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54.54% Marvel's Brightburn / Chapter 6: Brightburn vs Hulk

Bab 6: Brightburn vs Hulk

Brandon was walking down the hallway once again, looking for Banner's lab. For whatever reason, Natasha had called for him to meet at the lab. He left Cade back in the hanger bay, snacking off the treats that he brought with him. As he turned the corner, he saw Fury and Natasha enter the lab. Not long after he walked in behind the others. He could feel the tension in the air between everyone. His scarlet eyes seemed to gleam as he watched accusations after accusations being pointed at one another. For a time he wasn't listening, until he heard Bruce say something shocking.

"I want to know why Shield's making weapons of mass destruction!" He demanded, then watched as Fury pointed at Thor and Brandon.

"Because of them.", Fury accused, "A year ago we were attacked by something that leveled a small town. And even further than that, we had a whole small city be wiped out in one night. The world is growing with people can't be matched, who can't be stopped."

Thor gave Fury a frown before speaking his piece.

"My people want nothing but peace with your people." Thor assured, but Fury wasn't having it. Brandon wasn't really surprised by this turn of events. Shield was already shrewd, them making weapons to combat against him or Thor was not far down the road. They were gods in the eyes of humanity, gods who could wipe them from the face of the planet. That said, he didn't exactly like that Fury brought him on board knowing that he was dangerous.

"Tell me something Fury..", Brandon suddenly addressed, "When you found me, what would you have done had I turned hostile? I'm curious because it sounds like you had the balls to show up on my doorstep with something to put me down....don't tell me you were planning to nuke me."

At those words, Fury glared directly at Brandon and didn't say a word. It didn't matter, the words were said and distrust was put in place.

"You were going to nuke an entire country side?" Steve questioned, his voice rising with anger now. Even Stark gave Fury a scowl, knowing full well that this was even worse than what he had found out.

"You're scared...", Brandon slowly said, "You're scared of me because you can't control me. I'm the guy who looks like the monster, you're right I am a monster."

Those words caused all eyes to land on him with mixed reactions. Each wondering what Brandon meant by that.

"I'm a bigger monster than Dr. Banner over there. You wanted me to be a part of this so you can study me for a science project. You wanted to see if you can make more of me or make weapons that could kill me. Either that, or to see if I had any weaknesses. Honestly i'm shocked that it took this long for you to show your true colors. You want to know what happened tweleve years ago? You want to know why I'm the only one living in Brightburn, Kansa? It's simple really...I killed them, every single person that lived there. And the best part? I didn't even get to experience doing it."

Brandon's voice got darker and more menacing with each sentence he finished. His eyes were giving off a crimson glow as Natasha got between him and Fury. "You wanna remove yourself from the problem?" She asked, trying to appeal to his humanity.

"Oh I was well removed back home", he retorted, "You lot came to me, knowing full well that i can kill you with a finger. Now I hear you had planned to kill me even though I stopped what I was doing. Tell you what...if I see, hear, or smell something about me from you....then consider Shield the first people on my hit list."

With that Brandon turned and began to walk off, his back to the everyone else as Steve called out to him. "Where are you going?" He questioned then found his reply in the form of Brandon calling back to him.

"Home, where I should've stayed." Brandon replied, leaving a frowning Steve and a saddened Thor.

With Brandon, he stormed his way heading towards the hanger bay. He was heading to get Cade and get off this ship before he ripped it apart. He needed to let out some steam, he needed to break something or someone. It wasn't just him thinking this, it was an inner desire. The ship's brainwashing had been dormant, but the more that he thinks of slaughtering people or drawing blood, the more it starts to seep back in control of him. Brandon was doing his best to fight it, not for everyone else, but for his own sake. He didn't want to feel helpless again, he didn't want to feel powerless again.

As he reached the entrance to the hanger bay, he stopped once he heard some kind of whistling sound. His face contorted into confusion beneath the mask, unsure as to what he was hearing. That was when the ship shook, though he barely stumbled. His eyes looked around, using his x-ray vision to figure out what had just happened. His eyes landed on an group of armed men boarding the Helicarrier. One of them carried a bow and arrow, which confused Brandon even more. Before he could even come to any conclusions, an inhuman roar overshadowed all other noises. Brandon froze for a moment realizing what was happening.

This was Loki's plan, he used Banner as a means of escape. Unleashing the beast within and have it fight them.

'Well I'm not fighting him.' Brandon thought, then turned to find Cade staring at him amongst the chaos. The german shepard seemed to be giving him an expectant look. One that Brandon knew all too well, so he folded his arms over his chest. Even as Shield agents ran about trying to put out the fires and check for damage.

"No." Brandon said, sounding resolute but got a bark out of Cade.

"Why should I? Every single one of them doesn't like me, this way I'm doing them a favor by leaving and living on my own life....alone."

Brandon sounded unsure now, since Steve and Thor had approached him. Both were men with power, power that they used far different from how he used them. In a way, they were far better men than he could have hoped to be. He had wanted to be like them once upon a time, but after what he's done? After the deaths that he's caused? It would only be a matter of time before he ends up with the entire world against him. Despite that, he also felt slightly grateful for the time that he had spent on this ship. This was the most humans that he's seen and most that he's talked in years. He didn't want to be alone but found it as a fitting punishment since he couldn't do what his mother expected of him.

That was when he started to remember a few words that she said to him. Back before she died, before she truly lost faith in him....

'Brandon, I know that there is still good in you. You're not a monster....you're not a god....you're my son. My sweet precious boy, the world is a scary place. You're destined to make it better in your own way. If people won't accept you, then make them accept you. You're going to be your own man when you get older. And when you become a man, I only hope that you end up changing the world..."

When he remembered those words, Brandon looked down and saw through the floor that Natasha was being chased by Banner. He had transformed into his Hulk persona, where reasoning won't be an option for him. A frown came to Brandon's lips as he looked to Cade once more. He knelt down and placed a hand on Cade's head.

"Fine...you win you stupid dog", Brandon relented, "Only this once though, after that we're heading home."

Cade wagged his tail happily, then barked once more. "Now go hide, I've got work to do." Brandon ordered and watched as Cade turned and ran off.

He turned to his left using his x-ray vision to see Natasha getting smacked by Hulk. With a deep breathe leaving him, his feet left the floor and he dove donwards. He punched right through the floor and tackled Hulk upwards. The green beast roared as he and Brandon broke through many levels separating them and the top platform. As they exited to the top platform, Hulk hit Brandon with a wild punch which sent Brandon away and skidding across the platform. He felt pain arc at his side, where the Hulk had hit him. For a moment he regretted deciding to fight Hulk, then got to his feet and gave Hulk a death glare.

The Hulk was already standing and glaring at Brandon with gritting gnawing teeth. He let out a bellowing roar at Brandon, as if he were challenging him. Brandon's eyes hued with power as he let out a battle cry of his own. With that the battle had begun, Hulk and Brandon charged at each other. Both with cocked back fists intending to punch the other. Brandon was flying at Hulk using his momentum to aid him, Hulk dashed down the platform with his feet leaving footprints in the steel platform. As the two sent their fists at each other, both socked one another in the face. Hulk's enlarged fist hitting Brandon's entire left half of his face, and Brandon's speeding fist hitting Hulk square in his nose.

Both were sent away from each other, reeling from the punch. Hulk was the first to recover, growling and snarling at Brandon as he rose up and turned to a charging Hulk. He flew upwards to dodge Hulk's wild haymaker, then fired an optic blast at Hulk's face. The beam from his eyes singed Hulk's skin, causing him to let out a roar of pain. Hulk held up a hand to try and block the attack, then eventually jumped at Brandon and tackled him out of the air. Brandon sent a punch into Hulk's right cheek, getting the green beast to release him. However, Hulk grabbed Brandon by the foot before he fell and threw him down into the platform. Brandon's back collided with the platform, making an indent in it as he groaned. Hulk jumped up and came down at Brandon using a downwards dropkick which pushed both of them down to the next floor below them.

When the both of them landed below the platform, Hulk grabbed Brandon by his face with his large hand. Brandon let out a muffled yell, and fired his optic blast into Hulk's palm. This made the green beast release him once again. The caped male fell to his feet, then rushed at Hulk. He sent rapid punches into the Hulk, each hitting his shoulders, gut, jaw, or even the neck. The Hulk recovered quickly unfortunately, as if the more they fought the stronger he got. Or rather, the angrier he got the stronger he would become.

Brandon ducked before Hulk could swat him, then interlocked his fists and brought them upwards hitting Hulk right below his jaw. The blow knocked Hulk off his feet, then Brandon continued with a Superman Punch right into Hulk's chest. Sending the green beast right through three parked jets. Brandon flew after Hulk, who was recovering once again. He hurled a broken wing of a jet at Brandon, who flew right through it as if it didn't matter. Hulk sent a punch at Brandon but missed as Brandon narrowingly dodged it and clotheslined Hulk with his right arm. He pulled Hulk through several walls, until they exited into the cafeteria.

Hulk grabbed Brandon by his cape and pulled him back before hurling Brandon into a few tables to which he broke upon impact. Brandon spit some of the blood that accumulated in his mouth out, then rose to his feet once more with eyes hueing still.

"COME ON!", Brandon exclaimed, "MY MAMA CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT!"

His taunt got Hulk to snarl at him and dash at Brandon. Hulk brought down a hammer fist, but Brandon sent an arm up and blocked the blow. It made a small crater where Brandon stood before he returned with an uppercut that sent Hulk out of the cafeteria and in the floor above it. Brandon panted a bit, his body laced with pain and his suit torn in a few places. But he didn't stop, he flew right through the hole that he made, and ducked before a crate connected with his face. Hulk had two metal crates in hand, and roared at Brandon before charging once more.

Brandon flew at Hulk and sent a punch at him. This time however when Brandon punched the crate. His fist went through it but Hulk pulled back and used the metal crate in his other hand to smack Brandon into a wall. Brandon went to move but Hulk was already on him. He wailed on Brandon, sending blow after blow into the young man until Brandon lifted a hand and caught the damaged metal crate. Brandon's eyes were glowing now and gritting his teeth. He had blood coming down from a gash at his temple. Hulk was sent flying backwards and into another room by a powerful optic blast from Brandon.

Brandon flew after Hulk then began to do his own beating on the green beast. Brandon sent devastating punches into the Hulk. Each time the Hulk went to strike, Brandon punched the Hulk's fist away and continued his onslaught. Brandon sent a spinning fist into Hulk, sending the Hulk towards a wall leading to the clouds outside of the Helicarrier. Unfortunately the Hulk didn't fall through as he exited through the hole Brandon had made. The Hulk climbed back in, a few fist sized holes on his chest and several more fist sized indents on other parts of his body.

He and Brandon stared at each other, though the Hulk and himself was smiling. The two were enjoying themselves, Brandon wiped some blood that was at the corner of his lip. Hulk spat out some green blood as the both of them were already healing from their wounds. Hulk hit his chest and let out a roar before charging at Brandon, Brandon charged at Hulk as well. The two came at each other with cocked back fists, when they collided, a shockwave was made that nearly blew out that part of the Helicarrier. It pushed the floor, walls, and ceiling where Hulk and Brandon were, and thus their battle continued.


Thor was storming his way down the halls. He was trying to catch up to Brandon and Hulk. He could feel their battle going on across the ship. The two titans were battling it out and he wasb't a part of it! As he bounded a corner, he saw strange armed men heading for Loki's cell. Immediately, he ran in that direction, forgetting about Brandon and Hulk's fight. One of the men turned and opened fire at Thor, he powered through the bullets and sent a fist into the man's face once he reached him. Thor ran inside and saw Loki stepping out of his cell.

"Loki!" Thor shouted and ran to tackle his brother. Thor ran right through the illusion and tumbled right into Loki's cell.

"Will you not ever fall for that?" Loki mocked with disappointment. Thor quickly rose to his feet and used Mjölnir to smack against the glass, cracking it. The cell made some kind of motion, causing Thor to stop remembering what Fury said about it. He watched as Loki had a devilish and mischievous smirk appear on his lips. He moved a hand over a console for a specific button. Just when he was about to press a button on the console. A voice behind him caused him to pause.

"Step away please." Coulson demanded after knocking out the last of Loki's hypnotized soldiers. He held a large gun and had it pointed at Loki.

"This is something that Research and Development were working on after the attack in New Mexico. Even I don't know what it does....want to find out?"

At that moment, Loki sent his scepter into Coulson's back, causing it to exit out of the man's chest. As it turned out, Coulson had been staring at another illusion that Loki made. It gave the God of Mischief time to sneak up behind the man and dispatch him.

"No!" Thor exclaimed, witnessing Coulson be mortally wounded. Loki removed his scepter from Coulson and allowed the man to fall onto the floor. He turned his attention to Thor and began stalking over to the controls for his cell. Just as he was about to press the button to drop the cell. The room rumbled, before Hulk and Brandon came barreling through punching each other.

The two slammed into the cell that Thor was in and sent it spiralling to the Earth below. Loki looked up wide eyed and smirked as he saw Hulk get punched into a nearby wall. His smirking face became one of dread once he saw the scarlet irises of Brandon turned on him. Brandon sent Loki flying through a wall with a sustained optic blast from his eyes. Before he could continue a sustained attack, Hulk tackled him, causing the both of the to fall downwards just like Thor did. Coulson sat against the wall, breathing heavily before speaking. "That....was awesome." He said, referring to what he just witnessed.


Brandon and Hulk were spiraling down to the Earth, somewhere off the eastern seaboard of North America. Hulk hit Brandon with a punch, sending the bruised up man reeling and flipping backwards. Brandon caught himself then began to fly upwards, he flew high into the air before suddenly diving down towards the Hulk. He had gritted teeth as blood seeped out of the corners of his mouth. Hulk roared up at Brandon just as Brandon hit him with a double fist tackle. He pushed Hulk down towards the countryside outskirts of New York City. Hulk punched and kicked at Brandon, but the man wouldn't budge. He let out a yell before Hulk's back collided with the ground below. The impact created a crater, large enough to be said that a large meteor came down. Brandon stood over the Hulk, panting and fist raised to continue the fight. He stopped once he saw that the Hulk was out cold now. The green beast was slowly reverting back to a shirtless and fragile looking Bruce Banner.

'What are you waiting for Brandon?' Came Tori Breyer's haunting voice, 'He made you bleed, he made you feel pain! Make him suffer, you're the apex predator...you're the one who will rule everything. Do it. DO IT! DOOOO! IIITTT!!'

"NO!" Brandon denied with a loud shout then sent his fist down. His knuckles missed Bruce's hair several inches and left a hole where it impacted in the ground. Tori's voice fell silent, as if Brandon's demand was met. He let out a few frustrated pants, staring down at the unconscious Bruce. Brandon watched the man seemingly napped before slowly moving away from him. He sat down nearby then eventually laid down on the ground. The two laid beside each other after a hard fought fight.

Brandon felt darkness creep at the corners of his eyes. He felt exhauted from the amount of workout that he put hus body through. Slowly but surely, he was out cold alongside Banner. His suit was torn up, cape tattered as if it went through some kind of shredder, and his body was bruised up quite a bit. Bruce was no different. Despite having been knocked back into his normal self, Bruce had as much or even more so when it came down to injuries. Green blood was littering his arms, chest, mouth, and legs. Neither one gave in until it would be the last man standing. Said man was Brandon Breyer, the Brightburn of Kansas.

{Thirty Minutes Later}

Brandon was the first to come to, he groaned as his body felt sore. He slowly sat up, placing a hand to his head. He rose to his feet, he turned to see Bruce still out cold. He frowned, then walked over to him and kicked him. Bruce groaned then opened his eyes to find the crimson irises of Brandon glaring down at him. Scared shitless, Bruce squealed and crawled backwards from Brandon with adrenaline rushing through his veins now. Brandon watched him crawl backwards with a raised brow.

"I'm not gonna kill you if that's what you're thinking." Brandon said nonchalantly, causing Bruce to realize that they've just fought.

He saw how Brandon looked, noticed the crater that they were in, and how he looked. "Jesus....it looks like a war zone." Bruce commented as he slowly rose to his feet. Brandon slowly nodded before looking in the direction of New York City.

"You should have seen how the ship looked while we were fighting. We've gotta go, got a job to do."

Bruce was up on his feet with an unsure look now. What he said next, made Brandon's eyes spark with fury. "I don't think...I should go." Bruce meekly said.

With a slow turn, and arms beginning to form over his chest, Brandon only uttered one word with malice laced in his tone.


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