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A Dark Force Stalking In The Shadows.

Chapter 55 A Dark Force Stalking In The Shadows.

POV Third Person

Somewhere in the Forest of Chaos.

Under the dead of night and heavy rain, two police officers patrol the Forest of Chaos looking for heroes or unconscious police officers in the bushes or hanging from the trees. This is due to the chaotic laughing gas released by Child Emperor, which rendered a large number of heroes and police officers unconscious.

"Sergeant, this forest is scary… How about we meet a monster? Do you think there are still active traps? Did you hear what happened to Bubble Girl?" A rookie officer asks shakily, pointing his flashlight at anything suspicious as a blush spreads across his face.

It turns out that when Bubble Girl was found by a search and rescue team, she was stark naked, sweaty, and exhausted, muttering incoherently about perverted tentacles and spaceships. Therefore, rumors quickly spread among police officers and some heroes, giving rise to endless theories.

"Shut up… and keep your eyes open, rookie… This forest has ears." The Sergeant answers, tensing a bit at the mention of Bubble Girl.

"The forest can hear us?!" The rookie cop exclaims, looking quickly in all directions with his pale face.

"Damn… are things so bad that they have to set me up with a rookie fresh out of the police academy? I don't get paid enough for this." The sergeant mutters.

"Did you say something?" The rookie cop asks cluelessly after being distracted by watching a spider eat a fly.

"Nothing…" The sergeant snorts, continuing with the task assigned to him, while the rookie policeman follows close behind, visibly scared.

However, not long after and in the heavy rain, a small tremor shakes the ground below them. Thus causing both policemen to immediately stop with their eyes wide open in panic before another tremor a little stronger than the previous one occurs.

"Sergeant, don't tell me that perhaps... Did we activate a trap?" The rookie cop asks slowly with beads of sweat and rain running down his face, while his shaky flashlight is pointed in the direction of a small crack that is getting bigger and bigger not far from him.

"Sergeant?" He asks again after getting no answer only to realize that the sergeant is away from him, quickly fleeing the area.

"Run, Rookie! RUN!" The sergeant exclaims, quickly disappearing into the trees. Due to the current situation, many police officers prefer to run away and let the heroes deal with whatever horrors Child Emperor's imagination can unleash.

"Sergeant! Wait for me!" The rookie cop exclaims in panic, just before another strong tremor shakes the ground beneath him violently, knocking him to the ground and sending his heart rate up to extreme levels.

Suddenly, a limp hand emerges from the crack in the ground in front of him, causing his breathing to become erratic and him to freeze in fear. Immediately after, an emaciated figure slowly begins to emerge from the ground… A figure covered in numerous wounds, burns, and mud before beginning to stagger in the direction of the rookie officer.

"I'm here… And I need help…" All Might in his haggard form mutters, breathing heavily and on the verge of collapse with a conflicted look on his face.

However, the rookie officer only heard hungry growls coming from the figure that was slowly approaching him. This caused the frightened and inexperienced officer to slowly extend his hand toward his belt and draw his service weapon.


Then, under the darkness of the night and the rain, the deafening crack of a gunshot echoed throughout the Forest of Chaos.


Meanwhile, inside a gloomy bar on Kamino.

Tomura Shigaraki was confused, very confused… Focusing his attention on his laptop screen, while different national and international news channels broadcast live.

"This doesn't make sense... Hahaha, none of this makes sense." Shigaraki laughs spookily, scratching his neck intensely and trying to reorganize his thoughts under Kurogiri's watchful eye. All this while Shigaraki's dry laugh echoed throughout the gloomy bar without taking his eyes off his laptop.

Most of these news channels play images and videos of different cities in Japan in complete chaos. At the same time, other news channels show the reactions of some countries after the Hydra symbol appeared over their most important cities, unleashing panic and uncertainty among the population.

"…The US government will not sit idly by after this flagrant insult to our country! As of this moment, all flights to and from Japan are suspended until further notice! Therefore, we expect an explanation from the Japanese government as soon as possible." The President of the United States proclaims with a firm and determined voice. All this while a dozen professional American heroes with utterly serious and intimidating faces stand at the President's sides while a huge American flag flies behind them in a clear show of power.

"Shut up…" Shigaraki mutters, scratching his neck harder before pressing a button and immediately tuning to another news channel. This news channel reproduces an aerial image of a city in Japan, showing the symbol of Hydra in the skies of the city, while chaos and riots are visible in the streets. However, what is most striking in the broadcast are the background screams of a very angry crowd… Shouts of hate and contempt are directed at the heroes.

"Even though Japan is on the verge of collapse… I still don't understand why we're not doing anything… Why? Why? Why?" Shigaraki mutters impatiently, as the itchy sensation continues to grow on his neck.

"Sensei hasn't said a single word since the Child Emperor broadcast ended, where the brat was cowardly killed by a pathetic hero… Thus unleashing the anger and indignation of a large number of NPCs around the world." He mutters, slowly turning his gaze toward Kurogiri.

"This is our chance to destroy Japan to ashes! But for some reason, I don't understand why we are in spectator mode!" He exclaims annoyed, scratching his neck intensely, while his breathing becomes erratic and impotence spreads throughout his body. "Answer me, Kurogiri!"

"Sometimes the most effective strategy, young Shigaraki, is to observe and analyze the movements of our opponents without intervening." Kurogiri enigmatically replies with a calm and collected tone, as he wipes a glass cup with a cloth for the fifth time in a row behind the bar counter.

"Even if this strategy doesn't guarantee us victory... At least it prevents us from suffering defeat." He comments, admiring the gleaming glass cup in front of him before placing it next to other glasses that also look perfectly gleaming.

"Strategy? Child Emperor is dead! I don't need strategies! I need all available Nomus!" Shigaraki exclaims angrily, scratching his neck intensely before crossing his arms and gritting his teeth. All this while Kurogiri's gaze is directed towards the speakers not far from him, waiting for some kind of instruction from his master.

"The brat turned into a human donut in front of everyone… That means he wasn't that smart after all." Shigaraki snorted, calming down a bit and collecting his thoughts regarding Child Emperor for a few brief moments before frowning due to a disturbing thought. "What If...?" He murmurs contemplatively, as his eyes widen more and more... Thus solving a puzzle.

"Kurogiri! I am a genius!" Shigaraki exclaims with a crooked smile spreading across his face. "We've all been tricked by the little cheater! I must inform Sensei of my finding out as soon as possible!" He exclaims energetically before being abruptly interrupted.

Through the speakers, the characteristic sound of slow clapping can be heard followed by a slight but chilling laugh. "I was wondering if you would really realize the situation...Tomura." All For One mutters through the speakers, causing Shigaraki's entire body to immediately tense up.

"Sensei… All this time you knew that the brat was still alive?" Shigaraki asks completely taken aback before swallowing a lump in his throat.

"Of course." All For One answers forcefully, located many meters underground, in a completely impenetrable and dimly lit room, while a crooked smile spreads across his disfigured face covered by his characteristic mask.

Around him, numerous screens reproduce different news channels, while other screens show images from his security cameras deployed at different points that he considers strategic.

"Sensei! Even if the brat is still alive… This is our chance to take control of Japan and destroy whoever tries to stop us! The heroes are weakened, and Child Emperor must be on the verge of collapse! Allow me to free and guide all available Nomus!" Shigaraki exclaims cruelly with a crooked smile on his face, as he scratches his neck incessantly, causing All For One to snort in disappointment.

"You still have many things to learn as my apprentice and successor, Tomura… And one of those things is to never underestimate Child Emperor… The current situation is unequivocal proof of that." All For One says seriously, looking at one of the screens around him.

"Tell me, Tomura… Have you noticed that despite the constant disturbances outside, conveniently no disturbances have been reported in the vicinity of your location? Have you noticed the small group of masked people who keep an eye on your position? Because I'm sure Kurogiri did that long ago." He hums, causing Shigaraki's eyes to widen in surprise and him to clench his fists tightly.

"They know that I can detect them and yet they maintain their positions at a distance, possibly they are members of Hydra specifically monitoring your movements. Therefore, you should not provoke them… Remember that despite everything, we are still allies of Child Emperor, even if it is momentarily." He admonishes firmly with a tone that brooks no argument.

"But Sensei!" Shigaraki exclaimed helplessly before gritting his teeth and directing his gaze to his feet as his arms trembled... Then he said the first thing that came to his mind without measuring the consequences. "It's almost like you're afraid of him..."

At that moment, several things happened…

A glass cup falls to the ground and breaks into many pieces with a loud crack after Kurogiri suddenly stopped and his misty body is distorted a bit.

Outside the bar, all the Hydra agents assigned to monitoring Tomura Shigaraki visibly tensed and instinctively backed a safe distance. All this while their gazes traveled from one side to the other in search of the source of the immense murderous intent that spread throughout the place.

Inside the bar, Shigaraki was clinging to his neck tightly, trying to resist a powerful unknown force choking him, while constant heavy breathing was heard through the speakers.

"Tomura Shigaraki." All For One says with a deadly serious and threatening tone, his arm extended in the direction of one of the screens, where Shigaraki is seen being strangled before slowly clenching his fist. This after he activated one of the many quirks he collected recently. Quirks fundamental in his contingency plan in case of a fight against the forces of Hydra and eventually… Child Emperor.

"Forgive me...Sensei..." It's all Shigaraki can pronounce with his face completely pale before falling to his knees and spitting out a mouthful of blood with his eyes rolling.

"You're not ready yet." All For One snarl, making the room shake slightly, as he continues to release a large amount of killing intent directed at Shigaraki…reminding him of the threatening presence of the Symbol of Evil.

Then with a slight crash, Tomura Shigaraki fell unconscious to the ground due to lack of air. "Kurogiri, take Tomura to his room." He orders firmly, stopping his quirk and immediately dispelling the tense dark aura that had spread throughout the place.

"At your service, master." Kurogiri obediently responds, carrying out his master's orders without question before All For One cuts off the communication.

Immediately after, All For One's attention turns to another screen. "Looks like I'm not the only one preparing for war." He hums, looking at images of the exterior of Japan's top hero school completely surrounded by an impressive mechanical wall.

"But, now I can't help but wonder, Mr. Principal... How exactly do you plan to deal with our unpredictable little opponent?" All For One wonders to himself, forming numerous catastrophic scenarios in his head.

However, his thoughts were abruptly interrupted when the screens around him began to show a curious live broadcast… A broadcast that completely caught his attention.

"The future will certainly be… very interesting."


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In the next chapter!

Chapter 56 An Offline Adventure!

Empe_ror99 Empe_ror99


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