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100% Kamen Rider in RWBY / Chapter 7: Chapter 6: Kamen Rider Thouser vs White Fang Admin Adam!

Bab 7: Chapter 6: Kamen Rider Thouser vs White Fang Admin Adam!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This fanfic is purely for enjoyment.

This is fanfiction, so the familiar characters you see belong to their respected authors and owners.



—Line Breaker—


Volume 1–Chapter 6: Kamen Rider Thouser vs White Fang Admin Adam!


-[Xiao Long Cabin · Patch]-

"WOW! They look so cool! They are like superheroes that fight against evil!" exclaimed Ruby as the transformation completely hooked her.

"Yeah, no kidding…" responded Yang, completely surprised.

"…Yeah, I'm too sober for that shit." Said Qrow as he finished his flask, unfortunately.

"As expected of Hiden, I guess. Only they can make this kind of armour full of technology." Said Taiyang as he enjoyed the sight of three armoured warriors on the TV.

"Do you think they'll win, Qrow?"

"Beats me… We know nothing about the performance of those armours, and there's still a lot of WF, even if most are cannon fodders." Replied Qrow as he silently took out his RiseScroll and contacted Ozpin.

"Of course, they'll win! It's their debut! How can superheroes lose at their debut!" exclaimed Ruby as she heard the conversation.

"Uhm, Rubes, they are not really superheroes, you know…" said Yang as she tried to correct her dear sister only to get ignored as the latter entirely focused on the incoming fight.

"Still, they are cool, and I wonder if they'll sell them?" asked Yang as she became interested in those suits.

"…Probably, but probably with lower specs. If I'm not wrong, they would have probably introduced the world if not for the appearance of the White Fang.

"Let's see how crazy that guy Sora went with these armours, and I'm sure we'll be surprised by the end of this fiasco." Said Qrow as he also became attentive in this fight.

After all, who knows, maybe he'll have to fight those Kamen Riders one day…


-[Sora Hiden]-

"You guys go deal with his general while I deal with the big boss himself." Ordered Sora as he swaggered toward Adam without a single care.

"Yes" x2

Vulcan and Valkyrie left Sora's side as they engaged with their opponents.

"You might have transformed, but you won't stop me, Hiden. Moreover, what are you going to do with my army!" said Adam as he was ready to order them to kill all the guests.

Sora stopped in his steps as he looked around. Adam was right, and it would be annoying if those grunts were to join the fight or kill the guests.

He honestly didn't want to deal with the complaints if he didn't save them. But Sora wasn't discouraged as he knew exactly what to do in this situation, and he only had to stall before the reinforcement from Ironwood joined the fight.

So he might kill some of them to strike fear in those WF.

"You are not wrong… so let's thin the numbers, shall we?" replied Thouser as he manifests his personal weapon and a Progrisekey.

"Uh? What are you—"

A lance (Thousand Jacker) appeared on Kamen Rider Thouser hand's that completely surprised Adam.

Thouser ignored Adam as he inserted the Dynamaiting Lion Progrisekey inside the Thousand Jacker.


[Progrisekey confirmed. Ready to break.]

Thouser pulled the Jack Ring, the ring at the end of the lance's hilt.


He wasn't done yet as he pressed the attack trigger on the grip of his lance.

[Thousand Break!]

Thouser creates four magenta constructs of Gatling guns, which fire at the enemy.

Adam watched the scene and couldn't help but shed a sweat on his forehead. He activated his semblance Moonslice, which allowed him to absorb energy in his weapon up to a specific point.

His WF members weren't in a better position as they were caught off guard, as the front line was engulfed by the many shots of the Gatling gun as they fell into the ground.

The constructs finally stopped after some time as Thouser quickly raised his lance to greet a sword strike from an enraged Adam filled with malice.

"Bastard! White Fang kills those filthy humans!" ordered Adam as he continued to fight against Thouser, who calmly parried every strike performed by Adam with ease.

"Well, that won't do…" said Thouser as he prepared to thin the number of grunts even more until he and everyone heard the cry from General Ironwood.

"Atlas! Fight back and support President Hiden!" roared General Ironwood as he shot some grunts.


"We got the civilians, Sora! You can focus on Adam Taurus!"

"I see… nice timing, general." Replied Sora with a smile as he again gave Adam his full attention.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Why!? Can't you die!"

Thouser evaded a sweep attack from Adam, who was blinded in rage by simply squatting down to dodge as he punched Adam's stomach hard.

"Urk!" gasped Adam in pain as the punch he received from Thouser made him difficult to breathe. He was forced to retreat by taking some steps back.

Thouser isn't going to let him go as he follows Adam with a simple but powerful thrust with his lance. Fortunately, Adam had much experience under his belt as he narrowly managed to evade the thrust but not without injuries as his right shoulder was cut open.

Thouser casual thrust managed to break Adam's aura as the latter's face paled with some fatigue. It was the most challenging fight that he ever experienced since he fought for revenge.

"I was expecting more from the infamous Admin of the White Fang, but I guess that's it?" said Thouser nonchalantly as he cleaned the blood off his lance.

"Bastard…!" muttered Adam as he tried to reign his hatred.

"Don't mock me, human trash!" roared Adam as he ignored the pain from his left arm and dashed toward Thouser.

"Great fighting spirit." Replied Thouser as he accompanied Adam in this fight. They exchanged numerous blows with some occasion of grunts that decided to join the battle only to perish under Thouser's impact or Adam unintentionally foolishly.

After all, they could only blame themselves for intervening in a fight that was not at their level.

Thouser gripped his lance as he took a stance while Adam's entire body tensed as his instinct roared in his head.

He understood this signal, it was his many years as an executive fighter under the White Fang that told him to dodge, or he would die.

Thouser positioned his lance somewhat low as his hips relaxed, then his entire body tensed as he thrusts his lance toward Adam with numerous blows.

Like a rain of thrust, Adam tried to defend himself as his clothes and body armour got destroyed under intense pressure. Much blood gushed out of Adam's body as his initial energetic self disappeared after several rounds with Sora.

Many people could see that Adam was far from Thouser's level and could, unfortunately, only be a punching bag under Thouser's skill.

So they silently cheered for the famous president as they hoped he would clean Adam quickly enough for them to be saved without any injuries.

They weren't mad enough like Jacques to express their cheering as they didn't want to enrage the WF.

Adam wouldn't let himself get outdone as he took the initiative to attack Thouser after parrying the lance and stopping Thouser's thrusting combo.

Adam raised his trusted weapon over his head, Wilt and Blush, as he gripped the hilt of his sword with much ferocity as you could even see the veins that bulged from his arms.

Adam let out a spirited roar as he slashed downward Sora, who twirled his lance to change his stance and brought it over his head to block the incoming attack.

The ground under Thouser cracked, forming a cobweb pattern as a minor pitfall created as Adam glared at Thouser with much viciousness.

"Not enough…!" uttered Sora as he tilted his lance to guide Adam's blade out of his weapon, removing the pressure on him. Thouser wasn't done as he kicked into Adam's ribs as he away and collided with some White Fang members that were fighting General Ironwood's support.

'it's time..!' thought Adam as he finally used his trump card.

It was none other than his semblance, Moonslice.

He accumulated much kinetic energy from the fight with Thouser even though he suffered a lot in exchange, but it was worth it, in his opinion, if he could defeat Thouser in a single attack.

He never knew that could make someone could max out the limit of his semblance. From all of his years of testing his semblance, only a few people made it possible.

"Oh?" muttered Sora as he understood the current state of Adam from the report he received from his intelligence network.

However, even if Thouser knew the situation, he was scared at all. Adam's semblance was utterly trivial in his point of view.

After all, as Kamen Rider Thouser, he was perfect from the start, and an attack of this level is nothing more but a joke in front of him. Moreover, his journey only started, and a small obstacle like Adam wouldn't scare him.

"Take that, you bastaaaard!" roared Adam as he prepared to launch to the full potential of his semblance toward Thouser.

"Not so fast." Replied Thouser as he kicked the ground and appeared in front of Adam, whose eyes popped out in surprise at the action taken by Thouser.

It was very unusual for Adam or the people who knew about the nature of his semblance. From their point of view, it was nothing to scoff at.

Unfortunately, they don't know Kamen Rider Thouser, as he will break the vision of those doubters.

As most of them tried to escape, Adam never saw someone who willingly appeared before his semblance.

Thouser inserter his Thousand Jacker on Adam's body as the lance slowly extracted Adam's semblance.

[Jack Rise!]


-[Adam Taurus]-

"Arghhhhh!" cried Adam in pain as he felt his aura slowly leaving his body.

"W-what!" gasped Adam in pain as his eyes opened wide open, and he felt his semblance disappear. He looked at Thouser in disbelief and kneeled on the ground with unwillingness.

The disappearance of his semblance was the nail in the coffin as he felt all the energy in his body gone. For a while now, he could only stand because of his willpower despite the numerous injuries on his body.

Yet, all he felt was despair as he faced a monster named Kamen Rider Thouser. He outclassed Adam in every way possible. So Adam could only admit defeat and waits for his judgement.

'I was naïve…' thought Adam as he recalled his life up until now.

"You were a great fighter, Adam, but not enough to face me. I won't kill you, but you will pay for your sins. Saving the Faunus isn't wrong, but you lost your way on the road. So goodbye, Adam Taurus." Said Thouser as he readied his weapon toward Adam, whose whole body was trembling.

Thouser's words only triggered a bad reaction in Adam as he recalled once more about his life.

His life as a miner with his father in the mine owned by SDC…

His father sacrificed after his mistake…

The humiliation he suffered…

The ugly mark on his face…

His brothers and sisters that fell with time…

His hands were stained with blood...

He wasn't the innocent and happy Faunus that he once was...

Those memories slowly pumped his cold heart as the despair he felt while fighting Sora dissipated.

He couldn't abandon now, could he? He had a goal in this life and would do it even if he died. It doesn't matter if he falls now, and he can always stand up again in the future, can he?

Moreover, those WF grunts and his two generals followed him even if they knew the danger of their attack.

He couldn't extinguish their flame of Hope…



He has to stand up now…!

For everyone, he can't afford to despair now…!

"….Don't fuck with me!" whispered Adam as he heard Thouser's words.

"Oh?" uttered Sora as he heard Adam.

"I said don't fuck with me, human!" snapped Adam as he fiercely stared at Thouser. His words gained the attention of everyone as they stopped fighting and looked at them with some intrigue.

"You can't understand the hardship we Faunus endured all this time! We want to be accepted into this world like you, human!? Why are we the ones to suffer such injustice? Why does it feel like we are outsiders when we live on the same planet? HUH? Save yourself with your hypocritical words. I, Adam Taurus, joined the White Fang for a better future for Faunus! I don't want anyone else to suffer like I did… That's why I won't hesitate to become a butcher if we Faunus can live a better life." Roared Adam as he slowly stood up with difficulty as his legs shook nonstop.

"We, White Fang, carry the banner of the Faunus race, and we will change our future! Even if I become a monster… I will fight until the end!" gasped Adam as he spitted his conviction toward Thouser, who looked at him with great interest.

The White Fang grunts who heard Adam's declaration felt emotion welt up in their hearts. They honestly feared their usual cold-blooded Admin but now… They understood him, and he wanted a better life for Faunus, more than everyone else.

They felt the fatigue of slowly leaving their body and leaving with much energy to spare.

Since their Admin declared such a handsome declaration, they could only follow him until the end.




"…I see, Adam Taurus, huh? I retract what I said. You are stronger than I thought so." Replied Thouser with respect toward Adam.

Thouser looked around the now-destroyed hotel with some emotion.

Adam ignored Thouser's compliment as he gripped the hilt of his beloved sword.

He was preparing for his last stand as he kept his unwavering eyes on Thouser.

"Uooooohhh!" shouted Adam as he ran toward Thouser with his last-ditch of energy.

Thouser silently triggered his Thousand Jacker in response to Adam's.

[Jacking Break]

Thousand Jacker charged in red energy, and Thouser performed a slash that engulfed Adam into a red pillar that soon exploded.


[Jacking Break!]



"You bastard!"

'I still failed, huh...' thought Adam as his consciousness slowly dissipated.


-[Sora Hiden]-

Thouser slowly turned his back on the explosion (because cool guys don't look at explosions) and cancelled his transformation.

"You were a powerful enemy Adam…" muttered Sora as he walked away from the battlefield, leaving an unconscious Adam behind him.

He toned down his last attack as Adam became someone more attractive to him at the end of their fight.

He wanted to see more of him.

He will be helpful to his plan but also for the better of Remnant.

So, he won't allow anyone to kill him under his eyes.



1-[Jacking Break]: Thouser uses the Thousand Jacker to extract the energy of a Progrisekey from another Kamen Rider or the Semblance from huntsmans, then performs an attack incorporating the Progrisekey's Rider Model or other unique ability. Once he has extracted a Progrisekey's data once or semblance, he can use it at any time.

2-[Thousand Break]: Thouser inserts a Progrisekey into the Thousand Jacker, pulls the hilt, and performs an attack utilizing the power of the inserted Progrise Key.

3-[Moonslice]: It allows the user to absorb energy in his weapon and send it back when ready.


[Author's note]: Yeah, I wasn't expecting that with Adam as I wrote this chapter, but honestly, why not? So you can expect more of Adam in the future, and he won't work for Sora until much later in the story. After all, Adam still aims to help every Faunus in Remnant, even if he were to lose his mind and body, and his love for the Faunus race is the only thing keeping him sane from the tragedy he causes.

So yeah, anyway, I hope the fighting wasn't bad or anything. It took me considerable time to make something I was somewhat satisfied with.

Yup, two more fights to go before we can continue the story!

I appreciate your support. I greatly appreciate the support!


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