Esmeralda didn't know if it was her good luck or what, they found the bride in the secluded part of the venue. They didn't know what the bride was doing there alone but it helped them to kidnap the bride easily as all they had to do was make the girl sniff chloroform and wrap her in a carpet and take her out of there. They disguised themselves as the workers and sneaked out of the venue just like how they arrived.
Her knowledge at set was coming handy right now. Being a TV villainess wasn't that bad either.
Right now, they were in a cottage out of the city that was owned by Hazel's brother and the pretty bride was still asleep. More like unconsciousness.
Kierra Jade woke up after three hours and the three best friends were staring at her.
"Hi guys," The bride greeted them as soon as she woke up. She yawned prettily.
How could someone yawn so prettily?
Esmeralda didn't know. But she had to admit that the girl was so pretty. Kiera was tall unlike her who was a petite woman with more curves than necessary. Kierra was a fair like snow while she had hues of being an Italian woman. Kierra spoke so softly and gently while she was like a nuclear bomb which when burst destroys the ears.
She sniffled, no wonder Oliver chose Kierra over her.
The jerk had a good choice.
If she was at his place, she would choose Kierra too.
Was it her inferiority complex raising its ugly head again.
Maybe. Who said strong women couldn't have occasional inferiority complexes? It was part of being a human after all.
"Aren't you guys going to introduce yourself?" Kiera asked as she saw three women staring at her. She blinked her pretty eyes when she realised that the women were odd people.
"Do you know we kidnapped you?" Hazel said in a whisper-shout. "Yeah, kidnapped with capital K."
It was as if the last statement was very important to add.
"Oh," Kieraa nodded her head. She didn't know until now but she did now. She was now interested in this conversation.
"This is not how an abducted person reacts," Hazel said, her hands on her waist. This was her first time kidnapping but this wasn't how his girl was supposed to react. Come on, she was annoyed. All her mafia romances that she had read felt futile at this moment. She inwardly pouted but it was what it was.
"This is my first time being kidnapped," Kiera said with a pout. "Let's try again." As if she forgot to add something, she went on, "By the way, you didn't kidnap me. I was running away from my wedding and you lend me a helping hand. Thanks for that."
"What?!!" The three of them shouted at the same time.
"Yes." Kierra nodded her head in sympathy. "You guys suck at kidnapping."
"But why would you run away from the wedding?" Hazel asked on behalf of her heartbroken best friend while Amber nodded her head.
"I don't want to marry a jerk who is after my family's fortune," Kierra shrugged. "Also, I've been in love with my best friend's brother all my life. I should have run before but my best friend wasn't at the wedding to help me run. Only if he wasn't finding peace in some unknown parts of the world."
"Wait, why was your best friend not at your wedding?" Esmeralda asked the most important question. Looking at her besties, she said, "Amber, Hazel, if you are not at my wedding, I am not going to marry at all."
Who would be her bridesmaid and maid of honor if not for her best friends? Maybe, she would have her besties as her bridesmaid and her sister could be her maids of honour. It was a good plan. Wait…this was not important right now.
"Of course, we will be at your wedding," Both of them said at the same time. "But that's not the main topic here."
"My best friend is my father's rival's son. Decades-long rivalry." Kierra explained her story about how she couldn't chase the man she loved. She had been the good girl, the perfect daughter and the perfect sister. However, she couldn't be the perfect wife to a man she didn't love. Therefore, she decided to tear down her good-girl image and ran away from the wedding.
"Why did you try to kidnap me?" Kierra asked after a while.
"And our Esmeralda is a magnet for jerks and troubles," Amber sighed.
A/N: Moral of the story never kidnap a bride
Althea: A tale of Love and Vengeance is out! add to your library