I sat down on the cold hard floor, my body numb and cold. I sat still on the darkness alone with my own thoughts. No one came to visit me. Not the maids, not Yasmin, not Aurora. But then I suppose she was also locked up just like me. I counted the hours as it went by, waiting for Ivan. Dahlia had said he was going to be the one to pass judgement. So if I could just convince him, that I had absolutely nothing to do with the male servant, then perhaps he would let me go.
Thinking of the main servant though, something doesn't feel right about him. I mean how could he come into my room just because I smiled at him. He wasn't the only servant I smiled at and I even smiled at him in gratitude, it wasn't a smile of invitation for him to come into my bedroom! Something about this whole thing doesn't add up.
Why did he choose to enter my room at that moment? He knew exactly what he was doing when he had me in that compromising position when Aurora and Dahlia entered! Wait a minute...Dahlia! She was behind all of this! It was her plan!
Making Aurora suspicious of her, leaving the dining room and knowing the exact moment to come to my room? It was all her! Even though she thought I wouldn't figure out her wicked scheme. I remembered the way she was quick to believe the servant over me, giving me and Aurora a big speech about believing her own people! It's because she didn't want anyone to know her scheme!
"Oh Dahlia." I sighed a smirk on my face as I sat still in the darkness feeling a sense of satisfaction. Now all I have to do, is just wait for Ivan's return.
It wasn't that long before I heard the rattling of keys and hurried footsteps. I pushed myself to my feet just as the person got closer and I looked up to find Yasmin in front of me.
"Yasmin." I breathed out a smile on my face which Yasmin didn't return. "What? What is it?" I asked with fear, What has Dahlia done now?
"It's the king, he's back!" Yasmin announced and I smiled at her.
Ivan was back! Ivan is around which means everything is going to be fine! I muse with a smile on my face but I noticed Yasmin wasn't smiling, she had this sad look on her face and it seems like she was keeping something away from me. "What are you not telling me Yasmin?"
"It's the alpha, he is very angry!" Yasmin stated, "As soon as he came over, the queen dowager informed if of the case and he went into one of his rage!" Yasmin informed me a look of worry on her face.
Oh heavens! What lies did Dahlia spew about me now? I thought to myself as I chew my lips nervously.
"Things are looking bad for you Arianne!" Yasmin says and I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach.
Oh gods what do I do? Dahlia had gotten to Ivan before I could get to him and with what Yasmin told me, it looked like he believed her!
"You could run you know?" Yasmin offered and I raised my head up to look at her, "There's a secret tunnel hidden in the castle and I could dress you up as a maid so you can..."
"No." I stopped whatever plan it was Yasmin was about to say. "I'm not running away, I'm staying." I informed her.
Yasmin gave me a look of disbelief. "Don't you understand what I'm saying Arianne? You've been summoned and things won't go well for you so..."
"So I should run?" I cut her off with a look but Yasmin didn't seem deterred by that.
"Well that would be a smart choice, so yes!"
I scoffed at her with a shake of my head. "I'm not running away Yasmin. Me running away is exactly what that woman want and I'm not giving her the satisfaction!"
"Oh for fuck sake Arianne, Do you have a fucking death wish? This isn't the time for you to be stubborn!" Yasmin said in a rush of breath. "You don't know the queen dowager! She's a vicious cunning woman who will do anything she wants and right now, what she wants is to see you out of this kingdom and that is through death!" Yasmin told me looking at me dead in the eye so I could see how serious she was.
I'll have to admit, I was scared, I am scared. I was no match for Dahlia, that woman is out for my blood without me knowing why but I wasn't going to be back down. I was going to attend the summon and I'll make Ivan see I'm telling the truth. The only question is who will he believe, me or the cunning woman who birthed him?
I suppose it doesn't matter though, I have made my decision. "I'm going to the summon Yasmin, I've made up my mind." I say with a tone that left no room for argument.
Yasmin let out a sigh when she sees there was no changing my mind. "Oh well, you'll be dearly missed." She says with a mournful look on her face which I rolled my eyes at.
"Just open the door Yasmin." I told her with a wary sigh.
Yasmin let out a sigh of her own as she unlocked the door. I stepped outside and I swayed slightly. I felt a little bit dizzy and also my whole body felt stiff. Yasmin noticed this and shot me a look but I ignored it and started heading out of the dungeon, time for me to face my trial.
I passed the guards at the entrance of the dungeon, both of them giving me sympathetic look but I ignored it and just continued heading towards the throne room where my judgement will be made. I could feel my hands get clammy and with each step I took, I could hear the pounding of my heart in fear.
One would think with Yasimin's advice and the guards sympathetic look, I would consider taking the secret tunnel and flee this castle but nope, instead I was walking towards the throne room. Maybe Yasmin was right after all, maybe I do have a death wish.
The giant wooden door to the throne room swung open and I immediately wished I had escaped through the secret tunnel. The room was filled with a lot of people and I recognized them as people of the court. I could see Lady Charlene and Lady Georgina giving me smug looks from where they were seating but I didn't spare them much glance, I was busy looking at the throne room.
This was the first time I'll be seeing the throne room. It was a very big room with lots of pillars that had torches in them. A big golden chandelier with candles hung down from the ceiling. I looked around the room in awe till my gaze finally landed on Ivan who was sitting on a big black and gold throne. On top of the throne was a round circle, the moon. I knew that because right beside his throne was a small equally black and gold throne and at the top was a crescent shaped moon. That space was meant for the queen, it was my spot. But it seems I wouldn't be getting to it not if Dahlia has anything to do with it. I could see her looking at me from the chair she chair she was seating in.
I was still looking at her when the door opened. I turned only to find the guard dragging the male servant in. They threw him on the floor right beside me and I let out a soft gasp when I saw his back. Big red angry welts laid across his back, he was beaten.
I looked up only to find Dahlia looking directly at me a pleased look on her face. I scoffed at that, she was a very cunning woman indeed.
"So is it true?" Ivan's voice brought me to look at him. He was staring at me with a solemn look on his face. "Did you attempt to sleep with this servant?" He asked his, tone flat carrying no emotions in them.
It hurts actually, that Ivan would ask me that kind of question. Does that mean he believes them already? I asked myself staring at Ivan who was still staring at me, waiting for an answer and I decided to give him one. "No!"
Loud murmurs went up the throne room at my answer. But I didn't say anything instead I continued to stare ahead, choosing to ignore everything they are or might not be saying about me.
"Did you attempt to sleep with my wife Liam?" Ivan asked the question directed to the servant.
"Yes your highness!' Liam confirmed causing another huge murmur to arise, "But only because she asked me to, your majesty!"
"He's lying!" I yelled defending myself as I glared at Liam who was still on the ground. "He's lying!" I said feeling desperate now as I looked over to Ivan.
"But there are witnesses." Ivan pointed out for me and at that Dahlia stepped forward.
She came over to stand in front of Ivan staring at me. "I see you still deny the charges that were made against you."
"Because they are false!" I gritted out as I stared at my mother in law.
Dahlia gave a one sided shrug at my reply. "That's what you say but countless of claims have been made against you, about how friendly you are with the servants!"
"Friendly? If you call me treating the servants more politely instead of treating them like they are the dirt under my shoe friendly, then yes. I was being friendly." I affirmed.
Dahlia gave me a look of mock pity. "Oh dear, I know that you probably mean the best at heart for the servants but I'm afraid some of them might misapprehend it for something else, take for example poor Liam right here." Dahlia finished looking at Liam with a sad look on her face which caused me to burst out laughing.
I could feel everyone's gaze on me as I let out a crazed laugh. "Oh gods above." I sighed wiping away tears that had appeared at the corner of my eyes from laughing too hard before I stare at Dahlia. "You know you would have made a really fine actress, actually no, I think a playwright is more correct." I told her with a smile which earned me a glare from her instead.
"What are you getting at?" Dahlia snarled at me.
I waved my hands at her. "Oh give it up Dahlia, do you really think that I didn't know this whole thing was orchestrated by you?" I asked and the room erupted in a loud murmur once again, probably wondering why I'm not treating their queen dowager with respect.
Dahlia narrowed her eyes at me. "How dare you, a mere human girl point fingers at me?" She asked with a growl but I just rolled her eyes at her.
"I'm not scared of you."
"Well you should be!" Dahlia practically roared at me. Her eyes glowed a light blue color and long canines erupted from her mouth.
I made her angry, good! I thought to myself with a pleased smirk on my face. Instead of cowering like she expected me to, I walked towards her instead. Stopping till we were finally close enough. "You don't scare me Dahlia, I've met a lot of your kind before. You are nothing but a bully, that's all you are to me!"
"YOU FILTHY HUMAN SCUM! HOW DARE..." Dahlia's eyes flashed in anger as she roared at me but I moved away from her, coming to stand directly in front of Ivan who was still sitting on the throne, his face still void of all emotions.
"Do what you will with me. I know you don't believe me because of the witnesses and I will receive any punishment you order but before you do so, I must speak my truth!" I said in a rush of breath still staring at Ivan, "I was almost raped by this man_" I pointed to Liam who was looking at me as I continued. "It was true I smiled at him but he wasn't the only servant I smiled at. I make sure I treat each servant serving me as politely as possible which is no sin but suddenly I was attacked by this servant and I was saved by your sister Aurora, she is my witness but you don't see her here do you?" I asked and murmurs of agreement went around the room.
"That is because she was locked up by Dahlia!" I turned to look at Dahlia who was fixing me with a hard glare of her own but I wasn't stopping, not now! "Aurora was my only witness and she tried to convince her mother that I did no such thing but instead of giving me a fair judgement, I was tossed into the dungeon while Aurora was locked in her room. She did all of this to hide the fact that she was the one who had planned all of this!" I finished still looking at Dahlia.
"And is what she said true mother?" Ivan asked behind me.
Dahlia let out a scoff in disbelief. "I did no such thing and fair judgement?" She asked this looking at me, "You want to talk to me about fair judgement? When has your kind ever been fair to us?" Dahlia growled at me her eyes flashing with something I couldn't quite place but it was gone in an instant.
"All I know is I've been wrongly accused and I hope you believe me when I say I had no intention of ever laying with this man." I say to Ivan with a bow.
Dahlia came to stand next to me. "Judge wisely son, do not believe the words of a human over your own people, remember the side you belong to." She finished also bowing.
Everywhere grew quiet! No one moved or said anything. The whole room was entirely silent and the only thing I could hear was the faint thump, thump of my heart. Finally, after what feels like an eternity but it was actually only for two minutes. Ivan stood up from his throne.
I set my face into a solemn look as I watched Ivan approached us. He has already made up his mind, I could see it on his face as he walked towards me. I could feel the rage emanating from his body as he stopped directly in front of me and it took a lot of effort for me not to cower at the cold gaze in his grey eyes.
From my peripheral vision, I could see Dahlia smirk as she watched us. She knew, she knew Ivan would choose his people over that of a human girl, he was their alpha after all. And choosing me meant he was turning his back at his people. She had won, I lost.
I swallowed as I looked up at Ivan, already feeling the tears well up my face when I saw his hand go to the sword on his hip. Death! That was my punishment! Ivan didn't believe me so he was going to kill me instead!
"I...I.. Ivan." I called staring up at him with misty eyes. But instead of answering me, Ivan pushed me behind him and I watched as he walked towards the male servant who looked up at the sight of his king approaching him. Without giving him any chance to get a word out, Ivan unsheathed his sword and cut Liam's head off clean from his body.
I watched in horror as Liam's head fell to the ground and his body slumped sideways, blood sprouting everywhere. Everyone rose to their feet at once not believing what they had just witnessed. I mean even I couldn't believe it!
"What did you do?" Dahlia gasped from behind me, looking at the spilled blood on the grey floor in horror. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?"
"Be grateful I'm not turning this sword on you mother!" Ivan yelled flashing his red eyes at Dahlia and everyone gasped at that. "What? Did you really think I wouldn't recognize any of your schemes? Did you really think me that stupid?" Ivan asked looking at Dahlia and for once she had nothing to say. She just stood there opening and closing her mouth, trying to speak but nothing came out.
"This man deserved death!" Ivan said loudly for everyone to hear him, "He laid hands on what's mine and the punishment for that is death! So let it be known that anyone who so much as lay a hand on my queen or treats her poorly shall have death as his companion!" Ivan declared looking around the room at everyone with his glowing red eyes, "Is that understood?"
"Yes alpha!" Everyone murmured at once bowing their head, even Dahlia.
When he was satisfied he had passed his message across, Ivan turned to look at me. Instead of saying anything he simply walked over to me and stretched out his hand to me. I didn't think twice before I took it, looking up at his eyes which were still shining with vengeance.
Mine! I thought to myself before Ivan pulled me and together we walked out of the throne room, no one daring to stop us not even Dahlia.
Ivan held my hand in his as he led me all the way to the bedroom. I was grateful he was holding me because I wasn't sure if I could stand upright, not after witnessing what had just happened in the throne room. For a moment, I was scared. I was afraid Ivan believed his mother over me. I can't still forget the rage in his eyes but now I knew the rage wasn't directed at me. He chose me! He chose me again! I thought to myself as I stared up at Ivan who was running a bath for me in the bathroom. I don't know what that makes of us but I surely know one thing, there's no one in this world I'd rather belong to than Ivan.
Ivan came out of the bathroom, his hand dripping with water. "The bath's ready for you." He informed me and I smiled at him.
"Thanks." I muttered as I stood up from where I was sitting on the chair. I took on step towards him my knees gave way and I would have reached the floor if not for Ivan who had crossed the room and had his arms wrapped around me.
"Fuck, I was hoping you'd take a bath first, but now it seems I have no choice than to bath with you."
I looked up at Ivan whose arms were still wrapped around me. The thought of him naked behind him in the same bath flashed in my mind and I decided I wasn't ready for that yet. "Um...no, I think I'll be fine."
"You don't have to be strong in front of me Arianne." Ivan said gently brushing away strands of my hair. "You can barely stand as it is, besides this isn't the first time I'll be seeing you naked."
My gaze flew to his asking him multiple questions with my eyes. What? When? How? I mean I'm pretty sure I'd remember sharing a bath with a man like Ivan. I'd remember those hard chest of his as they were pressed against mine and...I paused when I was suddenly assaulted with the image of warm golden chest pressed against my back as he rinsed the blood of my body.
Ivan was right, he had seen me naked! That night in the woods when I had been attacked by those rogue wolves it was Ivan who had come to save me and apparently he had been the one to bath me. He had seen me naked! I thought to myself as I looked up at Ivan who smiled at me.
"I promise nothing will happen. Just let me take care of you tonight little one." He told me stroking my cheek softly and a contented sigh escaped my lips.
I suppose there was no harm in him taking care of me. Besides I don't trust myself in the bathtub alone, I'll need all the help I can get. I turned to my back to Ivan so he could undress me. Ivan untied the rope to my corset and when he took off the rest of my undergarments. I turned to find him staring at me, his grey eyes had already darkened and there's no mistaking the desire in them. Even covered in sweat and the grime from the dungeon, Ivan still had a way of making me look beautiful.
Ivan slowly brought up his hands to undo the button of his white cotton shirt which were covered in Liam's blood. I watched with interest in my tired eyes as he undid the last button of his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders exposing his golden chest. Ivan then moved to unbutton his trousers and pushed them down his leg all the while keeping his eyes on me. I noticed he was wearing underwear. Ivan was hard everywhere, I could see the muscles on his thigh as he stood before me. My gaze then rose back up to his underwear and I caught sight of something else that was also...hard! I flushed as I quickly brought my gaze back to Ivan whose eyes had completely darkened with desire and he was looking like he was restraining himself from pulling me close to him.
"We should go to the bathroom before the water gets cold." Ivan said in a gruff voice.
Yeah, that seemed like the best idea. Not trusting myself to speak, I turned and headed towards the bathroom with Ivan guiding me and I tried not to think about the warmth radiating from his body. Carefully, he lowered me into the warm bathwater. At first the shock of the heat made my breath catch but within moments the warmth was pure bliss.
I felt myself relax deeper into the water and Ivan soon got in next to me, thankfully he chose to keep his underwear on. Ivan bathed me with care, using the washcloth to clean the grime off my body. He also decided to wash my hair. Using a citrus smelling soap he gently massaged my scalp and his touch felt relaxing. I sighed as I relaxed against his warm hard chest.
Ivan made sure I was clean which I was thankful for because now, I didn't have that putrid smell on me anymore. When Ivan was done he brought me out of the water and wrapped me in a grey fluffy towel, making sure I was dry. Then he brought out a silk flimsy night gown to wear before he lowered me on the bed.
"Thank you." I told him when he laid down beside me, "Thank you for believing in me."
"I'll always believe you Arianne, always." Ivan shifted closer so he could press a kiss to my temple, "I'm only sorry I couldn't get here sooner, you must have been very scared." He told me trailing my cheek with one long finger.
I shook my head at him. "Not really, I knew you'd come." I smiled back at him and he returned it.
"I'm so sorry my mother made you go through all of that."
"Yeah about that..." I trailed off looking up at him, "You shouldn't have treated her that way in court." I stated while looking at Ivan and I could see the rage begin to simmer in his grey eyes at the mention of his mom.
"She touched what was mine, she shouldn't have."
"But still, don't you think that was a little harsh, wicked even." I commented remembering the way he threatened to turn his sword at Dahlia, his own mother.
Ivan chuckled darkly. "I'm nowhere as wicked as she is."
"What do you mean by that?" I asked suddenly curious and Ivan shook his head at me.
"That is a nightmarish tale I don't wish to tell little one." Ivan says with a smile and I frowned wondering what he meant by that. "You should go to sleep little one." Ivan ordered as he reached out to smooth the frown away from my face and I let out a small yawn.
He was right, I was tired but I couldn't stop thinking about what he said about Dahlia. What nightmarish tales had included his mother? I thought to myself and that was my last thought before I fell asleep.
That night, I dreamt that I was back in the throne room. Only this time, it was me kneeling down on the floor and before me was Dahlia, standing with Ivan's sword in her hand.
"You will never be queen!" She roared before she sliced my head away from my body.
It's dangerous to be a woman in love.
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