appeared in front of his vision.


[Welcome to The Gamer System User!]

Harry stared at the floating box of text in utter confusion and shock before turning to look at Eris.

"Did it surprise you!? Hehehe." she giggled, "This is my gift to you Harry, The Gamer System, or for short, 'TGS'! Ereshkigal's version!".

"I modified it personally for you myself! Its main purpose is to help you and even grant you some special perks and equipment to help get you started!" She explained.

A moment after that, the box suddenly vanishes and a new one appears in its place.


[You've received special gifts from Goddess Ereshkigal to help you on your journey!]

[Let's look at what you got:]

He looked confusedly at the glowing box that was currently floating in front of his eyes and he stared at it for a long moment before shrugging and giving into the urge to poke at it with his finger. Like any child would do when confronted with the weird and wonderful… Probably?.

[Congratulations! You've received the following:]

[Items: x2 Keyblades: Kingdom Key and Kingdom Key D]

[Active Skill: Dual Wielding]

[Active Skill: Digimon Tamer]

[Passive Skill: Mana Aid]

[Passive Skill: Dragon Mana Core (DMC)]

[Passive Skill: Perfect Control]

[Passive Skill: Universal Energy (EP)]

He looked at the box in bewildered confusion.

"Click each one to get a description," Ereshkigal suggests/orders him.

He looks at Ereshkigal and nods in understanding. Taking a moment to work out the 'controls?' he raises a finger and then clicks on the familiar names.

He knows what they are because there was a time when this particular game was all the kids could talk about and he's seen pictures of this key-like weapon on posters.

[Keyblade: Kingdom Key:]

[The key chain attached draws out the Keyblade's true form and power.]

[This Keyblade is an iconic weapon of the Kingdom Hearts series.]

[However, this particular blade is slightly different from the original video game version, in the fact that it evolves and changes form as The Gamer, you, grows and evolves, growing ever stronger, thus completely getting rid of ever needing to get new weapons!]

[It also grants the user the ability to wield the element of light.]

[Note: Increase all rep gains with all White Knights.]

Harry stares in awe at the weapon description and immediately clicks on the other.

[Keyblade: Kingdom Key D:]

[A keyblade to the side of darkness of Kingdom Hearts.]

[Another iconic weapon of the Kingdom Hearts series and was wielded by one of Disney's most famous mascots.]

[This blade is also slightly different from its original video game version, in the fact that it evolves and changes form as The Gamer, you, grows and evolves, growing ever stronger, thus completely -getting rid of ever needing to get new weapons!]

[It also grants the user the ability to wield the element of Darkness.]

[Note: Increase all rep gains with Internet Trolls.]

"Wow... They're so cool!" Harry exclaimed excitedly.

He clicks on the next description on his list.

[Skill: Dual Wielding:]

[This skill allows The Gamer, you, to be able to equip two 1-handed weapons in each hand.]

[It also negates the damage reduction of using two weapons at once and instead increases damage.]

[Note: Because one sword isn't as good as two!]

As Harry continues to read, Ereshkigal claps excitedly.

"Dual wielding keyblades is very fun and awesome Harry so I decided to make you into a mini Roxas!"

For her efforts, she receives a deadpan stare, but she just smiles at him.

"Ok...?" He says as he forces himself to shove that odd reference to the wayside for now before he decides to move on and click on the next description.

[Skill: Digimon Tamer:]

[This skill allows the user to tame, train and raise creatures known as Digimon, which is shorthand for digital monsters.]

[The Gamer System will now act as a digital interface that will help in summoning The Gamer's, your, Digimon.]

[These Digimon will be treated as familiars and as such, they'll have no limits on how strong they grow.]

[Note: Gotta catch em all! Pok-I mean, Digimon!]

"Digimon?" He asks with some trepidation. He wasn't sure, but weren't monsters generally bad news?

He looks worriedly at Ereshkigal who is nodding happily.

"They're these fantastic creatures who live within a digital dimension. It took me forever to find them and then quite a bit of effort to connect The Gamer System into their dimension but it was totally worth it!" She explains while doing a couple of fist pumps in the air. "Not only can they grow to be very powerful, but they can also be your best friends!".

He smiles happily at the thought of having friends.

Ereshkigal then pulls out a big, and oddly colored, egg and hands it to Harry. "And here's your first one! You're going to love her, I just know it!" The Goddess gushes enthusiastically.

He looks at the white spotted and purple egg in wonder but then a box appears in front of it.


[You've received a Digimon Egg!]

[The Gamer System has registered ownership as yours and as such it will keep it until it hatches.]

[Note: You will be notified when it does.]

The egg vanishes into tiny motes of light. "I can't wait to see what Digimon hatches from it, whatever it is, I'm sure it will become a powerful and loyal friend for you, Harry!" Ereshkigal says excitedly.

Unknown to him, a wide and almost blindingly bright smile spread rapidly across his face, and Ereshkigal couldn't help but tear up a bit at witnessing such an innocent smile and only for a brief moment was she surprised when he suddenly hugs her and it doesn't take long for her to hug him back. "Go on, Harry, check the other skills."

"Ok!" He lets go and clicks on the next one.

[Passive Skill: Mana Aid:]

[This skill grants the The Gamer, you, a 50% faster MP recovery rate.]

[Note: It's the best kind of skill for magic users, e.g. YOU!]

Ereshkigal pats his head.

"As a Wizard and as of now; a Keyblade Wielder, magic is an important Stat for you, So I gave you a few skills to help you in that area."

He nods and continues on to the next one.

[Passive Skill: Dragon Mana Core (DMC):]

[This skill evolves your mana core into that of a dragon!]

[As such your max total MP gets a boast upon leveling up.]

[This skill also has the secondary effect of granting you the race: Dragovian.]

[Dragovians are an intelligent race of half-human, half-dragons from the world of Dragon Quest 8.]

[This version of the race grants all the benefits and is changed so you don't outwardly show any physical changes unless you allow them. It also grants The Gamer, you, a Dragonlord form and the ability to use breath techniques, even if The Gamer, you, are currently in their human form.]

[Note: However you must unlock your Dragonlord form first.]

"I'm a dragon?!" He exclaims in shock.

Ereshkigal giggles at Harry's expression.

"A half-dragon, Harry." She corrects him before continuing, "It is a very powerful skill, but you'll have to grow stronger first before you can enjoy its many benefits."

Harry nods in understanding and continues reading.

[Passive Skill: Perfect Control:]

[This skill allows The Gamer, you, perfect control over every source of energy The Gamer gains.]

[This includes Mana, Ki, Chakra ect. etc.]

[It also grants The Gamer, you, perfect control over any elements The Gamer gains. It also reduces the amount of energy needed for skills, spells, and techniques.]

[Notes: This skill is OP!]

[Passive Skill: Universal Energy:]

[This skill transforms all forms of energy that The Gamer, you, had or has access to into a singular type of energy (EP).]

[As such, any and all skills, spells, and techniques that use any form/different energy to function, will now use EP as its energy source, regardless of what type of energy it's used in its original form.]

[Note: All your energy belong to us, I mean you!]

"This skill will help you when you're traveling in other worlds, by allowing you to learn any skill, spell, or technique regardless if they use some weird energy type or not." He nods and smiles.

"And now let's move on, Harry. Next, you simply say; 'status' or if you want, think of that word within your mind." The Goddess instructs him.

"Ok, s-status..." He stutters out.

And instantly a new box appears in front of Him.

[Name: Harry Potter]





[-Master of Death]

[-Keyblade Wielder]

[Level: 1]

[HP: 200]

[EP: 500]

[Strength: 5]

[Vitaliy: 5]

[Dexterity: 5]

[Intelligence: 5]

[Wisdom: 5]

[Luck: 5]

Ereshkigal claps excitedly and looks at Harry.

"I'll explain what you're currently seeing, Harry. As you can see I simplified this system compared to what you might normally see in video games and those stories I've mentioned before. The reason for this is that this system was created to help you become strong and not to hinder you nor put you through hoops for the entertainment of some other omniscient beings." She paused to allow that to sink in before continuing.

"Your title of the 'Master of Death' helps you with that now this window shows your growth and the titles and races you obtain. Go ahead and click on them."

Harry then clicked on his name.

[Biography: Harry James Potter]

[Harry James Potter, is the only son of the wizard; James Andrew Potter and the witch; Lily Anne Potter nee Evans. Both of his parents loved him deeply.]

[Sadly, Harry's early life has been fought with abuse and being starved off and on throughout his early years, leading to mild to severe forms of malnutrition that may cause growth and health issues later in life if not treated soon. He has often spent long hours of his young life wondering why his relatives hate him and what he could have possibly done wrong to deserve all that hate, never realizing that he was never the one to blame for their cruelty.]

[Thankfully for Harry James Potter, his bonded Goddess of Death, Ereshkigal, Queen of the Underworld has chosen to intervene on his behalf and has granted Harry a heavily modified and powered-up version of 'The Gamer System' that was created by her to help her master grow powerful, in the hopes that he could choose his own path and thus Harry The Gamer was born.]

Harry blinks at the rather odd and condensed summary of his life and couldn't help being even more thankful for what Ereshkigal is doing to help him.

Fighting back tears, he then clicked the next description to read.

[Race: Dragovian]

[A race of half-human, half-dragon from the Dragon Quest 7 universe.]

[This race allows the use of various breath techniques which will unlock upon leveling up.]

[In addition, it also grants the ability; Dragonlord transformation, upon reaching a certain level.]

[Grants 5 to all stats per level up.]

[Grants 100 to max MP per level up.]

[ 100 to max HP per level up.]

[Note: If you aren't sure how to kill something, fire is usually a pretty good bet. Most things die if you set them on fire.]

[Race: Wizard]

[Wizards are born with the natural ability to use wand magic!]

[Grants 3 to both Wisdom and Intelligence stat per level up.]

[Grants 50 to max MP per level up.]

[Note: You're a Lizard Harry! I mean Wizard!]

"That's the main reason I gave you the dragon mana core Harry.

The extra stat gains that it grants you as you level up are a bit of a cheat but you'll probably need them as you travel and when you come back...You see... this world has powerful and terrifying beings Harry, but I promise you, You'll one day stand above them."

He shivered a bit at the mention of those powerful beings but at this point, he trusts her completely so he continues reading.

[Title: Master of Death (MoD)]

[The one who has this title is the Master of the conceptual beings known as 'Death' as such he's protected by it.]

[All omniscient beings will instinctively know not to mess with the bearer of this title as no matter who or what they are, death comes for all. Eventually.]

[This title also grants the bearer true ownership of the items known as the; Deathly Hallows and as such they can never be used against the bearer of this title.]

[The title also grants the bearer of this title immunity to instant death spells and one-shot kill skills, spells, and techniques.]

[Note: Ereshkigal is the best Death Goddess!]

[Title: Keyblade Wielder]

[This title is given to those chosen to wield a Keyblade, or two.]

[This title allows the bearer to call their keyblade to their sides at will and allows travel between worlds.]

[Note: I see a red door and I want it painted black!]

"As you can see, the Master of Death title will protect you from those meddling beings in other worlds. Death itself will come and end them if they try, so you're protected and the Keyblade wielder title will help you move around to new worlds or old worlds you've already visited."

She smiles as Harry nods and continues.

[Level (LVL): This shows your current level. Every level up you gain 5 to all stat increases and may learn new spells, techniques, and/or skills.]

[Hit Points (HP): If they reach zero, it's game over man!]

[Energy Points (EP): The source of power of all spells, skills, and techniques.]

[Strength (STR):This stat affects the damage of all physical type skills. It also increases carrying capacity.]

[Vitality (VIT): This stat affects the damage taken by physical attacks and max HP growth. It also increases endurance.]

[Dexterity (DEX): This stat affects all speed and agility-based skills, spells, and techniques. It also affects reaction time and body flexibility.]

[Intelligence (INT): This stat affects spell damage and resistance. It also increases the user's ability to understand complex issues easier.]

[Wisdom (WIS): This stat affects max EP growth and the effects of healing skills, spells, and techniques. It also grants the user better resistance to mental attacks.]

[Luck (LUK): This stat is peculiar as it affects item/mob drop rates and critical hits rates. It also subtly affects the world around you causing all kinds of weird, wacky, and wonderful events to occur to or around The Gamer, you.]

As Harry finishes reading the box contents he takes a minute to digest what he has learned and then looks at Ereshkigal. "Are you done reading Harry?"

He nods with a smile.

"Ok then, I guess you're ready to start your new journey, Harry. We won't see each other until you're back but when you arrive I'll stand by your side and together we'll put this right!" Ereshkigal says with conviction.

Knowing his time with Ereshkigal was running out he looks at her sadly and on impulse rushes up and hugs her for all he's worth, causing the surprisingly shy Goddess to blush.

"Thank you, Eris. I will never forget this gift, it has to be one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me that I can remember."

She looks briefly surprised by the nickname but smiles happily.

"You're welcome, Harry! Now get ready, you're going to a world with an easy difficulty to start with, so you'll be able to grow up safely until you're ready to go to another world."

"Ok!" He says excitedly.

With a wave of her hand, Eris summons a gateway that looks like a large black marble door that slowly opens up.

"Go, Harry! Go and have a grand adventure!" Eris says while waving him on.

Before passing through the gateway threshold, Harry pauses, then turns back towards her and takes one long last look at her and much to her surprise, there was a look of fiery determination that had appeared on his face, she couldn't help the smile spread on her face at the sight.

"I'll be waiting here for you Harry, my little Master." She smiles softly at him.

"I look forward to it Eris, I'll see you when I come back!" and with one final look at her, he nods once turns back, and then without pause or any hesitation, he walks on through the portal and was gone in an instant.

Eris, now alone once more, sadly smiles. "Safe travels, Little Master." Then she vanishes in a shroud of darkness and shadows.

(Flashback End)


We see Harry looking at his hand with a gentle smile on his face when a new window opens in front of him.

[Ding! ding!]

[Congratulations User on finishing your journey!]

[As of now, you'll be able to revisit any world you've previously visited.]

[In addition, since this world counts as the end of your journey, you're now eligible for the 'New Game mode! So everything gained during your journey becomes available and all restrictions are lifted!]

[Note: Please check your status/notification page for further information.]

His smile grows wider and wider as he continues to read all the notifications he received when he returned back to his home world.

He was very happy to learn that he would be able to summon any of his friends and coughgirlfriendcough so they can be with him in this world, not to mention all of his powers still being available to him.

For a brief moment He closes his eyes to reminisce on all the adventures he's had since that fateful night so, so long ago. The lives he's lived, the victory and sometimes the losses. It truly was a grand adventure.

Images of the worlds he's been to flash through his mind. Worlds filled with monsters and demon lords, Kings, Queens, and all the different people in between, the origins of his race of Dragovian, a ninja world and an orange-wearing Shinobi who would teach him the meaning of never giving up, a world of spirits and shinigami, worlds of fantasies, a world of giant metal knights, and a school with a lion in its banner and so many more.

"Alright... status!"

And thus Harry's new game plus begins.

Load failed, please RETRY

Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

Membuka kunci kumpulan bab


Opsi Tampilan

Latar Belakang



Komentar pada bab

Tulis ulasan Status Membaca: C1
Gagal mengirim. Silakan coba lagi
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Stabilitas Pembaruan
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • Latar Belakang Dunia

Skor total 0.0

Ulasan berhasil diposting! Baca ulasan lebih lanjut
Pilih Power Stone
Rank NO.-- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Batu Daya
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