Sweats glistened down my eyebrows and coated my skin as I parried with Kiran on the training ground this time. My bones were starting to ache as I tried to block every off his blows from his wooden sword. My wrist were starting to hurt even though Kiran had made sure I had gotten a wooden sword that was just the right size for me but I was tired. I was so tired and it was making my attacks lousy.
Kiran soon used his sword to hit me at the back of my left leg causing me to fall on my knee to the ground. He then pointed his sword at me, "Dead."
I huffed out a breath as I reached out to pick up my sword which was laying on the ground few feet away from me, "Again." I say pushing myself back up.
"What?" Kiran looked at me as if I was crazy, "This is the tenth time Arianne, I think you should give it a rest."
I brandish my sword, "I'm not tired, we go again."
Kiran let out a wary sigh. "We not doing this again Arianne."
Having writer's block for a week is really scary!
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