"Mathieu harbored a deep resentment towards Édouard, viewing him as a potential threat to his ambitions. This jealousy led him to take Charlotte away from Édouard. Damien deduced that Mathieu's behavior towards both Damien and Jemeiah was friendly because they were not vying for the throne, unlike Édouard," Damien reasoned.
"There was something more to it rather than jealousy and rivalry," Jemeiah stated.
"Of course, there has to be," Damien replied. "They had a bad history between them. Also, I wonder why did you not tell me about Mathieu when I asked about him?" he asked.
"Prince Damien asked me something which I had no idea. More than me, he was close to Brother Andrew. I have always observed these few things about him. Since Brother Mathieu is not between us, we shall not talk about him," Jemeiah opined.
"You are right," Damien agreed to him.
"I will sleep early today, so I go ahead," Jemeiah said and walked away.