Mai Sakaguchi POV:
It is a dark night lit by the moon only.
I still have no clue how there are never-ending worlds and different skies, suns, and moons. But at this point, any phenomenon in this place can be considered as a natural occurrence.
I was just saved by Elijah earlier, and right now, we are making our way to the center of the city, where an explosion with tremors arose just earlier.
"Hah…" I was already lacking in stamina. Even though I just drank water and ate a little, it wasn't enough to get my energy levels high instantly.
I stopped in place to catch a quick breath and began running again.
"We're almost there, Mai, just a little more until you can rest again." Elijah noticed my puffy breaths.
"Y-Yes…" I stuttered, barely forming the word.
Definitely didn't cry at the end of this chapter...
With the next part, I am going to conclude the second volume...
We began this volume with 4 parts, and we're gonna end it with 4 too.
So far, with the 4th part of this chapter, the end to chapter 30 will be given.
Crazy, right? That such a long journey can be only thirty chapters...