The next day, Mu Xuan went to the library again. The library fee was not cheap. The last time he read for an entire day, he paid an entire innate spirit herb!
This time, Mu Xuan planned to test the power of the chaos void mirror!
The chaos void mirror had many divine thaumaturgy. One of them was the great path of information. It could automatically gather information.
Mu Xuan planned to see if he could use the chaos void mirror to directly obtain the content of the books in this library. In this way, Mu Xuan only needed to pay a small fee to obtain a large amount of knowledge, information, and experience.
Mu Xuan found an empty corner. With a slight glow of his palm, the chaos void mirror released invisible tentacles that began to spread to the stack of books.
Then, Mu Xuan saw that the invisible information tentacle easily entered the books and ignored the tightness contained in the book…
"Awesome!" Mu Xuan said happily.
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