Unduh Aplikasi
79.16% Naruto: Shifts In Life / Chapter 19: Prelims, a Time for Battle

Bab 19: Prelims, a Time for Battle

Uchiha Sasuke vs. Akadou Yoroi

"Well teme, looks like they decided to start you right off the bat," Naruto grinned at his foul haired teammate.

"Hn," Sasuke grunted as Naruto and the other genin walked up the stairs, leaving him with his opponent. He watched his opponent move towards the other end of the arena with his hands in his pocket and typical 'cool as a cucumber Uchiha' expression on his face.

"I hope you're ready Uchiha," Yoroi stated as he got into a fighting stance, "Powerful clan or not, you're going to lose here."

Sasuke would have rolled his eyes at the other Genin, were it not un-cool for him to do so, "You keep telling yourself that."

"Are both fighters ready?" Hayate asked as he received a nod from Akado and a grunt from Sasuke, "Hajime!"

As soon as the fight started Yoroi went through several hand seals as he came at Sasuke, his hands began to glow a light blue. Sasuke flared his Sharingan as he took his stance, he could see something odd about the glowing hand but was not sure what it did, so decided to avoid it for the most part.

When Yoroi got to Sasuke he reared his glowing fist back and attempted to strike at the raven-haired Uchiha. However Sasuke managed to dodge the attack with relative ease, using the time dilation and predicting abilities of his Sharingan to great effect. He pushed his way into his opponent's guard and landed several hits on the man's torso. Yoroi staggered back from the hits, they stung, but were not devastating.

He looked up just in time to receive a fairly powerful kick to the face that sent him tumbling to the ground. Yoroi got up and wiped the blood that had come from his now split lip, glaring at the Uchiha survivor.

His hand began to glow again and he attempted to strike out at Sasuke. However the raven-haired Genin had the Sharingan available for use thanks to Naruto and thus, was able to evade every single attempt Yoroi made. It was made easier because Kakashi was faster than Yoroi when they sparred so this man was pretty much going at a snail's pace.

Sasuke blocked the left fist coming at him, and then ducked under the glowing hand. When the hand passed over him Sasuke felt a slight drain on his chakra reserves.

I see, so that's why he's been so adamant about getting me with that hand. Sasuke thought as he swept Yoroi's legs out from under him and then lashed out with a kick that connected to the other ninja's jaw on his way down.

"You know, if you want to actually hit me, you're going to need to be a lot faster than that," Sasuke stated as Yoroi got back up with a glare. "Also that little chakra draining jutsu of yours isn't going to work on me."

Yoroi glowered at Sasuke and came at him with his glowing hand again.

"Sasuke-teme's got this in the bag," Naruto stated as he watched the battle. "That other guy's like a one trick pony, he can't seem to do much more than that glowing hand of his."

"It does look like Sasuke-kun's winning rather easily," Sakura stated in agreement, making Naruto raise an eyebrow at her as he wondered why she was not screaming at him for calling her crush teme.

Though she has been a little nicer since I woke up with my battle from the Pedo-teme, Naruto thought to himself before shrugging and turning back towards the battle.

As soon as Yoroi got right up to Sasuke, said Genin disappeared. The next thing Yoroi knew was getting a hard kick under the chin and getting sent flying into the air. Sasuke appeared under him using the Konoha Kage Buyou (Leaf Shadow Dance) to get under him.

"Th-That's my-" Lee stuttered, recognizing the attack that he often used and the one Sasuke had seen only once.

Gai remained silent, though he was not pleased by Sasuke blatantly stealing someone else's move without asking or bothering to really master it.

"I'll admit that move was taken from someone else," Sasuke stated as he hovered behind Yoroi. "But from here on out its all original, Sishi Rendan (Lion's Barrage)!" he called out the name of his attack and used a heel drop into Yoroi's stomach. Said Genin was sent sailing into the ground, smashing into it and coughing up blood before passing out.

"Shousa Uchiha Sasuke!" Hayate announced.

Sasuke stuck his hands back into his pocket and walked back up the stairs where his teammates were.

"You stole that move from Lee," Naruto accused.

"Hn. I did what I had to. That move was useful, so I figured I could learn it," Sasuke said, feeling the need to defend himself against Naruto's accusing eyes.

Naruto glared at Sasuke, "You took it without his permission and used it in a move of your own. That's a blatant sign that you don't respect others for their hard work. Lee put a lot of effort into learning those moves, and for you to just copy them shows you don't appreciate just how powerful they are."

For some reason when Naruto said that Sasuke winced. He would not admit it, but that kind of accusation actually stung. "Whatever," He tried to play it off.

Naruto scowled a bit but decided not to comment on it further as two more names appeared on the board.

Yamanaka Ino vs. Higarashi Tenten

"Good luck Ten-chan!" Naruto called out as Tenten walked down the stairs.

Tenten was glad that she was not facing Naruto or he would have seen the blush on her face. Several of the girls did notice however and scowled.

"Yosh! Tenten, show them your flames of youth!" Gai cried out.

"Let your youth burn brightly!" Lee shouted in enthusiasm.

Tenten blushed even deeper, not sure what was worse, having Naruto cheer for her or having her green spandex clad teammate and sensei cheer her on. Well I suppose Naruto-kun's cheering is not so bad. But do Lee and Gai-sensei really have to be so loud?

"Are both fighters ready?" asked Hayate as soon as the two got onto the stadium floor. When they both signaled readiness Hayate nodded, "Hajime!"

Ino threw some shuriken as soon as the battle started before running at Tenten. Said weapons expert sighed as the weapons came out her. She began to dodge the weapons with ease and to the shock of Ino, grabbed onto several of the shuriken before tossing them back.

Ino's eyes widened as two shuriken managed to graze her arms, and bit back a yelp of pain.

"If you're going to use such a basic tactic against me then you might as well quit," Tenten stated in a bored tone. "It's obvious from the lack of muscles on your body and the fact that you look like a twig that would snap if a breeze hit it, that you were nothing more than a fan girl at the academy."

Ino scowled, "Shut up! I'll show you!" She ran at Tenten who merely sighed in disappointment. The moment Ino got within two feet of Tenten, said girl leapt into the air and spun around.

"Konoha Senpuu!" Tenten smashed a kick right in Ino's face, sending the girl flying back several feet where she landed on her back and gasped as the air was knocked out of her, "With such weak skills you should just give up now."

"I-I'm not done yet!" Ino said as she struggled to get up.

"You know your teammate is gonna get her ass kicked right?" Naruto said as he made his way over to Team Ten. "Badly, I might add. Ten-chan utterly despises fan girls like her."

"Now I think that's being a little unfair," Asuma said as he took a drag of his cigarette. "Ino has a few tricks up her sleeve."

"You mean the Shintenshin No Jutsu?" asked Naruto before shaking his head. "That jutsu requires the person she is aiming for to stand still, and if it doesn't hit her soul will be stuck outside of her body until it hits something and bounces back. Besides, Ten-chan could have ended this a long time ago if she had used her weapons since that's what she specializes in. Also, you're forgetting that she was trained by Gai-sensei."

Asuma shivered a bit, "You do…make a valid point there."

"How do you know so much about that girl?" asked Shikamaru. He actually agreed with Naruto, there was no way Ino would win this, and for all the reasons the blond gave.

Naruto grinned, "I've been training with Ten-chan and her team since I became a Genin. Every other day after missions and team training with my own, I go over to training ground nine and train with her and Lee."

Shikamaru nodded and a part of him wondered if this was why the whiskered bond seemed so much better than he had been in the academy; though he was positive there was more to this than just that.

"Shintenshin No Jutsu!"

The pair snapped their attention back to the battle as Ino called out the one clan jutsu she knew. However it didn't matter since Tenten had already moved from the spot Ino had been aiming for. When the girl slumped down Tenten merely placed a kunai at her neck and waited for the blond girl to come to. When she did it was to see the bun haired girl in position to slit her throat.

"Yield," Tenten ordered.

"I…fine," Ino huffed in disappointment.

Hayate coughed as the match ended, "Shousa Higarashi Tenten!"

Tenten grinned as she made her way back up the stairs. She was stopped as Naruto stepped in front of her and gave her a grin.

"Nice job, you really kicked her ass."

Tenten blushed a bit but smile back, "Thanks Naruto-kun."

"Yosh! Tenten that was a most youthful match!" Gai said, giving the bun haired girl the nice guy pose.

"You truly showed your flames of youth Tenten!" Lee matched his mentor's pose.

"Uh… thanks you two," Tenten sweatdropped as she decided to keep Naruto between herself and her team.

Sabaku No Kankurou vs. Tsurugi Misumi

"Oh look it's make up boy coming up to fight," Naruto said, loudly.

Kankurou stopped and glared at him, "Damn it, I told you it's WAR PAINT!"

Naruto snickered, "Yeah, war paint that you probably stole from your sister's make up drawer."

Kankurou saw red, "You stupid little brat! When I get done here I'm coming after you!"

Hayate coughed to get the attention of everyone so they could start the fight.

Naruto settled down, snickering occasionally as the fight started. Eventually he really started to watch the match; unfortunately this one went by fairly quickly, about two or three minutes all told. It seemed that Misumi guy was able to stretch his limbs to incredible length. He had managed to wrap his body around Kankurou and threatened to crush him if he did not yield.

Of course Kankurou just laughed at him and Misumi crushed his neck. Only to find out that Kankurou was in fact a puppet, surprising Naruto and others who had not known what the large mummified object on his back was.

After that Kankurou had come out of the bandages, showing that he had hidden himself inside of them and had been using chakra strings to control Karasu's movement. After that several spikes had stuck out of Karasu's body and impaled Misumi who was dead before he even hit the ground.

Inuzuka Kiba vs. Nii Yugito

"Alright Akamaru, it looks like we're up!" Kiba shouted as he forewent the stairs and just jumped off the railing.

Yugito merely walked at a more sedate pace, not really bothering to hurry things up. When she got down she saw Kiba leering at her and resisted the urge to hiss.

"Wow check this out Akamaru, we're facing a babe!" Kiba grinned lecherously, "Hey baby, how about after this you and I go out somewhere?"

Yugito grit her teeth, the only sign she was pissed by what the dog using Genin said as she replied in a cool tone, "No thanks, I don't date men who have a habit of not bathing."

"What was that!" Kiba growled, "Listen here you bitch, you should be glad someone like me asked you out!"

"I doubt anyone would be pleased to have such a lecherous pig who smells like wet dog ask them out," Yugito said in disdain.

"Wow Kurenai-san, I thought you would've beaten the pervert out of Kiba by now," Naruto said with a chuckle.

Kurenai scowled as she listened to her Genin speak, "I have tried, but it's more difficult than it looks."

"Well, can't be helped I suppose," Naruto shrugged. Kiba had always been something of a lecher, hitting on nearly every girl in class, much to their displeasure, "it's just who he is I guess…"

Naruto turned his attention back to the battle when he felt a massive killing intent being released from the blond woman. Naruto chuckled a bit. Oh she's pissed. Kiba never seems to learn; even I understand to never do that to a woman.

'Are you sure about that, you could've fooled me when we met,' Kyuubi's melodic voice entered his mind.

Naruto frowned for a moment as he heard Kyuubi's voice and the teasing tone in it. He was not really sure what to make of her yet, but he also knew they were pretty much stuck together and that he should at least try to find be cordial even if he was not yet sure they could be friends. With that thought in mind he decided to play along, 'Now that's not fair Kyu-chan. I was so surprised to find out that the demon who was sealed inside of me was a woman, a hot woman I might add, that I forgot my manners. I learned all about speaking to woman from Anko.'

Kyuubi was thankful that Naruto could not see her otherwise he would have actually seen a rather prominent blush stain her cheeks. The only time she had ever received compliments from anyone were the men who had been enthralled by her beauty, and they were not much more than mindless slaves. However being a several millennia old Bijuu she was able to recover admirably, 'Anko is hardly the appropriate person to learn how to treat a woman. She's almost like female version of you.'

Naruto had to resist the urge to face fault, 'What! That's not true!… Is it?'

Kyuubi smirked as she chalked up a point for her, "Don't feel bad Naruto-kun. It's nothing serious, you just lack tact. But don't worry, I'll teach you all about how to treat a female after the second stage.'

'Great…' Naruto sighed, Just what I need, etiquette lessons from someone who's known for destroying things with a single swipe of her tail.

'I heard that!'

'So?' Naruto asked, 'it's not like you can do anything about it.'

'Oh now that is where your wrong,' Kyuubi said, and Naruto suddenly got an ominous feeling, 'I may not be capable of controlling your actions… however I am more than capable of using my youki to make you very uncomfortable. For instance say… cut off the anatomy that makes you a male."

Naruto paled, 'Gah! I'm sorry, please don't be angry with me!'

Kyuubi gave a dramatic sigh but was secretly chalking up another point to her, 'Seriously, what am I going to do with you?'

'Umm… help me with my etiquette?' asked Naruto in a sheepish voice.

Naruto could picture the smirk on the vixens face, 'Hmph, you'll be getting that anyways. No I was thinking of punishment. Perhaps I really will cut off the circulation to certain parts of your anatomy…'

Everyone that was standing near Naruto wondered why he had suddenly turned white as a sheet, 'Aww! C'mon Kyuubi, that's not fair!'

'Who ever said I play fair.'

Naruto almost felt like crying, but if Kyuubi really could do what she suggested than it would behoove him to not do anything to actually anger her right now, 'fine…'

'Anyways… Naruto, take look at that girl, can you feel it?'

Naruto looked over at the girl who was releasing enough killing intent that Kiba had soiled himself, 'Feel what? Her killing intent? It is pretty intense, not as much as Zabuza's but...'

'No not that. She's using yokai in her attacks, well a little bit. That girl is a Jinchuuriki.'

'Really!' Naruto asked in shock, 'There's another Jinchuuriki here! Which one does she hold?'

'Hmmm…it's hard to tell for sure, but I think she holds the Nibi. The two tailed hellcat.' Kyuubi paused for a moment, 'Yeah I'm sure that's the one she holds, and I've only ever seen that one once. It tried to attack me several hundred years ago and I was actually forced to turn it into ash with an Imari (Menacing Ball) because it was so damned persistent. It must have gotten caught some time after it reformed and then sealed.'

Naruto gave the equivalent of a mental nod.

'No wonder she felt so familiar. I never expected to meet someone like me here,' Naruto frowned. 'That's probably why she kept staring at me.'

The match was over almost before it started. As soon as Hayate gave the signal to begin, Yugito rushed Kiba faster than he could follow, and had already finished a set of hand seals. The five fingers on her left hand were crackling with electricity.


She hit Kiba on the left shoulder and the spark on her index finger disappeared.


Kiba received another hit, this time on the left leg.


He received a hit on his right arm.


Then a hit on his right leg.


And finally a hit on his solar plexus.

"Raiton: Raibakufuu (Lightning Blast)!"

Kiba didn't even get the chance to scream in pain as his left shoulder exploded in a shower of electricity, launching him to the right. Then his left leg exploded, sending his body spinning through the air in a corkscrew. After that his right shoulder exploded, sending him sailing backwards and to the right. His right leg went after that, blasting him away again. And finally, his chest exploded, sending him crashing into the statue, creating a large crater.

The spectators all watched in shock and the men in a bit of fear as Kiba fell onto the floor, bleeding profusely, already unconscious.

"Consider yourself lucky I didn't kill you for being such a pervert!" Yugito hissed, even though Kiba was too out of it to even be aware of his surroundings, much less hear the blond woman speak. The Kumo kunoichi did not wait for Hayate to announce the winner as she strolled up to her teammates.

"That was pretty harsh Yugito-san," The dark skinned female of their team said.

Yugito shrugged, "You know how I feel about perverts Ayako. Don't tell me you wouldn't do the same."

Ayako shrugged, "I guess I would, at least since it was that dog using kid." She glanced over at the blond-haired boy who she had barely managed to recognize as the obnoxious blond from the first exam, "Though I might not if it was him."

Yugito looked over to her fellow blond to see him talking with that bun haired girl.

'You know she's right, he is quite the catch.'

'I so don't need your perverted comments right now Nibi,' Yugito said, with a frown and small blush. She really wasn't sure why Nibi would make comments on men, the giant cat had no gender and did not seem interested in humans, yet for some reason it loved to tease her whenever an attractive male was around. Though she assumed it was some form of revenge for being sealed inside of her.

The two tailed cat snickered, 'So you say, but we both know what you think. Besides, he's a lot like you.'

Yugito frowned at that, 'What do you…you mean he's a Jinchuuriki!' Her eyes widened a bit as she looked back over to the blond.

As if sensing her eyes on him Naruto turned his head to see her staring at him. The two eyed each other for a moment before he gave her a grin and waved. Yugito blushed a bit and looked away, causing Naruto to chuckle and get back to his conversation.

'Of course, though I sense something odd about his chakra…it's different.'

'What do you mean different?'

'That's just what I mean, it feels different than human chakra. To be honest it almost feels like a demon's yokai only it's not as potent.'

Yugito took a small glance over at the blond again. Wondering what was so different about the blond Konoha Genin.

Nara Shikamaru vs. Tsuchi Kin

"Man…how troublesome, why do I have to fight a woman…" Shikamaru groaned.

Several tic marks appeared on Ino's head, "What was that Shikamaru! Do you have a problem with women!"

"Shut up troublesome blond," Shikamaru walked down the stairs, ignoring Ino's threats to castrate him for his sexist comments. He reached the bottom of the stairs and made his way over to the arena.

"Hey ref, do you think I could just forfeit…this fight's too troublesome. Plus I really don't want to be fighting a girl."

Hayate sweatdropped at the lazy Nara boy's attitude.

Kin got a tic mark on her head, "So you got a problem with fighting girls huh? Then I suppose I'll just have to beat you quickly."


I saw the other two sound ninja's abilities, Shikamaru frowned as he looked at the black-haired kunoichi. However, I don't know anything about hers…on top of that she's already seen my jutsu.


Shikamaru went into several hand seals for the only jutsu he knew. "Kage Mane No Jutsu!" his shadow began to elongate and stretch as it made its way towards Kin.

"That jutsu again," Kin snorted. "You're nothing but a one trick pony."

She began moving, dodging the shadow as she threw several senbon with bells attached to them. Shikamaru ducked, dodging the senbon. He turned his head when he heard a chime and saw the bells attached to the senbon.

"Bells?" Shikamaru smirked, "That's an old trick. Next you'll throw one needle with a bell and one without it right? Then when I react to the sound of the bell and dodge the first one, the second one will get me right?"

"You sure like to run off your mouth!" Kin said as she threw several senbon needles.

"If you think I run off my mouth then you should be glad you're not facing Naruto," Shikamaru said.

"I heard that you lazy bastard!" Naruto shouted.

"Troublesome blond…" Shikamaru said and he was about to dodge when he heard a bell ring, only to realize at the last second that she was using the string to ring the bells behind her.

"Now I've got you!" Kin shouted as she threw her senbon at Shikamaru. Unable to dodge the attack the lazy Nara genius raised his arms to block it, getting several senbon stuck in his arms.

Shikamaru was about to make his move after that, when he found himself losing balance. "What the-" he looked over at Kin and saw that there were now three of her.

"You like?" Kin asked with a smirk, "This is my genjutsu. I utilize sound waves and direct them inside your body to knock your equilibrium off, you're likely seeing several of me by now."

"Damn it…" Shikamaru muttered as he watched the three Kins walk closer to his position, each one taking out several senbon.

"Hah! Not so tough now are yo-" She stopped when she felt herself freeze, "Nu ugh…m-my body!"

"Heh, Kage Mane No Jutsu success," Shikamaru smirked as he shook of the effects of her sound based genjutsu.

"Interesting. So that's how he did it?" Naruto said as he spotted what really happened.

"What do you mean Naruto?" asked Sakura, looking up from the battle towards her blond teammate, "How did he do what?"

"How he caught her," Naruto said as he gestured over to the battle. "I almost didn't see it, in fact if my eyesight wasn't as good as it was I doubt I would have seen it."

"So how did he get her?" asked Tenten as she leaned over the railing.

"I guess you two haven't noticed yet, but the shadows for the strings attached to that chick's senbon are far thicker than they should be." Naruto grinned as he watched Shikamaru take out a shuriken and launch it at the girl, who had been forced to do the same thing. At last the minute Shikamaru dodged the attack by bending backwards and forming a bridge. Kin had no such luck; Shikamaru had maneuvered her so that when she bent over she ended up smacking the back of her head on the wall, knocking her unconscious.

"Yeah! Go Shikamaru!" Ino cheered, pleased to see one of her teammates had made it.

"Tch, this is so troublesome," Shikamaru muttered as Hayate announced him as the winner.

Aburame Shino vs. Abume Zaku

"This sucks, I wanted to get some pay back on that Uchiha for what he did to my arms," Zaku said, getting a snort from the raven-haired Genin who decided the fight was not even worth watching.

When the battle started Shino decided to speak, shocking those who had thought him mute, "You do not have use of your arms, I would suggest you forfeit."

"Hmph, forfeit this!" Zaku took out his left arm from its sling and thrust it towards Shino, "Zankuuha!" A blast of air shot towards Shino who did nothing to dodge. As soon as it did Shino was sliced through before he dissolved into bugs, "What!"

Shino appeared right next to Zaku and punched him in the face. The Oto Genin stumbled back a bit before righting himself and growling, "Zankuuha!"

He sent another sonic airwave at Shino but the Konoha Genin dissolved into bugs again. "Damn it! Quit hiding behind your insects!"

"I am not hiding behind anything."

Zaku turned to see Shino standing behind him, "Hah! I got you now!"

"I do not think so," Shino said as he pointed behind Zaku. Said Genin turned around to see a swarm of bugs behind him, "You see, while you were so focused on me and my Kikai Bunshin (Bug Clones), I had been letting my bugs amass themselves. And since you have only one arm to fight with, you can only hit one us. It is always good to have an ace in the hole."

Rather than forfeit Zaku looked smug, "An ace in the hole huh? Then how about this!"

Zaku brought his other cast out of its sling and aimed it at the bugs, while the other went to Shino. "Zankuuha!"

Everyone had expected that to be the end for Shino. However they became surprised when rather than shoot out those powerful airwaves, Zaku's arms expanded as if something was stuck inside of them.

Zaku watched in horror as his arms began to get larger and larger. A scream tore through his throat as the pressure on his arms became so great that they were both ripped off at the elbow. It wasn't long before Zaku passed out from the pain of losing his arms, making Shino the winner.

"An ace in the hole is all well and good, but two aces are better," Shino said and walked back up the stairs as Hayate announced him the winner.

Sakura shuddered at the gruesome sight of seeing someone's arms getting ripped clean off, "I don't understand, how did Shino do that?"

"He hid his bugs inside of that Zaku guy's air plugs," Naruto answered as he reviewed the fight in his mind. "While Zaku was looking between Shino and the army of bugs, he had more bugs slip inside of those wind pipes on his hand to seal them up. The pressure from the air that was inside of his arms became so great that they were simply ripped off from the force."

"You are correct Uzumaki-san," Shino said as he came up the stairs.

Naruto grinned, "Good match Shino."

Shino nodded and walked back to his team.

"Man, those bugs were just creepy." Ayako said with a shiver, "I wonder where he got them."

Yugito frowned as she answered, "He's a member of the Aburame clan, they apparently allow those insects they use to live inside them and feast on their chakra, in return they are granted the ability to use them to communicate and fight for them."

Akayo gagged, "So they're like parasites? Gross."

"Hn. Seems Konoha's filled with a bunch of freaks," Daisuke grunted.

Yugito just shook her head at the bratty Genin's stupidity.

Ukiso Daisuke vs. Rock Lee

"YES! YES! I finally get my turn!" Lee shouted as he began to jump up and down, "I used reverse psychology by thinking that I didn't want to go and now it's my turn! Yes! WHOO HOO!"

"Lee." Gai said, trying to get the Genin's attention as he began to dance.

"Lee!" He shouted only for it to have no effect.

"LISTEN TO ME LEE!" Gai punched Lee in the face, sending him into a wall.

Less than a second later Lee got up and saluted, "Yes Gai-sensei!"

"I'm sorry I had to do that Lee." Gai said as tears formed in his eyes, "You're just young and burning in the fires of your youth!"

"Gai-sensei!" Lee shouted with a waterfall of tears streaming down his eyes.





As Gai and his mini-me began hugging a powerful genjutsu, complete with a sunset and crashing waves appeared. Everyone in the room started screaming as they tried to claw their eyes out, many of the foreigners were especially disturbed by what was happening.

"Kai!" Kurenai tired dispelling the creepy sunset genjutsu, only to be shocked when she found out it didn't work. ""Kai!, KAI! Why won't it work!"

The only people who did not seem to be affected by the extremely disturbing seen were the Sandaime, who had unfortunately seen it and even more disturbing things in his lifetime; Tenten and Neji who had seen it nearly every day since they were put on this team; Kakashi, who was too busy reading his book to be bothered with it; and Naruto, who had seen it enough times that it no longer bothered him.

Thankfully for everyone's sanity the pair eventually stopped, though at least half of the people in the room were now blind as well as mentally and emotionally scarred.

Gai gave Lee his nice guy pose, "Now Lee! Go fight! Let your flames of youth explode!"

"EXPLODE!" Lee shouted as he jumped off the railing where Daisuke was already waiting for him.

"About damn time you freak!" Daisuke sneered, "Just for making me wait and that disgusting genjutsu you made, I'm gonna beat you into the ground!"

Lee frowned as he slid into his stance, "That is a most un-youthful thing to say."


The moment the fight started Lee shot off like a rocket speeding towards Daisuke who was forced to abandon his hand seals and roll out of the way of Lee's attack. Getting back to his feet Daisuke was just in time to duck a kick from Lee, jumping back he threw several shuriken at the bow cut Genin.

Lee however dodged them with ease as he closed the distance. Jumping into the air Lee spun around and managed to land a kick on Daisuke's head,

"Konoha Senpuu!" he called as he landed back on the ground, while Daisuke went flying into the wall.

Daisuke grunted as cracks spread out from the center of impact. Falling to ground the Kumo Genin struggled to get on his feet, "You little shit! I'm gonna kill you now!" He growled at Lee as he went through several hand seals.

"That's it! Take this! Raiton: Gian (Lightning Release: False Darkness)!" A large lightning bolt shot out of Daisuke's mouth, blasting its way towards Lee.

Or at least, where Lee had been.

The lightning struck the ground and caused sparks and dirt to fly everywhere. Daisuke began looking around for Lee, only to be caught off guard when said Genin appeared right in front of him. Daisuke tried to attack but received several blows to the torso for his troubles. He staggered back, holding his now cracked ribs as Lee disappeared again.

Daisuke received a kick to the back of his head, sending him tumbling down. He managed to turn his tumble into a roll and landed back on his feet. However Lee was already there, launching a kick into the Kumo Genin's gut.

Daisuke stumbled back and looked up. Once again Lee was not there and he received a kick to his head to the left side of his head for his troubles. Watching the Kumo Genin wobble a bit, Lee felt that he needed only one more hit to win this. However as he came in Daisuke had finished a set of one handed seals he had learned and placed his hand on the ground.

"Raiton: Tenrai Dageki (Celestial Shock)!" Electricity burst along the ground and Lee was moving towards it too fast to stop and dodge. The electricity hit Lee making him cry out in pain as he dropped to his knees.

"Hah! How do…you…like that…?" Daisuke asked, his breathing heavy as blood poured down his face from the bust nose and lip.

"It is most impressive," Lee said as he stood up, smoke pouring from him as he shook the attack off. "A most youthful technique, however…I am not without some techniques of my own." He looked up at his sensei who gave him a thumbs up. Smiling Lee unwound the bandages on his arms.

"What the…hell…are you doing?" asked Daisuke, allowing Lee to do this so he could regain his energy.

"You will see," Lee replied as he finished un-wrapping his bandages. The moment he did he disappeared, and Daisuke felt a foot smash under his chin and launch him into the air. Using the Konoha Kage Buyou Lee appeared behind the Genin and wrapped his bandages around Daisuke. The pair then began to spin as they descended and Daisuke ended up crashing head first into the arena floor.

Lee panted a bit as everyone looked down into the crater to see Daisuke with his eyes rolled up into the back of his head. The only way people could even tell that he was alive were the twitches and spasms his body seemed to go through periodically.

While the medics carried Daisuke out, Hayate announced the winner, "Shousa Rock Lee!"

"Yes! I did it Gai-sensei! I won!" Lee shouted as he fell on his butt, no longer able to move due to the jutsu he used. Naruto and Tenten went down and helped Lee back up the stairs where Gai was grinning broadly.

"Way to go Lee! That's the way to show your flames of youth!"

"Thank you! Gai-sensei!" Lee said with tears in his eyes.

Naruto noticed the looks the two were giving and decided to stop them before this resulted in a hug fest with him and Tenten caught in it. "If you two start hugging, I swear to kami I'm going to throw you over the railing Lee!"

Tenten giggled a bit while Lee looked embarrassed, "I apologize Naruto-san, I will try to keep my youthful flames down."

Naruto rolled his eyes before grinning at Tenten who smiled back.

Ayako vs. Hyuuga Neji

Neji smirked as he saw who his opponent was, "It must be fate."

"Oh no, this could be a problem…" Tenten muttered as Neji walked down to the arena floor.

Naruto blinked as he looked at Tenten, then to her sensei who had a rare serious expression on his face. He was not sure what was going on, but Naruto had the feeling something bad was going to happen. Neji seems pleased with something, but Tenten and Gai seem to worried, The whiskered blond looked at the two before turning his attention back to Neji. Maybe I should be prepared to intervene since I get the odd feeling things will get very out of hand soon.

Neji had to fight to maintain his Hyuuga composure, and not grin as he stared at his opponent. "Normally I would give you a chance to forfeit, however it seems fate has given me a chance to seek retribution for your village's crimes. I would be a fool to pass this up."

Ayako frowned as her crimson eyes stared at him in thought, "I have no clue what you're talking about, but I'm not going to back down."

"That's good, I don't want you to," Neji got into his Juuken stance.

Seeing as both fighters seemed ready Hayate began the match, "Hajime!"

As Neji rushed forward, intent on making the Kumo kunoichi suffer, Ayako went through several hand seals.

"Raiton: Kusari no Raikou (Chains of Lightning )!" Ayako smashed her hands into the ground and lightning that took the shape of a chain shot out of the ground. Neji was forced to jump left and back pedal as the chain began to follow him, stopping after several seconds.

Ayako began more hand seals, hoping to not give Neji the chance to close the distance between them, If he gets in close I'm done for.

"Raiton: Raiyari (Lightning Release: Lightning Spear)!" Ayako held out her hand and a spear of lightning formed in it, which she then proceeded to toss at Neji.

Neji growled as he realized his concentration had slipped enough that there was no time to dodge,

"Kaiten (Rotation)!" he called out as he spun around and created a blue dome around himself. The lightning spear crashed into the dome and dissipated against the chakra shield.

Standing next to her sensei Hinata gasped, H-He knows the Kaiten! B-but that's a M-main house te-technique!

Kurenai looked over at her student in worry to see the girl looking shaken.

Ayako gasped as she saw her lightning attack dissipate against the shield, "W-what the hell! How could he block that!"

Neji smirked as he looked at Ayako and noticed the fear she had, "That is called the Kaiten, by expelling chakra throughout all my tenketsu points and spinning rapidly, it forms an impenetrable shield that no jutsu can get through."

Ayako grit her teeth as she launched several shuriken and went through more hand signs.

"Raiton: Hinoko (Sparks)!" thrusting out her hand several sparks shot out and connected with the shuriken, making them crackling with lightning. Neji merely scoffed as he channeled chakra into his hands and began swatting the shuriken away like they were nothing, though a few people could see he was just making a show of not being hurt as several burn marks appeared on his hands.

Ayako barely even had time to gasp before Neji was upon her. What happened next was not a battle but a beating. In his rage and desire for vengeance Neji began lashing out at Ayako, striking extremely painful points in her body with his Juuken strikes. Everyone winced as Ayako began to scream in pain, blood began pouring from her mouth and she felt as if someone had taken her chakra coils and burnt them with a Katon jutsu.

She did not even have the chance to fall down as Neji continued striking her so fast that it looked too many as if her body was just jerking back and forth from an unknown force. Finally it seemed to end and Ayako began to sway where she stood. Hayate realizing what was happening announced the winner but Neji wasn't listening. Neji powered up another Juuken strike and aimed for Ayako's heart.

"AYAKO!" Yugito shouted as she saw what was happening, but realized she was too far away to do anything.

Everyone else saw it as well and even though they realized they were too far away, was about jump over the railing to try and stop Neji from killing the Kumo kunoichi. It was all for naught as Neji hand hit Ayako's chest, right where her heart would be.

Only for Ayako to disappear in a puff of smoke and be replaced with a log.

Eyes widened as they recognized the signs of a Kawarimi but were confused about how it happened, since Ayako had been pretty much depleted of chakra and her tenketsu were undoubtedly closed off even if she did have some left in her reserves. It was then that people noticed Ayako on the other side of the arena, directly behind Neji, and in the arms of one Uzumaki Naruto.

"What the hell was that teme!" Naruto shouted as he gently laid a barely conscious Ayako on the ground. Neji looked surprised as he spun around, but glared when he realized who it was.

"Uzumaki, you shouldn't interfere in another's battle."

"The battle was over shitstain!" Naruto growled out the words. While he knew this was a battle and people got hurt in them, what Neji did was uncalled for and vicious in the blonde's mind.

"Were you not listening to the proctor announcing you as the winner!" Naruto stood up and backed away from Ayako as Yugito and several medics ran out to Ayako and get her on a stretcher.

He looked at the girl who had lost conscious some time ago and growled. While he did not know her, he hated it when people were unnecessarily cruel to others, especially women since his two greatest friends and one of the people he looked up to most were women.

He turned back to Neji and his eyes flashed red for a second, "You'd better hope I don't fight your sorry ass in the finals! Because if I do, I'm going to knock it back to the age of the Rikudou Sennin!"

Gai appeared beside Neji and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Neji, I'm disappointed in you. I know why you hate Kumo, but blaming it on someone that was not responsible for what happened is just as wrong as what they did."

Neji sneered as he shrugged Gai's hand off and went up to the stairs.

Sighing Naruto walked back up as well to see his teammates and several other people staring at him in surprise. "What? Is there something on my face?"

"Dobe, how did you move so fast?" asked Sasuke.

Naruto gave a nonchalant shrug, "I've been working on my speed."

Sasuke frowned as Naruto walked past him. The blond leaned against the railing as everyone turned their attention back to the board. Naruto winced as he stared at his wrist and the dent that was in his guard from Neji's attack.

It looks like my speed jutsu is still incomplete…I should have been able to move fast enough to not get hit.

He made a mental note of any other injuries and grimaced as he sensed the minor pain in his legs, it was a good thing he had been expecting something to happen or he would have not been able to use the technique at all due to the time it took to prepare, and even then it still hurt.

'What technique are you- oh!' Kyuubi said as she went through his memories to see what he was talking about, 'It looks close to finished though. It's definitely faster then that Shunshin you ningen use that's for sure.'

'That's because I made it combat oriented. I noticed back in Nami that Shunshin had several powerful weaknesses aside from the standard swirl of leaves or smoke. That kind of covering only works on lower level opponents and It's easier to track, so I need something better.'

"Well when we get out of here I will help you where I can," Kyuubi reflected on how odd it felt for her to actually offer some help to someone, but justified herself by saying it was to help with her continued survival. As an after thought she added, "Though, I'm only really good with and the techniques I myself created.'

Naruto gave the equivalent of raising a mental eyebrow as Kyuubi offered help. For a moment he thought about rejecting it, but soon realized that having someone with as much knowledge as Kyuubi may prove beneficial. 'Thanks Kyuubi,' he said before turning his attention to the board to see who would fight next.

Haruno Sakura vs. Sabaku No Temari

Temari smirked as she jumped down the railing onto the arena floor, "Looks like I get another fan girl. How boring."

"You won't be talking like that when I beat you!" Sakura sneered as she walked down, angry that this Suna bitch was actually calling her out on her fan girlish tendencies.

"CHAA! WE'LL KICK HER ASS!" Inner Sakura shouted.

Seeing that the two girls seemed to be ready Hayate called the match, "Hajime!"

Sakura ran at Temari and create three Bunshin making the blond pig tailed girl sneer, "What a pathetic academy level tactic!" If this was all the girl was capable of then she might as well just end it. Temari whipped out her fan and swung it, "Kamitaichi No Jutsu (Wind Scythe Jutsu)!"

Sakura was hit by a large blast of cutting winds that slammed her into the opposite wall where she lost consciousness.

Everyone in the arena sweatdropped at how pathetic the battle was.

"Kakashi, did you teach her anything?" asked Kurenai, disgusted at the performance of the pink haired girl.

Kakashi sighed. "I did give her a few scrolls with several genjutsu, and some training exercises to increase her reserves but it seems she never practiced outside of team training."

"Kakashi, I think you just won the understatement of the year award," Naruto snorted. "that girl spends almost all of her time stalking Sasuke, or plotting the many ways in which she can rape him."

Sasuke shuddered at the thought and then tossed a glare at Naruto, "I really hate you dobe!"

Naruto just grinned.

Kinuta Dosu vs. Yakushi Kabuto

Kabuto looked at his sensei to see the man give a subtle shake of his head. I see, well I suppose I can at least make this a good fight.

As the battle begun Kabuto threw several shuriken at Dosu, all of which were deflected. When Dosu closed the distance he threw out his melody arm, hitting Kabuto, only for said Genin to burst into smoke and a log to take his place.

Kabuto appeared behind the Genin and managed to hit Dosu in the back of the head, making him stumble forward. Spinning around Dosu tried to attack Kabuto, only to be met with the same conclusion of the first one.

"You know that will only work on me for so long," Dosu said, as he spun around and used his melody arm to block a kunai.

"Then it just means I'll have to come up with something else," Kabuto replied as he pushed up his glasses.

"You're welcome to try," Dosu charged back in and aimed his melody arm at Kabuto. At the last second he changed to his left arm. Spinning around he shot his melody arm at Kabuto who had appeared behind him when he used Kawarimi. Kabuto managed to jump back, but still received the brunt of Dosu's sound attack, making him drop to the floor and throw up.

Dosu smirked when he saw Kabuto try to stand up, only to fall back down, "It won't matter how many times you try, you won't be standing up for a while."

Kabuto grunted, "I guess you're right." Of course I have to play along; it would not do for a spy like me to be seen as too strong. "Proctor-san, I surrender."

Hayate nodded, "Shousa Kinuta Dosu!"

Hyuuga Hinata vs. Akimichi Chouji

"Let's make this a good battle ne, Hinata?" asked Chouji, giving the lavender eyed girl a smile.

"H-hai," Hinata said, feeling both glad and slightly sad that she had to fight someone as nice as Chouji.


Once the match start both Hinata and Chouji began running through several hand seals.

"Byakugan!" Veins appeared in Hinata's eyes and around her temple.

"Baika No Jutsu!" Choji's body expanded to nearly twice his original size, turning him into a big round ball. His head and all of his limbs retracted into his clothes and chakra began to pour out of the wholes. Choji was still not finished as he flew into the air where he began to rotate at high speeds.

"Nikudan Sensha (Human Boulder)!" Chouji's voice was still heard perfectly despite the boy's head being hidden in his clothes.

Hinata jumped to the left, dodging the large rolling ball. However she could see with her Byakugan that Choji was coming back. She was forced to run, heading towards the wall. At the last second she swerved to the right, making Chouji crashed into the wall while still spinning.

"Who do you think will win?" Tenten asked Naruto as they watched the battle.

"It's hard to say," Naruto said as he observed the battle. "Hinata seems to have more confidence than she did at the academy, though I can't remember much since she never talked to me. And I don't know the techniques she uses aside from the basic information I have on the Byakugan and Juuken." He shrugged, "Frankly I think this can go either way."

Kurenai listened to the conversation before turning her attention back to the fight. Even if she doesn't win, I'm sure she'll surprise you and everyone else. Hinata has been working hard to become stronger, and is well on her way towards doing so.

Hinata ran up to him while he couldn't move and attempted to use a Jyuken strike, but due to how large Chouji was while using his jutsu it could not hit the tenketsu points and the attacks merely stung. She was forced to jump back when Chouji redirected his spin and launched himself at her. Hinata continued to dodge the attacks by the large Genin, but was starting to get tired. Knowing she had to end the battle soon, she turned around and began to spin.

"Kaiten!" Hinata cried out as Chouji slammed into the dome of chakra. The two jutsu seemed to push against each other as Chouji tried to break through the barrier and Hinata tried to keep from collapsing. However something had to give eventually and that was Hinata's jutsu. There was a large explosion of chakra as the Kaiten was released in a violent manner. Both Hinata and Chouji were sent sailing back. Chouji to hit the wall on the opposite end, and Hinata rolled along the ground before settling down.

Both were unconscious.

"Due to both fighters being unconscious, I declare this match a draw," Hayata coughed as the medics rushed out of the field.

Up in the stands Neji grit his teeth as he saw Hinata use one of the main house jutsu. He had never expected someone as weak as Hinata to know that jutsu. Even if he could tell she had only recently learned it, he felt it was an insult to have such a simpering little girl use it.

"Looks like your teammate's about to explode," Naruto whispered to Tenten, "He actually looks really constipated right now."

"Be nice Naruto-kun," Tenten said with a small giggled. She took a glance at Neji and giggled again, since he really did look constipated with how red his face was.

Uzumaki Naruto vs. Sabaku No Gaara

"Oh look you're up," Tenten got the blonde's attention.

Naruto looked up and grinned, "Finally! I guess they were saving the best for last!" he was just about to go down when a hand stopped him.

Turning around he saw Shino, "I suggest you just forfeit Uzumaki-san." the bug user suggested. "I saw this one fight in the Forest of Death, as a fellow shinobi and comrade I feel it's my duty to inform you that it would be most logical if you forfeited."

Naruto rolled his eyes, "Yeah well thanks for that Shino. I feel so warm and fuzzy inside to know you care." Naruto pulled Shino's hand off of him, "Now if you excuse me, I have some ass to kick!"

"Well he's dead," Kankurou commented from where he stood next to Temari, "No way will that brat survive against Gaara."

Temari could not help but nod in agreement, It's too bad too, he's pretty hot.

He walked down the stadium floor where Gaara was already waiting, "Sorry for the delay but the Naruto Express is now here and ready to kick your ass back to Suna, so please be sure to keep your hands at your sides and buckle your seatbelt for safety."

Gaara merely stared at him with that blank expression that held a barely contained bloodlust.

"Tough crowd," Naruto mumbled.

"Are both fighters ready?" Hayate asked. Gaara nodded while Naruto smirked,"Hajime!"

Hayate barely had time to jump away as sand burst from Gaara's gourd. Despite being surprised Naruto was able to get out of the way as the sand closed in on him. Disappearing in a burst of speed as he ran to the left at speeds far greater than any of the genin minus Team Nine had seen, though the members of Team Nine were still surprised by how fast the blond Genin was! Less than a second later he on the opposite side of the arena.

So he uses sand as a form of attack, Naruto narrowed his eyes in thought. He would need to gather more information about this Genin's abilities before he could come up with any kind of sound strategy against him.

He's nearly as fast as Lee now! Tenten thought in shock. She had watched many of Naruto and Lee's spars, and so she was surprised when the blond showed a speed he had not previously possessed. Is it due to his change of appearance?

Gaara also seemed surprised as Naruto dodged his sand. He looked over to see the blond on the opposite side and sent his sand over there. However once again Naruto dodged the attack, trying to ascertain just how fast that sand moved, It seems like it takes several seconds to change direction… that means when he attacks I have about ten seconds before it gets back to him from this distance.

Naruto watched as the sand closed in on his position. He swerved to the right, dodging the sand before he made his way towards Gaara. Naruto appeared in front of Gaara and aimed a kick for him, only for more sand to burst out of the gourde and protect the Suna Genin from getting hit. Naruto was forced to kick himself away as the rest of the sand came back and tried to grab him.

What the hell! How much sand does he keep in that thing! Naruto wondered.

'Naruto, that sand of his seems to be an automatic defense,' Kyuubi supplied as she watched the battle and did her best to analyze the blonds opponent. 'I don't know if you've noticed yet but it's not even in his control unless he sends it at you.'

Naruto was forced into a series of back flips as Gaara sent several tendrils of sand crashing towards him. 'So you're saying it's being controlled by someone or something else?' Naruto held back a curse as he dodged another tendril, leaping onto a wall as the sand chased him, 'I'm calling foul play!'

'It's more than that I'm afraid,' Kyuubi said in an ominous tone. 'That boy holds the Ichibi No Shukaku.'

Growling Naruto linked his fists together as he spun around, "Fuuton: Kamikaze Seiken!" he thrust his fists out and a giant blast of wind smashed into the sand, dispersing it.

'So you're telling me he's a Jinchuuriki as well? Well that's just fucking peachy!'

"Shit!" Naruto cursed as he jumped away from another tendril of sand that attempted to impale him. "This sand is really starting to piss me off!"

'Yes, he holds the Ichibi, the one tailed Tanuki. He is the weakest of the Bijuu from I know, but is still not one to be underestimated. As you can already tell it gives this child complete control of sand, which makes him quite a handful.'

'So I noticed,' Naruto replied dryly as he channeled wind chakra into his fists, "Fuuton; Kamikaze Seiken!"

The wind blasted away Gaara's sand and Naruto decided it was time to turn up the heat. Pumping yokai through his muscles Naruto shot off like a rocket, going as fast as Lee could with his weight off. To everyone except for the Hokage, the Jonin-senseis and a select few of the genin, Naruto had disappeared.

He reappeared right in front of a shocked Gaara threw a fist at his face, "Eat this!"

The sand that had not been after Naruto tried to protect the red head but the whiskered blonde's fist plowed right through it, sending the red head sailing back to hit the wall behind him. Naruto grinned, "Let's see how you like that!"

"I don't believe it!" Temari shouted, completely shocked at what just happened, "He just hit Gaara!"

Kankurou and Baki just stared at the arena wide eyed, unable to comprehend what happened. No one had ever managed to do what this Genin just did.

"He's as fast as Lee is without his weights!" Tenten said in surprise.

She had seen Naruto fight plenty of times, as well as sparred with him. So she knew he had been fairly fast, but he had never shown this kind of speed. It has to have something to do with his transformation! There's no other explanation for his newfound speed.

"Yosh! Naruto-kun's youth is blazing!" Lee shouted.

"Lee! It seems you've inspired this young man to fan his youthful flames!" Gai shouted seemingly in agreement. "It looks like we're going to have to fan your own flames of youth to match Naruto-kun's!"

"I understand Gai-sensei! I will endeavor to increase my youthful flames! I will increase my weights by two hundred pounds by the end of the month! And if I cannot do that I'll run around Konoha on my pinkies!"

"And if you cannot do that, I'll climb the Hokage monument with a ten ton boulder on my back!"

Tenten, Neji and everyone else did their best to ignore the two making challenges that sounded more and more outrageous as time went on.

Gaara stood up and to Naruto's surprise, the red head was grinning. It was then that Naruto noticed cracks appear on Gaara's skin, What the fuck…? Is that sand!

"That's it Uzumaki! Make me feel ALIVE!" Gaara shouted, and with those words the sand started shooting at him again.

Naruto growled as he began dodging sand left and right, it seemed to be even faster than before. He spared a seconds glance at Gaara and saw him making hand gestures.

He must be using his hands to increase the speed of his attacks, Naruto growled as he blasted towards Gaara, bulldozing right past through the sand as he body slammed into Gaara. The blond continued on until he smashed Gaara into the wall, grinning when he heard Gaara gasp in pain as several cracks formed along the point of impact.

Naruto jumped back as Gaara slumped to the floor, "Nothing beats a sand shield out of the way like good ol' fashion blunt force trauma."

"You…you hurt me!" Gaara screamed as a bit of blood dribbled out of his mouth, "I'll kill you!"

Sand seemed to come at Naruto from all directions, making him curse as he tried to dodge. However even with his speed he could not dodge them all, nor could he pick up enough momentum to plow through the sand, and eventually one of the tendrils grabbed onto him.

Gaara began grinning maniacally as he directed his sand to slam Naruto into everything he could, walls, the floor, the ceiling, the railings. No one could keep out the wince as Naruto was smashed into seemingly everything.

Naruto groaned as Gaara's sand threw him into the wall where he left a large crater, Fuck! That hurts…

The blond spit out some blood that had begun to congeal in his mouth. He had never felt so sore in his life; I think I would take playing death tag with Anko over this.

Falling to the ground Naruto coughed up several wads of blood. He looked terrible; his cloak had been ripped to shreds some time during the thrashing he had received. His body had several large black bruises on his skin; almost enough that it looked like his entire body had turned into one large bruise.

Many of the genin watched in shock as Naruto stood back up, unable to comprehend how he could even move after the beat down he had received.

Naruto looked up to see a wave of sand coming towards him, Fuck! He began to speed through a set of hand seals, hoping he could complete them in time.

"Fuuton: Kamikaze No Tatsumaki!" Naruto thrust his palms out and two large tornadoes blasted from them, destroying the wave of sand Gaara had created.

'Kyuubi do you have any idea's on how to beat this guy? because I'm all out!' Naruto rolled to the left as sand shot at him, crashing into the floor before it continued to follow him.

Kyuubi did her best to contain her irritation as she spoke, 'I'm trying to think of something Naruto. Just give me a minute.'

'I don't think we have a minute!' Naruto dodged another tendril of sand, only for one to catch his left arm from behind.

Gaara grinned as Naruto struggled to get rid the sand off his arm. He made his hand into a fist, "Sabaku Sousou!" there was a loud crunch as blood burst out from the sand.

"AAAAAHHHHHHH!" Naruto's scream tore through the arena, and several of the genin, mainly those from the rookie nine blanched in shock and horror. Gaara began to laugh maniacally as he pulled the sand away for a moment to reveal the stump Naruto now had for an arm.

"Yes! That's it! Scream for me! Let me feel alive!"

"Oh dear…Kami-sama…" Tenten whispered as Naruto clutched at his now gone arm.

Yugito who had gotten back from making sure her friend was alright grimaced as she noticed the blond missing his arm.

Many of the other genin could not say anything. Sakura threw up, Shino looked on solemnly, Hinata who had just woken up looked like she was about to cry, Ino, Chouji and Shikamaru all looked like they were also on the verge of vomiting. All of the Jonin-senseis looked at the blond boy in shock, except for one who licked his lips at seeing how resilient the boy was.

It's too bad he holds the Kyuubi. He would make a nice vessel.

However none of them were as bad as Anko, who looked ready to murder Gaara.

Oh no… Sarutobi paled as he saw his surrogate grandson's condition, I need to stop this before it gets out of hand.


Hayate looked over at the Hokage before nodding, "Due to the fact that Naruto is unable to battle, I hereby-"

"NO!" Naruto roared, drawing everyone's attention to him as he stood up, "DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT STOPPING THIS MATCH! I'm not done yet! This battle isn't over until I say it's over!"

Everyone looked at Naruto like he was crazy. However the look ofutter determination in his eyes left little room for argument.

"That's good Uzumaki! Keep struggling! That way I can feel more alive when I kill you!" Gaara crowed, his voice holding nothing more than madness in it.

Naruto glared at Gaara, despite the pain he was in, "You're not gonna be laughing like that after I beat your ass!"

'Kyu, any ideas?'

'Well, I can regenerate your arm if you want?' the vixen offered, 'But it's going to hurt.'

'I think I can take it. Now let's do this so I can kick some Tanuki ass!'

Kyuubi sighed a bit as she prepared for what she was going to do, 'Brace yourself.'

Naruto felt Kyuubi's yokai coming out of the seal and grit his as he felt it travel along his body and to his arm. Everyone watched in shock as the red energy from the Kyuubi was released. Naruto's eyes flashed red as his whisker marks began to thicken. All of the Konoha ninja who were old enough to have been there during the Kyuubi attack recognized that chakra.

I don't believe it! He is using its chakra! Sarutobi watched as the boy grit his teeth in pain. I didn't realize he could! Or does the Kyuubi have something to do with this…

'What an intense feeling!' Nibi said, 'So this is the Kyuubi's power…'

'This is the Kyuubi? It's so potent, and that bloodlust…' Yugito felt a trickle of sweat pour down her face.

Temari, Kankurou and Baki were also shocked and to be honest, fearful at the feeling of power emanating from the blond.

What kind of power is this! asked Temari.

I can't believe he is actually consciously using its chakra! Kakashi looked at his Genin in shock, a trickle of sweat formed on his brow, When did he learn to draw upon it?

Many of the genin were doing far worse than the others. Shino was beginning to sweat under the intense pressure and killing intent emitting from Naruto. Hinata looked like she was about to pass out. Sakura and Ino were trembling as the yokai washed over them. Shikamaru was sweating under the intensity of the powerful and vile feeling chakra; however he was also staring at the blond like he was some kind of puzzle.

It was Sasuke however that was doing the worst. Despite the fact that the killing intent was far greater than any he had ever felt, he was glaring at the blond.

How can he have that much power! It's not possible! He felt that he should have that power! The cursed seal on his neck flared a little bit, only for the seal on his neck to force it back down.

Naruto growled in agony as he felt Kyuubi's chakra suddenly burst, the ground under him splintered and cracked. Then bones shot out of Naruto's stump, forming the shape of an arm and hand as blood splattered everywhere. Kyuubi's yokai began to cover the bony appendages, the red energy flowing over it. Everyone watched in a mixture of shock and awe as muscles began to form along the bone, crawling and writhing like a phantom. When the muscles had finished forming new skin began to crawl along his arm, starting at the shoulder.

When the pain stopped Naruto sighed in relief before moving his hand in front of his face and clenching it to test the nerves, 'You were right Kyu, that hurt like a bitch! Still, thanks for the help.'

'Your welcome Naruto,' Kyuubi replied, caught slightly off guard by him thanking her. 'By the way I think I have a way to beat Shukaku's vessel.'

'Well lay it on me then, cuz I'm running on empty.'

'If you can heat that sand armor on his skin to the point it turns to glass, and infuse it with my yokai, it will trap him inside.'

'Only problem is I don't have a fire jutsu, and I don't know if there are any fire jutsu that would be powerful enough to do that.'

'Don't worry, that's where I come in. I'll give you some of my yokai, then just direct it to your arms and I'll take care of the rest.'

'Right, I have no clue what you're planning, but I always liked flying by the seat of my pants anyway; makes things exciting.'

He heard a giggle in his mind and turned his attention back to the outside world. He smirked at Gaara's surprised expression, "Now then, I hope you're ready to receive your beating."

Rather than get angry or scared Gaara began to smile, then he began to laugh, "Yes! YES UZUMAKI! I KNEW THERE WAS SOMETHING DIFFERENT ABOUT YOU! MOTHER! MOTHER WANTS YOUR BLOOD!"

Sand began flying towards the blond who disappeared in a burst of speed, "Yeah well, you can tell your mother to suck my cock! Cuz that's the closest thing she's getting to my blood!"

'Hit me Kyuubi!'


Naruto felt Kyuubi's yokai coming and did his best to direct it to his hands, causing them to become covered in a red layer of yokai. Then his hands burst into flames, white flames that felt like they were hotter than the fires of Amaterasu.

Sand tendrils shot towards Naruto, but he merely swatted at them, turning the sand into glass and shattering it. Grinning Naruto appeared right next to a shocked Gaara and thrust his hands out. The area was bathed in a large explosion that covered the two ninja.

"Naruto/-kun!" Tenten and a few of the Konoha genin shouted at seeing the large white flames.

"Gaara!" Temari yelled in shock and worry. Sure her brother may have been a psychopathic killer, but he was still her brother.

When the flames cleared in revealed another shock. Naruto was standing there, looking no worse for wear, except a few new burns that covered his body. However the real shock was Gaara, who was completely encased in glass that had red energy forming over his form that was coming from the hand Naruto had placed on it.

"He's not dead yet," Naruto rasped out feeling like he had just run a marathon on top of getting his crushed by the Hokage Monument. "However…if you don't proclaim me the victor soon, he will run out of oxygen, because you can bet your ass I'm not letting him out until then."

Sarutobi coughed, getting Hayate to snap out of his shock, "R-Right, Shousa Uzumaki Naruto!"

For several seconds there was absolute silence as people tried to comprehend what happened.

"I don't… believe it…" Kankurou broke the silence.

"He beat…Gaara…" Temari choked, unable to believe her eyes.

Finally the others realized what had happened and some of the other genin began to cheer.

"Hell yeah Naruto! You showed him!" Sakura yelled out, unable to actually contain her excitement at seeing such an amazing reversal.

"Excellent job Naruto!" Kakashi shouted, surprising many of the other Jonin since he had never been known to show that much emotion, but he didn't care at the moment and was too excited to see his student beat such a powerful opponent.

"That's showing him Naruto-kun!" Tenten shouted as she cupped her hands to project her voice.

"Atta boy gaki!" Anko yelled, feeling ridiculously proud of the blond who had come so far and managed to take on someone like Gaara.

"Man that battle was totally troublesome," Shikamaru murmured, though he still clapped with the others.

"I know man," Chouji agreed, "I wonder what that powerful chakra was?"

So do I? Shikamaru narrowed his eyes, Troublesome, now I might actually have to investigate something.

"Man, that was a scary battle," Asuma commented, wiping some sweat from his brow before he lit his cigarette.

"I know," Kurenai agreed even as she clapped. "I can't believe he was able to use that chakra, and to such a degree. I've never heard of re-growing lost limbs."

Asuma chuckled, "Well, pops always told me that boy would surprise us. And I thought I was surprised when he started asking questions about elemental manipulation."

Kurenai looked over at Asuma in surprise, but did not comment, mainly because she did not know what to say.

Sarutobi clapped enthusiastically, proud of how far his surrogate grandson had come. To think he beat a known Jinchuuriki after only six months of real training. And the amount of control he had over the Kyuubi's chakra. I've never even heard of it being able to re-grow lost limbs. I'm not even sure Mito-sama had been able to do that. Granted she never used much of its chakra but still…

Unbelievable! Yugito thought as she also found herself clapping, That was an incredible match! I think even Kirabi would have been impressed with that! I didn't realize he was so strong.

'I have to agree kitten, not many humans his age can be that strong.' The large two tailed cat paused for a moment and Yugito could almost feel it's smirk, 'you know with the way your acting right now, one would almost think your attracted to him.'

'Nibi! Now is not the time to be thinking about such things! Besides, he's what, five years younger then me? I can't date someone younger than me.'

'Bah! Five years isn't that much of an age difference kitten. Besides you're a ninja, aren't you? Old enough to kill, old enough to have hot passionate sex…or something like that.'

'Damn it Nibi! Shut up! He may be strong! Hell, he might even be just a little below my own level of strength and I won't deny he's…handsome. But he's still just a thirteen year a kid!'

All Yugito got from her tenant was a perverse giggle, which sounded so completely wrong its demonic tone. Seriously, why, out of all the Bijuu, did she have to get the perverted one? . It's like the damn thing got a kick out of taunting her with its stupid remarks, I know it just acts like that to torture me…

Why couldn't she have just gotten one like Kirabi's? Mellow and uncaring, she was sure that she and Hachibi would have gotten along so much better, at least if what Kirabi told her about his Bijuu was to be believed. Of course I would have had to actually fight it in order to subdue it so maybe I would be better off with the snarky one...

'You can deny your attraction all you want kitten. But remember, I live inside of you so I feel what's going on. You can't deny that seeing that young mans strength didn't turn you on at least a little.' Yugito blushed heavily at that comment. She turned her head so her Jonin-sensei wouldn't take notice of it.

Naruto grinned as he released his hand on the glassed Gaara, who was standing there with a look pf perpetual shock on his features. Falling on his back the blond began to laugh, despite the fact that each laugh he took sent pain shooting through his nerves.


Naruto moved his head to see Temari trying to find some way to free Gaara from the glass.

"Temari-san," Naruto got her attention, "Gaara's fine, he has enough oxygen in there to last about an hour. I suggest taking him somewhere and start chipping him out. Unless he can get out on his own…"

Temari looked at him for a moment before nodding in thanks. She ordered both her sensei and younger brother down before yelling for medics to help her get her youngest brother out of the glass prison.

Feeling exhaustion settle in Naruto passed out. The last thing he saw were several shadows crowding around him.


Kaiten (Rotation)- This jutsu utilizes the chakra control gained through Gentle Fist training to release a huge amount of chakra from all the chakra points on the user's body. The released chakra blocks any possible attack on the user. The user then spins rapidly to parry the attack, both creating a rotating shield of chakra around themselves and tossing away any nearby attackers. The user can also actively control the size and power of the sphere to suit the situation. This jutsu is only effective when rotating, since the chakra itself is not enough to stop a physical attack thus if they cannot rotate, the user becomes vulnerable. Tenten said that the Eight Trigrams Palms Heavenly Spin is more powerful than any defense, including Gaara's sand. This technique also compensates for the blind spot in the Byakugan's vision.

Raiton: Gian (Lightning Release: False Darkness)– Kakuzu's lightning-element mask emits lightning in the shape of a spear from its mouth, which then pierces the enemy. Its destructive power is great enough to even pierce through rock; meaning it has a high killing potential. The user can increase the number of spears to attack multiple enemies. This makes it nearly impossible to evade.

Raiton: Raibakufuu (Ligtning Blast) – A jutsu where the user places several 'sparks' of lightning on an opponent's limbs, which then explode causing mass amounts of damage.

Raiton: Tenrai Dageki (Celestial Shock) – Sends a decently powerful burst of electricity along the ground, shocking any opponent foolish enough to remain in its path.

Raiton: Kusari no Raikou (Chains of Lightning) – Creates several chains of lightning that shoot from the ground to ensnare and shock an opponent.

Raiton: Raiyari (Lightning Release: Lightning Spear) – Creates a spear of lightning that the user can throw.

Raiton: Hinoko (Sparks) – Creates powerful sparks, used in conjunction with throwing weapons, often paralyses opponents if hit.

Kamitaichi No Jutsu (Wind Scythe Jutsu)– This bold move is Temari's specialty. By freely manipulating the gale brought forth by her Giant Folding Fan, the many air currents collide and create vacuum pockets. The person enveloped by this gale is assaulted by countless invisible blades, carving up their body. Also, the strong wind power will blow away all incoming projectile weapons and will even make the opponent unable to stay on their feet.

Temari has also shown the ability to manipulate the form of the gale, creating a tornado to envelop and lift her opponent, while also cutting him several times. She is also skilled enough to cut away the armor of a samurai without injuring the wearer.

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