Prince Cameron looked up at me and I wanted to scream at the way his face was badly deformed. One of his eyes was swelling shut when he was bleeding from the order. His mouth was filled it blood, as if it had been ripped apart. Bruises covered all his body and I could see the way his body was shaking, not from fear but because he was already exhausted! I gazed up at his bruised face again and for a split second he smiled at me, although it looked more like a grimace. He looked relieved, relieved that I was
"What the hell are you doing here?" King Ronald yelled out.
I took my eyes away from Cameron and stared up at him. His hands were covered in blood, same with his claws. Tiny dots of blood were also all over his face, his son's blood! I stared at him feeling anger starting to course through my veins.
How could he do this? How could he do this to his own son? He was a fucking monster!
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