The people celebrated the coming of their queen in a grand style. I could remember dancing all night with the towns people, laughing and drinking in joyful celebration. I still couldn't believe Ivan erupted a statue of me in the kingdom. Honestly this was the biggest apology present I have ever received. It was so tall and huge I could see the shiny gold head of the statue from my bedroom window.
I was in my room dressing up for a training session with Kiran when Yasmin entered. She took one look at me before she shook her head at me. "No way!"
"No to what?" I asked tying the lace of my boots.
Yasmin let out a sigh before she folded her arms across her chest. "You are going training with Kiran."
"Yeah, figured I could learn some new moves." I say picking my sword up and placing it on my hips.
Yasmin released a frustrated sigh. "May I remind you that you are carrying a royal blood inside of you?"
"Yeah, so?" I arched a brow up at her.
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