The twins have been getting sick ever since Arianne vanished. At first it started out as something simple. We dismissed it as them terribly missing their mother. After some days, they would get better. A little gloomy but they were alright but ever since last month they've started getting sick.
Caeden was the first to get sick. Then, as though the sickness sought symmetry, Cyril followed. It happened so suddenly, as if some unseen force demanded they suffer in unison. We feared it was something contagious, but Madea, the most trusted healer in the kingdom, had assured us that wasn't the case.
It should have been a relief. It wasn't.
Weeks have turned into a blur of despair. We've spent a fortune on healers, traveling as far as the neighboring kingdoms, but not one could explain what was wrong with my children. They all muttered apologies, words like "unknown affliction" and "beyond our knowledge" ringing hollow in my ears.
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