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63.57% Primogenitor in Marvel / Chapter 176: Chapter 174

Bab 176: Chapter 174

A week later. 

Natasha was sipping a beer as she leaned back comfortably in a beach chair. 

With an umbrella above her and a gentle breeze, she felt truly relaxed.

It was her day to watch over her little ones who were playing at digging. 

Suddenly, they decided to see how deep they could dig, and they had been at it for almost an hour. 

Occasionally, she saw heaps of dirt flying out.

At that moment, a maid approached before handing her a small package.

"What's this?" Natasha asked, looking at the maid.

"It was received with your name in New York; the person taking care of the house received it and sent it to Madripoor," the maid said.

"Hm, I see. Thank you," Natasha said, smiling at the woman before starting to open the package. 

Since she didn't want them to know she lived with Damian, she had a house for receiving mail. 

Usually, they were letters from girls greeting her for being an Avenger. 

Upon opening the package, she found several tubes with a red liquid, along with a very familiar photo. 

Natasha smiled faintly and caressed the photo of her with a blonde girl. 

Looking at the address from where the package was sent, she saw a very familiar address.

Glancing at the heaps of dirt occasionally flying out of the hole, she quickly took the box and ran inside. 

Seeing Ana, she told her to take over because she had something to do.

With everything ready, she quickly used her old ship before flying towards Budapest.

Feeling somewhat anxious, she started flying out of the atmosphere before increasing speed drastically.

After 20 minutes, she quickly began to descend; fortunately, the day was quite cloudy, so she continued descending like a small meteor before slowing down gradually. 

Natasha activated the stealth mode of the ship before approaching the building where the safe house was.

She didn't know who sent that package, but upon seeing the photo, she couldn't help but have certain expectations.

She had been searching for news about her sister for several years, and no search had yielded results. 

Although Natasha also couldn't help but wonder what her sister and the other Widows were doing, they could have easily escaped 5 years ago.

Even if Dreykov had not really died, the chain of command must have been totally disrupted for several days, long enough for all of them to escape.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, Dreykov lost almost all his support and his only power was the Widows themselves, as long as they escaped they could not be found.

She always had rebellious thoughts against the Red Room, she wonders why no one else did anything.

Jumping out of her ship, she landed on the roof of the building before jumping down one side of the building, making the gloves of her suit appear and reducing her falling speed by embedding the claws. 

Reaching the window of the house, she quickly swung through the window before landing silently. 

Natasha moved through the house until she reached the kitchen and saw a young blonde sitting at a table eating; upon seeing her, she couldn't help but freeze. 

Yelena suddenly felt as if someone were watching her before turning and seeing a red-haired woman looking at her in astonishment. 

The two sisters stared at each other in silence before Yelena quickly advanced towards Natasha, trying to punch her in the stomach.

Natasha reacted by stepping aside and twisting her body before grabbing Yelena's arm and pulling while pushing with her leg, sending her to the floor. 

"Not the sisterly reunion I expected," Natasha said, looking at Yelena on the floor while still holding her wrist, but she suddenly fell silent when she saw orange waves of heat passing through her face. 

"You..." Natasha said, amazed before suddenly being sent flying towards the wall by the arm still holding Yelena. 

Natasha spun in the air before stopping her momentum with her legs on the wall before falling gently to the floor. 

Yelena quickly stepped back and reached for her gun before aiming it at Natasha. 

"You've grown," Natasha said, smiling slightly as she approached her. 

Yelena could only step back while aiming without daring to shoot until her back hit the wall, and the gun was buried in Natasha's chest. 

Yelena glanced at her chest before looking at Natasha with annoyance.

"I'm sure they'll grow," Natasha said with a mischievous smile, looking at Yelena's chest.

"No shit," Yelena said, annoyed, letting go of her gun and trying to hit Natasha. 

Natasha narrowly dodged the blow before hugging Yelena.

"Forgive me," Natasha said softly. 

Yelena's struggle froze as she felt a bit of warmth in her eyes.

''You abandoned me, if you wanted to escape, you should have taken me with you," Yelena said, squeezing Natasha's clothes together.

"Yes, I won't give you any excuse. I really am sorry," Natasha said, closing her eyes. She didn't want to take her sister with her; she didn't fully trust SHIELD, and bringing her might just be putting a leash on herself. 

Selfishly, she thought that with Dreykov's death, her sister would be fine; with her skills, she wouldn't have trouble living as she pleased. 

She thought that when she had a more stable situation in SHIELD, she would look for her again, unfortunately, she never could. 

"Give me an excuse, I'd rather hear it," Yelena said, closing her eyes. 

"I wanted freedom; I thought if I took you with me, others might use you to control me," Natasha said, stroking her hair.

''When I felt that everything was stable, I wanted to look for you, but when I looked for you, you were gone," Natasha said, kissing Yelena's head.

"You're an idiot. I was always better than you. You could say that I would be controlled with you," Yelena said, closing her eyes tightly to avoid shedding tears.

Natasha's chest trembled slightly as she chuckled. 

"And what about these things? You definitely weren't so big," Yelena complained as she grabbed Natasha's chest. 

"Hey, be careful with the merchandise, it already has an owner," Natasha said, slapping her hand while laughing. 

Owner? Do you have a lover? Or a sugar?'' Yelena asked jokingly, rubbing her eyes and wiping away her unshed tears, she had seen Natasha's clothes, which were quite expensive brands.

Natasha was surprised by her question before laughing and nodding; technically, Damian was much older than her.

"What?" Yelena said stupidly after seeing her nod.

"I'll explain later," Natasha said, laughing. 

"Now tell me, what is this?" Natasha said, showing her the tubes with red liquid. 

"You brought it back?" Yelena said out loud, taking the package. 

"What is this?" Natasha asked again, looking at Yelena. 

"In simple terms, it's an antidote for mind control," Yelena said, looking into Natasha's eyes. 

"What mind control?" Natasha frowned. 

"It's a long story," Yelena sighed and became more serious as she led Natasha by the hand to the table.

Yelena, who had a bottle of vodka, poured herself a drink and took a sip before starting to speak. 

"After you left, the Red Room changed. You experienced psychological conditioning; now they chemically modify the brain functions of the Widows." 

"You're aware but it's like watching a movie; over time, you end up not knowing who you are, there are only orders," Yelena said softly before taking the bottle and taking a sip. 

"I was sent to kill a Widow who had this in her hands; after piercing her heart with my hand, she released the Red Dust on my face, and it freed me." 

"She just looked at me with a smile and asked me to free the others; occasionally, I can still feel the beating of her heart in my hand," Yelena said, looking at her hand. 

Natasha couldn't hear more and hugged Yelena while starting to sob softly.

"You've really become soft, sis," Yelena said, mocking as she patted Natasha's back. 

"That happens when you leave this kind of life, you'll also become soft soon, I promise," Natasha said, looking Yelena in the eyes.

''By the way, why are your eyes red, and your hair is so red? Did you dye it?'' Yelena asked, looking at her.

''Uh, it's also a long story,'' Natasha said hesitating before laughing. 

At that moment, the roof suddenly broke before several smoke grenades entered through the windows. 

Both reacted quickly, grabbing the antidote tubes before hiding behind a wall. 

''And now?'' Natasha asked, looking at Yelena to see if she had any plan.

''Did you bring the Avengers' jet? If not, I have a bike downstairs,'' Yelena whispered. 

''I brought a ship; it's on the top floor,'' Natasha said. 

''They came from above; I don't think going up is a good idea,'' Yelena said. 

''In which direction is your bike?'' Natasha asked. 

''That way,'' Yelena said, pointing in a direction and looking at Natasha. 

''Then let's make it exciting,'' Natasha said, laughing as she took Yelena's hand and ran towards a window, jumping through it. 

Yelena wanted to resist but was pulled, and without an option, she began to fall with Natasha. 

Looking down at the fall of over 20 meters, Yelena grimaced, knowing it was going to hurt. 

As they were falling, Natasha hugged Yelena and carried her like a princess before landing gently and starting to run in the direction she had indicated. 

Arriving at a pile of bikes, she quickly put Yelena down. 

''Which one is your bike?'' Natasha asked. 

''Brown seats,'' Yelena said, searching for her keys anxiously.

Suddenly, she heard the engine of her bike and saw Natasha smiling mischievously. 

Yelena rolled her eyes before jumping on the back of the bike and hugging Natasha's waist. 

Natasha started driving through the city towards a place she remembered. 

''Do you have a plan?'' Yelena shouted.

''Something like that, don't worry; it'll be fun,'' Natasha said, laughing. 

At that moment, two bikes jumped behind them and started shooting. 

Yelena, who was hit by several bullets, couldn't help but groan in pain.

''How about we switch?'' Yelena complained. 

''Almost there, sweetheart,'' Natasha said, suddenly turning due to the appearance of an armored vehicle chasing them. 

Natasha didn't pay attention and kept driving while remotely controlling her ship to position itself under a bridge that was ahead. 

On the armored vehicle, a guy quickly appeared with armor covering his entire body. 

From his back, he took out a bow before putting an arrow and pulling it. 

Through the rearview mirrors, Natasha also saw him just before he shot; quickly, she leaned to one side, dodging the arrow. 

''That guy,'' Yelena said, annoyed. 

''Do you know him?'' Natasha asked as she kept dodging constantly. 

''Dreykov's special weapon, it imitates and learns your movements; it's like fighting with a mirror,'' Yelena said aloud. 

''That guy really is full of tricks,'' Natasha said, annoyed before turning. 

''Sister, how long until your plan?'' Yelena said, scared as arrows passed close to them. 

''Soon,'' Natasha said, accelerating and reaching the bridge. 

Suddenly, Natasha turned and started driving against traffic before making another turn and going straight to the edge of the bridge. 

''Wait, wait, what are you doing?'' Yelena said, holding Natasha's waist tightly. 

Natasha just smiled before raising her hand and sending a burst of pure magic breaking the bridge's barrier and jumping on the bike. 

As they were falling, Natasha put her feet on the seat before jumping backward while pulling her sister. 

Suddenly, a ship appeared below them, and Natasha quickly put her sister in before starting to drive out of the place. 

''You're good,'' Yelena said, admitting it after going through the scare. 

Natasha just smiled slightly as she started to ascend, she could have done it much easier by calling her ship to the window, she just wanted to have an adventure with her sister, at least she can see that she is in a much better mood.

 ''Is this ship a bonus for being an Avenger?'' Yelena joked. 

''Not exactly,'' Natasha said, laughing to herself.

''Do you know where the Red Room is?'' Natasha asked, smiling. 

''No, they always sedated us when we entered and left, but I think I know who might know,'' Yelena said. 

''Who?'' Natasha asked. 

''Dad,'' Yelena said softly. 

''Dad, huh?'' Natasha said before sighing. 

''Where is he?'' Natasha asked. 

''He's in a prison in the middle of nowhere,'' Yelena said.

 ''I guess we need a better ship; this one is really for transport,'' Natasha said before pulling her controls and starting to ascend rapidly. 

''Can this thing go to space?'' Yelena asked excitedly. 

''Yes,'' Natasha said, smiling slightly as she looked at Yelena, perhaps due to the mind control, they didn't indoctrinate them too much; upon recovery, she still has that childish touch that she herself didn't have. 

Natasha quickly headed in a certain direction and flew for several minutes. 

The two maintained a cheerful conversation as they talked about trivial things from their childhood. 

Suddenly, Natasha started to slow down before a giant white and red ship was revealed in front of them. 

Natasha quickly drove towards the ship before entering through the energy layer. 

Yelena looked around full of curiosity. 

''My queen, is there anything I can do for you?'' asked the ship's commander, who hurried to arrive when they detected Natasha's approaching ship. 

''Yes, I want to take one of the warships,'' Natasha said, smiling slightly as she nodded, ignoring Yelena's astonished look at the way they addressed her. 

''Of course, just take whichever you want,'' said the commander, nodding respectfully. 

''Hm,'' Natasha said, nodding slightly before taking Yelena's hand and walking towards one of the ships. 

Natasha boarded with Yelena before starting the engines and flying out. 

The ship was much larger than the one she used to use; it had much superior armor and energy shields, and more importantly, it has several cosmic energy cannons, which are the latest technology they developed.

''Why are you a queen?'' Yelena asked, looking at Natasha after not being able to stand it anymore.

''Didn't I tell you I have a sugar daddy?'' Natasha joked.

Yelena could only look wordlessly at Natasha, unsure if she was joking or not.


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