"I need to talk to you girls, "Esmeralda said after the dinner. Kierra and Knox had gone home. Ethan was not there as he had personally gone to drop Selene at home.
The girls wondered out, "I wonder what it is about."
Esmeralda said as soon as all of them were seated, "I am moving out to live with Ethan."
She decided that there was no point in stalling this matter. It would be better if she took care of it now. A week was away from tonight but it was too less to plan a move. If she wanted to be ready for the move she needed to start working for it now.
Ivy raised her brow.
"We did not see that coming, "Hazel said. " Aren't you contractually married? Why do you need to move in with him?"
Since they only needed to legally marry for whatever their end goal was, she did not think there was a need to move in together. The two of them would say that there was nothing romantic between them and they would not explore any romantic dimensions of their relationship either.
Althea: A tale of Love and Vengeance is out! add to your library