"He is fucking insane?"
"Can I burn him now?"
These were my friends reply to Darius's bargain. He didn't even seem bothered by my friends threat. He didn't even appear fazed at all. Just stood there staring at us with his cocky grin in place and I was actually tempted to ask Tag'arkh to wipe the smug look off his face with her powers. But instead I forced myself to remain still and calm.
"How do we even know if they are still alive?" Ivan asked and I turned to look at me.
Darius arched a brow up at Ivan. "Oh, come on now. I'm sure you can hear their little whiny cries."
He was right! I could even hear them crying right now and my heart ached for them. I stepped forward. "You know what how about I give you a better offer?"
"Now you've got me curious your highness, please proceed." Darius said bowing with flourish.
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