Unduh Aplikasi

4. Then.. Friends..?

"Hello" ---> Normal speech

"'How"'---> More than one person/silmutaneous speech

'Are'---> Personal Thoughts or Mind Coversations.

{You!}---> Veldora's speech.

<Confirm>---> Aibo's speech

(Confirm)---> The Voice of The World

[Slash]---> Techniques or Skills usage




'Veldora.. A powerful Dragon that even holds the title 'Storm Dragon' that sounds very powerful. Even then he still lost to a human hero. Question arise, How strong is she?' I thought silently. Veldora said her skin was pale, her lips were bright red and small. Her long hair was a dark shade of silver, kept back in a single ponytail. She was slim, not that tall, rather small for a human.

Her face was covered with a mask, apparently she carried a long, curved sword, A 'Katana'. She took advantage of two unique skills, Absolute Severance, Unlimited Imprisonment, and a wealth of other skills, and as Veldora put it, "Overwhelmed" him. There was more than a nostalgic trace in his voice.

'Well how do I put this.. He may not be a bad per- dragon after all.. He may really like human..' I tried to solve my complicated feeling about the Dragon.

"All right! Well, um… What do you think Friends, then?" Mikami suddenly proposed. I was a little startled when I heard he proposed that.

{Wh-what? A mere slime, daring to seek the friendship of the mighty beast

feared worldwide as Veldora the Storm Dragon?!} Veldora was also startled by it.

"I don't think it's bad Idea.." I agrees with Mikami's proposal. Come to think of it, Mikami was always the friendly kid. He always have friends around him and so he has a high social skill standing.

{Y-You too?! A mere spirit?!}

"Oh, um, you don't have to if you don't want, but.." Mikami sounded a little nervous, I must say to try and befriend a dragon is a bold move.

{You fool! You foolish fool! Who says about not wanting it?!} Veldora immediately refuted.

"Well you don't need to force yourself you know..?" I said to Veldora. I obviously know that he really wanted to be friends with us but he is just saying things like that because of his pride.

{—Mmm, indeed… If you insist…I suppose I could consider it…} It's a little worrying that a Mythical Beast of Legends saying those words but.. who am I too judge..?

"Yep. I insist. It's settled! And if you don't like it, then watch out, 'cause

I'll never come back!" Mikami threatened him. It's pretty funny so I'll join in the fun.

"Indeed if you don't want to, we'll just leave"

{No!—Ah, so be it. I will become your…friend. I do hope you appreciate

the gesture!} Veldora immediately was forced to agree but he looked happy at his decision.

"Well.. To future times, then?" I asked both of them.

"To future times, then!" Mikami answered energetically.

{Indeed! To future times!.. Ah yes allow me to give both of you a name, in exchange you both can decide a name for three of us} Veldora stated.

"Huh? Why? Where'd that come from?" Mikami was confused beyond belief.

{It shall chisel into our souls the fact that we are of the same rank.

Something similar to the family names the humans use—except my name, for

you both, will also provide a kind of divine blessing. You are still nameless now, but through this, you will become a full-fledged named monster} Veldora explained.

"So a brotherhood?" I said to Mikami.

"A brotherhood then!" Mikami was very happy from Veldora's statements. A good friend is who supports you as an equal standing and never looked down at you. And so he wanted us to give a name for the three of us could use.. so kinda a family name? But I think a name that will fit him the most will be..

"You said you were a storm dragon before.." Mikami said.

"And so I think the best name will be.." I continued.

"'Tempest!"' We said at the same time. We looked at each other and then laughed. Its great that we thought of a same name.

<Confirm. A wonderful choice>

'Why thank you Aibo for the compliment' I thanked Aibo in my mind for it's compliment.

{Perfect! So be it! A wonderful timbre to that title, yes} Veldora seemed to like the name.

{From this day forward, they will call me Veldora Tempest! And you.. you from now on will be called Rimuru and you will be called August. Proclaim to the world that both of your names are Rimuru Tempest and August Tempest!} And then a name was carved onto my soul. I didn't feel much of change in term of anything other than I felt 'something' was different in my soul. But then I felt the need to address something..

"Hey, Veldora can't you do anything towards the Seal on you?" I asked Veldora about his seal. I expected the answer no with a few explanation that could quite help me break him free.

{Not with my powers, no. Someone with a unique skill on the same level as

the hero's would be necessary for there to be even a chance} Then I raised my imaginary eyebrows.

"You don't have one??" I was a little confused. A dragon that was powerful enough to cause chaos in the world do not have any Unique Skill the level of a Hero?

{I do, but now that I am sealed off, I can access none of them. Telepathy is

about all I can manage at the moment} It seems like the Unlimited Imprisonment Unique Skill is a truly unique one. It seals Veldora inside of a infinite space between him and outside making the barrier nigh indestructible.

"Wait let me try something" Mikami said then he slowly rolled over towards Veldora's barrier and tapped his body against it. He seemed to be analysing it.

<Confirm. Confirming Existence of A Similar Unique Skill.. Confirm> Aibo seemed to sense that Mikami now named Rimuru have a similar unique skill like mine.

'Huh.. intriguing' I thought as I looked at him.

"Hey! Did you lay any damage on this hero at all? Or vice versa?" Mikami suddenly asked.

{Ah, I am glad you asked! Most of my attacks were evaded, but I did land

several direct hits…which, I regret, had no effect on her. Death-Calling

Wind, Dark Lightning, even Storm of Destruction had no effect, despite being

completely unavoidable. A total loss… All I could do was laugh!} Veldora grunted with a little annoyance. This hero sounded like a very powerful being. I could probably tell that this Unlimited Imprisonment was used like a shield blocking all Veldora's attack.

"I guess I need some kind of receptacle to get you out of here. Even if it's

in spirit form only, it sounds like it oughta be possible…" Mikami said.

{Mm? There is a way out of here?! Indeed… I feel my magical force will

exhaust itself by no later than a hundred years from now. My magic

continues to flow out of me, even now.} Veldora sounded quite excited. His condition is certainly bad.. but

'I think I have an idea how to do this..' I thought.

"Yo, Rimuru! Come here for a sec" I told Rimuru to came to me.

"Huh? Sure" Rimuru rolled towards me. I then lowers myself and tapped my body against his.

<Confirm. Analysing Information of The Individual 'Rimuru Tempest'... Results:

Name: Rimuru Tempest

Age: ???

Race: Named Monster (Slime)

Unique Skill: ???,???>

'Hmm.. still not very explained.. but I have a great Idea of how it works' I sort my thoughts.

"Mi- Rimuru you are a slime right?" I asked him.

"Huh? Yes, Why?" He looked at me confused.

"So theoretically you can eat stuff right?" I asked again.

"Yes, and all the things I eat get stored in my 'stomach'" He explained. Great! Really great! That means my plan could works.

"How far can you stretch?" I asked Rimuru an information crucial to conclude my plan.

"I dunno, but I could stretch my body a lot" Rimuru answered the last piece of information I need from him.

"Wait for a moment" I approach the barrier myself to analyse it by touching it.

<Confirm. Analysing Unique Skill 'Unlimited Imprisonment'... Applying Theories of Magicules.. Success.

Unlimited Imprisonment (Unique Skill)

Creating a complex number of spatial dimension barriers in between the user and the target that seals away most skills. This barriers could not be damage via Physical Attack. It does not weaken overtime> It certainly is unique bit this is not enough information. One would need to be caught my it themselves to analyse the barriers.

'Analyse chance of getting out of this barrier' I told Aibo and it immediately came up with the answer.

<Confirm. Chances of Successful Escapes:'

-Physical Form Escapes... Zero Percent.

-Spiritual Form Escapes... One Percent.

Calculating best chances from all known information..>

'And so the best way is.. To let Rimuru store them!'

<Correct> Aibo agrees with me. If Rimuru can stretch his body enough he can probably store Veldora and his seal whole.

"I have an idea" I said to both of them. They both immediately looked at me intrigued.

{Speak up, Little August} I nodded at Veldora.

I then explain them my simple plans. Because Rimuru is a Slime, I told him to try and 'consume' Veldora whole and his seal alongside in his stomach. Then it will temporarily stops his leaking of Magic and bring him together with us instead of leaving him here.

Rimuru catched on my idea quick and confirmed that he can swallow Veldora and his seal whole while still maintaining enough space for other things. He also explained that he could analysed the Seal better as well. And so after hearing my brilliant idea and Rimuru's confirmation this is what Veldora said.

{Mwah-hah-hah-hah-hah, Fascinating! Brilliant! Go ahead! I will leave myself at your mercy!} Veldora trusted our idea.

"You're that ready to believe us?" Rimuru sounded quite pleasantly surprised.

{Of course! It'd be more fun to break through this prison together than just sitting around awaiting for your return! With the three of us, this prison will fall quicker than I ever thought!} Veldora sounded very excited already.

"All right! So I'm going to consume you, all right? Hurry up and get outta there!" Rimuru said excitedly.

"Hahaha, I'll help out as muck I could. So hurry up and just break through if you're a very powerful dragon" I sarcastically remark.

{Heh-heh-heh! Right away! You shall make me wait no longer! Let us

finally join together!} Rimuru then slowly approached him. He nervously touched Veldora and in a single second suddenly the giant Veldora alongside the whole seal was gone. It happened so fast it almost felt.. empty.

[Confirmed. Unique Skill Brother of Tempest.. Successfully Acquired.. Warning Three Individuals Have Acquired The Same Skill.. Disabling One Individual 'Brother of Tempest' Unique Skill.. Success. Attempting To Delete The Individual.. Failed] I then heard a weird voice. A voice different from Aibo, but felt weirdly familiar.

'Voice of The World?' I thought in silent as I let it do it's thing.

[*#@? Has Given Access Towards 3 Individual.. Limiting Skill Until Further Notice]

'?!' I was startled when the Voice of The World suddenly said something that I heard as a loud radio static.

"Rimuru.." I looked at Rimuru to only see that he was as confused as me.

"I don't know.. What was that?" Rimuru asked back at me but I just shake my body.

"Whatever.. So how is Veldora?" I asked Rimuru about the plan.

"Success. Great Sage will be able to analyse the Unlimited Imprisonment now" Rimuru explained.

"Good. Now.. shall we head out?" I asked Rimuru while floating away onto an unknown series of the cave.

"Geez.. Can't you be a little patient?" Rimuru followed suit behind me.

'Well Aibo.. Let's see what new things could we learn in this world!' I thought while laughing innerly.




It now has been around 30 days since Rimuru swallowed Veldora. It has been pretty quiet with Rimuru consuming anything he found interesting, while I analysed everything I haven't know yet. Most of the things I found was Magic Ores and a special herb called 'Hipokute Herb'. According to Rimuru information and Aibo's analysis, Hipokute Herb is a type of weed that grows in a magic rich environment. When dissolved and mixed, this herb could be made into a healing potion.

Other than that I was also thinking of a way to defend myself from monsters. Unlike Veldora, we are both very weak compared to other things. I came up with a few way but the main way is only to run..

But I came up with an Idea on how to defend myself. When I was learning more about magicules, I noticed that it flowed perfectly fine underwater, pressure and heat. But the only thing I noticed that changes it's flow is.. other magicules! And so I came up with a way to blast currents of Magicules to my enemy.

While I was learning that, Rimuru also found the perfect defense technique for him, which is something akin to a Water Pressure Cutter or Jet. He basically blasted the water he stored inside his stomach and shot them in high speed. But so far our attempts in our each respective technique ended up being too weak.

"Arghh!! How can it fails?!" Rimuru started getting impatient.

"Be patient and keep on trying, Rimuru" I said to him softly. I also kept on trying until I suddenly had an idea.

'What if..' I started by gathering the Magicules inside me to the opposite way of the direction I want to blast then after that I immediately pushed all of them towards that direction. When I did that, a huge force was created causing the Magicules in front of me to be shot in high speed.

(Skill "Blast" Acquired) I heard the World's Voice once again.

'Ehh.. You can gain Skills this way..?' I was a little surprised at how easy you can gain Skills.

"Watch out!" I heard Rimuru said before I saw a high speed water spray was shot towards me.

"Shit!" I tried to move out of the way but I was too slow. I then just braced myself to take the impact but..

(Skill "Barrier" Acquired) Suddenly a thin layer as thin as a thread just appeared in front of me. I observed it and I came onto the conclusion it stopped the water.

"Are you alright, So- August-sensei?" Rimuru bounced towards me.

"I'm alright, but I think you should worry about yourself.." I take a look at Rimuru but then I see that a portion of his body was literally blown off from his impact..

"I'm fine!" He said. Suddenly his body regenerate at a rapid speed covering the damaged part in almost a second.

"See!" He said while rolling around.

'That's a convenient skill..' I thought while thinking of how the hell it works.

"Anyway, how do you deflect the water, August-sensei?" Rimuru asked me.

"First, Stop calling me sensei. I'm not your sensei anymore, understand?" I said to Rimuru, he seemed to be contemplating about it but decided to just nod.

"Second, I don't know how I did that. All I know is I did this.." I pushed the Magicules from inside me towards outside shaping them like a thin membrane that looks like the Unlimited Imprisonment barrier but way way much weaker.

"Woah that's cool!" Rimuru said with excitement in his tone.

"You succeeded, Rimuru?" I asked back towards Rimuru and he wiggled like he is nodding.

"I got the Extra Skill 'Control Water' from that" He said. It's been great! I don't know how long it has been since I first spawned here but what I know is we don't have time to be playing around since we wanted to see the outside world.

Veldora hasn't responded to us, but I trusted him as he promised to came back so we could share our stories together.

'*sigh* Let's focus on what we can to get what we can't..' I mentally sighed.

"Well then.. Let's go Rimuru" I said while going up the path that either could possibly lead us to death or freedom.




[Present Status]

- August Tempest:

• Race --> Magicule Spirit

• Protection --> Crest of The Storm

• Title --> None

• Magic --> None

• Intrinsic Skills --> Unknown

• Unique Skills --> [Partner For Life] [Endless Teachings] [Brother of Tempest -Partially Sealed-]

• Extra Skills --> [Full Resistance] [Magic Sense]

• Common Skills --> [Telepathy] [Barrier -Low-] [Blast -Low-]

• Tolerance --> [Resist Pain] [Resist Temperature] [Resist Electricity] [Resist Paralysis] [Resist Poison] [Resist Mind] [Resist Melee Attack] [Resist Ranged Attack] [Resist Magic Attack] and more...

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