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3.7% Naruto : Lost / Chapter 2: Chapter 2 : New World (2)

Bab 2: Chapter 2 : New World (2)


I forgot to mention this LOL

this is "Naruto" and "Teen Titans" crossover

Surprise •_• ^_°


Shortly after they had woken up, Kakashi and his team set up camp in a large empty warehouse near a river to try and figure out what had happened. He had no idea where they were, how they got here, or how to get back. Off in the distance, they could see a tower that seemed to have been made in an odd shape built on a small island in the middle of the bay.

They were sat in a circle on the ground, facing each other, as Kakashi summed up what had happened so far.

"I have nothing."

This caused the five genin sat around the white haired man to face fault. After picking themselves back up, all eyes turned to Shikamaru, the shadow user being the best at analyzing situations on their current team.

"Troublesome. Whatever Naruto was trying to do obviously didn't work the way he had hope, because I doubt he would have brought us along willingly... At least, I don't think he would by the way he was acting. Which is another reason to be concerned, because he wasn't acting anything like himself. From that, we can only assume that the Jutsu wasn't supposed to bring us to... wherever this place is. He probably made a mistake in his hand seals, which means he is as lost as us as to where we are."

After a moment of silence, they all heard a snort and turned to Ino.

"Sure sounds like him. He can't even run away right!"

"Shut up, Ino! Whatever is going on, he is still our friend!"

Surprisingly, this came from Sasuke, who was leveling a hard glare at the blonde girl.

Despite how he acted around people, Naruto included, Sasuke had a great respect for his blonde teammate. He had saved him from a fate worse than death and, even though he would never admit it, he would always feel indebted to the orange wearing knucklehead for that. He also knew what was really going through Naruto's mind when they had told him about his and Sakura's relationship. He would admit that the blondes mask was almost perfect, but he had seen the look in his eyes just before he put it on.

Yet he had still put it on for their sake.

"But he stabbed a chunin, and ran away from the village. He's nothing more than a traitor now."

Shooting to his feet in a moment of anger, Sasuke practically yelled at the purple wearing Kunoichi.

"Is that what you think? Then what does that make me? I ran away from the village too, remember? But he didn't give up on me, and I'm not giving up on him!"

"Calm down Sasuke, nobody is giving up on Naruto. Ino, think carefully before you talk from now on."

After the raven haired boy sat back down and held his girlfriends hand to try and calm down, Kakashi turned his attention back to Shikamaru.

"What do you suggest we do now?"

Raising an eyebrow at the older man, the lazy Nara let out a yawn.

"Why are you asking me? You're the team leader."

"And you're the team strategist."

"...Troublesome. Well, I guess the first thing we need to do is gather information. Wherever we are, it doesn't match anything I've seen on the maps on the Elemental Nations. My dad had me memorize all of our maps. Also, from what I heard on our way here, I don't think we speak the same language. I'd say we get Ino to use her 'Mind Transfer Jutsu' on a few random people, to try and learn what we can. Until then, we need to keep a low profile, nothing above what a civilian could do. Also, we can't look for Naruto yet."

Seeing that they were about to argue with him, Shikamaru quickly continued.

"Until we know more about wherewe are, we can't risk doing anything that could draw the attention of the people here. We don't know anything about them and, for all we know, they could have ninja stronger then even Kakashi. When we know more about this place, we can start looking for Naruto."

After thinking about what he had said, they all fell silent, unable to argue with his logic. Letting out a sigh, Kakashi nodded his head.

"Your right. We'll put off the search until we know more about where we are. Tomorrow, Ino, Shikamaru and Hinata will go and gather whatever information they can. Don't be seen and, when you're done, you will directly come back here. Until then, sleep. I'll take first watch and after that I'll wake up Sasuke. It's been a long night and I get the feeling it's not going to get any better anytime soon."


3 years later


It had been three years since Naruto had first landed in Jump City and he could honestly say he had never been happier.

After making his way out of the alley, he had wandered around for several hours. Eventually, he had come to a large, old look building that had turned out to be a library. The women at the front desk hadn't even spared him a glance as he walked in and, after looking for several hours, he had found a few books that he could read.

After that, with the help of shadow clones and sneaking in at night, the young blonde had been able to learn a lot about where he was. The first thing being that he was definitely not in the Elemental Nations and that they didn't have ninja. What they did have, however, was enough to make him cautious.

He didn't want to have to deal with the Justice League.

Actually, he didn't want to have to deal with anyone. He was in a new world and, although they had wars, Naruto felt no need to fight. He still trained, knowing that there would come a time he would need to fight, but until that time came he was happy to just live a normal life.

After finding someone that could set him up with fake papers so he could stay under the radar, Naruto began saving up money by using his clones, Henge'd into random people, to do jobs all around the city, mostly construction work. After two years, he had enough money to buy a small book shop and still have a good sum left over.

He was currently walking between the shelves, his arms full of books and a small smile on his face as he placed them in the right spot, nodding his head to several customers as he passed them.

One of the first things Naruto had done after getting money, was to buy new clothes to help him fit in. He could honestly say that he didn't miss his old 'kill me' orange and the fact people would actually sell him what he wanted just made him more angry at his treatment at the hands of Konoha and the fact that he had let them get away with it.

He now wore a black jacket over the top of a red t-shirt, a pair of tight fitting blue jeans and simple black sneakers, along with a pair of black fingerless gloves with metal plates on the back of his hands and a light brown bucket hat on top of his head that shadowed his eyes slightly. He had let his hair grow out a little, just enough to slightly cover his eyes.

He wasn't malnourished anymore, and had grown to 6'1. After three years of proper eating and training, his body had filled out. While he wasn't bulging with muscles like the body builders he had seen around the city, he wasn't skinny, and it was easy to see his muscles through his shirt.

At the time he bought the shop, he had laughed. If his friends could see him now, 'the dobe' actually willingly being around books, he could almost see the looks on their faces.

"What does it matter what they would think? It's not like they really cared about you. They were the same as everyone else in that god-forsaken village."

Letting out a sigh at hearing one of the familiar voices in his head, Naruto made sure not to react too much to it.

For years now, he had heard the voices in the back of his head. Seven, to be exact. When he had asked them who they were, all they would tell him was that they were him, just different parts of him. There was Sloth, who for all intents and purposes was smart but lazy like Shikamaru, Pride, who would always tell him to fight anyone that dared disrespect him, Gluttony, who just wanted to eat all the time, Greed, Envy, Lust, and the ever-present Wrath.

It was actually because of Wrath that he had stabbed the guard at the gate and said what he had to Kakashi. He had been so angry, that the dark voice had gained influence over him. Not enough to outright kill someone, but enough to affect his willingness to hurt people.

Despite that, and how annoying it was to have several extra voices in his head, Naruto didn't think any of them were evil, despite how they seeming to represent the Seven Deadly Sins. They all just worried about him, even Wrath, and in a way were all his friends.

"Not now, Wrath. I'm working. Besides, it doesn't matter anymore. I'm here and they're not."

He didn't say anything after that, simply humming to himself quietly as he made his way around the shop, a happy smile on his face.


As she made her way down the street towards her favorite tea shop, Raven could be heard grumbling under her breath about stupid green loudmouths and cocky robots. She didn't know why she put up with them sometimes.

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, the grey skinned girl took several deep breaths in an attempt to calm herself. It wouldn't be good if her emotions got the better of her, and she destroyed something by accident.

She ignored the people staring at her; being used to it. If anything, she had it the easiest out of all her friends. Because of her dark personality and looks, not many people would approach her, despite her popularity as a Teen Titan. She remembered when Robin had been mobbed by his fans and dragged off. It had taken them an hour to find him and whatever they did was still enough to make the boy wonder curl up into a ball and mutter about demon fan girls at the mention of it.

It was just as she was passing by a small book store that she didn't recognized that her thoughts were interrupted by a man in a business suit being thrown out of the door, followed shortly by a shout to stay out. Turning from the downed man to the door he was thrown through, Raven got a curious look on her face and walked towards the shop.

The shop was actually bigger then she had thought it would be from the outside.

It was nice; several bookshelves with all different genres were set up and set in a corner of the room at the back was a small spiral staircase leading up to a balcony overlooking the store, with some chairs and desks for people to sit while they read. Hanging from the room in several place were security cameras, strategically placed around the shop so that nowhere was left unwatched. She could see three different people sitting at one of the desks near the railing of the balcony, pouring over an old leather bound book that looked so old Raven thought it might belong in a museum. She could see that they were all wearing rubber gloves and looked to be taken notes.

Slowly making her way around the shop, stopping at random places to look at the shelves, Raven soon found herself up on the balcony. Her eyes were soon drawn to the glass cases, set up in the place of bookshelves on this level. Each case had three books inside, except for one that only had two and a blank space in between them. Walking over to inspect one of the cases, she felt her eyes widen.

In the case she had walked up to were three old books, not unlike the one she had seen the other people looking at before, bound in old worn leather. They were perfectly preserved and set on pillows of crimson velvet.

But it wasn't the decorations that had really caught her eyes. What shocked her was the fact she recognized them as spell and occult books, particularly rare ones that must have been worth a small fortune each. Raven had actually been trying to find one of these books in particular for several years now. Which begged the question, what were they doing in a small book shop in Jump City?

"Beautiful aren't they?"

Suppressing her surprise at the sudden and unexpected voice of the person who stood next to her, the grey skinned teen moved her eyes to look at the blonde boy on her right.

He didn't look any older then her, 16 at the most, but the way he was built gave him a slightly older look. He had blonde hair under a brown bucket hat. Both of his cheeks had three whisker like birthmarks and his eyes were some of the brightest blue she had ever seen. Fighting down the small blush that was starting to appear on her face at the sight of the cute blonde, Raven turned her eyes back to the books as the blonde opened his mouth once more.

"Not many people can appreciate books like these."

"They are beautiful, though I wonder how such a small shop came to possess them. That tome on the right alone is easily worth over 15,000 dollars."

"Twelve actually, I found it eight months ago in an online auction. The poor man didn't even know what he had."

Turning to look at the boy again, Raven let a little bit of surprise enter her voice.

"You own this book?"

The small smile that appeared on his face was almost enough to make her lose the battle against her blush.

"Actually, I own all of them. My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I own this store."

Accepting the offered hand, Raven shook it while giving her own name.


When she told him her name, another smile came to Naruto's lips and he gestured towards the book.

"Well Raven-san, would you like to have a look?"

To say she was shocked at his words would be an understatement. Here was a boy she had just met, offering to let her look through a twelve thousand dollar book like someone would ask about the weather.

"Are you sure that's ok? I mean, you paid a lot of money for it."

Reaching into his pocket, Naruto put on a pair of rubber gloves, pulled a small key on a chain from around his neck and unlocked the display case with a small chuckle. Pulling out the book, he walked over to one of the desks at the balcony of the room, Raven right behind him.

"I don't mind. After all, what's the point of having a book if you never read it, especially one as special as this? Normally, I would charge you for it. But since you seem to be one of the few that actually knows what it is, I think I can make an exception just this once. The fact that you're cute doesn't hurt."

This time she did blush, but thankfully he had his back turned to her so he couldn't see it.

Taking the empty seat next to the blonde and taking the gloves he gave her, she started to flip through the book. Raven soon found herself lost in its pages. Three hours later, she didn't even realize that she had been sitting there reading for hours on end and probably would have continued to do so if not for Naruto tapping her on the shoulder telling her it was closing time.

She hadn't even notice that they were the last two in the shop.

After watching the boy lock the book back in its display case, she suddenly realized that she had forgotten about the man being thrown out just as she had been passing by.

"Before I go, I was wondering something."

"Hmm... what's that?"

"The reason I came in here in the first place was because I saw a man being literally thrown out as I was passing by. Why was that?"

Taking a moment to think, Naruto continued walking around the now deserted shop, making sure everything was where it should be.

"You must mean Mister Gold. He's a private collector and has been after a lot of my collection for a while now. He didn't want to take no for an answer, so I threw him out."

Raising an eyebrow at the casual why he talked about it, Raven couldn't help the slight amusement in her voice.

"Just like that?"

"People like him think that just because they have money means they can get whatever they want. He didn't want my books so he could read them; he wanted them so no one else could have them."

She could see the logic in that, most people that collected books would never actually open them, or let anyone else for that matter. It seemed Naruto was one of the rare ones few that didn't mind letting others read his books... at least as long as they paid.

After that, she left for the tower, telling him she would be back to see more of his books. Naruto's answer to that had been a charming smile, and a promise that if she played her cards right he would let her see whatever she wanted.

The double meaning in his words left her with a blush on her face that lasted all the way until the next day.


I just put this novel on p atreon

there will be 10 chapters ahead of the public release

just $5 to read it :)

https://www.p atreon.com/sybife

or search my name : sybife


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