Blue had to carry me back to the castle after Ravenna disappeared like the coward she was. Thankfully, Ivan wasn't around. He went on a journey to visit Harald, hoping to use his library and seek some advice from the priestess. He's trying to look for a way to know how to get my memories back without me dying. The girls were the only ones who were present and when they saw me they started freaking out.
Blue carried me all the way to the castle, dumping me on the bed. I groaned as I sat up straight, leaning against the pillow Aurora propped up for me.
"What happened?" She asked me, her brows creased with worry.
I raised my wrists, showing her the bracelets. "I got ahead of myself."
"Yeah, I suspected that's what happened." Tag'arkh said coming to seat beside me, "What I understand is how? Did you have a fight with Blue?" She asked frowning at me while Blue cocked his head at her in confusion.
Who can guess Ivan's response? Lol
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