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42.85% Fate/Phantoms / Chapter 3: The Clash (skip)

Bab 3: The Clash (skip)

Under the night sky, at the beach you can see the white hair woman from before looking out into the open sea.

"It's so beautiful. Just like a mirror reflecting the night sky". She said with a look that says a lot.

As she took off her shoes and went closer to the bodies of water, as she got close to the wave, she started playing in the sandy water. You can tell by looking at her face that she is enjoying her time here.

"It's so much fun walking around a new town, accompanied by a gentleman". She said as she stop playing in the water.

"Did I make an acceptable gentleman?" Ask Saber.

"You were perfect. You were a wonderful knight today". She said while also giving a compliment to saber.

"You honor me princess". Reply Saber while bowing to the woman to show her appreciation.

"Saber, do you like the sea?" She ask.

"I suppose I don't really know. In my age and country, the sea was where my enemies arrived. I've hated it, but never once have I admire it". Said Saber

At the tide of the beach the woman was standing there looking out. "I'm sorry about that. Your a woman just like me. Yet, when you were King Arthur, you couldn't afford to enjoy anything like this". She said feeling bad about what she has said.

But Saber shook her head and replied. "And you, Irisvel? Would you not have preferred walking around the city with Kiristugu instead?".

"I couldn't make him do that. It would only hurt his feelings". Irisvel said looking towards Saber with a sadden look.

Saber was surprised by this and so she have to ask. "Does Kiristugu not enjoy spending time with you?".

"He's someone who find happiness painful". Replied Irisvel with a faraway look.

As they were staying quiet enjoying the peaceful blowing of the wind, Saber suddenly came beside Irisvel and told her that an enemy Servant has appeared.

"An enemy Servant has appears". Said Saber to warned Irisvel of the dangers.

"Yes" was all that she said.

"He's making his presence known from the shadows, 100 meters from here. He seem to be inviting us there". Replaying what's she is getting from the other Servant.

"How thoughtful. So he wishes to choose the battlefield. Shall we take him up on his offer?". Irisvel ask with a smile on her face looking towards Saber.

"We shall" said Saber smiling back at her.


As cars are moving across the red bridge, if we look towards the top we can see two silhouette. As we take a closer look, we can see that it's Rider and the boy from before.

The boy from before seems to be afraid of being this high up, and so with teary eyes he ask "Rider, let's go back down. Right now!". He ask with a shaky voice.

*Gulp* as Rider took a sip of whatever he's holding, he turn his attention away from the bottle and look towards the shaking form of the boy.

"What? This is the perfect vantage point, why should we go down just because your afraid of a little height". Rider replied back confused as to why they should go for something so trivial.

"I- I'm going to fall! I mean, let me down! I- I can't take this anymore…" was all he said while ignoring what Rider is saying.

"Don't be so impatient. Waiting is also an important part of war!" Rider said trying to explain to him why being patient is important.

As if not hearing what Rider said, he kept on waning about being on top of the bridge. "I wanna go home. I wanna go home to England…".

"I already told you to stop being so impatient. Look it appears that things have begun to unfold". Rider said pointing towards the harbor while laughing.

When Rider said that something was about to happen, the boy turn his head towards what Rider was talking about and what he saw was two women facing a man who is duel wielding a spear that are both different color.

The different colors seem to symbolize something special about the spear, was what the boy thought.

"This will be fun!" Was all Rider said before showing a big smile on his face.


Once Saber and Irisviel made it to harbor, what awaited them was a man holding two spears on his shoulder. Each of the spear giving off weird signature and not in a good way.

When Saber looks towards the man she new that he must be the one who sent out that signaled.

As Saber and Irisviel look around the area trying to see if there's any hidden enemy, Lancer started speaking to them.

"Welcome. I have spent the entire day searching this city. Yet, everything simply hides away in their little holes". Lancer said, walking towards the middle of the pathway.

As he got to the front where he can look towards the two Master and Servant. He said towards them with appreciation in his voice. "You, brave one, are the only one who responded to my invitation".

When lancer looks their way Saber got in front of Irisvel to protect her if anything happened.

"That pristine valor… you are Saber, I presume?" He said with confidence knowing that he's correct in his assumption.

"Indeed". She admitted as she see no point in hiding her class when it's about to be revealed in their soon to be clashed.

"And you must be Lancer". Saber ask Lancer more out of courtesy than a question.

Already knowing the answer, he continue on with his speech. "I regret we cannot exchange name even though we shall be fighting to the death. It is the fault of those unfortunate rules".

Once his finished saying what he needed, he swing his spear around while looking towards Saber, to say 'show me what you can do'.

*swish* *swash*

As he faces Saber with his dual spears, the air around Saber suddenly light up and than a tornado of wind came up, covering Saber from head to toe's, not letting anything be seen.

When the cocoons of wind disperse, what lies was a woman that seems to be wearing a armor that is a mix of a dress and a knights armor.

As Saber Change into her position, the wind around her calm down. When getting into her position she put her hand forward as if she's holding a sword made of wind, but to the outside view, she's holding nothing.

Once Saber got into her stance, Irisviel came up beside her and said towards Saber to be careful. "Saber, be careful. I can use healing magic to heal you, but nothing more".

"Very well than, leave Lancer to me". Replied Saber.

"It worries me more that the other Master is nowhere to be seen. They may be plotting something. Please be careful". Said Saber, more worried about Irisviel than herself.

"Irisviel, please cover my back". And so she's putting her trust in Irisviel to cover for her if anything get out of hand.

Irisviel having complete trust in Saber capabilities, replied "Very well, Saber. Bring me victory". with absolute confidence.

"Yes, without fell".


"Hahaha, so the battle is about to begin. This will be quite the clash to be hold". Said Rider, who's excited to see what their capable of.

"Don't you think so too Caster". Said Rider awaiting for the fight that's about to happen when he suddenly turn his head towards the mysterious man who is sitting beside Waver.

He seem to be in his early twenties, but the most striking feature about the mysterious man were his eyes which give off a feeling of love and care.

The warmth from this man eyes could calm a person with just a look. Looking at him you'll felt like you can put your trust in him and he'll protect you until you died of old age.

"Yes, this will definitely be a interesting match to see. But aren't you interested in joining in on the fun?". Replied the mysterious man.

"No, I'm not interested in fighting them, yet, what I want are allies, comrades to have in my armies for future endeavor. That's why I would like to ask, would you like to join my army and we'll conquer the world". Rider said as he show his hand towards Caster who only seem to stare at it for a bit before turning back to look at the giant.

"That is a tempting offer but I must decline for I have a much bigger problems to deal with, my apologies for not accepting you offer". Said Caster

"Hmm it is a shame but that's not a problem, maybe I'll ask again, another time once you've cleared your problems". Even though Rider disappointed by his answer, he's still have a chance to ask the other to join him and his army.

"I might reconsider if I ever fixes the problem, but for now shall we focus on the clash that's already happening?"

"Yes, your right we must scout out and see what they're capable o-" before he can continue speaking another voice interrupted him.

"Wait! Your just gonna let him be. This is our chance to take him out of the game!" Replied waver who has stay quiet this whole in tired time.

"If we take him out now, it'll be one less enemy to deal with". Waver said, momentarily forgetting about his fears.

"It is like he said Waver, patient is a key in a battle, for the first person to loses their patience is the first to fall". Replied the mysterious man.

"Even if you and Rider were to face me, what can you do. I've already gathered enough information to know what type of person Rider and who he is, but you knows nothing of me".

"So what will you do Waver, will you face an enemy you know nothing of or will you wait and see what I'm capable of". Was all that Caster said for Waver to be left speechless.



(5 minutes before)

POV: Saber

As the spearman look at me I felt it, a curse of some kind tried to affect me but my high magic resistance were able to protect me.

"Charm magic" I said, as I watch him get up from his fighting position.

"My apologies. It's a curse I was born with. I'm afraid there's nothing I can do about it. You can blame my birth or the fact that you were born a woman". Was all he said.

'Hump even if you may have a curse that gave you a advantage, it won't be much against me'.

With this though I replied with "Surly you aren't expecting your pretty face to save you from my blade, spear-wielder".

"It would be quite the killjoy if it did".

"I see. The anti-magic skill of a Saber-class Servant is no fairytale". It seem he figured out why it didn't work on me, but it's not surprising given how he seem to be very skilled in what he does.

"Very well".

"Cutting down a woman softened by my face would only soil my reputation, anyway. I'm glad my very first opponent is one of mettle".

"Oh? So you desire a fair fight. I consider myself fortunate to encounter such a proud Heroic Spirit".

"Well than…let us begin". Was all the spearman said, before we both stay quiet, looking for the right moment to strike. At that moment I push off the ground and move towards him at speed impossible for the human eye to see.

When I made it to him I gave a powerful horizontal slash towards the left which he was able to block, but some of the rocky paths were destroyed from that swing alone.

As he tried to stab me from the right, I was able to move back a little and dodge it. And so I went back on the aggressive and start slashing him from different ways but he was able to black and counter most all of them, but there are small wounds that are starting to form on him.

I move back to gain a bit of distance and than I go for a powerful and fast overhead swing and yet again he was able to black it by putting both of his spear in a 'X' motion to stop my attack. As I go to make some spaces between us, he suddenly went in and try to stab me with his spear, but I was able to block it and the one that I wasn't able to counter were either black or dodge.

As I was able to push him back by almost a meters, I try to move back, but he's already on me. When he was about to land a hit on me, I was able to move out of the way. The spear the I dodge kept moving forward hitting a container, destroying the whole thing with that one attack.

We have been going at it for a while now, going back and forth between the two of us, but none of us are willing to give up that easily. He would mostly be on aggressive but with my defense, I was able to match against his fast ferocious attack.

As we both look at each, not letting out guard down for even a moment as I would occasionally look towards his spear as I noticed that the longer spear he's holding seem to alarmed my danger senses every time it get close to touching me. But the problem is which one is his Noble Phantasm.

As we gave each other a stare down, he suddenly rush in to stab me and I was able to dodge it, but than he went for a slash, which I was able to block it with some difficulty and push it away.

'He's definitely a heroic spirit skilled in the sue of spears. But that will not suffice'.

He tried to forward stab me with his right spear and I was able to block it, but suddenly he went for a horizontal slash from below, probably trying to hit my leg. But I was able to jump over it in time. Next he went for a slash which I block it, after that he went for a stab, which set up his next attack, that is a powerful slash that was able to sent me skidded across the dirt.

"What's wrong, Saber? You've on the defensive". He said annoyed with my defensive play.

'He's good. I need to be careful and not let him get a hit on me'.

As I burst forward, I gave a overhead swing which he was able to parry and as he was still in the motion of parrying my blade, I change my stance getting out of the blade lock. I go for another powerful swing, but he was able to escape quickly from my blade and well for the most part I was able to draw some blood from him.

As Lancer made some space between us, we stare at each other trying to gaged what the other will do. But the staring contest doesn't last long as he started speaking again.

"While there is no honor in a battle fought without an exchange of names, allow me to offer my regards. It is impressive for a woman to fight this much without even breaking a sweat" Lancer said to me.

And so I replied with honest thoughts. "You need not be so humble, Lancer. Even without knowing your name, word from such a master of the spear do me honor".

"I accept them gratefully".


POV: narrator

"That's enough fun, Lancer" said a voice coming from somewhere.

When Irisvel heard the voice, she tried to find where the voice is coming from. And so she ask herself if this person is "Lancer's Master?".

"Do not allow this battle to drag out. Saber is a formidable opponent. Defeat her with all haste". The master of Lancer said, annoyed with how the battle is being drag out longer than he expected.

On top of one of the building you'll see a man standing there looking down at the fight, this is Lancer Master, Kaynate El-Melloi Archibald.

As he look down at the fight, he said towards Lancer. "You may use your Noble Phantasm". Which surprised Saber and Irisvel as they wonder which of the spears is the Noble Phantasm.

Lancer and Saber look towards one another, as Saber is awaiting to see which is his trump cards.

"Understand, my lord" as Lancer drop his shorter spear and brings up his other spear. The cloth that was covering the spear before is dispersing into black smoke and what's revealed is the full look of the red spear.

When seeing his action, Saber thought 'So the long spear is his Noble Phantasm'.

As he swong his spear to the side, he looks towards Saber. "That's right. I shall go for the kill now".

Still looking towards Saber, he saw that she's still hiding her sword from him. "Saber, you're still using mana to conceal your blade with wind?"

And as he thought about it, he can probably guess that it have something to do with her identity. "I see. So you have a reason to hide your sword. My guess is that your sword revealed your true name".

"How unfortunate, Lancer. You will never know the name of my blade". Saber said as she got in her stance.

"I will finish this before than".


(ノ´・ω・)ノ ミ ┸━┸

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