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94.23% The 100: The Story of A King! / Chapter 48: Chapter 48: Assault On Arkadia (Part 2)

Bab 48: Chapter 48: Assault On Arkadia (Part 2)





- 2 Miles away from Arkadia -

Clarke's summoned Water Lion went flying off the ground and through the air. As it crashed into rocks and trees, more and more of the lion's body came apart. By the time the force of the vampire's telekinesis had worn off, the lion had lost more than half of its body size, transforming from a lion the size of a rhinoceros to a lion the size of a cheetah. Clarke urged the lion up and back into the fight, but as the lion stood up and charged forward, the vampire smirked before ripping the lion apart. Clarke was forced out of her connection with her summon as the water lion was split in half and collapsed to the ground, creating a large puddle of water.

While the vampire Marquess was focused on ripping the water lion apart with his telekinesis, one of the two water wolves snuck up on him and bit down into his arm. The water wolf's teeth sunk into the vampire's arm and tore it out of the socket, eliciting a small gasp from the Marquess. With a quick grunt, the vampire's arm regrew. Seeing this the wolf lunged at the vampire this time aiming for his head. The wolf would never get the chance, as with a simple arm raise, the wolf was sent cascading back and into a large tree, halving its form.

A water wolf that is now the same size as a coyote rushed forward, despite its current size. The vampire went to tear it apart with his telekinesis but was forced to take a step back as a trio of silver bullets pierced his right shoulder. Before the Marquess could react, an armored shoulder plate slammed into his chest and a harsh pain erupted in his stomach. The kinetic force behind the shotgun blast straight to his stomach sent him stumbling back. A couple of daggers and other bladed weapons formed in the air and were sent flying toward the man in the armor with the blue visor. He was only able to form a few before he was forced to redirect his attention toward the coyote sized wolf as it leaped onto him and began to try and bite his head off.

The wolf's teeth sunk deep into the vampire noble's shoulder, but before the wolf could act, it was shoved off and forcibly ripped to shreds. The vampire dashed to the side as another shotgun blast sounded out and impacted the ground where he just was. He formed a blood dagger in his left hand and threw it diagonally, spawning nine more blades as he did so. Simultaneously, four swords made of blood formed above his head and flew at the armored human.

Lincoln gritted his teeth and dodged to the side before breaking out into a sprint. He ignored the weapons made of blood-forming and coming down on him, as he racked his shotgun and fired a shell filled to the brim with 100% silver pellets at the vampire's leg. Everything underneath the vampire's knee was blown clean off, disrupting its balance and creating a lull in his attacks. By the time the vampire's leg had reformed, Lincoln was a dozen feet closer and had already racked the shotgun and loaded up a slug shell.

A blood shield hastily formed in front of the top half of the vampire. The slug shot impacted the top half of the shield and shattered it. The now slightly off-course shell slammed into the side of the vampire's face, blowing the entirety of the right side off. The vampire gritted his teeth in pain as his face reformed, and his eye widened as he saw Lincoln rushing forward with a pair of Gladius's held tightly in his hands. [Dance of Fire] Lincoln activated one of his many Blade Dancer skills and swung his blades toward the Marquess. [Dance of Fire] is a skill that multiplies one's weapon damage and the corresponding stat of the weapon by 1.25, in this case the gladius relies on agility for fast and precise attacks.

In a last-ditch attempt to save himself, the Marquess formed two shields on each of his forearms and raised them in front of his face, hoping to deflect if not block Lincoln's attack. But to the vampire's horror, both of Lincoln's blades glowed a soft white color and slashed through his shields with ease, chopping both of his arms off in the process. [Deadly Strike] is a skill that targets an opponent's weakness and exploits it.

The Marquess stepped back in shock as Lincoln ignored the two falling limbs and continued to assault him. Thinking fast and on his feet, the vampire noble formed a dozen or so spikes underneath him and sent them up toward Lincoln, who either slashed through them with his gladius's or maneuvered around them. The Marquess then erupted into a cloud of smoke, confusing Lincoln. Lincolns confused soon cleared up as through the smoke out jumped a massive red and white creature. It stood over 20 feet tall and was covered head to toe in bulky muscle with no skin to cover it up. The skull was a mix of muscle and bone and it had sickly green eyes and a massive row of sharp banana sized teeth. And it was all the more horrifying when it roared. When it roared its lower jaw split apart revealing a human skull at the back of the mouth where the throat started.

{Image of transformed Marquess Bultwald}

Lincoln didn't waste a second before sheathing his gladius's and firing at it with his DMR. Each shot penetrated the monsters' bulky muscle, but only seemed to slightly discomfort the creature. The creature roared out in annoyance and rushed at Lincoln hoping to finish him once and for all, when suddenly a barrage of bullets impacted against his skeletal face. Some of the bony plating making up and protecting its face cracked, and one of his eyes had been shot, causing green acidic blood to come pouring out.

Lincoln turned and saw Bellamy standing there with a dozen or so Rangers behind him, so after jogging over to him and thanking him, he asked, "So, what's the plan Bellamy?"

Bellamy opened his mouth to speak but was swiftly interrupted by an even more enraged transformed vampire. "I will kill you all! This I swear on the Queen's name! Now die!" The monster's eyes glowed and out from its mouth shot a neon green breath attack of skin-melting acid.

"For now? Survive!" Bellamy screamed as he and the Rangers behind him dashed out of the way.

Lincoln rolled out of the way just in the nick of time, looking over at the aftermath of the attack Lincoln saw that the grass was pitch black and any small ferns or bushes in the way were completely eviscerated. Without missing a beat, Lincoln shouldered his rifle and put another dozen or so rounds into the creature's face before being forced to dodge.

Once he dashed out of the way of the monster's breath attack for a third time, he decided that he needed to change his tactics. Lincoln fired a few more rounds before throwing the DMR over his shoulder and clipping it onto the magnetic lock on his back. He unsheathed his two gladius's and began to use his Blade Dancer skills once again. [Dance of Inspiration], [Dance of the Mystic], and [Blade Hex]. [Dance of Inspiration] is a skill that increases one's fluency with the weapon as well as increasing the accuracy of your strikes. [Dance of the Mystic] is a skill that temporarily places a random element onto your weapon, this lasts for 15 minutes. [Blade Hex] is a skill that is cast onto your weapon, once you strike your opponent, they will be applied a random effect as well as having their defense lowered by 25%.

With his skills applied, he burst forward toward the transformed monster vampire, his armor helping him pick up speed along the way. Lincoln heard Bellamy shout out something, but he was far too focused on the task in front of him. He leaped over the bulky, spikey tail that lashed out at him like a bullet, with a quick swing of his blade, the tail separated in a flash green blood. Landing back on his feet, Lincoln ignored the pained roar of the monster and continued forward. The monster attempted to bring its massive bone crushing jaws down on him, but Lincoln using all of the power in his legs, leaped to the left, dodging the bite.

Using the opportunity given to him, Lincoln jumped onto the side of the monster's head and slammed his blades into the boney skull. The blade's pierced into the bone with ease, allowing Lincoln to flip up onto the top of the transformed vampire's head. The creature tried to react, but it seemed to be marginally slower than before. 'Must be the Blade Hex skill effect.' Lincoln surmised as he dug his blades into the back of the creature's skull. He slowly pulled apart the muscle and bone tissue, before grabbing the shotgun off his back, racking it, and stuffing it into the sizable hole.


Like a cannon shell being fired, once Lincoln pressed on the trigger, the shotgun round exploded out of the barrel, tearing through flesh, bone, and eventually the vampire's brain. The silver 8-gauge magnum slug round burst through the bottom of the dinosaur monster's head, destroying more than half of the boney skull structure and sending it crashing to the ground. Lincoln jumped off the monster's head and watched in disgust as the muscley boney structure decomposed and slowly morphed back into the form of the vampire. His uniform was disheveled, bloodied, and straight up ripped in some area, nothing, however, compared to the sight of his head blown open. The back of his head was nonexistent allowing everyone around to watch in horror and disgust as the vampire's head slowly reformed. Lincoln, not wanting to go for round two, grabbed one of his gladius's and prepared to swing down toward the vampire's neck.

The pool of blood underneath the vampire suddenly bubbled, prompting Lincoln to jump back, barely dodging dozens of small blood spikes that shot up from the ground.

"Y-You, f-filthy fucking h-human!" The vampire yelled incoherently as he slowly pushed himself back up on his feet. "I will kill you all!" Then as if lightning struck the earth, the vampire erupted in a bright flash of light and smoke filled the clearing.





Gunshots filled the air, as countless Rangers unloaded magazine after magazine into the smoke, hoping that someone would get lucky and hit the bastard. However, It seemed that it was not to be, as a massive foot struck the earth, causing the ground to shake. They all looked up in horror as a massive 12-meter tall muscley and boney titan looked down on them with a terrifying grin on its face. Similar to the dinosaur monster beforehand, the creature was human-like in nature but with any skin whatsoever. Leaving muscle, tendons, and fibers that held the human body together exposed and in full view. As he looked upon this horrid visage, Lincoln swore that he could hear some sort of music playing in the background. It was being played by instruments he'd never heard before and it had some sort of distortion to it.

{Image of the Colossal Titan}

{Music is from Attack on Titan: Song is called XL-TT. If you've ever watched Attack on Titan, then you know what this sounds like.}



Two shots erupted out from the forest and a tall metallic green blur rocketed out of the forest after them. The two cannon shots impacted the Titans legs, causing the colossus to shake before lifting his leg up and bringing it down. The earth cracked and trees collapsed, Rangers turned and ran back to the barricade and Bellamy and Lincoln were right on their heels.

"What the fuck is that thing!?" Bellamy asked, visibly shook.

"I don't know! I've never seen anything like it." Lincoln answered, with a frown on his face behind the helmet.

It wasn't long until they got back to the barricade and encountered Clarke who was looking over the situation with a critical eye.

"What happened? And what the hell is that?" she asked, pointing up at the skinless Titan.

All three of them looked back and saw that the giant skinless Titan seemed to be in a fight of some kind. That's when they remembered the werewolves that were behind the Azgeda army, and they hoped it wasn't them. Their hopes were fulfilled and crushed anew as they saw a massive green mech latch onto one of the Titan's arms and unload hundreds of bullets and a couple of cannon shots into the joint. The Titan's arm fell to the ground like a puppet that had its strings cut, but to their shock, horror, and dismay a few seconds later a new one grew in its place.

The arm grabbed at Mace and held it tightly in its grip before pulling its arm back and throwing the Mech. Mace crashed through dozens of trees before finally coming to a stop, only to look up and see the foot of the Colossal Titan bearing down on it.

Once again, the earth rumbled and parts of the ground split, trees were uprooted, and men were sent tumbling to the ground. Lincoln and Bellamy looked at Clarke in askance for help, but they saw that just past her were a dozen or so men being tended to by Clarke's Water Spirits.

Realizing that they would be forced to help Raven and her Mech, Mace on their own was disheartening. Especially, considering that Lincoln's class was meant for close-quarters combat, while Bellamy didn't have a class at all.

"That's a pretty hostile response for someone who's come here to help you." A voice that they easily recognized said.

"Jet?" Bellamy asked as the smoke cleared, revealing Jet in black and red ODST armor with the spear Arthur gifted him in his right hand and a suppressed M7 caseless submachine gun, or M7S for short in his left hand. Appearing behind Jet was a small group of heavily armed soldiers, seven in total.

{Image of Jet in Armor}

{Image of Mountaineers without snow gear}

"You asked for help and here I am." He said with a grin, though Bellamy and Lincoln couldn't see his face, they knew it was there.

Suddenly, a trio of cannon shots, followed by a couple hundred rounds of bullets sounded out. Jet's head snapped in the direction of the shots. A large shadow fell over the group and a giant green mech came crashing through the forest. Bellamy and Lincoln looked back at the obviously Mana-strained Clarke and the Rangers she was tending to. There was nothing they could do, they felt utterly and completely helpless.

Jet stepped forward past the two and before the two could stop him, slammed his spear into the ground and swung upward. A giant wall of earth shot up and formed a curve. The earth transformed from a solid brick-like structure into moist mud and caught the mech in its grasp. The mud slowly melted back into the earth, allowing the mech to be laid safely onto the ground.

"Raven, are you there? Are you okay?!" Bellamy shouted into his radio.

"Cough! Cough! Yeah... a little banged up, but otherwise... I'm just peachy." she responded.

With a visible struggle, the mech slowly picked itself up. The mech; Mace looked like it went through hell and back. One of the shoulder cannons was bent upward, and the right shoulder plate just underneath the awkwardly bent cannon was missing and releasing sparks. The green paint was scratched and worn down and one of the shield plates that transformed into a Mace was bent, canceling the use of the melee weapon that gave the mech its name. The only still working parts of the mech were its left shoulder cannon and its machine gun arm.

"What monster did that?!" Jet exclaimed, shocked at the state of the mech.

"That." Clarke spoke up, pointing at the Colossal Titan in the background, which was slowly getting closer.

Jet looked on with a horrified expression on his face at the sight in front of him. His horrified look transitioned into a determined look and his fingers tightened around the shaft of his spear. "I will deal with this... abomination." Bellamy and Lincoln stared at Jet in alarm, but before they could stop him, the earth under Jet's feet softened and carried Jet off.

As Jet came closer and closer to the Titan, dozens of silver-colored rocks flew from the ground and coalesced around the blade of the spear. Jet observed three massive holes slowly being filled in with muscle fibers and other parts of the body that should not be visible to the naked eye. Speaking of eyes, one of the Titan's eyes released a burst of steam before opening up to reveal wine-red eyes. The eyes gleamed as the Titan stepped forward with a frown on its face, however, before the foot could impact the ground, a massive spike made of rock and earth shot up and pierced through the Titan's entire leg. That didn't perturb the Titan as the Titan's giant fist came crashing down onto Jet a few moments later.

A dome made up of rock and earth formed around Jet and cracked as the fist connected. As the dome broke apart and the Titan's fist went rocketing through it, Jet launched himself up into the air on a platform made from the earth. The Titan backed up, tearing his leg off in the process, the spike that was still piercing through the Titan's leg ripping through the muscle and fibers, sending the Titan down onto his knee.

Jet took the opportunity given to him and summoned a couple of dozen smaller spikes to shoot out from the earth and pierce into the remaining leg of the Titan. As the spikes connected, rock and earth spread out from the spikes, like a tree branch. The earth surrounded and latched onto the Titan's body and several boulder size rocks flew from the ground, striking the Titan in the chest. As the Titan fell backward, the earth branches embedded deep into the remaining leg of the Titan pulled, separating the leg from the body, and leaving the Titan legless for the time being.

Jet saw the beginnings of the Titan's right leg begin to reform and quickly put a stop to it. He drew on his powers of Geomancy and brought the earth up and around the Titan's body, locking it in place. Two several-meter-long pillars formed in the air behind Jet and soared forward. Both pillars smashed into the Titan's legs, blocking their regeneration. Earth and rock shot up from the earth and formed into a massive stake the same size as the Colossal Titan. The stake formed in the air above the Titan and with a downward wave, sent the stake slamming into the center of the Titan's chest, further locking it in place.

The Titan flexed its disgusting body and tried its best to free itself of its restraints, but whatever broke was swiftly replaced with even stronger rock. Jet jumped off the giant rock spire and onto the giant stake embedded through the Titan's chest and deep into the ground. After simply stepping off the stake, he landed on the Titan's neck and got a good view of the crazed red eyes of the Titan. The eyes of the Titan jumped from corner to corner, looking around frantically for any possible method of escape. Sadly, there was none. With one swift slash of his sliver-coated spear, the Titan's head separated from the Colossal Titan's body.

The body decomposed in seconds, revealing the crumbled up, headless form of Marquess Bultwald. The surviving werewolves and Arkadian defenders howled in triumph and cheered in victory.

[Level Up!]

[Class Geomancer is now level 64!]


- Sangedakru or Desert Clan Territory | 168 Miles Away from Polis -

- John Murphy -

Over the course of their journey, for the next few hours, Murphy kept interacting and talking with Emori. As their group walked through the desert, Murphy asked why she was kicked out of her home, and a few other questions that were rather personal in nature. And while he learned some interesting information, it certainly wasn't worth him telling his own story. Alas, he had to remain open and friendly, otherwise, Jaha or the others in the group would start to suspect something. John didn't know what, but with Jaha's religious journey looking more and more like bullshit, he was sure that if given the chance they would gladly lighten their load so to speak.

Suddenly, the group stopped and the so-called guards at the front of the formation shouldered their rifles and took aim at something on the hill. Once John saw what was on the hill, he instinctively reached for his pistol in his back pocket, only to find it missing.

"Hold your fire!" Jaha shouted out as the RPG-wielding maniac on a horse stared down at them.

John wasn't able to react fast enough and was forcibly dragged to the hill with his own pistol shoved up under his chin.

"Everybody, put your weapons and supplies in the cart and nobody gets hurt." Emori ordered.

"If we give you our supplies, we'll all die out here." Jaha said, trying to reason with her.

"If you don't, you'll die right here."

After a few tense moments of silence, Jaha spoke. "Do as she says, now."

As the so-called chancellor's men began to strip themselves of their gear and place it into the cart, John overheard the man with the RPG call out, "Dula op emo yu don eni technology?" (Do they have any technology?)

"Oso'll dig au." Emori replied. (We'll find out.)

"How's your faith holding up, chancellor?" Murphy said with a smirk.

Jaha reciprocated the smirk and replied, "Unwavering." Jaha then looked away from Murphy and up toward the RPG-wielding man on the hill. "You don't want to do this. We all came out here searching for a better life, same as you. Maybe we can find it, if we work together." He finished, extending his hand out in friendship.

"Thanks, but no." And as soon as those words left Emori's mouth, John acted.

His elbow rammed into Emori's ribs, causing her to fold like a lawn chair. As she did so, John ripped the pistol out of her loose hands and with a flick, turned off the safety, and turned it on the man on the hill.



The first shot impacted the man in the shoulder, causing the RPG to drop to the ground, the second hit the man right between the eyes. The man slumped on top of the horse and because of the gunshots, the horse went into a frenzy and bolted off back down the other side of the hill. With the imminent threat dealt with, John changed his aim to Emori who was still gasping for air.

"D-did you... just kill my brother!" She screamed.

"Yeah, I did. Now, I'd like to know why I shouldn't kill you." He spoke.

"You should. You should, because I will hunt you down to the-"


Emori dropped dead on the ground with a bullet hole in her head. The group behind Murphy was shocked and startled at John's brutality, and while some were approving of his quick action, others were not. However, Murphy knew his orders. One of them is that if anyone interferes with your journey or asks for technology, they should die. No questions asked.

"John!" He heard Jaha yell and instantly knew that he had a new problem on his hands. "What have you done?" Jaha asked as he closed the distance between them.

"I killed the enemy. If I didn't kill them, then they would have killed us!" Murphy reasoned.

"No, they wouldn't have if we simply complied with their demands!" Jaha spoke back.

"With all due respect, sir. But if not for his swift and decisive actions, we would be defenseless and would have most likely starved to death." A man that John recognized as Caspian said.

"You make a good point, Caspian." Jaha said with a disgruntled look on his face. "Come! We go north." Jaha said with some authority in his voice.

Jaha didn't wait and strode on with his large branch walking stick, while the rest of the group grabbed their supplies from the cart before jogging to catch up.


- Azgeda or Ice Nation Territory | 155 Miles Away from Polis -

- Roan of Azgeda -

Prince Roan of Azgeda stood atop the cliffside as he stared down at the encroaching Azgeda-turned-vampire army. 200 soldiers that were transformed into monsters that terrorized children's nightmares were on the march and on their way to him. He, however, was ready. Behind him was his camp of Azgeda soldiers who were loyal to him and his regime. A number that the vampire-turned-army thought was lower than 100 when in reality was larger than 400.

Currently, his army was getting prepared to take on the incoming vampires. Tents were being taken down, horses mounted, and armor being equipped. Roan grunted as he held out his battle axe and longsword toward the frost priest. The frost priest began to cast his rune magic, causing the blade of his axe and sword to start gaining ice. The ice eventually began to build up and sharpen around the axe and around the blade of the sword, adding an extra protective layer as well as increasing the amount of damage that the weapons were capable of. He nodded as the Ice priest walked off, allowing him to continue his glare at the enemy.

{Image of Prince Roan in his Armor}

"My king." The familiar voice of Echo spoke.

"Yes, Echo."

"What do you wish to do?" She asked, with her finely crafted bow in hand.

"Kill them. I wish to kill them all." He growled, before turning and walking back toward camp. A grinning Echo following close behind him.


A/N: I know some people might be mad with Emori's death, but tbh I never really liked her character all that much. Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and have a good day!

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