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Hail Hydra!

Chapter 51 Hail Hydra

POV Mr. Compress

1 month ago.

Inside a Hydra secret base.

My footsteps echo through a long white hallway as security cameras carefully monitor me. I'm pretty sure there are dozens of hidden traps in this hallway, ready to be activated at any moment. After a short walk through the corridor of death, I stop in front of a huge blast door with the symbol of Hydra inscribed on it in all its glory, while two female robots stand guard in front of the door. I hope that this time, these charming but dangerous robotic ladies won't try to stab me.

"Welcome, Atsuhiro Sako." Both robotic girls say in unison in a cold, metallic voice, bowing respectfully before stepping aside, as the huge doors open automatically. Okay, I guess this is progress.

Then I enter a spacious room full of inventions of all kinds, video games, ice cream machines, sweets, and everything a child would dream of having. In the middle of the room is Isamu Midoriya wearing his school uniform next to a pool table looking at me with an innocent smile.

Behind that seemingly innocent smile is the mastermind of Hydra, the little demon called Child Emperor.

"Mr Compress! You came just in time!" he exclaims happily. "Come here, I have something to show you!" He exclaims, gesturing with his hand for me to come closer to him.

"Why did you call me so urgently? Did something important happen?" I ask approaching him while narrowing my eyes suspiciously, when it comes to Child Emperor there is always more than meets the eye.

"It could be said that yes." He says with a shrug before pressing a hidden button on the bottom of the pool table. This causes a secret compartment to open in the middle of the table with a subtle mechanical click before a small platform emerges from within with an assortment of gadgets along with a sleek white suit, immediately drawing my attention.

"Ta-da!" He exclaims, pointing theatrically at the objects that have just emerged from the pool table. "Consider the costume and gadgets a gift from me, after all, a magician needs a lot of tricks up his sleeve if he wants to put on a memorable show." He says placing his hands on his waist proudly before a sly smile spreads across his face.

I huff helplessly, he's doing it again, the little brat is trying to play with my head. Although now that I detail the elegant white suit on display in front of me, I seem to have seen it in one of my grandfather's comics when I was a child. "What's the trick? Because I highly doubt that you give me all this just out of the goodness of your heart." I ask curiously narrowing my eyes as the brat's smile grows bigger.

"That's an excellent question." He says pointing at me playfully before winking at me and snapping his fingers. Immediately after, the lights in the huge room go out before a huge and detailed hologram materializes, slightly illuminating our surroundings... It was nothing more and nothing less than a hologram of Tokyo Tower in all its splendor.

"Should my plans go as planned, the heroes will carry out a significant raid on the day that the Prime Minister of Japan is in a meeting with the police chief at Tokyo Tower." He hums, holding up a finger before continuing. "The Prime Minister is important to restore order among the population once my plans have worked out and he is the one who will consolidate the beginning of the end of this society." He says chuckling slightly with an evil little smile.

"And you Mr. Compress, you will be a part of it!" He exclaims happily raising both hands in the air causing my heart to start beating rapidly and determination to start spreading throughout my body. This kid really knows how to manipulate me.

"I recommend you practice hard with your new equipment and especially with your new cape. I'm sure you'll be surprised by some of the things I've implemented." He says with a proud nod to himself before placing his hand on his chin thoughtfully, "I'll explain the details of your mission in a few days once I've finished the meticulous planning of your assistants." He murmurs with a slight twinkle in his eyes.

"Assistants?" I can't help but ask with confusion.

"Of course! Bah!" He exclaims sticking out his tongue shamelessly at me. "Everyone knows that a wonderful magic show needs assistants! In this case… Agents of Hydra!" He proudly proclaims.

"But remember, a good assistant is one who, even though he is in plain sight, is undetectable to the public…" He whispers cryptically with a cunning smile.

Back to the present.

"Stop! We won't let you near the Prime Minister!" A bodyguard exclaims, stepping in my way and pointing his gun at me, while a small group of members of the Prime Minister's security team come out of hiding and begin to surround me from all directions, pointing their guns at me.

As planned, the Prime Minister's security forces have split up and if my calculations are correct, my assistants for this wonderful show should start doing their part shortly.

"Oh, what a troublesome audience." I hum slowly raising my hands in the air while my right-hand remains closed, drawing everyone's attention to my right hand.

"Right now, the Prime Minister should be boarding the evacuation helicopter… You have failed villain." One of them exclaims, pulling a quirk-suppressing handcuff from his belt before beginning to approach me carefully, pointing his gun at me at all times and keeping his gaze on my right hand raised in the air with a clenched fist.

Then I close my eyes, sharpening my senses as the footsteps get closer and closer to me. Child Emperor entrusted me with this important mission and I don't plan to disappoint him, even if he has contingency plans for his contingency plans… I will prove to him that he was not wrong in choosing me and thank him for giving me such a great opportunity to achieve my goals!

Then, a flurry of gunfire from the helipad causes my eyes to go wide, while the people around me momentarily lose focus, confused and dazed by what's happening on the helipad… Just as I expected. "Abracadabra!" I exclaimed with my theatrical voice, clenching my fist tightly and causing a small explosion of smoke to instantly envelop me, elegantly disappearing without a trace.

"Where did he go?"

"Damn! What's going on at the heliport?!"

"The Prime Minister is in danger!"

They exclaim in confusion, pointing their weapons in all directions. Suddenly, one of them turned towards the ceiling and his eyes widened as he saw me standing there upside down with my shoes stuck to the surface of the ceiling right above him. "Help!" He exclaims in a panic trying to point his gun in my direction before I deactivate my shoes and nimbly jump on him, immediately turning him into a marble under the stunned gaze of his comrades.

"Fi...Fire!" One of them stutters pointing his gun at me and pulling the trigger, opening fire on me along with the rest of them. However, I anticipated this and with a quick movement I grabbed my magnificent white cloak, using it as a shield and making the bullets bounce against it thanks to a strange special alloy developed by my little sponsor.

Immediately after, I charge toward my opponents with precise and calculated movements leaving them stunned by my audacity. In a matter of seconds, my opponents were turned into small, harmless marbles, which roll and bounce off the ground behind me with a subtle clinking sound.

"It is time for the final act of this unforgettable chaotic night." I whisper, elegantly adjusting my white hat as a small smile spreads behind my mask before I stride with firm, determined steps through a long hallway with my white cape billowing epically behind me.


POV Third Person

At the Tower Heliport.

"Cover the Prime Minister!" The Prime Minister's head of security exclaims, grabbing the Prime Minister by his tie and quickly leading him back to the tower as a chaotic battle rages between the Prime Minister's security forces and armored Hydra agents.

"A new order is coming and no one can stop it!" A Hydra agent fervently exclaims, pulling the trigger on his technologically advanced weapon and causing a stream of electricity to shoot towards his opponents, generating a small shock wave.

All this while the bullets bounce harmlessly off his armored tactical suit making him laugh out loud. "Hahaha!"

"Damn Hydra spawns!" A member of the security team exclaims, firing his weapon and unloading its magazine at his opponent to no avail until he runs out of ammunition, whereupon he draws a tactical knife and charges at them with a battle cry. "Ahhh!" He exclaims before an electric shock hits his chest, abruptly propelling him backward into the ground and knocking him unconscious with smoke coming from his mouth.

In an instant, most of the Prime Minister's security members fell stunned and unconscious, however, a couple of them managed to retreat inside the tower. Acting with due diligence, they quickly blocked the only access door to the heliport behind them before fleeing through the corridors, joining the head of security and the Prime Minister.

After going through a few corridors trying to lose their pursuers, they enter a spacious room located at the end of a corridor being led by the Prime Minister's head of security as they quickly scan the room with their gazes.

Several computers are scattered throughout the room along with other electronic devices while some video cameras are pointed in the direction of a small podium illuminated by floodlights. They had entered the Tokyo Tower conference room.

Immediately after, the armored doors behind them automatically lock with a loud clang preventing them from leaving the conference room before a small explosion of smoke covers the podium immediately drawing their attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome! I was waiting for you!" Mr. Compress exclaims, spreading his arms dramatically at his sides, making a spectacular entrance as the smoke clears around him. "How have you found the show so far, Mr. Prime Minister?" He asks causing the visors on his mask to glow an intense red before beginning to inch towards the Prime Minister with firm, determined steps as his cloak billows behind him menacingly.

"I will not allow you to murder me and plunge Japan into civil war." The Prime Minister exclaims with resolve and determination in his voice as sweat breaks down his face and he clenches his teeth hard before pointing his hand forward. "Finish him right now! Execute the order!" He exclaims firmly.

"Yes, sir!" The last two members of the security team exclaim in unison, quickly positioning themselves in front of the Prime Minister protectively before pointing their guns in front of them resolutely, ready to fire.

"It seems that you have misunderstood my intentions." Mr. Compress hums with a small evil grin spreading behind his mask as he keeps his hands visible.

At that moment, a strong electric shock engulfs both members of the security team, taking them by surprise and causing them both to fall to their knees, dropping their weapons and letting out a puff of smoke from their mouths before falling unconscious. This causes the Prime Minister to take a couple of steps back in alarm and confusion before his eyes widen in surprise, realizing the stark reality of the situation and how he never had any chance to escape.

"If Hydra really wanted to kill him, they would have already done so. After all, Mr. Prime Minister…" Mr. Compress says cryptically, spreading his arms theatrically to his sides, remembering the words Child Emperor said to him weeks ago.

"...Hydra's eyes and claws are everywhere."

Immediately afterward, the smoking barrel of a technologically advanced pistol wrapped in fine lines of electricity is pressed against the back of the Prime Minister's head, causing his breathing to become erratic and his hair to stand on end.

"You... All this time it was you... The Helicopter... The person who ordered my escorts to split up... And who led me here." The Prime Minister stutters, swallowing hard a lump in his throat, thus confirming his suspicions.

"Surprise, surprise." The Prime Minister's security chief says with a subtle smile, holding his advanced weapon. "With the push of a button, my weapon can be reconfigured into a high-tech weapon in the blink of an eye... Isn't that impressive?" He says with a slight chuckle as he leans a little closer to the Prime Minister's ear.

"Hail Hydra…" He whispered fervently with a proud smile, causing the Prime Minister's entire body to shudder.

"Wha…what do you guys want?" The Prime Minister shakily asks, clenching his fists and gritting his teeth helplessly. All this while the armored doors of the conference room open automatically, letting in the rest of the Hydra agents who had descended from the helicopter with their intimidating tactical suits.

"This will clarify the doubts." Mr. Compress mutters, pulling a small holoprojector from his pocket and activating it via his fingerprint before placing it on the ground right in front of the Prime Minister.

"Hello everyone! It's me! Child Emperor!" A holographic recording of Child Emperor abruptly materializes, shocking the Prime Minister. "If this recording was activated it means that Mr. Compress together with the loyal and brave agents of Hydra have achieved their mission and in front of me I have the Prime Minister." He says with his characteristic gas mask covering his face.

"Japan must be on the verge of collapse and trust in the heroes severely fractured, not an encouraging picture considering that I have evidence of you committing one of the most heinous acts a politician can do." Child Emperor slyly says, causing the Prime Minister's face to turn pale and his hands to start trembling slightly. "Tax evasion!" He exclaims happily throwing his holographic hands into the air, causing the Prime Minister to fall to his knees.

"If this information becomes public under the current circumstances, it will be the perfect pretext to unleash a bloody civil war… And it will all be your fault, after all, people need someone to blame." He says ominously, as the Prime Minister begins to hyperventilate with wide eyes.

"However! We can make a deal and restore peace!" He exclaims innocently with his hands behind his back, swaying childishly on himself as a pair of holographic horns materialize above his head along with a small devilish tail waving behind him.

This causes the Prime Minister's eyes to shine with hope and determination. Although he is still nervous, he knows full well that he has no other alternatives and if making a deal with the little demon is what it takes to restore peace to Japan, he will take the risk and deal with the consequences in the future.

Since there is only one logically possible answer, Child Emperor extends his arms theatrically to his sides, drawing the attention of Mr. Compress and all the Hydra agents scattered throughout the conference room, stopping whatever they were doing.

"Let's change this society! Let's make history! Give your hearts!" He exclaims happily with a hand over his heart as a gigantic symbol of Hydra materializes in the middle of the room in all its splendor. Without anyone noticing, a crooked smile stretched behind his gas mask.

"Hail Hydra!"

Child Emperor exclaims raising both fists in the air, immediately causing a chain reaction from the Hydra members present. "Hail Hydra!" They chanted in unison raising their fists in the air on mere instinct before the holographic recording came to an end.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, for our last magic trick... I'll need a volunteer." Mr. Compress announces in his theatrical voice, causing a predatory look to spread across the faces of all the Hydra agents before all eyes turn to the Prime Minister, making him swallow a lump in his throat.

Minutes later.

"All the telecommunications systems of the Tokyo Tower are in operation."

"Connecting with the satellite… Connection established successfully."

"Cameras ready and waiting."

"Starting live broadcast in 10…9…8."

Hydra agents report, carrying out their assigned tasks with diligence and determination. "From this moment on, I am your shadow and the eyes of Hydra." The head of security whispers with a deadly serious tone and with his hands behind his back making his intentions clear, just a few meters behind the Prime Minister. "So get ready because your time to shine has come."

Then the spotlights come on around them, fully illuminating the figure of the Japanese Prime Minister in front of a podium surrounded by cameras.


****Click to see image****


Meanwhile, Mr. Compress had retreated from Tokyo Tower, jumping from the highest point, transforming his cape into a glider, allowing him to fly and move freely in the air until landing on top of a building under construction.

Right after, he takes off his mask and contemplates the magnificent view of the city, with a feeling that he had never felt before… that feeling was peace. "Thank you for joining me in this show, father, grandfather, my ancestors." He whispers looking up at the starry sky as he places a hand over his heart. "Now all of you can rest in peace… Why? Because I am here." He ends by bowing theatrically under a shower of shooting stars.

"Hail Hydra…" He whispers with a small smile spreading across his face before adjusting his hat.




To Be Continued…


In the next chapter! Chapter 52: The Final Boss Is Coming!

Empe_ror99 Empe_ror99


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