As I stood outside with Azar, waiting for the carriage to arrive, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within me. He was going on another journey, and he wouldn't tell me where. But this time, it didn't bother me in the slightest. In fact, I was secretly elated.
I smiled up at him, my expression a mask of affection and support. Inside, however, my heart was pounding with excitement. This was the perfect opportunity I had been waiting for, the chance for me to finally find the answers I needed.
"You got everything you need?" I asked looking up at me.
Azar smiled down at me while giving me a nod of his head. "Of course." He said reaching out to grab my hands, "I might be gone for a while though!"
Perfect! I tried not to let my excitement show and stared up at him with a pouty look on my face. "How long?"
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