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12.34% Naruko Uzumaki's family in the multiverse. / Chapter 4: Naruto 1

Bab 4: Naruto 1

Shinobu POV

"Simply jump into the portal, and you shall be taken across time and space. Across many different planes of existence, and many different realities." Death/Mother said to us.

Alucard grinned, and she eagerly began walking towards the portal. She turned her head towards Death, and she flashed her a fanged grin. "Pleasure doing business with you Death-san." She said, giving a small mocking bow, before she jumped into the portal, her laughter echoing as I walked in after her with my master by my side before thanking Death for giving my master and I another chance at life (gonna start using Kaede)

After what felt like a lifetime, we finally exited the portal, The first thing I did was stare up at the night sky, the full moon hanging in the starry sky, noticing something weird on the floating celestial body, but ultimately ignoring it.

Alucard grinned, showing off her shining fangs. "What a wonderful night... A wonderful night for a drink." She said with a sinister giggle, her scarlet eyes glinting with bloodthirst. She sniffed the air, seeing if she could catch the scent of any living being. And she did, she was able to catch the scent of a vast number of humans deeper into the forest, and an even larger number of humans a bit further away.

As this was happening, Kaede slowly sunk into my shadow as I followed behind Alucard towards what I believe are humans.

Narrator POV

"Hmm, perhaps they are currently partaking in war?" Alucard mused. However, she perked up when she caught the scent of blood. Fresh blood.

Alucard's scarlet red eyes instantly zoomed in on a puddle of crimson liquid. She grinned widely as she advanced upon the puddle of blood. She quickly bent down on her knees, and her head leaned over the blood like a predator. Her tongue slowly emerged from her mouth, and she gave long and savoring licks to the puddle of blood.

After several licks, she suddenly froze. Her scarlet eyes widened in surprise and glee. 'This blood... It's more delectable than Integra's! This is by far the most delicious blood I have ever had the pleasure of drinking.' Curious as to who had such delectable, and delicious blood, she viewed the memories that the blood would no doubt contain.

What she saw made her laugh hysterically, a gleeful undertone in her voice. Her eyes glinting madly with insanity, and slight happiness. The memories she saw were that of a young girl. A girl with spiky sun-kissed blonde hair. Sapphire blue eyes, and whisker marks on her cheeks. The last memory was the girl being chased into this very forest with a large mob following behind her.

Through the blood, she was able to also feel the emotions the girl was feeling. Fear, desperation, the desire to live, hopelessness. However, the will to never give up, or back down despite the situation. She was also able to see deeper into the blonde girl's heart. The girl had compassion and kindness that far exceeded even what she expected.

Yet, she had also a vast amount of hatred, a hatred that may even one day grow to surpass even hers. A hatred that may, if left unchecked, may destroy the world... And she would be the instrument of the girl's hatred, rage, and wrath.

She soon turned back to Shinobu who was resting against a tree. "There is a young girl who is worthy of being our master. However, her life hangs on a thread. I would like it if you would assist me in getting rid of the lowlives that would dare lay their hand upon our master." with that said the three strolled deeper into the forest, with Alucard having a slight skip in her step as her grin threatened to split her face in half.

'Uzumaki Naruko eh? A strong, and fitting name. You... Will make a splendid master.' Alucard thought with sickening glee.


Uzumaki Naruko was both angry and terrified at the moment. The recently turned seven-year-old's day had started out quite normally. Wake up in her shitty apartment, and wanders around the village while ignoring the hateful glares, and harsh whispers of the villagers.

Then, somewhere in the day, prepare a prank as payback to some of the more vocal villagers. All in all, it was simply a normal day for her. Of course, while she kept up the mask of a smiling idiot, she was a lot different in terms of personality than what she let the villagers see.

While the villagers saw a constantly smiling idiot, she was surprisingly a lot smarter than most people for a seven-year-old. She wasn't as smart as a Nara, no one could be as smart as a Nara, but she was smart enough to be considered in the league of genius. And while she may seem to have a happy-go-lucky attitude, she could absolutely with certainty say that she hated most of the villagers in Konoha.

If she had the power, she would make those who made her suffer so much pay. But she didn't, and there wasn't a way to get stronger because the librarians usually never let her go into the library. The only way for her to get stronger is to join the academy next year. But she would be forced to hide her progress over the years and continue to be the idiot they thought she was.

Another thing was that she knew they would sabotage her grades in the academy.

But while she hated most of the villagers, there were those she did not hate. Like the Ichiraku's, her somewhat surrogate family. The Sandaime Hokage, her grandfather figure. And finally Inu, the ANBU who always protected her when given the chance, and sometimes brought her things to make her living conditions more lively and humane.

After wandering around the village until the sun began to set, she quickly began to head back to her apartment, and that was when things took a turn for the worst. A large mob of villagers had formed, and they began to chase her out into the forest. The worst part was that in the mob were some Shinobi, and that made getting away even more difficult.

She had no choice but to run deeper into the forest in an effort to get away from the mob. Sadly, she had gotten hit by a kunai in the shoulder, causing her blood to spurt out, and land on the ground below. However, she paid no attention to that and continued running deeper into the forest.

Minutes later, she was pelted with several more Kunai, each one hitting her legs, causing her to crash onto the floor. She had quickly dragged herself to a tree and began yanking out the kunai impaled to her legs, and shoulder. As soon as the kunai were removed her injuries began healing rapidly, and the blonde-haired girl was prepared to shoot up from the ground and continue from her pursuers.

That plan was shot down immediately when a foot slammed itself to her chest, keeping her pinned down to the tree she was leaning against. And she felt desperation, fear, and slowly brimming anger as the mob began to advance upon her with the intent of harming, beating her senseless.

And that led to the blonde's current situation at the moment. The mob currently beating her, while she herself curled into a ball, protecting her torso from being injured.

This continued for several minutes before they stopped, and the blonde was able to hear the mob's voices as they all began to say that it was time to finish what the Yondaime started and end the demon.

Naruko's panic increased as she noted that they began to pull out bladed weapons, each intended to tear into her skin.

However, before they could go through with their intention to maim the blonde, a soft, and sinister laugh broke through the forest. "Truly you dogs amuse me so. You are so weak that you must beat on a child to prove you are strong. How weak, and pathetic each of you are." a voice called out

The villagers, unnerved by the voice seeming to come from every direction, all glared in all the directions where they believed the voice was coming from. "We do not know who you are stranger! But that is no child! It's a monster in human skin!" One of the villagers roared, with the rest shouting in agreement.

"Oh? A monster you say?" another voice rang out.

The villagers all nodded their heads, their cries of the blonde being a monster being heard.

Naruko felt whatever hope she had been melt away as she was sure that whoever was watching now believed her to be a monster. She grits her teeth, and prepared to endure, as it was the only thing she could possibly do.

However, the forest became eerily silent as the shadows began to rise, and begin to take shape. Everyone watched in fear, and shock as the shadows took the shape of two women who seemed to be in their mid 20s. Alucard still had hair tied in twin tails, and dual-coloured with both scarlet and black, scarlet red eyes that shined with bloodlust. However, she now wore an entirely white suit, a black tie, and an undershirt being worn under. A white hat rested atop her head, and she wore white gloves.

Besides her was Shinobu who wore a matching black cropped leather biker jacket that reaches slightly below her chest, a blood-coloured corset to show off her cleavage, dark leather pants, fingerless gloves, and knee-high laced boots.

The last in the group was a Kaede who slowly rose from Shinobu's shadow. When she fully came out she was dressed in a simple black shirt accompanied by a pair of trousers and running shoes.

Alucard began grinning widely, showing off shiny white teeth, and fangs. her eyes were glaring at the mob with murder, and as if they were the source of all the problems in the world. A desire to kill, maim, and torture the people in front of her. "You call this girl a monster.." She softly began, her voice sending shivers down their spines. "But the only monster I see here..." At this point, her eyes gleamed with insanity. "...Is ME!" With a gleeful, and maddening laugh, she lunged, her teeth sinking into the neck of a villager, and with a champ, the head was severed from its body.

The villagers screamed in horror and terror. The Shinobi in the mob took their Kunai's and pelted the three of them with deadly precision. Alucard merely grinned as a few kunai all impaled her body. Kaede skillfully manoeuvred around the kunai thrown at her. Shinobu's golden eyes flashed with anger, and in a single second, not just the civilians in the mob but a small part of the forest, and a chunk of the ground were obliterated. Gore rained down over the area, and the only thing remaining of her master's tormentors was a fine red mist.

Naruko looked upon the scene with shock and slight foreboding. Why did she get the feeling that it wasn't over?

The blonde's question was answered when the body that was hit twitched, and blood began rising from the ground, and was absorbed into the body. Before the Shinobi's eyes, all of the injuries that they had inflicted began healing, and soon. The woman was standing, looking at them with her large grin still intact. "Dogs can't kill me." She said, her voice echoing across the clearing. "Only men can kill monsters!" With that said, She lunged, and she tore into the offending Shinobi as if it were nothing.

Limbs, heads, and organs were thrown all over the clearing, blood splattering everywhere as the ladies showed no mercy in killing all the villagers.

Moments later, everyone in the mob was dead, all but one, and that was a whimpering and cowering civilian who was currently leaning against a tree. Alucard slowly looked at him, her eyes glinting with bloodlust. "I said that only men can kill monsters." She began "So what are you? Are you a dog? Or are you a man?" She asked mockingly, taking slow, and taunting steps.

Shinobu's POV

I watched on with my new master's head resting softly on my lap as I slowly pat her head soothingly humming a calming tune.

The last survivor, who was a civilian brought up his weapon, a small knife, and dragged it across his throat, killing himself.

Alucard frowned, and she grunted in annoyance. "H'm pussed out like a bitch." She murmured. Her grin slowly returned, and she turned her head towards Naruko who lay in my lap. Her grin increased slightly, and she slowly stalked toward our soon-to-be new master.

As master stood up, with her head between my bosom, she didn't know what to think as she watched the girl walk toward her. When she saw Alucard decimate the mob of villagers, instead of fear, and horror, she felt satisfaction as the villagers all died at Alucard's hands.

Alucard was gazing upon her with an almost loving gaze. Then she suddenly got on her knees to reach Naruko's level, as she was sitting on my lap, her back leaning against my stomach. Alucard's face was close to her own, much too close for her liking. On pure instinct, Naruko grabbed a Kunai that was scattered about the floor, and nearly drove it into the girl's neck. However, her attempt was stopped just in time, the tip of the Kunai held back by a hand emerging from my shadow.

If anything, Alucard's grin got wider at Naruko's course of action.

"Hello." She purred, staring at the blonde through half-lidded eyes.

Naruko gulped "H-Hey?" She responded questionably. Alucard did nothing, almost as if she was content to simply stare at her. "Why... Did you help me?" Naruko asked slowly as if she herself still could not believe that people were helping her.

Alucard tilted her head, and she smirked. "Why wouldn't we wish to protect our new master." She stated.

Naruko froze, and she looked at her with disbelief. "M-Master?" She murmured.

Alucard nodded her head eagerly, her long raven locks brushing against the blonde's face. "Yes. Well, you should accept to become our new Master. If not, I'll just continue hounding you until you do accept us"

"Why...Why would you want to become my servant." Naruko asked.

Alucard's smirk grew "Why wouldn't I want you to be my new master? I've tasted your blood, and it's more delicious than my previous masters. I've seen your memories, and your will is stronger than my previous masters. You are strong, in mind, and spirit, and your heart is strong as well. You have the perfect qualities to become my master and I'm sure the other two would agree, right girls" She got a nod and a thumbs up from both. "Why wouldn't we want someone strong to become our master?"

"B-But in terms of physical power...I am weak." Naruko dejectedly said. She felt a hand caress her cheek and ruffle her hair.

"Master it matters not to us, you can be a feeble old woman, and I would still choose you as my master. You are already a beautiful creature in my eyes. While physical power does indeed hold much merit, I'd rather focus on the strength that is in your heart, mind, and soul. So I ask again...Will you allow us to serve you, master? Will you allow us to be the instrument of your wrath?" I spoke to her in a motherly tone as she slowly fell into my loving embrace.

Narrator POV

Naruko stared deeply into Alucard's eyes. She saw many things in her eyes, insanity, a disregard for the lives of others except those she held close. She saw the deep-seated hatred in her soul, yet she also detected a fierce loyalty and devotion. Gulping, Naruko made a decision that would change her life... Forever.

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