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37.5% Toxic Emperor / Chapter 3: Hideout.

Bab 3: Hideout.

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After leaving the old hospital, a few hours have passed and Samael finally reached his hideout. Lifting a manhole cover, Samael slowly descended the ladder, without forgetting to close the entrance, until his feet touched the floor. Samael's hideout was designed by himself, so he knows the place like the palms of his own hands.

The hideout is a bunker with the size of a warehouse with every room needed for basic survival, a common bathroom, a bedroom with the things samael usually uses, a small kitchen with a stover and a few cabinets, an armory and Samael's favorite room, the laboratory, where he spends most of his time in. Of course, the place has a dozens of escape routes while Samael keeps his most important things packed, so that in case of an emergency, he can escape the place leaving almost nothing.

Samael isn't afraid of anything, be it starting things from scratch, getting captured or even killed, however, he'll do anything to accomplish what he want, death can wait, after all, he can't bide farewell to the things he wants to achieve, at least for now.

When his feet touched the floor, Samael winced. He then placed his right hand over the left side of his chest, exactly where the woman's kick landed. The pain he was feeling was maddening and even breathing was a little difficult. He definitelly broke a few ribs and if he doesn't treat it fast, his condition will only worsen.

Walking a little unsteady, trying his best not to stumble, Samael placed the things he bought on top of a table. Fortunately, he didn't lose anything that he acquired, the pistols, assault rifle and shotgun, the money he spent wasn't for nothing.

After doing that, Samael went to his main room, the lab. As soon as he got inside he went to the table and started to search for something. Growing more frustrated by the second, Samael swept everything that was on top of the table, throwing everything to the ground.

"Where is it? I always leave one on top of the table..." He said in a low voice before he started to look at his surroundings. Inspecting every inch of the room carefully.

His left hand then reached to a gun that's under the table. As someone that even suspects of his own shadow, Samael has dozens of guns spread throughout his hideout to deal with possible invasors, such as now.

Immediately pointing the gun to a chair a little further away from him. "Come out. I know you are in here."

Seeing that no one was answering him, Samael was starting to get a little pissed, the broken ribs didn't really improve his humour and the fact that the bastard inside his room took his stim shot away only pissed him even more, so he pulled the pistol's hammer back. "Are we really going to have to play this mouse and cat game? I am running out of patience, don't make me gas the entire room."

Shortly after he said that, a melodious giggle was capable of being heard exactly from the chair Samael was pointing his gun at. "As always you don't know how to take a joke and here I thought the Warlord had gotten you with that raid." Slowly, the purple outline of a woman began to take form.

Soon after, the previously invisible woman appeared. She's beautiful with a slender body, tanned skin and black hair, that's purple near the ends, but one of the sides of her head are shaved. One of her eyebrows is slitted, there's a beauty mark under her left eye and she uses a purple lipstick, the same color of her nails. She's wearing a purple-blue ombre suit under a black and purple coat with a wide collar.

Her legs are crossed and she's smilling at him.

"A pleasure to see you too, Olivia. Now tell me, what are you doing here? I would make you tea, but I don't remember inviting you." Samael visibly lowered his guard and placed the gun on the table.

"Ah, ah, ah." Olivia lightly shook her head. "Unfortunately I don't know anyone named Olivia, I'm Sombra, pleasure to meet you."

Seeing that Samael was clearly not playing her games Olivia, also known as Sombra, smiled. "Cruel and direct to the point, that is exactly what I like about you. You know that intimidating act would be more scary if my eyes couldn't see that you have three broken ribs. Are you sure that you want to talk? You might die halfway through my explanation."

"You know perfectly that I won't die that easily. They are going to need a lot more than a couple of enforcers to kill me."

"Says the man who's barely standing. You need a stim shot and you also need somebody to help you reposition your broken ribs. Let me get you fixed up." Sombra got up from the chair and approached him. Then he could feel a picking feeling on his neck, indicating that she used the stim shot on him.

Samael flinched a bit in pain as the stimulants ran through his veins. "Just get this over with."

After he said that, Sombra, using her augmented x-ray vision, placed her hand on the left side of Samael's chest and with just a single hand, she used her strength to readjust the broken bones as closely as possible to the right place. She couldn't do nothing more than that, now the stim shot will take care of the rest.

Needless to say, this small procedure was extremely painful, but Samael didn't even utter a word.

After Sombra helped him, Samael sighed and looked at her. "You still haven't answered my question. Why are you here, Sombra?"

Sombra backed up and sat down on the chair while crossing her legs. "I just readjusted your bones and saved your life. I could do with a "thank you" before we have this conversation."

Samael didn't say anything, just gave her a deadpan look. Sombra rolled her eyes. "Fine, I came here to tell you to stop. You are going to get yourself killed, if you keep going down that path."

While she said that, Samael got up and walked towards a closet, just to remove his gas mask and place it on top of the table.

Only now the facial features of the man feared by his gas were seen. Samael's a young man with an attractive and very handsome face, giving the feeling of a noble despite the coldness present in his silver eyes. Samael's hair is straight and somewhat long, reaching his chin, possessing the same silver color of his eyes, however, the very ends of the hair has a multitude of colors, similar to a rainbow.

Swipping his hair back, giving him a rather wild look, Samael turned to Sombra, who despite trying her best to hide, was a little lost when she looked at his face, so she forced herself to look at her own nails, due to living with him for a long time, she had gotten used to his appearance, however, that didn't make him any less appealing to the eyes.

Samael had always been a little too handsome ever since they met, however, after losing everything, his eyes became cold and dangerous, his gaze is like that of a savage animal ready to tear to shreds whoever comes too close, and despite his way of speaking being rough, his overly handsome face, possessing a maturity that didn't follow his age, was too captivating, borderline alluring.

"Sombra, you know better than anybody that I have no choice. I will see her again even if that is the last thing I do." Samael's words woke her up from her stupor, just for her to smile in amusement.

"As I expected. No matter what I do, you won't change your mind. Playing the childhood friend card didn't work. Well if you are going to try and invade that place, you will need my services." She uncrossed her legs before getting up.

Sighing a little, Samael just askes one question. "How much?"

He knew exactly that Sombra didn't do anything for free. She will always ask for money, independently of who is asking. Even if it is her childhood friend asking.

Making a 1 with a hand and a 5 with the other she answered. "1.5 million platinum."

Samael flinched upon hearing her. It was half of how much he saved over the years. Sombra, much like a mischievous cat that likes to play with her food, loves to play games like these, where she plays with people's money and consequently, their lives.

No matter what you do, if you don't agree to pay her for the job and still demand for it to be done in a lower price, you will not have a good time. She will find any money that you have on your off shore accounts, then she will suck every single coin out of your pockets and will destroy your life after doing so.

While Samael is one of the most feared in the Undercities, Sombra is definitelly the most hated.

'This outcome was predictable, she was the one that helped me set up my offshore accounts in the first place.' Samael thought before looking at her. "You are a massive bitch, you know that right?"

Sombra laughed out loud and smirked. "Very well, 1.5 million platinums will be withdrawn from your account."

Samael knew that this was an absurd amount of money. Enough for her to disappear if she wanted to, but he trusts her. While Sombra is greedy, she has never betrayed him, not even once. And this is exactly why he hates the fact that he has to involve her in his own suicide affair, but her help is essential.

He needs her hacking skills because she is probably the only hacker in the Undercities who can easily hack the Warlord's data base and not leave any trail.

"As always it is a pleasure doing business with you, Sam. Also, when are you going to get the poor guy out of your closet? You have left him in there gassed, he would have been dead, if I didn't waste one of my stim shots on him." Sombra pointed at the closet near him.

Samuel, however looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "One of your stim shots? Are you sure that you didn't just pick one of mine and called it your own?"

Sombra smiled because she knew that she could get away with things like this. If it was somebody else, they would have been turned into a lab rat for him to experiment his latest toxins.

Sombra just shrugged. "You know me, I see something yours, but I like, I take. What is yours is mine and what is mine is mine. Besides you need the guy alive don't you?"

Samael decided to ignore her and simply open up the closet. From within, a guy immediately fell onto the ground, ropes binding him and duck tape on his mouth.

As soon as the duck tape was taken ou of his mouth, the man started to cry and yell. "Please, let me live! I- I have a family, my wife loves me, m- my children will miss me, please! Just l- let me live!"

Samael simply scoffed. "You still have a chance to get out of this alive, so listen up, Duglas-"

"His name is not Duglas." From behind Samael, Sombra's voice was heard.

After closing the deal, Sombra immediately started to do what she was paid for. In front of her, several screens with purple edges were capable of being seen. She was tapping and moving her hands frantically while her eyes were moving all around, checking every screen. Despite that, she still had the leisure to hear and glance at what Samael was doing, proving the fact that she was probably the best hacker out there.

Upon hearing his childhood friend's comment, Samael simply rolled his eyes. "Well now it is, ain't that right Duglas?"

"Duglas" nodded at him, making Sombra chuckle.

Having grabbed the gun on the table before releasing "Duglas", Samael placed the barrel on the man's neck, lifting his face to look at him in the eyes. "I will ask you one last time. Where can I find the blueprints for the Birdcage?"

Just as "Duglas" was about to say something, Samael's gloved hand covered his mouth. "Shhhhh. Think before you speak. Let me remind you, I have a gun pointed at your neck. A single wrong answer and your brain will decorate the wall."

"Duglas" desperately nodded and spoke opened his mouth after Samael took his hand off him. "The only one who has part of the blueprints is the architect, Mr. Leo. He's the one who's in charge of maintaining and building new cells. However, the Warlord keeps a tight security around the blue prints and not even Mr. Leo has the entirety of the blue prints."

Samael nodded and asked. "Where can I find a list of the inmates inside?"

When "Duglas" heard him, he immediately realised what he was planning from the questions that he was asking. "You want to break into that place?! Are you insane?! Nobody has ever left that place alive! I would rather die, than continuing to speak further than I already did."

As an answer, Samael placed the barrel on his forehead. "That can be arranged."

"Duglas" closed his eyes and yelled. "Do it! I would rather die than doom my entire family to suffer the same fate as me!"

"Sam, you gotta give him respect. I mean he has some balls, after all that crying and wailing, he actually has a set of balls. He wants to die to save his family." Sombra said not even looking over the top of her screens.

"There is no respect in death, only emptiness." Samael said as he pulled the trigger and blowed the guy's head.

He just watched as "Duglas" lifeless body fall onto the ground.

"I honestly hope that you will clean that up before it starts smelling." Sombra complained completely undisturbed by the dead body on the ground.

Samael could have acquired more information out of him, but he knew that he would be extremely uncooperative and wouldn't speak more than he already did. Even if Samael tortured him, it would take hours to break him and it wouldn't be that effective, after all, he has other means of getting the information he wants. There's Mr. Leo that has all the information he wants and he will soon enough pay him a visit.

"Hey! I got something for you." Sombra said, making Samael approach her.

Samael looked at her screens and immediately understood what she wanted. "Exactly how is getting that going to help me?"

Sombra smiled. "Well, you have already pissed off the Warlord by escaping an Extermination Raid. Might as well take what is his. I don't know what is inside that, but it is for sure something important. The amount of security around that is huge, you know what that means... High risk, potential high reward."

Samael just shook his head. "And you want me to risk my life over a potential reward?" His eyes locked onto hers.

"Nop. I don't want you to do anything. I simply pointed it out the potential in such a move, in the end the decision is yours "boss"." She booped his nose and put emphasis in the "boss" word.

Samael could feel the hairs of his body standing on their ends. "Don't call me boss when you don't mean it, it gives me the creeps... Alright, I will do it." He said as he started to get ready for another long mission.

After picking up his gas mask and guns necessary to do said mission, Sombra tossed him an earpiece so that they could communicate.

"Don't die." Two words came out of Sombra's mouth.

Unlike her previous words, these words lacked irony, sarcasm or her characteristical mischievousness. They held a bit of genuine concern, something that made him stop for a couple of seconds before walking away. "I don't plan on doing so." He answered without looking back.

A couple of moments after Samael walked away, Sombra sniffed the air and looked in the direction of the body. "That bastard really left me with the corpse."

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