First Hunting Day:
Cebrail was lounging on the edge of a small wall like a cat wearing her school uniform and a pair of sunglasses after she left school.
She was now as per usual in Kuoh Town, mostly because she didn't have much of a reason to be anywhere else in truth. Most places are basically ruled by other factions after all so it's pretty tedious going to places that weren't neutral zones.
A few minutes after she began laying there on the wall the sound of a nearby school bell sounded and a great many kids poured out with their little red bags on their backs showing that they were elementary schoolers just getting off from school.
They were screaming and squealing excitedly as they went to their parents picking them up and began their walk back home.
Just about all of the kids completely ignored Cebrail as though they couldn't even see her in the first place.
That was of course until three specific kids at the back of the line got to her. Very purposefully they stopped directly in front of where the Seraphim Princess was laying.
"Big Sis Brail! We're here!" The first child called out. The child had neck-length pink hair with a white hair band and a face that already seemed to be growing into its future beauty. Though she wore the female uniform, this person was in fact biologically a male. Of course, Cebrail didn't care all that much…though looking at her did seem to be confusing the Seraphim's preferences, she often now thought, "What would Roygun look like crossdressing?" and the like.
"Tsk. Why must we look for this lackadaisical woman every day?" The next child asked bitterly and with great hostility in his voice. He was a boy with somewhat neatly kept light blue hair and angry blue eyes, his mouth completely set into a frown.
"Obviously so that we can see more Yuri scenes!" The next child chastised slamming her fist into the back of the boy's head. She was the most normal looking of the three with long brown hair that nearly reached her back and bright big green eyes. Her most distinguishing feature was the fact that with her bangs being held back by a hairpin her forehead looked very much like a fivehead.
"Arisu, Hans, Riko. Didn't I tell you not to bother me while I'm relaxing?" Cebrail scolded them but still pulled up her sunglasses and came down from her wall.
"Yes, you did!" Arisu confirms in a jovial tone and Cebrail scoffing turned around and began walking away. The three children diligently followed her like little ducklings and the Seraphim Princess didn't complain at all.
"Why does she always say that she doesn't want to be bothered but sits here and waits for us every few days?" Hans muttered in annoyance.
"I've read about this actually, I think it's called a 'tsundere' so whatever she says she actually means the opposite!" Riko whispered to Hans as they followed.
"That's so stupid, why not just say what you mean and be done with it?" Hans grumbled.
"Hey~ Hey~ Big Sis Brail can we get iceycream today?" Arisu asks sweetly while looking up at Cebrail with her huge pink eyes.
Cebrail was understandably a bit weak to the girl, not because of her innocent eyes but because of her pink hair. It was darker than Roygun's but still, it reminded her of the woman causing another thought to come into her head.
(What would Roygun look like if she were a kid?)
"If we pass by an ice cream stand then sure."
"Yay! Yay! Did you hear that guys? We're getting ice cream!" Arisu cheered and looked back at her friends with an absolutely ecstatic expression. She was acting as though them getting ice cream was an absolute rather than simply a possibility.
"Is the ice cream shop owner a woman?" Riko asks more intrigued about such a strange thing rather than ice cream like most kids would.
"Whatever." And Hans wasn't excited at all.
As though very purposefully Cebrail took a path to the residential district that would cut through the plaza and near an ice cream stand being run by a girl with blue hair.
"I see you upgraded Kojika, good for you." Cebrail greeted the blue-haired ball of misfortune.
"Hehehe~ yeah. I mean I don't own it like my last one but it pays a lot better." Kojika had gotten quite a bit stronger since the last time Cebrail had seen her which impressed the Seraphim Princess, it seemed the blue-haired girl was seriously serious about her serious revenge business and was killing Stray Devils with utmost seriousness.
"These kids want ice cream." Cebrail states before turning to the three children. "Tell her what you want."
"Roger, Big Sis! I'd like cookies and cream with sprinkles!"
"Too surgery only one or the other." Cebrail Arisu's order off and denied her of her order.
"Pooie~ Cookies and cream by itself then…" Arisu says reluctantly with a pout.
"Big Sis Brail already knows this girl? A past fling perhaps?!?" Riko exclaimed in excitement.
"No, she rejected me." Cebrail states and all three kids look at her before looking at Kojika as though she were the stupidest person on Earth, they simply couldn't imagine it, Big Sis Brail not only confessing to someone but also getting rejected?!?!?
"Stop joking! You're going to give them the wrong idea!" Kojika yelled handing Arisu her ice cream.
"But you did in fact reject me."
"I rejected your OFFER!" Kojika corrected.
Cebrail wanted to continue teasing Kojika but suddenly she felt a chill go down her spine and instantly she formed a barrier using her Sacred Gear just in time as a spear made of blood came soaring down from a nearby rooftop.
Without even paying it much mind she changed it from a liquid to a solid block of ice, caught it, and crushed it with her bare hands.
"It's just as I feared…" Reginleif muttered upon seeing Cebrail so easily detect and counter their surprise attack. "She isn't simply fast, her instincts are just that good."
"So surprise attacks are no good?" Elmenhilde questioned curiously.
"I fear that may be so." Reginleif responded grimly.
"Maybe it's just surprise attacks from a distance that don't work?" Tosca says hopefully.
Second Hunting Day:
Reginleif decided this time that the three would attempt a full frontal assault.
And the result?
Well, it was as expected.
In the middle of a playground, Cebrail was standing in front of them and they were standing in front of her
The three kids were nearby watching from a bench with amazement and incredible interest as they looked between the two sides.
"What are you guys doing?" Cebrail asks casually with a raised eyebrow.
"We're here to defeat you Cebrail."
"Y-Yes Ms. Cebrail, we were told that we have to defeat you as our next training objective."
"I'm just here to get stepped on~"
"I see. Then come I guess…"
With this, the fight started and Tosca was the first to charge toward Cebrail, her regular iron spear poised to stab the Angel.
"...That's too direct…" Cebrail warned batting away the white-haired girl's strike.
"And you're too predictable." Cebrail moved to the side and kicked Elmenhilde who was trying to ambush her from her shadow.
The vampire coughed up some spit before she was sent flying hitting her back on the monkey bars and falling to the floor.
Tosca, recovering from being parried, completely slashes towards Cebrail but with the slightest amount of hesitation. This weakness Cebrail used to rip the spear out of the girl's hand forcing her to fall forward.
"Oof!" Tosca grunted as her body hit the ground and Cebrail planted her foot on her back.
"As expected Big Sis Brail is the strongest!"
"S-She's stepping on her! Is that a blush I see on the other girl????"
"Hmpf, she still has one more opponent."
"One more opponent. FOR NOW!" Arisu corrected Hans arrogantly.
"Whatever you say Ari."
Reginleif, seeing that the other two were rather beaten, called it a day there and they retreated.
Third Hunting Day:
Cebrail and the three kids were lounging in the plaza with chocolate chip cookies.
"Soooo~ Big Sis Cebrailllll~" Arisu says in an inquiring manner.
"Why are those three girls attacking you?"
"They're probably all her suitors!"
"You morons, didn't you hear them yesterday? They're fighting her to train or something."
"That is correct. They're my subordinates and are using combat with me to train. It's a good idea though they likely aren't ready yet."
"Subordinates? Bis Sis Brail is a real big shot huh? Though I guess that's a given with how beautiful you are!" Arisu praised Cebrail.
As she sat there something caught Cebrail's eye, a familiar boy with slightly spiky and very protagonist-like brown hair. His proportions were average, his looks were average, and even his walk was average.
He was the kind of guy that could easily go under the radar as nothing but a mob character, however, that's exact;y what made him perfect as a harem protagonist. Not too flashy, yet not ugly, easy for people with those kinds of fantasies to project themselves on.
This boy as though feeling her gaze looked over towards her and his regular brown eyes met her cool abnormal yellow eyes.
Somehow he felt as though he had been shot in the heart and could only keep staring dumbly at the Seraphim Princess.
"Hey! What are you doing you stupid boy!" Riko took off her shoe and threw it at the boy. "Stop ogling at Big Sis Brail! She's a PRINCE! A LADY KILLER! PRIME YURI MATERIAL!!!!!"
"Good work Riko! We don't want any stupid boys trying to take Big Sis from us! All men are WOLVES!!!!" Arisu cried throwing her own shoe at the boy.
"..." Cebrail just watched them with a blank expression though in truth she was trying her best not to laugh.
"Ow! Ow!"
Hans, though he didn't say anything, also threw his shoe at the boy.
All three of the children liked Cebrail very much for different reasons.
Arisu because the Angel answered her prayer and helped her "become a girl" even allowing her to come out to her parents and not care about what others thought of her.
Hans because the Angel had saved his father who had been tricked into taking on an immense amount of debt by paying it off.
And Riko?
Well, Riko just noticed that Cebrail tends to make women question their sexuality so she could almost taste the immense amount of Yuri potential the girl had. As a Yuri enthusiast she absolutely had to see it first hand.
People thinking that something bad was going on gathered around the brown-haired boy and Cebrail a bit defensively on Cebrail's side.
Though the boy had lived here all his life he was unfortunately just another face in the crowd while Cebrail was someone they saw quite often and helped around the place without asking for pay. She was essentially a member of the community.
Plus she was also a girl so societal instincts dictated that it was probably the man at fault.
"We're leaving." Cebrail didn't care very much about the crowd and took the children with her.
The brown-haired boy could only look on as Cebrail's silver hair flowed behind her like water turning into a curtain which hid her face from his eyes.
The boy perhaps for the first time in his life had experienced something like love at first sight, though he wouldn't realize this until he got older. For now all he could do was think about the pain of the shoes that were thrown at him and the stares of the people so he ran off.
"We aren't going to attack Ms. Cebrail today senior?" Tosca asked a distraught-looking Reginleif.
"We'll attack again tomorrow. One more day I just need to see it one more time. I'm sure I can come up with a workaround…"
"A workaround for what?" Elmenhilde asks, taking a few gulps out of a cup filled with blood.
"Her 6th sense. It's the reason we basically can't even touch her, but no abilities are without a weakness, especially a natural one such as that." Reginleif said though the other two girls didn't seem all that sure.
They could only rely on their seniors' judgment however so neither said anything.
Fourth Hunting Day
There were no kids today as Cebrail actually had something to do besides watch them until they felt like going home.
So now she was standing in front of Sis Cross Kiss looking at the provocative sign. Now it was even more erotic then before as it had a woman posing near the weapons with her overly large breasts sticking out and hourglass figure.
"..." Cebrail was not very fond of it at all, not because it was erotic but because it promoted fake news.
Big tits really weren't all that special, just a bunch of fat.
Her annoyance and jealousy aside, she decided to enter anyway in order to give Anna some more of her pee and saliva to sell. She didn't really think the woman was a very legitimate business woman despite her claims at being honest.
Though… she wasn't exactly lying when she claimed to be selling holy water. It's just that she never thought to inform them that it was holy water taken from a golden fountain. Probably because it would be bad for business.
As soon as she put her hand on the door Cebrail suddenly felt an attack coming and moved out of the way just as a spear of blood went through the front door just past the Angel's head.
(That one was close.) Cebrail remarked in her head clearly impressed by not only the Vampires stealth but her speed as well. (She didn't give off any intention until the moment she thought her attack was going to hit as well.)
Cebrail jumped backwards gaining some distance however he felt another attack coming and turned to parry a spear strike from the shadows of the alleyway.
"Nice work Tosca." Cebrail complemented the girl in the maid outfit causing her to blush and hesitate for a moment.
"O-Oh thank you M-Ms. Ce-" She didn't get the chance to finish her response as she took an elbow to the back sending her onto the ground before she was stepped on and held in place by Cebrail's foot.
"ME TOO!" Elmenhilde yells in joking jealousy and tossed multiple blood bags into the air. Instantly the blood bags exploded and multiple spears of blood rocketed out towards the Seraphim Princess.
"Strange as always Emmy." Cebrail's barrier formed and instantly as the blood spears passed through they teleported behind Cebrail and stuck themselves into the wall.
Elmenhilde, feeling determined, was about to charge towards Cebrail but Reginleif stopped her with a hand on the shoulder.
"Sorry Senior…" Tosca apologized from the floor sadly.
"It's fine Tosca. We'll get her next time."
"You sound quite confident in your statement."
"That's because I am."
"Then I'm looking forward to it, my grand royal vizier."
Fifth Hunting Day:
On the fifth day something particularly interesting happened as the Seraphim Princess was marching around Kuoh with the kids looking for something to do.
She ran into a very familiar person, though she was wearing a white T-Shirt, jeans, a medical mask, sun glasses, and a hat. Some of her eye-catching crimson hair was peeking from under her cap.
It was Rias Gremory and boy was she being suspicious. She was constantly looking around like a criminal on the run and was holding something tightly against her chest.
"Ohh~ Did a woman finally catch Big Sis' attention!?!?" Riko already had her notepad and pen out prepared to note down all of the Yuri events which were about to take place.
"Yes, the two of us go to school together." Cebrail explained casually while still watching the redheaded Gremory.
"Huhhhh? Big Sis Brail goes to school???" Arisu questioned in surprise as though the very thought that Cebrail went to school was completely impossible.
"Of course, she goes to school you fool. She's always wearing her uniform, even now!"
"That's not just some kind of fetish?" Arisu asks in an innocent tone with an even more innocent tilt of her head.
"My fetish is being naked in public." Cebrail says causing all three kids to turn to her with wide eyes. "At least I'm told that it is a fetish. I don't exactly get sexually excited doing it though."
"""...""" All three kids just stared at her and upon looking more closely could clearly tell that she wasn't wearing a bra.
Hearing the sudden cry Cebrail instantly disappeared and caught the falling Rias Gremory by the back of her collar.
"This is why big tits aren't that good. You weigh a ton." Cebrail insulted Rias instantly but still pulled her up and into her arms.
"Are you calling me, Rias Gremory. Sole heiress to the Gremory clan FAT!!!??!?!?" Rias cried in outrage.
"Perhaps you could interpret it in such a way.
Unknown to them someone nearby took a picture though this wasn't nearly enough evidence to be used in the case against Gabriel it was a start.
Cebrail leaned closer to Rias and peered at her with clear annoyance; however, their faces were so close that the children were all blushing and Riko specifically was starting a fire with her pen.
"You've got fat tits." Cebrail whispered, though she wasn't attempting to be erotic for the most part and was actually using it as an insult, it very much came across as flirting.
Another picture was taken.
"W-W-What are you doing?!?" Rias pushes herself away from Cebrail with a visible blush on her face. "I bet you do that kind of stuff on purpose!"
"What are you going on about?" Cebrail questioned however as Ris was about to angrily respond she noticed that her "object of interest" had fallen to the floor.
"AHHHHH!" Rias screamed with a look of horror and dived for her book on the ground, unfortunately by drawing attention to it Cebrail who was well versed in such things immediately knew what it was.
"Rias. It's perfectly fine to be interested in this kind of thing." Cebrail says.
"GURAAAGGG!" Rias made a strange sound before standing back up with a shadow over her eyes. "Ehcht, arg, eyaaa…"
She made strange grunting sounds as though she were in physical pain from Cebrail seeing it.
What Cebrail hadn't realized was that it wasn't just an erotic manga Rias was reading but a hard core Yaoi including various fetishes such as, male pregnancy, torture, pooping, mutilation, and more.
"I can't let you get out of here alive Cebrail…"
Rias' hand shot out in a chopping motion as she attempted to knock Cebrail out. The Seraphim Princess easily dodged it with a slightly confused expression.
"Like I said, it's perfectly normal for girls your age to be interested in that kind of stuff." Though Cebrail was actually being serious due to her expression never really changing whether she's insulting Rias or not Rias simply took it as another provocation.
"You die on this day CEBRAIL! YOUR LIPS MUST BE SEALED!!!!!" Rias continued to attack Cebrail who dodged rather effortlessly though she did take note of something.
Physically speaking Rias was stronger then the time she had almost blown her away during the castle sieging game.
"Children. I'll be running off now, make sure to get home safely." Cebrail gave a casual wave goodbye before disappearing into feathers leaving a trail behind.
"Those two have pretty good chemistry I think…" Arisu noted as she watched Rias bolt after the trail determined to seal Cebrail's lips forever.
"If even you, a non-Yuri enthusiast, noticed then it must be destiny! The way they flirt! How close they stand to each other! The teasing! It's all perfectly and completely Yuri!"
"I'm pretty sure they just actually hate each other." Hans says realistically.
Both girls looked at him in disgust as though he were a filthy insect.
""You really don't understand the heart of girls Hans."" They both chastised at the same time.
Longer chapter since I didn't feel like separating all of it into separate chapters.