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61.9% Son of Asgard / Chapter 13: Wrath of Asgard 3

Bab 13: Wrath of Asgard 3

Author-san: Alright people, this is more of an announcement than anything. After this Asgard will have a more active role rather than what they originally had. Meaning that they will be watching Midgard and all realms closely. As far as what is going to happen after "Wrath of Asgard", it will be a series of short stories and timeskips until we get to WW2. I had originally planned to just have MCU Asgard in the DCEU. Now I plan for MCU and DCEU to be interconnected universes. Meaning that both movie franchises will be together. That said, I will say that most of the events concerning Midgard will be somewhat glossed over. Due in part because of Drüin being Allfather eventually. Finally! The Sword of Asgard/Odinsword....this is a weapon that will only be used as last resort...for now. Other than that, enjoy the chpater!


Apokolips, home and kingdom to Darkseid who had once been Uxses. Never has it been attacked by his brother, Highfather, to where he felt that the New God could win. Never had Highfather gotten close to defeating Darkseid. Unfortunately today....Darkseid has roused the attention of a mighty beast. Now said beast has turned his full attention onto the Dark God of Apokolips.

The God of Might road atop Norik, the black Pegasi galloping in the Apokoliptian wind as Drüin sent a swipe from his blade to five incoming Parademons. The poor servants of Darkseid did not know what was coming, for the moment that blue blade cut them, their bodies disintegrated into nothing but dust. The God of Might was followed by Brunhilde, the leader of the Valkyries who slew another Parademon that had the luck to be in the way of her spear. Beside her was the radiant Kelda, her own ice tipped spear pierced a Parademon that gurgled and fell choking on it's own spit. It looked as if it had been poisoned by her spear, showing that Drüin's foresight was right.

The three were all followed by over a thousand Valkyries who either did battle or stayed in an arrowhead formation. It wouldn't be long before their objective came within sight, the location of where Darkseid's palace once was. Drüin held the Sword of Asgard up, using it to block an energy blast aimed for his Pegasi Norik. "Valkyries!", The God of Might called, "Hold this position!"

Upon hearing their prince's orders, the Valkyries dispersed into Squadrons and began directing the forces of Apokolips away from the palace. Drüin continued onwards, his Pegasi diving down to the ruined remains of Darkseid's palace. He could see several dozen Parademons coming towards both he and Kelda. The Vanir Asgardian sheathed her sword, then conjured another golden ice tipped spear in her other hand. She began hurling them at the Parademons like javelins. Each piercing the incoming forces of Apokolips and causing them to gurgle and fall. Even if the spears had not hit vital organs within them. "I am curious Lady Kelda, what are those spears made of?" Drüin asked as he slew one Parademon who got too close.

"Poision tipped spears, my prince", she replied, "Made specifically since my strength is not as like my fellow Aesir sisters."

The God of Might nodded as he and the Valkyrie punched a hole through the small swarm. In moments, their Pegasi touched the ground allowing the two to dismount. Drüin looked ahead to see several different Apokoliptian soldiers headed their way. Unlike the Parademons, these looked more human like. At the forefront of these soldiers was a large beast of a man. He looked quite similar to a certain New God on New Genesis. 'Huh...I was wondering where Highfather's poor excuse for a son was..' The God of Might thought.

Kalibak, the supposed son of Darkseid and prince of Apokolips came charging down a large flight of stairs with an army of Apokoliptian soldiers behind him. Kelda drew her sword once more as her's and Drüin's Pegasi immediately took off to get away from the fight. "Lady Kelda, can you keep up?" Drüin asked as he raised the Sword of Asgard upwards.

"Even if it means following you into Valhalla, prince." Kelda said without hesitation. The Valkyrie's words brought a smile to Drüin's face, just before he and Kelda charged at Kalibak and his army. The first to fall was none of the soldiers, it was instead Kalinak himself.

"You are a fool to attaARRG!" Kalibak was cut off by the blue hueing Sword of Asgard which cut him cleanly through by Drüin. The God of Might had just cut the son of Darkseid in half, and continued onwards without missing a beat. Kelda followed his lead, charging forth as she slew several Apokoliptian soldiers. Each either falling to her blade or to her iced tipped poisoned spear. The two were almost in sync, cutting a swath through the army as if the Apokoliptians were nothing. Drüin would bring the Sword of Asgard down, cutting one Apokoliptian in half, and Kelda would hurl one of her spears like a javelin. The two Asgardians seemed unstoppable, until the Apokoliptian soldiers began to quickly pull back after hearing a ringing call. Drüin stopped Kelda from rushing forward, keeping her from falling into a trap.

The Apokoliptian soldiers pulled back all the way up to the stairs, disappearing at the top. Then came someone who made Drüin grimace from her hideous feature. 'Of course...where would Darkseid be without Granny Goodness.' The God of Might thought.

"So you are the Asgardian who has caused my lord such trouble...if you survive, I will take great pleasure by turning you into a loyal child of Darkseid", Granny said with elation, "Furies! Finish them!"

As soon as Granny Goodness ordered that, four women came bolting down the stairs at the two Asgardians. Drüin immediately prepared himself, knowing full well that the enemy that they were facing now made Kalibak look like a joke. "Kelda, be on you guard." The God of Might warned.

The first to reach them was a green haired woman with a sickening and sinister grin on her face. Her skin was a mixture of orange and yellow, she wore silvery like armor, and lashed out like a lion. Drüin raised up the Sword of Asgard to block, then grabbed the Fury and hurled her over the stairs. The next to attack was a woman who held two swords, she had golden blonde hair, blue eyes, and wore white exposing armor. She struck at Kelda who defended and attempted to sink her spear into the Fury. The woman parried the spear, then sent a roundhouse kick to the Valkyrie's chest. Drüin was just about to turn to help his Valkyrie companion but was halted when another Fury came at him. This one was tall, muscular, and had a fist coming in to crack against his jaw. The blow made the God of Might stumble, but he simply spun and struck with the Sword of Aagard.

That was when a whip from the last Fury came to catch the blade. Drüin turned to see the woman wearing black and silver like armor, attempting to pull the blade from his grasp. The God of Might instead pulled her to him, then clothelined her as soon as she reached him. Kelda had rolled backwards after being kicked in her chest, she then brought her blade up to block the white armored Fury coming her way. The woman's blades clashed down upon the Valkyrie's sword, causing sparks to fly from the impact of it. Kelda then shoved her spear towards the Fury's chest, but was then tackled by the wild green haired one. The Valkyrie dropped her spear when she was tackled, and moved her free hand to stop the woman's steel like finger nails from clawing her face off. She then sent a vicious headbutt into the woman, but foun that the Fury was not moving back. The green haired Fury brought her head down to smack against the Valkyrie's face, causing Kelda to wince. Before anything else could happen, a neigh was heard, them armored hooves smacked against the woman who had Kelda on the ground.

The Valkyrie looked up to see Brunhilde having arrived, she immediately dismounted and looked to her second in command. The two Valkyries shared a look, one that made Kelda frown. "Go, they will need you to coordinate them." Brunhilde commanded just as Drüin swiped at one of the Valkyries.

Kelda was about to argue, but held her tongue know that Brunhilde was more capable of helping their prince than she was. With great reluctance, Kelda got to her feet then with stride, mounted Brunhilde's Pegasi. She stirred the winged horse away as she sent a worried glance back to her fellow Valkyrie and mentor. Then road the Pegasi to the battle going on further away. Brunhilde charged forth to join her prince in his battle against the Furies, she had a long spear in one hand, and in her other hand a sword. With a spin, she hit the white armored Fury with the shaft of her spear with such force that the woman went flying. Drüin had caught the bigger Fury's fist, then shoved the Sword of Asgard into the woman's her shoulder. With a upwards pull, the Fury's arm came clean off. "Prince Drüin, go!", Brunhilde ordered, "The longer that you waste time here, the more of my sisters fall before you reach Darkseid. I will hold our enemy here."

The God of Might glanced back to Brunhilde, processed her words, then slowly nodded. He didn't wish to leave the Valkyrie by herself, but knew that she spoke truthfully. They had caught Apokolips with their pants down, that didn't mean that the New Gods were mobilizing all of their forces to converge there. With breath of reluctance, Drüin looked to the bigger Fury who was crying out in pain and clutching her stub of her missing limb. The God of Might silenced her with a quick swipe from the Sword of Asgard, cutting the woman's head clean off. Then the Prince of Asgard rushed past the Fury's falling corpse. He was soon followed by the white armored Fury and green haired one as well. What stopped them was a spear that embedded itself between them, then an armored fist cracking against the white armored woman's cheek. Brunhilde got between the Furies and Drüin as she raised her sword upwards. "You will go no further...", Brunhilde threatened, "You face Brunhilde, the sword of Drüin Odinson, and leader of Asgard's Valkyries! I have never known defeat in combat, and I will not find it here either. If you wish to meet death...then come and greet it!"

Drüin could hear the Valkyrie issue her challenge to the Furies, a small smile came to his lips. Even as he passed Granny Goodness, but before going further he decided to be petty. He knew that her standing still was a sign that this was a trap, but he didn't want to leave Apokolips' best brainwasher from going unscathed. With a backwards thrust, he shoved the Sword of Asgard through the Apokoliptian's back, and out through her chest. A gasp was heard before he removed the blade then rushed forward inside the ruined palace. Standing in his way were the same Apokoliptian soldiers who had blocked his and Kelda's path before. There was even an Apokoliptian tank inside with it's barrel aimed at him. Raising the Sword of Asgard, Drüin inhaled, then exhaled. 'This is gonna take a minute..', he began to think, 'I wonder how Hela is doing?'

{New Genesis, Hela}

"DIE YOU SPEEDY LITTLE SHIT!!" Hela growled with frustration, then sent Mjölnir hurtling after the darting form of Lightray. She, Tyr, the Berserkers, and the Task Force army sent to New Genesis were in the midst of the city. All around them were dead New Genesis soldiers, fleeing civilians, and the occasional fires that erupted from the Goddess of Death's anger.

"Lady Hela!", Tyr called as he withdrew his arm blade from a now dead New God soldier, "We have reached the entrance! We must go!"

"You go, i will hold them here." Hela replied, then called Mjölnir back as her Berserkers began to form up around her. Fenris was munching on a New God, swallowing their body bones and all. "Go Tyr, my brother trusts you to complete our objective. He trusts me to make sure that these fools remembers Asgard's fury."

The God of War nodded, then gestured for his group to follow him. They entered through an entrance that went down into the New Genesis ground. No sooner than the Asgardians went through the entrance, Hela looked to find more New Gods approaching. At the front was Orion, Bekka, and a few others. One of which made the Goddess of Death raise a brow at them. The New God was seated in a hovering throne, one that made Hela want to destroy it. Before she could put that thought into motion, the New Gods had charged her and her Berserkers. Hela returned in kind, and the two armies clashed. Hela was already slaying New Gods left and right, smashing Mjölnir into their bodies and just about caving in their chests or sending them flying. The first New God to meet blow was Orion, the New God of War gritted his teeth as he tried to withstand the might of Mjölnir.

Hela rolled her eyes from annoyance, then conjured one of her blades to stab the New God in his face. What stopped her was a black blade that halted her, causing her to realize that Bekka was here to. The Goddess of Death made a bolt of lightning come does to push the New Gods away from her. Then she turned after her instincts went off. She smacked one of the other New Gods with Orion, it was a large man with red hair and a beard. Mjölnir cracked against the New God's head and sent the fool flying through a building like a ragdoll. "Big Bear!" Bekka cried, then let out a low growl while raising up her sword.

"It is alright!", Orion assured, "All we need do is hold this Asgardian here until Highfather arrives!"

The moment that the New God said that, he saw Hela beginning to giggle. Her giggle then turned into a chuckle, then her chuckle became full blown laughter to where tears came to the corner of her eyes. "Oh you silly fools...you haven't a clue as to how truly doomed you are", Hela uttered after finishing her laugh, "Your Highfather is not coming here...he has far bigger things to worry about.."


The God-King of New Genesis was marching with a host of elite New God soldiers towards where the battle was being fought. He had a stern look on his face, one that shielded the anger beneath his skin. He couldn't believe that the Asgardians were attacking, not only that, but they were going to what kept the city afloat. He was about to use a Boomtube to halt the Asgardians, but a boom overheard stopped him. He looked up to find the Asgardian's means for transportation come down at least ten feet away from him and his forces. The Rainbow like particles fluttered about as no one exited the beam. Then out came a beam of light that began hosing done the New Gods. Highfather was quick to raise his cane and defend himself, allowing it to block the beam of energy from harming him. Unfortunately those behind him was not as fortunate, for they all were disintegrated despite wearing highly advanced armor.

When the beam had ended, outstepped a tall elderly looking man in golden armor. He had golden irises and a long pointed spear. There were horns upon the man's helmet, and a long white beard as well. "You defended against Gungnir's attack, impressive." The man complimented, then shook his head at Highfather. The New God glanced back, finding his fellows a steaming pile of ash and bone. Then faced forward to find the Asgardian about to pierce him through. Highfather's eyes widened, moving his cane to smack the spear's tip to the side. But the shaft of the weapon smacked against his head as the Asgardian pressed their attack. A power that the lord of the New Gods has never seen before erupted from the Asgardian, and sent Highfather flying. The New God skidded backwards, then raised his cane as his own power erupted from him.

"Who are you to dare attack New Genesis!?" Highfather demanded, then watched as the Asgardian begin to smirk at him.

"I am the one whom you and Darkseid tried to have killed", The Asgardian began to say, "I am the one who commands the Asgardians, the one whom has fought countless battles and defeated foes greater than you. I am Odin Borson, Allfather of the Nine Realms...and today I will make sure that you remember that name."


The God of Might pulled the Sword of Asgard out of an Apokoliptian's gut, then let out a breath of air. He was within a dimly lit hallway, and behind him were more than a hundred Apokoliptian soldiers lying dead, dismembered, or halfway through the walls. Before the God of Might was a large door, leading to what was once Darkseid's throneroom. With his eyes narrowing, Drüin sent his booted heel forward and knocked the door off it's hinges. Striding forward, the Asgardian found Grail standing there. She stood between Darkseid who was seated on his throne, watching with interest and Drüin. The Apokoliptian brandished her scythe like blade, watching as Drüin got ready. Grail opened her mouth to speak, however the God of Might was in no mood to speak. He rushed forward, and swung the Sword of Asgard at the Apokoliptian.

Grail stepped back to dodge, then lunged forward. Drüin caught her forearm that held her blade, then headbutted her in the face. The God of Might spun then swung the Sword of Asgard diagonally at full force. Grail had no time to dodge, so she used her scythe blade to block. The Apokoliptian soon realized that was a mistake, for Drüin's blade cut right through her own. The moment that the Sword of Asgard pierced her armor, Grail tried to move back so that she wouldn't be cleaved in half. In doing so, she was sent flying with a horrible cut across her chest. The Apokoliptian was sent flying and through a wall, out of the palace. The God of Might turned his attention to Darkseid, whose head was rested on his fist in fascination of the blade that Drüin wielded.

"I can sense the power within the blade...it is immense...even greater than mine", Darkseid stated with interest, "I noticed that you had never used it's power, I am curious...do you not know how to use it?"

Drüin said nothing, he simply raised the sword and pointed it's tip at the God-King of Apokolips. Darkseid slowly rose from his throne, his own body towering over the God of Might. "Very well, I will find out if my words are true or not", Darkseid said with finality, "Are you ready to die Asgardian?"

"Are you?" Drüin replied for the first time after arriving in the palace. Then charged at the Dark God of Apokolips. Darkseid did the same while sending a blast from his eyes, his iconic Omega Beams. The God of Might swiped the beams to the side, then moved to stab the Apokoliptian through with the Sword of Asgard. Darkseid however was quicker, moving out of the way, then moving a hand to grab the hilt of the blade. Drüin felt the Apokoliptian grab the hilt, then sent a fist into Darkseid's jaw. The Apokoliptian replied by sending a his own fist into Drüin's face. The God of Might's head cocked back, reeling from Darkseid's blow. Then using both of his armored heels, Drüin did a point blank dropkick into Darkseid's chest. The Apokoliptian was pushed back and had released his hold on the Sword of Asgard. Drüin got his barings, then lunged at Darkseid. He raised the Sword of Asgard, then brought it down to cut the Apokoliptian in half.

Darkseid moved quickly, beginning to float then fly backwards as the blade cut the Apokoliptian's throne in half. Drüin quickly raised the Sword of Asgard to block Darkseid's Omega Beam. Then jumped at the Apokoliptian, tackled Darkseid right out of his palace. The two spiraled in the air, both sending fists into each other's faces. Until eventually, both crashed through several buildings near the palace. Darkseid and Drüin separated from one another, rolling roughly ten feet from one another. Both rose to their feet at the same time, then readied themselves to continue their bout. Darkseid's eyes hued with power as he gave Drüin a dark glare. Drüin's own eyes were hueing with the power of the Sword of Asgard. What Darkseid had said was true, he hadn't a clue as to use the sword's true power. That said, the Apokoliptian didn't really know that.

However....the God of Might was beginning to understand something about the Sword of Asgard. The power within was radiating within him, giving him strength that he had never felt before. That said, there was also something else...a dormant mind within the blade that had yet to awaken. The God of Might didn't know how, but he was about to awaken that mind within this battle.

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