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74.41% Please, don’t leave me alone ! / Chapter 32: Chapter 32 : Lost history & persecution

Bab 32: Chapter 32 : Lost history & persecution

Amanises was fed up with Xin Jian.

It was too annoying to have to intervene every time while accommodating the Death Uniqueness so She decided to send Her somewhere and asked for Adam's help.

Gathering of the gods above Sefirah Castle :

« Mr. Fool, you should also prevent her from entering Sefirah Castle and leaving the place where we will exile her. I need a break. » Amanises said.

Mr. Fool nodded.

« I know, I said that I wouldn't help her anymore. »

Amanises turned to Adam :

« Give autonomy to her secret puppet in Backlund to let her continue giving classes to Miss Justice, but erase that secret puppet's memories of me and the Evernight Church. Let's exile Xin Jian until I finish accommodating the Death Uniqueness. »

That's how the goddess of sleepy flowers betrayed Xin Jian.

(Amanises : You're cute and all but I need a break and you're causing such a big mess this time…

Xin Jian : ToT.

Mr. Fool (<- accomplice) : *silently sipping tea on the side*)

Xin Jian's point of view :

When I opened my eyes, I was in an unfamiliar place.

Did I enter a transmigration novel this time ?

I mean, I just blinked.

I looked at the land plunged in darkness with occasional lightning around me.

I never tried getting electrocuted…

By the way, we are March 4 today, it's Klein's birthday… And Mr. Fool's too.

Also, Cattleya has joined the Tarot Club since a while ago.

I think it shouldn't be wrong to say that I am in the abandoned land of the gods…

So I haven't transmigrated. Sad.

Should I try searching for a city ?

But there are only in 10 cities in an entire continent, I can only rely on luck to find one…

And why did I even arrive here ?

For now, let's think about survival.

To survive, I need food…

But I am fog, I don't need food.

To survive, I need light…


I pulled out the historical projection of a lantern.

This Sequence 1 Uniqueness of the Error Pathway nearly died because of a mistake (even I wouldn't have necessarily died if I entered a secret state and was attacked by monsters).

Unfortunately, it should be the day so the lightning was strong enough for me to survive until now and I wasn't able to experience dying. It's so sad…

I shook my head and tried to enter Sefirah Castle since I didn't have anything to do

in the abandoned land of the gods (apart from killing every monster here and create a collection of Beyonder characteristics).

Keyword : tried.

My eyes widened.

It failed, something blocked me from entering.

I tried again.

And again.

And again…

But all of my attempts failed.

I covered my face.

« Haha. »

I am alone once again…

« I am fine… »

—————— I am the dividing line~

A lantern in hand, I walked through the destroyed buildings and looked at the ruins in the abandoned land of the gods.

Sometimes I saw the remains of churches, sometimes it was the remains of buildings who came from before the First Epoch, and sometimes there were murals.

I stopped and looked at the damaged wall next to me.

There were 8 people on it.

—————— I am the dividing line~

3rd point of view, 4th Epoch :

Amanises suddenly felt something and walked in that direction.

She arrived to a place where a man was just standing there, staring at the air.

Amanises found something wrong and asked :

« Where is 'She' ? »

These days, the Nameless Angel was hanging out with Him. Amanises felt that something was wrong, and Her intuition told Her that it was related to 'Her'.

The man turned around and finally answered in a low voice.

« …'She' annihilated 'Her' soul, 'She' cut it into pieces. 'She' is dead. »

Amanises froze.

'She' is dead.

She never thought that She would ever hear that about the Nameless Angel.

Amanises did not find Her words for a while.

« …What will you do now ? »

But She knew that He was closer to the Nameless Angel than Her. He must have been more affected.

« I will hung myself above Sefirah Castle and come out when the time is right. I'll separate my Beyonder characteristics and leave them here. »

He covered His face.

« I'm tired. I need a break. »

Then He left.

Amanises looked at Him a last time.

She had lost two friends that day.

She turned back and went to Adam.

Even though a lot of time had passed and Medici became an evil spirit, the previous kings of angels were still close.

(Medici being close with the people who made Him an evil spirit.jpg)

« What is it ? » He asked.

She answered :

« The Nameless Angel died and Zhou Mingrui went to sleep inside Sefirah Castle. »

Adam glanced at Her.

« Who is Zhou Mingrui ? »

She raised Her head, puzzled.

« The Miracle Angel. One of the 10 kings of angels. »

« What are you saying ? There were always only 9 kings of angels, 8 if we don't count the Nameless Angel. »

Amanises felt chills run through Her body.

She turned back and went to Ourobouros.

« Ourobouros, do you know the Miracle Angel ? »

Confused, Ourobouros asked :

« Who is He ? »

Amanises retorted :

« He is… He is… »

Uh ? What was His name again ?

Amanises's eyes widened.

« …our friend. »

She felt some memories disappear.

[« Of course I am from the all flavor party ! »]

It disappeared.

[« If only we were still in that era… »]

It disappeared.

[« Hello, my name is •••. Nice to meet you. »]

It disappeared…

Amanises took a step back.

Ourobouros shook His head.

« No, I don't remember. »

Amanises entered a secret state to prevent more of Her memories from disappearing.

She felt as if the world was trying to erase the Miracle Angel.

It was someone who came from Her era and a friend. She shouldn't forget Him.

So She waited.

After a while, She exited from Her secret state and looked at a mural that Ourobouros had recently painted.

There were originally nine people on it, but now the place where the Miracle Angel once was was empty.

All traces of the Miracle Angel had disappeared, as if He had never existed.

Amanises lowered Her head.

She was the only one who remembered that there were once ten kings of angels. Since He was forgotten by everyone, She decided to call the king of angels whom She couldn't recall the name : the Forgotten Angel.

—————— I am the dividing line~

One month after being sent to the abandoned land of the gods, Xin Jian's point of view :

I killed another monster.

I was drenched in blood by now.

I had already stopped maintaining the lantern's historical projection since long ago.

I had not seen another human being since I arrived here.

I didn't even know how much time passed.

I tried to enter Sefirah Castle again.

It failed.

I smiled.

It was a crazy smile.

I am fine.

From the gray fog, Mr. Fool silently watched me.

Somehow, I began to really miss Klein.

Everything was fine when I was with Klein.

Everything was joyful when I was with Klein.

So why did you leave me ?

Why did you leave me ?

What did I do wrong ?

I am fine…

—————— I am the dividing line~

A few days before Roselle's assassination, 3rd point of view :

« Bernadette, there is something that you have to remember. »

Roselle knew that Amanises was also from his era and She had talked to him about the Forgotten Angel.

« There is a pitiful fellow out there who was forgotten by everyone. He was previously a king of angels under the ancient Sun God. One day, He will reappear. I want you to find the Forgotten Angel. »

200 years, Bernadette's ability to make prophecies told her that the Forgotten Angel had finally reappeared.

Unfortunately, even Zhou Mingrui's memory had been erased and He only remembered about the past after becoming a god, before going to sleep to fight against the previous Lord of Mysteries in His first life.

—————— I am the dividing line~

Xin Jian's point of view :

I am fine.

I pierced another monster's heart and blood splashed on my face.

I am totally fine.

I lifted my fists into the air.

With a crazed look in my eyes, I yelled.

« Hey ! Look ! Look at what you are missing on, Klein ! »

I had a bright smile on my face.

Brighter than I had ever had until now.

(Faker than I had ever had until now.)

With only some corpses that could hear me I continued as loudly as I could.

« Yeah, you don't know what you're missing on ! You'll regret it ! »

A drop of liquid trailed down my cheek, I don't know if it was blood or tears.

« Look ! Look at what I've become, Klein ! You're regretting it, right ? You want to come back, right ?! See ? I don't need you to be happy ! I am fine all alone ! »

(Why did you leave me ?)

I am fine.

I laughed.

It was a cheerful laugh, a bright laugh, but somehow it sounded worse than crying to Mr. Fool.

I am fine.

If I ever admit that I'm not fine, then I will break down completely.

So, I am fine…

At that moment, Mr. Fool finally understood why I always blurted out nonsense.

It wasn't because I was dumb, nor because I was crazy. On the contrary, I could be very smart sometimes. No, like Mr. Fool lampooned to preserve His humanity, I was simply thinking bullshit to preserve my mental health.

That's why I didn't want to be a real Beyonder.

If I drank a potion, I would lose control on the spot, my mental state is too unstable.

So, as if it was a magic spell, I continued to repeat to myself : I am fine.

—————— I am the dividing line~

After annihilating all of the monsters in yet another area, I found myself sitting at the familiar long mottled table.

I looked in front of me and saw Mr. Fool.

*brain processing the situation.jpg*

I sighed. I am finally out of that damn place.

I noticed something wrong and narrowed my eyes.

Through the gray fog, I felt Mr. Fool's emotions.

I used (tried to use) a menacing tone.

*tone still monotonous.jpg*

« Mr. Fool… Why do you feel guilty~? »

I heard Mr. Fool's thoughts.

"How did you know ?!"

What did you do ?!

I began to suspect that He had deliberately blocked my entry into Sefirah Castle all this while.

(Mr. Fool : Why did you suddenly become smart ?!

Xin Jian : I'm the professional of bullshit and weird conclusions, not dumb.

Mr. Fool : What is weird is that you actually arrived at the right conclusion for no reason. How can you guess the truth when I just felt guilty ?

Xin Jian : I just know you too well.)

At this moment, the great Lord of Mysteries, the powerful Great Old One had cold sweat and was searching for His words.

(Mr. Fool, pushing the blame onto someone else : This is all Amanises's fault.

Amanises : Traitor. If I must fall, we'll fall together.

Mr. Fool : Oops, wrong decision… Will, come here for a second (and reboot the time).

Will : This is child labor !

Mr. Fool : Yes, so what ?

Will : …

Xin Jian : The key to winning an argument where you're wrong is to confidently say something so wrong that your opponent simply has no idea how to refute you.)

After a peaceful conversation, we sorted out everything.

(Mr. Fool : If this is a peaceful conversation then I don't want to have any peaceful conversations ever again !

Xin Jian : As I said, violence is always the answer.)

Conclusion : Amanises is back !

(Amanises : Aren't you supposed to be mad at me…?

Xin Jian : Anger is the most useless emotion. I usually just hold grudges because it's fun !

Medici, the one being harassed because it's fun : …)

I sighed.

« Late happy birthday, Mr. Fool. »

—————— I am the dividing line~

Backlund :

As a Red Glove, Leonard was investigating something.

He arrived to the next suspect who slept in an apartment. (Leonard, nobody told you that the Church paid her this apartment ?)

And was shocked to find that it was Xin Jian.

Leonard's brain stopped working for a moment because he had already begun to enter her dream.

Fake Xin Jian's point of view :

I opened my eyes and saw that I was dreaming.

After all, I'm pretty sure that it's night in Backlund (feedback from the ontology.jpg) so why can I see the sun in the middle of the sky ?!

The next question is : Why am I awake in my dream ?

My brain is very skilled at preventing me from realizing that I'm dreaming so it should have been caused by a Beyonder ability. What's more, this representation of my apartment is too realistic !

I looked in front of me and saw Leonard, seemingly half-conscious.

I waved my hand in front of his eyes.

Is he sleeping ?

He is so slow at reacting.

Were our states switched ?

Oh, I know !

When he entered my dream, there was an error so now I am awake instead of him.

I am The Error Uniqueness after all.

I made a mischievous smile.

« Leonard~. What do you think of Klein~? »

« Klein was my best friend. I thought that he was also a protagonist of the this era. » + lots of passionate, I mean ambiguous things.jpg

I continued.

« So do you like him~? »

He nodded.

« Yes, I like him very much. »

« Do you mind if I tell him of your feelings ? »

He shook his head.

« Nice. »

I hope you wake up and socially die.

Imagine the next time he sees Klein, Leonard will remember this moment and be too embarrassed to face Klein because he will think that I conveyed his words to Klein. Eventually, he will reveal his true feelings to Klein to try explain himself (that no, he is not gay) but I wouldn't have said anything to Klein anyway so Leonard will socially kill himself~.

Ah, but he will first think that Klein is dead anyway.

Well, he will soon discover that it is not the case….

After I made Leonard socially kill himself a few more times by revealing his true thoughts in an ambiguous manner (Leonard, you never let me down, seeing you again was a pleasure), I let him get out of my dream.

Now that I think about it, Klein will return to Backlund as Dwayne Dantes soon, right ?

Let's prepare my next scam !

—————— I am the dividing line~

On a boat, I found Ince Zangwill.

How surprising, let's tell his whereabouts to Leonard.

If Mr. Fool tells it to The Star, it shouldn't pose a problem, right ?

After all, Mr. Fool is omniscient and omnipotent. (not)

I will keep an eye on Ince Zangwill to make everyone fight him earlier.

I'll also tell Ince Zangwill's whereabouts to Klein where the battlefield's location is decided and the Nighthawks are already on the scene.

I had previously asked Adam to help me with this matter. (Like, the first time I met Him in this round ? When I was still living with Klein in Backlund.)

In short, I'll do my part and let Adam arrange everything as the lazy salted fish that I am…


According to my calculations, he should die one month earlier than in the previous rounds.

—————— I am the dividing line~

Klein returned to Backlund and became Dwayne Dantes, a man who wanted to become a noble and had to spend a lot of money.

Lol. Poor Klein.

He also regretted making that choice when he had to separate from thousands of gold coins but it was already to late.

One day, he was invited to a dance. Right, that's that day that I want to talk about :

A lady with a calm temperament came to him and asked :

« Would you like to dance ? »

She had a gentle smile on her face and Klein's spirituality told him that she was familiar. However, he couldn't recall where he had seen her.

Right, I'm talking about me who changed my face with Beyonder abilities. Of course, that's a secret.

Klein accepted.

I imitated the woman I saw in the previous rounds and got veeery close to Klein while dancing.

He began to dance stiffly and didn't even think about beginning the conversation.

Now, take responsibility !

Ahem, wrong line.

I kept a calm and smile on my face (which isn't really credible anymore now….) and spoke up :

« I have heard a lot about you, Mr. Dwayne Dantes. »

Like, Gehrman Sparrow killing pirates, Gehrman Sparrow destroying a mountain… Damn, you're famous.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to hear "Gehrman Sparrow infiltrated the church and entered Chanis gate." this time. Then Miss Mother of Heaven would come and greet you, you would have had a nice little adventure in the kingdom of the night as well met and freed Zaratul (who is now controlled by me anyway).

That's the only disadvantage now that Klein already has the Beyonder characteristics until Sequence 1.

« With all of these rumors of you liking all kinds of girls, I thought that you would be an eunuch but now it looks like I was wrong… »

I ambiguously looked down.

This is Loen styled euphemism for you ! (not)

I continued to dance very close to him as if nothing happened with a gentle smile on my face.

I have not problem managing my expressions since my face is usually emotionless anyway.jpg

On the contrary, Klein should now be using the clown's ability to its fullest.

Too bad, I won't be able to see Klein's face as red as a tomato…

However, Leonard's face was indeed as red as a tomato after he exited my dream the other time. Hehe.

Oops. I just remembered that Arrodes isn't there anymore so there should currently be no rumors about him liking a lot of girls.

Well, it'll just make him doubt whether there are any rumors about him behind the scenes or not. It'll make him seem paranoid.

That seems fun too…

At that moment, the dance ended and Klein pulled away a bit fast.

« That was a pleasure. » He said.

Then he brought me back to my previous spot and tried to "naturally" go towards the banquet.

That's it, that's it. Run away, you scaredy cat. (I have spirit vision too, you know ?)

« Pfft- »

What would do if I had decided to go the banquet too ?

I shook my head.

Well, I'm sure you would just have acted as if nothing happened and started a conversation.

That's no fun…

I put on an illusion and left the banquet.

I wasn't invited anyway.

What would Klein think if he discovers that I had never been invited to this banquet ? And that my identity doesn't even exist anyway ?

Secrets make a woman attractive.

…Stop, I'm thinking too much bullshit tonight.

Oh no, I forget to tell him about the passionate feelings of a certain colleague~. (Leonard's.)

Leonard, because I came anonymously, you will be able to socially live a bit longer !

Be grateful !

(Mr. Fool : You didn't even intend to tell Klein what Leonard said anyway.)

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