Azar stood there smirking in the dim light, his eyes gleaming with malevolence. Freya was bound and gagged, bruises covered her face and her wrists. Tears streamed down her face as she shook her head repeatedly, there was no telling if she was trying to free herself from Azar's grasp or trying to tell us something.
Harald released a growled before he rush forward towards Azar. I opened my mouth to call out to him in warning but it was too late already. Harald slammed into a invincible force that sent him flying into a wall. Harald's eyes burned with fury as she glared at Ravenna who strolled into the room with a smirk on her face.
"Fucking witch!" I spat as I glared at Ravenna who arched a brow up at me in response.
"How lovely it is to see you to Ivan love." She says blowing me a kiss.
With a grunt Harald pushed himself up to his feet to stare at Azar who still had Freya in his harsh grasps. "Let her go!" He growled out.
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