I tug at my tie angrily, removing it from my neck as I threw it on the floor. I stalked towards my study and yanked the drawers angrily, almost ripping it off the hinges. Grabbing the half bottle of alcohol that was inside it, I unscrewed the cap and downed everything in one go. I welcomed the burn in my lungs, not stopping till I downed the whole content and even at that, it wasn't still enough. With a growl, I threw the bottle hard against the wall, causing it to crash against the wall just as my brother and Harald entered.
"Fuck!" Kiran cursed as he stared at the floor where shards of glass lay.
Harald tuts as he stared at the mess. "Told you he was going to be having a moment, you owe me five gold coin pieces." He cooed at Kiran who rolled his eyes.
Gifts, anyone? Please?
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