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23.68% Parenting Class / Chapter 9: 9. Hermione was Right! Like always

Bab 9: 9. Hermione was Right! Like always


Parenting Class

Hermione was Right! (Like always)

"What's on the end of that chain?" Harry asked nervously, peering down at the Forbidden forest, where the chain trailed into, Hagrid on the outside and wrapping the end of his half around a gigantic metal stake in the ground outside his house. "We don't have Care of Magical Creatures today, do we?"

"We do," Hermione answered miserably, hugging Draco to her. "But whatever Hagrid brought Dumbledore had to have approved of...right? Right? Harry?"

"There's no telling with Hagrid," Harry muttered, watching as the half-giant finished tying the chain and entered his cabin, a large grin on his face. "Whatever is on that leash sure doesn't sound too friendly."

"Are we really going to get eaten?" Draco whimpered, glancing fearfully up at Hermione.

"I was just joking," the girl assured, though she wasn't quite sure that was true. She knew in her heart Hagrid was a wonderful person who never meant to bring anything dangerous to class...but his definition of dangerous was far different then everyone else's.

"Let's just head down and hope Hagrid knows what he's doing," Harry sighed, leaving the window and entering his room. Hermione nodded her agreement and after dropping Draco off in his room, she entered her own and got dressed, pulling her hair back in a high ponytail on top of her head. If she was dealing with something dangerous, she wanted full sight available...her bushy hair wasn't going to be the result of an accident.

Taking one last glance at herself in the mirror, Hermione gave a smile of satisfaction and left, teetering slightly as she pulled her book bag over her shoulder. Harry was standing at the door with Draco, the child dressed in once more, a black shirt and pants, the black robes over it.

"We really need to get you some more clothes, Draco," she announced. "Everyday you're dressed in solid black."

"But that's all I have in my trunk," the boy pouted, "not my fault."

"Well, we do have a Hogsmeade trip coming up in two days," remarked Harry as they passed down the corridor to breakfast, a bright orange poster with the words Hogsmeade in capital letters at the top and pictures beneath it. "Maybe we can go then."

"That would work perfectly," Hermione squealed, clapping her hands together. "I can so see one of those bobble hats on you! And little red mittens!"

"Don't you think it's a bit early for winter clothes?" Harry queried, though he went unnoticed as Hermione began to plan what she was going to buy, the child walking next to her paling slightly.

Breakfast was normal, save the fact Hermione couldn't stop talking about the bobble hat and Ron didn't eat nearly as much as he normally did (only two plates today.) "Is something upsetting your stomach?" Harry asked his friend quietly, the lack of food quite noticeable.

"Didn't you hear that roar this morning?" the redhead whispered, freckles standing out starkly against his skin, white with fright. "Something bad is going to happen, I know it."

"Here comes something bad," Harry whispered back, as a small boy plopped himself down next to Ron, followed by a rather tired looking Lavender. Ron looked at Terry in horror and edged down the bench closer to Ginny, now talking to Hermione about the hat with Draco squished between them.

"Help me," Ron pleaded, pointing at the little Ravenclaw, steadily sliding towards his guardian, an impish smile on his face. "I don't like the way he's looking at me." And indeed, anyone would be scared with the child's hands wrapped around a bowl of oatmeal, preparing to throw it.

With a happy shriek, Terry launched the bowl and it flew through the air. Ron looked up as it spiraled down towards him, brown goop already raining over his head. Making a quick (yet rather stupid decision) Ron hopped over Ginny and pushed the girl into the food's path, the bowl landing on her head a second later.

The hall fell dead silent as Ginny picked the bowl up and set it on the table, oatmeal dripping down her face and clinging to her hair, brown eyes smoldering. "Ron," she said calmly, "I am going to KILL YOU!" she cried, lunging forward and tackling her brother off of the bench.

"Shouldn't we stop them?" Draco asked, tugging on Hermione's robes as she watched Ginny tickling Ron, the boy bright red in the face and laughing uncontrollably, arms flailing and his legs kicking wildly, trying to dislodge his sister.

"Nah...he does deserve that," Hermione snickered, ignoring her friend's shouts for help, face turning blue from lack of oxygen.

"Should we help him now?" the child asked innocently as Ron stopped moving, face bright purple.

"RON! OH GOD! BREATHE!" Ginny shouted, pounding his chest. "WAKE UP DAMNIT!" Ron jolted and coughed, the purple fading away to a very bright red and he blinked blearily up at Ginny. "I'M SO SORRY!" she sobbed, cradling the boy's head in her arms.

"It's all right, Ginny," Ron comforted, pulling himself out of her grasp. "What are you all staring at?" he asked testily, looking around at the gawking students.

"You," a Slytherin said, smirk on his face.

Ron rose slowly from the floor, hands clenched in fists, ready for a fight. Hermione looked around the room, wondering where all the teachers happened to be. "You wanna fight?" the Gryffindor asked, striding towards the fourth year.

"Bring it on."

Just before Ron could even throw a punch a small blond haired child was standing between the two, hands outstretched. "Fighting isn't right," Draco said softly, staring straight into Ron's light blue eyes and then turning and looking at the Slytherin's dark brown. "Please don't...you'll get in trouble."

The two boys glared at each other before Ron lowered his fists and the Slytherin tucked away his wand. "Oh Draco!" gushed Pansy, rushing out and tackling her little friend. "You were so brave!" Cameras clicked at the pair, Pansy once more on top of Draco and hugging him around the neck.

"What is going on here?" came the demanding voice of Snape, striding into the Hall and seeing a large ring of students...that normally meaning a fight.

"Draco was brilliant, Uncle Sev!" Pansy cried, hugging the Potions Master around the legs. The teacher raised an eyebrow at his new name. "It is all right if I call you that, isn't it?" Pansy asked, looking adoringly up at Snape.

"You can call him Uncle Sev, Pansy," Draco smiled, hugging his beloved uncle too. "Uncle Sev doesn't mind, right Uncle Sev?"

"Of course not," Snape said warmly, ruffling Draco's hair. More cameras flashed. "What are you looking at?" Snape growled. Immediately, students turned back to their

breakfasts, not wanting to face the wrath of Snape.

"Now why didn't that happen for me?" Ron groaned, banging his head on the table.

"Because I," Snape said authoritatively, "happen to be a respected teacher at this school." With a sweep of his robes the man made his way to the head table, Draco and Pansy following along behind, unnoticed by Snape.

"Where'd Draco go?" Hermione asked, looking around for her charge. "He was here just a second ago."

"Don't look now," Ginny snickered, "but someone is going to be in big trouble." Hermione glanced up at the Head Table where Ginny was pointedly not looking and her mouth fell in horror. "Told you not to look."

Draco and Pansy were creeping along the side, putting fireworks in every plate of food, unnoticed by the teachers as they ate their meals. "Where did they get fireworks?" Hermione moaned, already seeing detention looming.

"Hey, Hermione?" asked a slightly panicked Neville, rushing over. "Have you seen Pansy?" The girl pointed. His mouth dropped. "So that's where my fireworks from Fred and George went."

"We are all going to die," Harry cried, Ginny patting his shoulder and attempting to console him. It was much to late now to warn the professors as several of the dishes began to glow a deep red in the center. Didn't mean Hermione didn't try.

"WATCH-" the dishes exploded, sausages and bacon soaring over heads, pancakes flipping onto laps, orange juice spilling, and oatmeal spraying, while brightly colored fireworks burst cheerfully overhead "out," she finished lamely.

By now the room was in utter chaos (worse then Draco's first incident at the head table) as the fireworks lit robes on fire and blinded people with the flashing. Students screamed in terror as a large one, resembling the Hogwarts Express, barreled over the Ravenclaw table, breakfast plates burning up and food flying.

"Why us?" Harry sobbed, slamming his head on the table, completely oblivious of the screaming students around him as they pushed and shoved for the door. "Why did our charge have to be friends with that girl?"

Dodging flying objects, Hermione grabbed Draco around the waist and Pansy by the hand and tugged them desperately to the exit, the children protesting, as they wanted to watch the disaster they had started.

Neville ran forward and picked Pansy up, and then bolted, Hermione close behind and Ginny yanking the still stunned Harry, now seeing little flying Firebolts around his head from the repeated banging on the table.

"Made it," Hermione gasped, dropping Draco onto the grass beneath a large tree on the school grounds, the boy tumbling and doing a somersault. "I don't think...anyone saw them."

"We were...lucky," panted Blaise, glaring at Pansy who smiled back at him and went to sit next to Draco, excited giggles being exchanged. "I could of sworn Dumbledore saw us though."

"He...probably...won't tell," puffed Ginny, clutching her rapidly beating heart. "They're just...kids after...all."

"Is Harry...okay?" wheezed Hermione, looking at the dazed looking boy.

"RRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRR!" The earth shook beneath everyone's feet as the loud cry sounded and Harry started, eyes widening.

"Well, it was great talking to you," Ginny said quickly, rising to her feet. "Bye Draco, bye Mione. Bye Harry," he said, planting a quick kiss on his cheek, "have fun with Hagrid!" The Gryffindor then sprinted off for the safety of the castle.

"I was starting to feel better," Harry muttered, clambering to his feet, "but now I'm not so sure." Draco and Pansy both ran to Hermione and hugged the girl around her legs.

"What was that?" Pansy asked, shuddering in fear.

"That is what we're going to be looking at today in Care of Magical Creatures."

"I don't wanna go!" Neville picked her up and swung her over his shoulder. "I DON'T WANNA GO! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME! PUT ME DOWN! DOWN I SAY! DDDDDOOOOOWWWWNNNNN!" Neville ignored her and proceeded towards Hagrid's cabin, a grim look on his round face.

Hermione did the same with Draco, although her charge just sat quietly in her arms, intrigued although still frightened. When they arrived at the cabin, Hagrid was rubbing his hands together gleefully.

"I've got a big surprise for yer today," he chuckled, smiling widely down at the class. "Jus lemme go get 'em." Sticking two fingers in his mouth, Hagrid whistled a trill and then waited. Loud stomping and crashing from the trees sounded and the ground shaking. "Ere he comes."

"Is that what I think it is?" Hermione asked faintly, the creature stepping through the trees, tossing its head proudly.

"This ere's Norbert," Hagrid said reaching up and patting the dragon on its neck. "Aw, don' worry. He's perfectly harmless," the teacher said as students backed away and began to withdraw their wands.

"Hagrid," Harry said softly, staring into the golden eyes of the dragon, "isn't Norbert supposed to be in Romania?"

"Well, ere's the thing 'Arry. Why don't you all sit down and I'll explain?" Timidly, the class sat down, wands still drawn in case they needed to defend themselves. Draco sat in Hermione's lap, watching the dragon with interest.

Norbert had grown a lot since the three Gryffindors had last seen him. He had to be about forty feet long by now! The jet black ridges along his back glistend in the sun, his scales glittering and his bronze horns too bright to look at. He sat on his haunches, a large band of metal wrapped around his mouth and attactched to the chain.

"Norbert es a Norwegian Ridgeback," Hagrid said fondly, still petting his dragon. "Des are said to be one of da rarer dragon breeds nowadays. Ridgebacks develop der fire-breathing 'bilites earlier then da other breeds..."

"What do they eat?" Draco asked, smiling up at Hagrid.

"Well...lotsa things. Normally large land mammals and water-dwelling creatures, though that is extremely rare fer a dragon ta eat."

"Can we pet him?"

"Of course," Hagrid beamed, the rest of the class looking at the little Slytherin in shock. He actually wanted to get near enough to touch it?

"Hagrid," Hermione said nervously, wrapping an arm around Draco so he couldn't leave, "how safe is Norbert?"

"Tis an interesting fact," the gamekeeper mused, looking down at the class. "Norbert was put under several stunning spells and had es claws removed. Den, dey put that band around his mouth...won't come undone unless someone undoes it. As long as he don't step you, you'll be all right."

"Can I please pet him Hermione? Please?" Draco begged, eyes shining brightly.

The girl glanced at Draco's eager looking face to the dragon, a puff of smoke exiting its nostrils, to Hagrid, looking hopeful, and sighed. "All right...but be very, very careful."

"Now, approach em carefully and slowly," Hagrid cautioned, watching as Draco ran up and then slowed down. "Jus reach out and touch his scales...right here," the half-giant said, taking Draco's small hand in his large and guiding it over the shining scales.

"They're really smooth," Draco remarked, now petting the dragon on his own, Hagrid watching like a proud father. "Can I ride him?" Tears of happiness gathered in Hagrid's eyes and he reached down and hugged Draco to him, the child squealing as he was swung around in a wide arc in the air. Giving him one last squeeze, Hagrid set the child on top of the dragon's back, right behind the wings where there were no sharp ridges.

"If everyone could come up 'ere and take one o' dese papers..." the class moved hesitantly forward and took a paper with a diagram of the dragon with blanks to fill in the parts off of a stack. "Jus sit down and finish em. When yer done, feel free ta come up an' pet Norbert."

"Looks like Draco really does resemble his name," Hermione said as she sat down in a small circle with Harry, Ron and Lavender, Terry on Lavender's lap.

"What do you mean?" asked the other Gryffindor girl, looking up and waving at Draco, still on Norbert's back, who waved back happily.

"In Latin, Draco means Dragon. I guess it just seems natural that he gets along with them. I'm honestly quite surprised he isn't terrified of it though. I wouldn't want to touch it."

"Well, I'm not going near that thing," Ron declared, glaring at Norbert who snorted. "It almost bit my hand off in first year!"

"Hagrid did say he was perfectly safe," Harry said. "But what is he doing here?" Hagrid, who had been walking towards them heard the question.

"I wanted ter have my classes study a dragon," the gamekeeper explained, settling himself down with a groan next to Hermione. "And the Ministry said as long as safety precautions were taken, it shouldn't be a problem."

"How was Norbert doing in Romania?" Harry queried.

"The very best," Hagrid boasted. "Charlie said he's the best fire-breather dey have ever 'ad! An' he tells me dat Norbert's got a girlfriend up in the herd. My little baby 'as grown up so much."

The small group continued to talk about Norbert and fill in their charts, no one watching the tiny Slytherin. "I'm sorry," Draco whispered to the dragon, patting the large neck. "I wouldn't want to be chained up either." Norbert snorted his agreement.

Taking a glance around him, Draco realized no one was looking at them. Using the dragon's ridges as a ladder, Draco shimmied his way up the neck until he was sitting on top of Norbert's head.

Latching his legs carefully around the horns, the child lowered himself down and began to fumble with the lock, his fingers easily going inside of it. A second later, a soft click sounded and it fell to the ground, accompanied with the loud banging of the muzzle.

Norbert let out a screech, tossing its head back and students screamed. With a toss of his head, Norbert tossed Draco in the air and then caught him neatly inside his mouth, a smirk on the dragon's face.

"HE JUST ATE DRACO!" Hermione screamed, jumping to her feet and running towards the dragon, who now free of his restraints had just taken into the sky. "HE'S GETTING AWAY!"

Hagrid chuckled nervously. "That wasn't supposed ter happen."


"GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF," Harry yelled, grabbing Hermione by her arm and stopping her. "YOU HAVE TO CALM DOWN!"


"YES!" Hermione shut up and Harry took a calming breath. "Look, panicking isn't going to help Draco...having a level head will."

"HE LANDED ON THE ROOF!" shouted Ron, pointing up at the highest tower of Hogwarts. "HURRY! GET THE BROOMS!" By now most of the school in the front half of the building had heard the commotion and were rushing outside to see the problem.

"What is going on here?" Snape ordered, having been on a break and walking around outside when he'd heard the screaming.

"HE ATE DRACO!" came Hermione's frenzied sobs as several of the quidditch players mounted brooms to go up and 'battle' the dragon, praying the child hadn't been killed yet.

Snape's eyes hardened and he snatched Harry's prized Firebolt from his hands and mounted, Harry saying nothing, just watching in shock as Snape kicked off the ground and sped like lightning at the dragon.

"I never knew Snape could fly," Harry said, watching in amazement as the potions professor darted nimbly around the beast, wand firing little spells at its head and belly, the only sensitive areas not protected by scales. "He's incredible."

Seconds later, Norbert fell over and the castle shuddered at the impact while Snape hurriedly landed next to it. Several other teachers emerged from a door on the rooftop and knelt next to the stunned dragon.

From inside of the dragon, if you listened closely, you could hear banging. "He's alive," McGonagall breathed, sagging in relief. "Doesn't even sound like he went to far in...let's open its mouth and take a look."

Flitwick charmed the dragon's mouth to rise and McGonagall and Snape peered in to see a small boy clinging to one of the sharper teeth right before he feel down the throat and into the stomach.

"Uncle Sev!" he cried happily, a large smile on his face. "That was so much fun! I could feel us going up!" McGonagall laughed and Snape glared at his godson, who merely smiled back. "What happens if I let go?" he asked, his grip starting to slip.

"Then the stupid dragon would have officially eaten you," Snape scowled. "Swing your legs this way and jump." Draco did so and landed on the dragon's tongue. "Now crawl out." He did so and was pulled immediately into a tight hug by his godfather. "Don't you ever worry me like that again," he murmured into the silky blond hair, now covered with saliva, not that Snape noticed.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Sev," Draco apologized, hugging the man around his neck. "But I didn't want Norbert to be tied up...he was sad."

"And I would rather that dragon be sad then you its lunch."

"Did you kill him?" Draco panicked, looking at the still form of the Ridgeback.

"No, sweetheart," McGonagall assured, "just stunned him. Although I am surprised Severus...stunning a dragon by yourself? My my..."

"It probably did help that Norbert lost his claws and couldn't blow fire," Flitwick announced. "I remember reading that the Ministry forced the dragon to drink some potion that halted its fire-breathing...and with that in effect, it probably dulled its senses a bit too."

"Do you think we should let the students know that he's alive?" asked Pomfrey, staring down at almost the entire school, now gathered at the base of the castle.

"Probably," McGonagall agreed. "Any ideas how to get him away from Severus?" It appeared that the Potions teacher wasn't quite ready to let his godson free of his arms for a long time, and the child seemed quite content to stay wrapped up in the hug.

"Nope...but we can just do this. Sonorus." The nurse walked to the edge of the and looked down at the students. "DRACO MALFOY IS PERFECTLY ALL RIGHT! PLEASE CONTINUE ON TO YOUR NEXT CLASS UNLESS YOU HAPPEN TO BE HIS GUARDIANS! PLEASE MEET US AT THE HOSPITAL WING."

"See Mione? Draco's fine," Harry said, giving his friend a hug. Hermione gave a weak nod then went limp in Harry's arms. "Mione? Mione?" The girl had fainted.

The trio got the rest of the day off; seeing as Hermione had gone through 'emotional trauma' and Draco needed time to recuperate. Harry was actually quite certain it was Snape and Hermione needing the time though...Draco seemed perfectly fine to him.

"Are you ready to go down to dinner, Hermione?" Draco asked, sitting on the foot of the girl's bed, now dressed in a clean set of clothes and slightly damp hair from his bath.

"I guess so," she murmured, sitting up. "Where'd Snape go?" The Potions teacher had refused to leave the child's side for the entire day, and Harry had had to smile at that. Showed Snape at least cared a lot about someone.

"Professor Dumbledore made him go to dinner," the child said. "We're supposed to go too once you woke up."

"Then let's go." Hermione exited her room, Draco trailing behind her like a dog and into the common room where Harry was waiting. He smiled at her and then got up and joined the group, picking Draco up and setting the child on his shoulders.

When they entered the Great Hall, people smiled and waved at Draco; happy the boy was all right. After the group had settled down at the Gryffindor table and had started on their dinner, Dumbledore stood up to make an announcement.

"Attention students," he called, the room hushing. "I'm quite certain you've all heard about today's incident with the dragon...as it stands, Norbert will be going back to Romania tomorrow-" here a loud sob was heard from Hagrid- "where he will stay and live out his days. For those of you who don't know what happened, young Mr. Malfoy was eaten by Norbert earlier today, but is perfectly all right...we unfortunately can't say the same for his guardian." All heads turned to Hermione, who was clutching Draco to her and refusing to let go.

"And we now conclude the day...please remember that we have a Hogsmeade trip in two days for third years and over. Please do come if you can, it will be most enjoyable." The headmaster sat back down and talk restarted.

"I can't wait!" Draco laughed, clapping his hands together. "I can go, can't I?"

"Of course," Harry promised, ruffling the boy's hair. But inside his head Harry was thinking a different thought. 'We should be fine...Draco can't cause too much trouble, right?" At that second a little girl approached the table, eyes shining mischievously. 'Draco can't,' Harry concluded, 'but Pansy can."

Author's Notes:

Phew! I thought I might not be able to get it up in time! I've been so tired lately I just haven't had the energy to type. And once more, I've done it on a Sunday XD Quite obsessed with KFC now on Neopets...I want that avi! For those who don't know what I'm talking about, ignore me.

I'm estimating between 5-7 chapters left of little Draco, then a break with all three of them as their normal aged selves, and then we're diving into Harry! And please let me know if I did oki on Hagrid's voice...I tried very hard XD

Thanks so much for everyone's continued support of this fic! I'd luv to hear more feedback from you!

And a new note...this stupid editing system just deleted all of the comments I wrote you all ::Growls at computer:: so sorry, they won't be here this week. And I probably won't carry them over but I will give you a thanks and answer any major questions. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and let's hope my stupid computer doesn't delete all the comments next week! Till then!

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