The shock on Ivan's face when he saw me made my heart sink. I had followed the cart I saw leaving with the bodies I had stealthily followed them. A nagging sensation was in my gut as I followed them because I knew there was something that was just not right about the whole thing and I was right.
I had taken out the two guards that were posted at the entrance with my poisoned arrow. I targeted their neck so they won't be able to cry for help. I had taken out four more guards who had sensed my presence. I fought with them using my arrows which helped because it was poisoned.
I heard Ivan screaming from down below and I immediately ran towards the sound just in time to see a strange man with red beard holding Ivan by his scalp with a knife lodged to his throat.
I didn't think! I just took action! I let my arrow fly at the man who was holding my husband and I shot to my arrows at the other men holding Kiran and Nikita captive.
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