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68.62% MHA Quirk: Calling Critters / Chapter 35: Chapter 35: Hoppy has reached the moon

Bab 35: Chapter 35: Hoppy has reached the moon

Dogday who sits by the middle of the room in his monster form stared at the two figures infront of him. One of them is Izuku who sleeps in his bed soundly while the other is a small green rabbit plushie sleeping on a sleeping bag. 

He was having a difficult time processing this since he doesn't know what to do next. What will he say to Inko about what happened to her son once she got home. How will he even explain to the rabbit plushie about the whole complicated situation she's in.

This drive Dogday to scratch his head out of frustration since he couldn't think of the correct words in his mind. 

' Fuck this going to be a lot '

" Has Izuku waken up? "

Catnap said to Dogday as he leaned on the door. Dogday turn his head to Catnap's small plushie body before he answered.

" Nope still asleep "

" I see so.... how are you going to explain this to hoppy? "

" I don't know I'm still thinking. I don't even know how she'll even react to this hero stuff "


While the two critters talk about what to do with the green rabbit plushie. Hoppy in her daze state finally snap out of it. Her white ring like pupils contracted into a round shape as she finally saw Izuku's home.

She woke up. Confused by the many merch, action figures and postures of Allmight plastered around Izuku's room. She was about to move away from it all until she notice her small body. 

Her confusion and fear kept growing and growing as she didn't know what's happening. Her death still lingered in her mind as the hopelessness of it still brought her shiver's.

" H-hoppy "

She heared her name and recognized the microphone tampered voice as she turn her head facing Dogday. 

" D-Dogday? "

This was the only word that came out of her mouth as she couldn't thought of anything at the moment. She thought that she still in Playtime co but she couldn't recognize the room. 

Hoppy was about to say something to Dogday until she notice Catnap. She couldn't recognize it as a mini critters though it's size and how it looked new compared compared to the broken rustic mini critters. Her confusion soon turned to anxiety as she doesn't know what's going on.

" Hoppy calm down this place isn't playtime co "

" What? "

" Listen I know this is going to be hard to explain and.... we'll I doubt you'd understand right away but I promise. we're finally free "

' Free? '

Freedom was the only word that made her anxiety vanish. She doesn't understand why until Dogday stood up and open the curtains of Izuku's window. 

" See for your self "

Hoppy was hesitant for a bit but decided to follow Dogday none the less as she stood up and walk towards Dogday's direction. He picked her up and open the windows for her to see the night start sky. 

There Hopscotch saw Izuku's neighborhood as the soft colorful lights of musutafu city at a distance cause her to stop. She didn't know what the outside world really looks like as she always dream to finally escape and see it herself.

But seeing the city at night in it's beautiful scenary she couldn't help but to look at it. As all her fear's, anxiety, and urgency where to be put to rest. 

Hoppy just stared at the outside world. Never looking back at the enclosed room as she spoke to Dogday.

" So.... This is the outside world "

" Yes "

" So am I really free? "

" Of course "

She didn't say anything after that as she just enjoyed the view of the outside. Letting her inner thought's wonder. Dogday move Izuku's desk a bit closer to the window and put a few books for her to see the view. 

Dogday then look at Catnap who's been silent this entire time. Catnap made a suggestion to leave her alone as he did. Walking out from the room while he said to Hoppy.

" I'll be back "

" ..... "

Although Hoppy's silence made Dogday kinda sad that she didn't respond he didn't blame her. How could he when the kid his been taking care off who has been tortured and hasn't seen the outside the outside world. What do he expect her initial reaction after that.

So he leave her alone. Letting her enjoy the taste of freedom. 

Once Dogday leaves the room he followed Catnap as he showed him Izuku's phone. Showing him the time as Catnap said.

" Inko's going to be home soon so you better know what to say kay "

" Yeah yeah I know but you have to help me explains once she noticed hoppy in the room "

Inko already knows that her sons quirk drains him a lot to the point of unconsciousness. If she noticed hoppy she would immidiately make a scene and call the hospital. And knowing the confusion that'll being to hoppy they rathar not risk it so they march forward.

Hoping to at least calming down Inko.


( Inside Izuku's room )

Hoppy couldn't take her eyes away at the night sky. It's beautiful splendor as well as the soft city lights marvelled her. She felt like she could touch it until she heard a rough mourn behind her.

She turned her head to see Izuku waking up from his unconscious. His mind was sloppy. His awareness were none. All that he could do is to look at a corner for his mind to process. It didn't take long until he notice the green plushie rabbit on his desk as the two locked eye's with each other. Making the atmosphere more silent and akward.

" U-um hi "

Izuku said as he tried to calm to at least talk to the confused plushie as just stayed silent. Not really knowing what to say and frankly Izuku doesn't know either how will he continue his sentence. He decided to just stick on what is in his head as he akwardly speak to Hoppy.

" T-this is akward.... Ehem so hello again I'm Izuku. Can I know your name? "

" .... It's.... "

Hoppy hesitated. Her mind was blank whenever she tries to remember her name. Every piece of evidence of her name and even a few vague memories in her head were gone as if it was covered by a thick fog. She couldn't help but panick as she was having an identity crisis as Izuku who noticed her state immidiately tries to calm Hoppy down.

" C-calm down. Y-you don't have to panic um how about let's leave your name for now and focus on your nickname instead. Look if you don't want me to know your name it's fine it's just that I want to know what to call you "

Izuku's voice felt strangely calming for hoppy. As if he was like a calming medicine for her. She took some time stopping herself from shaking and took a deep breath. 

She looks down at Izuku's desk as she was having a hard time thinking about her nickname. All she could remember was her smiling critter alias as Hoppity Hopscotch. She doesn't exactly want to use her alias as it contains those memories of her time in playtime co. 

But she couldn't think of any. For some reason her mind is trying to block her from ever remembering her other nicknames and even her true name. Only Hoppity Hopscotch or Hoppy was left for her mind to remember. 

She doesn't want to use that as she just look at the corner frustrated by her half complete memories and just said to Izuku.

" I don't have one.... "

" You don't? Well what do you want to be called them? "

" Anything that's short.... "

" Well.... How about Usagi will that be fine? "

" Yeah I don't care "

" I see glad you like it "

Silence once again filled the room. Making Izuku felt emberassed that he couldn't exactly make their conversation long until Hoppy suddenly open her mouth and said.

" Thanks.... But where exactly am I? "

" Um well where in Musutafu city in Japan if you want to know "

" Musutafu city? Japan? "

Hoppy ask since she isn't much very familiar to her original universe's planet though to her complete isolation of the world. She does know that japan is a country but she doesn't exactly know the counties cultures, tradition's and many more things in japan.

Izuku has already expecting her confusion since he remembered back when he was a kid that he would teach Catnap and Dogday more about his countries meals, culture and even holidays. Giving him an Idea that the critters he summon with his quirk has no idea about his nation. 

He gave Izuku a brief summary of japan making Hoppy sorta interested about Izuku's country. He stopped right their for Hoppy to digest until she ask him.

" I see Dogday isn't lying. So how did I ended up in Japan? "

" Oh um well it's probably thanks with my quirk "

" Quirk? "

" Oh you might not know what a quirk is! Well to put it simply it's a superpower that most of us can use. Mine is that I can summon you and the other uh critters! "

" .... Your joking right? "

" No it's true! Though I can't really use it since it drains me a whole lot but it's true! I manage to bring you here right "

Hoppy stared at Izuku as if he was crazy. But considering how messed up her life is she decided to have some slight belief in Izuku's words. 

" So your saying that because of your superpower you summoned me here? "

" Yup! "

" .... Why? "

" Well to be honest I really wanted to use my quirk again after I summon Catnap and Dogday "

" Wait.... Catnap. "

" Uh yeah do you know him? "

" .....yes..... "

Oh she knows him really well.

" Usagi how do you know Catnap? Did you meet in your um place.... "

" .... You don't want to know. But do you really summon him? "

" Yeah he was the very first small brother that summon after Dogday "

" And he..... Didn't kill anyone or even tortured you to summon me "

" WHAT NO!! CATNAP WOULD NEVER DO THAT!!! Sure he could get a little lazy and rude most of the time but his a good person "

' Is this kid really that insane? '

A good person. Hoppy wouldn't believe in all her life that Catnap would have just a change of heart. The trauma Catnap has inflected. The pain he did to her and all of her friends. How could she see Catnap as nothing but an irredeemable monster. 

As Hoppy thought that Izuku is insane and thought that she isn't safe in the room with him the door suddenly slammed and Hoppy noticed Inko in tear's.

She immediately ran to her Izuku's bed and chack at every corner of her son's face to check if he was hurt. 

" Izuku are you hurt!! Do you have a headache, dizziness, light headedness, heavy headedness- "

" Mom stop! "

" Inko his fine. I already check and I saw no abnormalities in his body so please calm down. He just needs to rest and that's all "

Dogday said as he serves as a form of calming reason to Inko. Inko believe Dogday since Inko saw throughout her time as a mother that Dogday was like a secondary guardian to her son. Her trust on him was way higher than Catnap as she calm herself down before looking back at her son and said.

" Izuku how many times do I have to tell you to tell me whenever you use your quirk. You know how it does to your body. "

" I know I know I'm sorry. It's just that it's been so long since I ever use my quirk again so I was a little excited. Sorry that I didn't tell you before hand. " 

" Sigh this time tell me when your using your quirk. I can't want to bare to see you like this "

" Yes I'll make sure to remember "

Izuku conform's her mother as Inko hugged him tight. He couldn't help but to feel a bit embarrassed since Hoppy was seeing this. He doesn't want to be seen as some sort of a Mama's boy by others as he tried to ask her to stop.

" M-mom please don't higbme too long. S-someone us watching.... "

" Hmm? "

Inko noticed Izuku's emberrasement as she decided to withdraw from him since she just remember that Izuku doesn't like to be hugged too long. She apologize to her own son but soon notice a moving life like rabbit plushie on Izuku's desk.

She leans towards Izuku as she ask him.

" Is this your new.... Friend? "

" Huh oh yeah her name is Usagi. Usagi this is my mom "

Hoppy felt a bit akward seeing Izuku's mom as she just wave at her and said a simple hello. Inko stood up from Izuku's bed and walk towards Hoppy's direction. Arriving and giving her a hospitable smiled as she welcomed her to her apartment.

" Well hello to you to Usagi. It's nice to meet you too. Since your here how about you join us for dinner "

" Oh you don't have to um "

" Inko "

" I-Inko I'm not that very hungry "

" You sure? I just bought a full on meal for me, my son and his friends. Though I didn't suspect him to add another friend I think I still have some left in my fridge. "

" No serious. I appreciate your kindness but I'm not really hungry "

Hoppy tried to decline Inko as she felt weirded out by her hospitality. Dogday who stayed beside Inko couldn't help but to roll his eyes as move a little closer to Hoppy and said.

" Just join us. It's not like it's the end of the world or anything. Besides you lie whenever you tried to look the other way "

" What? No I'm not! "

" Hoppy do you really think I couldn't recognize your behavior. "

Dogday's voice made it clear to Hoppy that she couldn't avoid Inko's hospitality. She is hungry but she doesn't want to show it though to her weird feeling of Inko. 

Inko who now knows that Hoppy is really hungry couldn't help but to stand her ground to her original statement and said to her.

" Good! Then follow me. Your our new roommate so I better celebrate your arrival at my apartment "

" Inko is that really necessary? "

" Why not. She looks uncertain about my apartment so how about we correctly welcome. Dogday come help me by the kitchen and Izuku I want you to lay down and rest. You'll join us once we're done cooking kay "

Inko said as she still have some priorities for her son. Izuku couldn't help but to accept her mothers orders as he went back to bed to rest. 

Inko ask Hoppy if she likes to join her at the living room in which she looks at Dogday who obvious tell's her by his body language to freely answer. Giving Hoppy a bit of courage and said to Inko.

" I guess but will Catnap be joining us. "

" He won't be here trust me. It's freely your night "

Dogday said as he looked at Hoppy with a bit of a sympathetic tone before following Inko to the kitchen. She felt a bit relieved to know that Catnap wouldn't be at the living room with him as he tries to get down by climbing.

He eventually fail but though to his small plushie body the landing wasn't even painful for her as she quickly brush off the dust and walk out of Izuku's room. Leaving Izuku there as she just rest while feeling left out.


( A couple of minutes later )

Hoppy waited by the living room while Inko and Dogday prepared dinner. Catnap wasn't around. And the modern living room felt like something she wasn't used to seeing everyday. It felt new to her since she was surrounded by colorful and kid friendly themed rooms and facilities all in her life.

Time pass as Inko call's Inko to get up since their almost finish cooking. Izuku got out from his room and sat next to Hoppy. 

The two were silent most of the time but manage to form a conversation until Inko and Dogday brought their meals to the table. 

The smell of newly cooked food reach at Hoppy's nose as it smells increadibly good. Inko did raise a toust for Hoppy as she said to her with some welcoming remarks.

" Well I'm not used to this welcoming remarks but welcome anyway Usagi-chan. It's nice to meet you and hope you enjoy your stay to my apartment. Though it's not really that much luxurious " 

" Well you place looks beautiful to me so I don't think it's not luxurious "

Hoppy said as she kinda felt greatful to the meals dedicated fir her. Inko smile as she welcomed her again one last time before informing everyone to finally eat. 

Izuku helped Hoppy eat since her plushie arms are too small for her to put the food on her mouth. Though it annoyed Hoppy that she has to have someone serve her. Her complains immidiately went out the window once she got the taste of the food.

She couldn't help but to be delighted since it's been the last time she actually eaten cooked food. The meals warm sensation made her temporarily forget about her past and just enjoy her food.

While everyone was enjoying Dinner. Catnap was on the apartment roof. Eating a piece of beef jerky while enjoying the night sky. 

Catnap didn't exactly join their dinner because he and Dogday agreed that he stayed out of it. He knows just how Hoppy hates him so not wanting to ruin the mood he decided to just stay at the roof top just this time for her.

Though he doesn't really like Hoppy. He never will. Their was one person he really cared about more than anything else who would try to make Hoppy comfortable. As it was thanks to Izuku that he was willing to miss dinner just for Hoppy to have a good time.

Minutes passed like a blink of an eye. The dishes were full. Bed time was nearing. And the city lights kept shining on Hoppy's eyes. After dinner Izuku did ask her if what does she like to sleep in which she responds next to the window. There she law with two comfy pillow as a bed and a handkerchief as a blanket.

The city was the only thing she wanted to see before she went to bed since she couldn't wait for tomorrow to finally go outside. Tonight was fun for her. She gets to eat actual food, she doesn't get to see Catnap and everyone seem to be generous to her. To the point that she even ask herself if this was a dream.

Because if it really is so then she hope that she doesn't wakes up. Since this dream was finally the moon she was eager to be.


Sorry guys I couldn't continue creating three more chapters. I thought I could do this in a day but thanks to school and other plans I have no choice but to settle with one chapter.

I know it's frustrating even for me but I guess that's life. 

Anyway for further chapter spoilers 

Chapter 36: A piece of mind

Chapter 37: USJ Accident

Chapter 38: USJ Accident ( 2 )

Chapter 39: USJ Accident ( 3 )

Chapter 40: USJ Accident ( 4 )

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