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100% Destiny: unkown frontier / Chapter 15: Ch 14: opportunity

Bab 15: Ch 14: opportunity

Pov: unknown cultist

The chance to prove myself is finally at hand! I've been begging for this day each and every single day and today, it's finally arrived!! I shall be memorialized beside my god in the form of a beautiful statue that shall showcase my dedication to the world. The mere thought of it made the edges of my lips quiver as I delved deeper into my imagination to a world where a marble statue of me is being carried through the massive great hall in our hidden capital before being erected next to the pedestal holding the massive statue of my beautiful and glorious god.

Imagining my fellow churchians carving beautiful statues of myself throughout the stone halls and corridors of the church as well as the support columns littered throughout the capital church. The eyes of my fellow churchians filled with admiration, respect, awe, and sheer determination as they worked day and night to chip away at the stone to carve out my handsome and heroic features.

When one is having a daydream this good it's rather hard not to succumb to the ecstasy that flooded my brain. I had to stop in place for a moment to gather my bearings on my mind lest I succumb to this ectasy before even seeing it occur. As I stopped a pleasant smile made it's way onto my face and showed its presence to the world with the rays of the morning sun kissing it.

Sadly good things never last as an armored fist hits the side of my stomach completely breaking my train of thoughts and dreams of ecstasy as a mixture of saliva and air flew out of my mouth and into the air before landing amongst the pebbles littering the dirt road.

"stop messing around and focus" a low but serious voice said from behind me which I recognized as Joseph, the man who saved me from defiling and assaulting the grand priest for which I owe him a favor but alas 20 dollars is 20 dollars.

"Alright..alright.." I replied half seriously as I rubbed the side of my stomach before sneaking a displeased glance at Joseph and another churchian that was accompanying the two of us on this mission and was currently walking behind Joseph.

He didn't introduce himself which made me a bit unsettled as for all we know he could be a spy and we'd be none the wiser but at least he did what we asked of him for the most part. Which compared to a handful of churchians who would rather stay naked for the rest of their life in front of a bunch of little kids than wear anything other than ceremonial garb.

Unfortunately, this handful of churchians were guys but a little imagination wouldn't hurt, right? Hmm, but then again how would a chick look in one of these armor sets with the weird ass horseshoe on the chest plate that looked very unpractical. Thank god the churchian capital guards didn't wear armor like this and instead used a more practical shape.

Unfortunately, that damn unintroduced weirdo waved his hand at me which made the color of my face drain as I knew who else would be watching him closely and so with great reluctance, I slowly turned to Joseph only to see him in the process of balling up his right hand into a fist so tight that the metal on his gauntlet started to screech. He slowly started to shake it at an increasing pace as an unhinged look in his eyes started growing uncontrollably which sent shivers down my spine. I did the only logical thing, I turned back around and didn't look back.

After a bit of walking, I decided to stop worrying about the free knuckle sandwich waiting behind me and instead focused on reviewing our debriefing as we walked. I watched as an imaginary room was slowly built brick by brick inside my mind on a flat plane. The brick floor and walls were steadily being replaced by wooden planks as if they were simply Legos.

A wooden desk in the shape of a crescent moon opposite of the door stood before a mural of an unknown man made of glass and metal. This view from this specific mural allowed one to see from the grassy lot behind the makeshift church over the creepy and deserted graveyard all the way to the very edges of the dark forest. But I stopped loading that view in as it would take too long to do so instead I just focused on the immediate stuff.

Four foldable metal chairs were laid out in front of the crescent wooden desk that the grand priest sat behind, a warm smile on his face as he motioned for us to sit down with an approving nod. A small wooden arch surrounded a hole in the wall where a bookshelf sat occupied by numerous books of old age perhaps they were relics of the past but it mattered little as I watched a reconstructed version of myself greet the grand priest with a respectful bow before sitting down in one of the cold metal chairs that were still available.

Yet at that moment, I felt something hit the front of my boot causing me to snap out of my thoughts as I looked at the dirty stone in front of me that my foot had dislodged before looking around to see if anyone had noticed my mishap. Thankfully it seemed no one noticed and if they did they didn't say anything as we reached the edge of market block 2 without a single issue. Based on what our informant said our target should be very easy to spot once we're deeper in block 2. ~hopefully we can get to him before the actual village guards do~ I thought to myself as our squad walked past a pure white dandelion that blew away with a gentle gust of wind.

I glanced between the shacks, the rainwater canals, and of course the people we passed several times. Yet it seemed strange that nothing about block 2 seemed to suggest that anything even happened, it was weird, a bit too weird. As people came and went without a spec of worry or pity written on their faces as they carried on with their day however they pleased.

There would usually be heaps of people flocking to a corpse to sing ridiculous prayers dedicated to making sure the person who died was guided to the afterlife by their fake god and wasn't taken away by the darkness to become a vengeful spirit. Bunch of baloney but I doubt they'd listen to me.

However that's just one of the things they tend to do every now and then, I've also seen them willing to gather numerous men together for the sole purpose of lifting a corpse off the main pathway and off to the side where they would roll an unfortunate soul into one of the many rainwater canals to rot away just out of the publics sight.

Upon noticing our squad most of the villagers stopped what they were doing and started talking amongst themselves with a few giving us small but approving nods. Then there was an even smaller number of people that had admiration and respect practically flowing out of their eyes as they watched out squad march past but I could tell that hidden behind the feelings of admiration and respect was a hint of fear and not just any fear but fear that could infect others.

Despite what we were being presented with and what was being hidden away I still hated it, I hated the way they're all looking at us because I knew that our squad wasn't the subject of their respect but rather the uniforms we wore. The second we took them off and revealed our true selves to the crowds we'd be hunted down like animals.

Yet at the same time I have to admit that It felt refreshing to not having to deal with a constantly screaming angry mob who will scream until they reached the point where their voices give out. It isn't something anyone should have to deal with but alas we will have to put up with it until I can completely change them all and that's something I promise to do.

In the meantime however, we churchians will have to suffer being condemned as painters, betrayers, and baby killers when wandering the roads of the village. Despite this us all knowing that behind those closed doors the same people condemning us would turn on each other in a heartbeat,it didn't matter whether they had the same blood flowing through their veins or not they would all suffer in each others hand while we watched from the side. So far I've learned that their words are as thin as the sheets they use to cover themselves at night.

The factions of the village aren't excluded from this as they've also turned on each other countless times yet they always find the gull to turn around and ask us for help when they get in a serious pinch.

Just by looking at crowd I already found a few people in the crowd with their clan emblem and other assorted symbols on their necks. Some of them stare at us but quickly lose interest but others were seemingly bored and poured their entire focus on us. Their stares made me sick to my stomach but I knew better than to show it on my face as they were watching…. They always are. Not to mention that there was a recent attack on us churchians not that long ago that I believe was the work of one or more of these factions working together against our people and there's have no doubt in my mind that there will be more attacks to come.

I remember the whispers of the victims from the latest attack, they cursed and sobbed on the floor of the church before the grand priest as they told him what had happened. Their group of churchians were following a thief that sloppily robbed one of the youngest churchians of his bags they all chased the thief to the corner of Market Block 1.

But It was all downhill from there as their group was confronted by a small group of extremists from an unknown faction that covered up their tattoos. The second they appeared the doors to that part of market block 1 were blocked off and barricaded with numerous carts and crates which was the very moment that their group realized they fell for a vile trap.

Similar to Market Block 2, market block 1 was also full of normal villagers who were going about their business without issue but once the doors were blocked off and the sun stopped shining through them, the faces of each and every single villager darkened. Their faces hardened with anger as they picked up anything they could get their hands on and started cursing the group of churchians for being responsible for spreading the plague and killing their loved ones. As these accusations started to fly so did a variety of objects ranging from wooden logs to boxes, crates, and even food. The group of Churchians tried to argue their innocent and reason for the villagers to stop this madness but they didn't care to listen and instead doubled down to pelt the group even harder than before.

I had listened to their story from around one of the many dark corners of the church where one could peacefully pray. But the more I listened the more my anger rose as I pressed my hands together harder and harder when the group of victims started to talk about Father Darek. The group described the scene, tomatoes were flying through the air as he covered the rest of the group from whatever flew their way while occasionally pulling crates off of nearby stalls and handing them to others so that they could protect themselves and those around them.

Once enough of them were armed with crates he pushed away any villagers that got too close before leading the group to one of the barricaded exit. He pushed and pulled away the carts that blocked their escape but just as he pushed the last one out of the way, a hefty man tackled him and pinned him to the ground, it was clear as day that the hefty man weighed too much for him to lift.

The group tried to come to his aid but father derak stopped them and told them to escape before they shared his fate. They still tried to get closer to them but the crowd of villagers didn't sit still as this happened, the villagers quickly rushed to fill the gap between father derak and the rest of the group. Seeing no other option the group fled through the open exit and returned to the church after making sure they were not being followed.


POV: third person(Market Block 1)

As the busy crowd parted ways to allow the guards passage, a thin man wearing clothes covered by dirt and plagued by vegetation stood in place before them. The guards looked at the suspicious man before them with narrowed eyes. The tension in the air slowly climbing as neither side made any moves to escalate or de-escalate the situation. Instead, bringing it to a standstill and creating a tense peace that might have been torn apart by the mere drop of a pin.

Yet this was all abandoned by the loud and sudden metallic steps of the middle guard who walked forward while unsheathing a blade encased in a wooden scabbard. His steps sounding like thunder amidst the silence of the crowd as he walked further away from his group with a few bold steps toward the man. Yet a firm and steady hand finding its way onto his shoulder stopped him dead in his tracks. The middle guard turned his head slightly to look at the armored hand resting on his shoulder before turning a bit more to look at the owner of the hand right beside him.

No villagers dared to speak as minutes passed by with the crowd remaining absolutely silent but just as quickly as the middle guard unsheathed his blade he slid it back into its wooden scabbard where it lay hidden away for now but still present and ready for its master to draw it once more to paint with the blood of others.

The hand resting on his shoulder returned to its owner as the middle guard started to shout threats at the man to remove himself from the path or be cut down where he stood. But alas the threats seemed to have no effect on the man as he remained motionless in the same spot he had been standing in for the last couple of minutes and didn't seem very interested in leaving as he simply stared at them blankly. This of course didn't fly over pretty well with the middle guard as steam seemed more and more likely to come out as time went on.

"This is getting ridiculous, surround him" the front guard said to the others as they cautiously flanked either side of the man.

"Rest your hands on the ground and lay down" the front guard said calmly only to get ignored by the man. A small frown appeared on the front guards face before glancing at his comrades beside the man and nodding once. With a bit of effort the middle and end guards simultaneously kicked the back of the man's knees which definitely sent tinges of pain up the mans nervous system as his body started to fall into a kneeling position. But the guards weren't done as they grabbed his shoulder blades before his knees touched the ground and shoved him into the ground with enough force to make cracks around them appear as a few small pebbles jumped into the air.

"The man before us all will be punished for attempting to delay the village guards from fulfilling their duties." The lead guard shouted to announce their verdict. The crowd was a bit shocked as they had seen an earlier form of the verdict right in front of them mere minutes ago. Their somewhat surprised looks had the guards a bit worried as they were under the impression that the actual guards had a tendency to punish the villagers severely for doing less than what the thin man has done.

This of course was not seen as weird as nobody in crowd knew what exactly the punishment was for interfering and delaying as nobody in the village ever dares to stand in the way. the villagers could only guess that the village guards were in a good mood for not executing the man immediately and simply chalked it up to luck.

The fiasco was thought to have ended in the heads of everyone, yet people were quick to notice some abnormalities in the middle guard as several veins were still present all throughout his face. The sword that hung by a wooden sheath on his hip was now being gripped tightly as he gritted his teeth and glared fiercely at the thin man laying beneath him.

The lead guard upon noticing the strange situation immediately walked over to the middle guard with his hand weighing heavily on his sword. The afternoon sun making it look nice only for it to be cold if you looked beneath the surface.

"You can have your fun with him later, the mission is now" The lead guard whispered softly to the middle guard before patting the back of the middle guard and walking a few steps before stopping. The slight clank of metal resounded as he turned to look back around to look at the middle guard once more.

"Thank you" the middle guard said softly with a smile before turning to the thin man whos eyes widened in horror of what he just heard. But alas it was too late as his head was lifted up with a metal hand clamping his mouth shut, he could only desperately try to shout as the guards wrapped a rope around his neck, arms and legs before finally shoving a rag down his mouth to keep him quiet. Before hoisting him onto their shoulders and walking away from the ground and out of market block 1.

The lead guard let a slight grin slip as he watched the horrified man look back at him and the crowd over the shoulder of his comrades before finally being carried out of sight.


POV: unknow cultist

Looking for a tall man guy In a leather cloak should've been easy right? As if! If things were that easy I wouldn't be seen looking like a 7 year who just lost his mom in aisle 3. I wouldn't have to walk through every alleyway here. It also didn't help that I would occasionally spot a vendor giving me a weird side eye as they watched me go up and down the alleyways in between the various stalls on the block.

The only good thing that came from that was the fact that after going through 4 shady alleyways I spotted an uptight and stern vendor holding a machete in his hand behind one of the stalls close by. He appeared to be watching a thin woman who occasionally held her hand over her head as if expecting the vendor to hit her.

~two birds with one stone~ I thought to myself as I approached them while trying my best to look as arrogant as possible. Unfortunately, my attempt was just pitiful as the pair got busy tending to a woman with straight black hair that reached just beyond her shoulder before I could get to them.

I narrowed my eyes at them before letting out a loud cough which made them all look over at me. "Please step aside madam," I said to the black-haired woman who was inspecting apples while talking to the pair.

"Of course, of course, I'll get out of your hair now," she said with a nervous chuckle before putting down an apple that was in her hand and hurriedly leaving.

"I got a few questions for you, pal." I said with plenty of arrogance in my voice just to make sure.

"Of course sir, I'll answer any questions that you might have" the vendor said with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"First off, you outta know that if you injure someone with that machete. I'll have to step in and I can guarantee, I'm not going to let you have a good time here pal. So for now, put it away" I sternly warned causing him to nervously glance between me and his machete before finally setting it down on a small basket hidden under the stall.

"Lastly, I also wanted to know if either of you have you seen a tall man dressed in a cloak made of a leathery material" I said which made the thin woman who was holding her hand forget about her injury and look at me with a shocked expression.

"no sir, but I did hear someone like that appeared at the second block" she said somewhat excitedly while pointing at a building known as the border patrol house which was surrounded by numerous apple trees which almost hid it from plain sight.

I was dumbfounded for a second, I was looking in the wrong block. "thank you for the info Ma'm" I said as I turned around and left. I was dumbfounded and quickly checked the entrance gate and sure enough the design on it was a square, not a rose so I was most definitely in the wrong section.


As the unknown cultist walked away the vendor began muttering the words "Dirty Whore" softly under his breath again and again as he stared at the back of the injured woman. His right arm holding a machete that shined brightly in the light before quickly descending.

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