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58.73% Fate/Mercenary: A travel across the omniverse. / Chapter 36: Chapter XXXI: Making fun of the Magical World.

Bab 36: Chapter XXXI: Making fun of the Magical World.

Sirius Black P.O.V

"Sorry I forgot to introduce myself, the name is Sirius, Sirius Black, nice to meet you again Pup."

"Do you know me?" Harry asks curiously something understanding from what the Yozora lad told me about him, many people trying to cling to his fame of "The-boy-who-lived." So, me talking so causally might be a surprise.

"Hahaha you were too young to remember, but I used to carry you when you were this little." I say making a gesture with both my hands, and I might be exaggerating a little bit "Though Prongs always joked that if a carried you too much you would get flies to the point that even if Lily knew that he was joking, she always used to cast an anti-flies spell hahaha."

"Lily…. wait you knew my mom?" Who is Prongs?" Harry asks with enthusiasm in his voice.

"I did indeed." "We were best friends back in the days, Prongs your father, Moony, Lily, me, and…never mind," I say trying to hold my scowl "James, Moony and I meet each other on the train in our first year and quickly became friends, your mother was also in our same year and house and honestly till this day I have never seen someone fall in love as fast as James did when he saw your mother for the first time," I said jokingly trying to avoid talking about the rat.

"Is not that hard to believe," Harry says giving the Yozora lad a deadpan stare.

"What can I say? Is not my fault that I am that handsome." This time Harry and I deadpanned at him, not being quite sure if he was joking or not.

"Setting that aside if you were my parent's friend, why have you never visited me until now? And why are you here and how do you know Yozora?"

"Well Harry, you see…" Shit, I don't know how to answer that, I don't want to scare him by telling him that I am a convicted person even if I am innocent and I can't talk about how I know Yozora because of that contract.

"Allow me to explain." Yozora intervened. "Until recently Sirius was in prison for something that he didn't do and was released by a mutual acquaintance, so I am housing him until all the charges are cleared, and what he was accused of, is not my place to tell you."

"You have a convicted person in your house? Yozora if Hermione found out about this, she is going to kick your ass to the kingdom comes." Harry says more annoyed than worried, seriously who is that Hermione girl that he is going to kick this little monster?

"Yozora," I growled a little bit.

"What? Sooner or later, he is going to find out, the only reason he doesn't already know about this is that I asked everyone to not tell him because I wanted him to hear about all of this from you."

"Fine have it your way." Although I am mildly annoyed about him telling almost everything, he is not wrong thought, he already made me a big favor to give the chance of letting Harry know my side of the story before anyone.

"Harry this is going to be a very personal talk between Sirius and you if you want, I can go to another room until you are done talking or I can stay, is up to you," Yozora says surprisingly seriously.

Harry closed his eyes and made a thoughtful expression most likely considering all the options. Something understandable as even if I said that I was his parent's friend at the end of the day I am a stranger to him. And after pondering about it he opened his eyes.

"Since you are keeping him in one of your houses, he must not be a bad guy or you would have beaten him to death," Harry says earnestly.

'Wait, Yozora acts like that in front of everyone? What the bloody hell is Harry learning!'

"Hence, I would like to talk with him privately. Sorry for making you go to another place in your own house."

"Hey, no biggie. What are friends for." Says Yozora patting Harry on his shoulder. "There are some snacks on the refrigerator if you want anything, I'll be in the room over there so call me when you are done."

"Thanks, lad," I said to him with a smile. He just nodded at me and entered the nearest room.

"You should sit Pup; this is going to be a tough talk," I said while pointing at the coach.

Harry sit as I ask and I did the same. "First of all, I know this is going to be a little bit sensitive, but how much do you know about how James and Lily died?"

"Hagrid told me a little bit about it. When Voldemort was on the cuspid of his power my parents fought against him, and he murdered them, and somehow when he tried to kill me, I stopped him and that's all I know about, nobody further explained it to me."

"Back then, your parents were one of the biggest supporters of the Light Side, maybe for you the Potter last name is just that a last name. but you must understand that it has a lot of weight in the Wizarding Community as one of the Noblest and most ancient houses. So, they were one of his main targets alongside other houses like the Longbottom's, Yozora told me that you are a friend with Frank and Alice."

"But at some point, it got worse, Voldemort started to target the members that were a couple for unknown reasons." While I know the reason, Harry is still too young to know about the prophecy, I don't want to put that burden on his shoulder. "So, your parents hid once you were born, and for a time it worked but with every passing day Voldemort was getting more impatient and I feared that he would eventually find you and your parents so I took a decision. Do you know about the Fidelius Charm?" I ask before continuing my explanation.

"It's a very old and strong charm that hides a place, an object, or even a secret from everyone and everything the ultimate way of hiding. But for it to work there is a requirement, a Secret Keeper, someone that will know the secret and is the only person that will be able to reveal it."

"Initially, it was planned that I became the Secret Keeper but the problem is that it was too obvious, so at the last minute we changed the designated person to some that he would not even in his wildest dream would think about and in the meantime, I would act as bait, it was the perfect plan or so I thought," I say while self-deprecating thoughts started to room in my head.

"Someone betrayed my parents, isn't it?" Harry says while clenching his fist in rage.

"Yes, it turns out that the Secret Keeper was a follower of Voldemort and told him the secret, making the spell useless," I say keeping my face down at the shame of committing such a stupid act of trusting Pettigrew.

"So after I got the news of James and Lily's demise, I ran looking for him to get revenge but the sneaky bastard set up a tramp that ended up with the death of 12 muggles, he cut off his finger so everyone thought that not only did I kill him and those people but so also they thought that I killed your parents."

"What is the name of the man that sold out my parents?" Harry asks with a cold tone, somewhat reminding me of the Yozora lad.

"Peter Pettigrew" I answer while tightening my fist.

"There should have been an investigation, how could they just punish you for something without evidence!? I may not know everything about the Wizardry world, but I know that there are people that can read others' minds, and as much as I despise those things, that morron of Dumbledore cannot be the only wizard or witch in England that can do that." An enraged Harry yells.

"While the number of people proficient in Occlumency are low, there are people that can use it in the ministry and even have a potion that makes people tell the truth, but none of those things are admissible in a trial but that wouldn't matter as I never had a trial."

"What?" Harry says with an unbelievable expression.

"After Voldemort's apparent fall, many people pledged that only do those abdominal things because they were being manipulated by him, so the Minister had the grandiose idea of directly sending people to Azkaban without a trial. I was one among those people mainly because I am from an old family, and they thought that I would use my influence to get free."

"Yozora is right, the Ministry is full of idiots with some exceptions." Harry sneered at the ineptitude of the Ministry.

"Harsh but not false Pup." And couldn't help but agree with him.

"But how could you remain sane all these years? I read that long exposure to the Dementors Aura makes people insane."

"When I was inside of that horrible place my conscious was clear as even if the world said that I betrayed your parents, I knew the truth, so my conscious was clear. It also helped that I am an Animagus so most of the time I stayed as a dog, with the exception when people from the Ministry came by." I explain to Harry who now seems to understand the joke about flies. "But after that man took me out of Azkaban, he talked about you and how you needed me, so now I don't need to brood about the past," I say while messing with Harry's already messy hair.

But the boy gave a conflicted look. "Sirius look, I know that you were my parent's friend but why would you care about me? After all, you only knew me when I was a baby."

'Well the lad said that Harry has problems trusting most of the adults after living with the Durley's'

"You don't know this, but James made me your godfather when you were born," I say with a lot of nostalgia in my voice, remembering when James gave me that honor.

"Really?" Harry asks.

"Look I know that I already failed you by not being with you all these years and that we are basically strangers to each other, but if you let me I will like to be here for you from now on," I say to Harry with a lot of guilt in my voice.

'Yozora has been telling me that it was not my fault what happened to Harry, still if I had focused on Harry instead of going for Pettigrew things would be different, if only I hadn't suggested changing the Secret Keeper, Lily, and James wouldn't…" But I was snapped out of my thoughts as Harry started to speak.

"Like you say we are strangers so it's not like we could start to be a family like nothing," Harry says while keeping his eyes closed.

"But..." Harry says opening his eyes. "You don't seem to be like a bad guy and even if Yozora acts silly most of the time, he let you be in one of his houses, if you were a bad guy, he would have slapped you to death."

'What the hell is Yozora doing at Hogwarts and what is he teaching Harry.'

"So, we might get to know each other this summer, I will stay will the Weasleys for the rest of the summer and maybe Yozora can help me to come here from time to time, so we can talk." Says Harry giving a very mature approach.

"If that's what you want, I have no problem with that," I say with a small smile, glad that Harry is giving me a chance.

"So Yozora told me that my dad was an exceptional prankster, any good story that you can tell me?" Harry says with a smile.

My previous smile got wider upon hearing those words. "You might as well grab some of the snacks that Yozora made as this is going to be a long conversation. There was this time when we…"

July 30th of 1992. Longbottom's Mansion.

Yozora's POV

Harry and Sirius's talk took more than I anticipated, something understandable since Harry wanted to know as much as he could about his parents and Sirius was happy to comply, so we were the last ones to arrive, so not wanting to waste time I asked Hermione though the Magic Mirror that everyone moves to an empty part of the Mansion.

Passing through the portal grated everyone "Hello, Sorry for being late, I ran into an old woman in trouble on my way here and…"

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say," Blaise said dismissing whatever excuse I planned to use. "You could at least say something believable you know."

At his words, I raised my eyebrow. "How do you know that it didn't actually happen?"

"Because you already gave that excuse five times," Blaise says deadpanning at me.

'Did I? Well, I say a lot of quotes, so it is not unbelievable that I already said that one.'

"Sorry, it was actually my fault that we run late," Harry said scratching the back of his head. "I was busy doing something and I lost track of the time."

"Well, if that's the case there is no problem then," Blaise says.

"So, it would be a problem if it was my fault?" I ask just pretending to be angry.

"Yes. Knowing you might actually forget about the event either because you were either training or you were making something crazy by normal standards." Blaise says…giving a pretty accurate description of how things may happen.

"He is right though, sometimes I worry that you don't sleep enough," Daphne says in her usual tone. "It's good to see you again." She says giving me a small smile.

"It's good to see you too. How is Astoria?" I say with a smile.

"Much better, though she still doesn't like you," Daphne says with her usual voice tone.

"I thought so," I say with small sight in my voice.

"First of all, is good that you are good and second what did you do this time Yozora?" Hermione says in a reprimanding tone.

"Come on Hermione, did it have to be always my fault?"

"Yes," Hermione says without a doubt.

"Most of the time." Harry expressed.

"I have no doubt," Blaise says without shame.

"It would be weird if it wasn't." Neville shily says.

"It's because Daphne kissed you?" Tracey says without realizing what she just said

"Absolutely…wait what was that?" Ron was about to say something before his brain stopped working.

Everyone, including myself, stared at Tracey after her mistake.

"Huh, that was supposed to be secret… ups?" Tracey says making a cute pose.

'Where the hell did, she learn that?... wait this is not time for that.'

"In your face Potter and Longbottom!" Blaise says laughing like crazy. "Pay up"

"Come on it's our birthday," Harry says trying to get out of whatever was happening.

"That is that and this is this, pay up losers," Blaise says extending his hand towards Harry with a grin on his face.

"*tsk* At least I tried," Harry said handing 10 Sickles to Blaise.

"Okay, what in Shadow-sama's name is going on?" I asked the guys, though I can pretty much guess what is going on.

"We betted on who was going to make a move on you first, and I won." Says Blaise with a lot of pride in his voice.

"Damnit I was sure that Tracey was going to do something first, sure Daphne is the obvious one but since Tracey is the most extroverted of all of them I thought that she was going to do something first," Ron says in despair while handing the money to Blaise.

My left eye started to twitch hearing them. 'What the hell are these kids thinking? They are just 12 and thinking like that? What the heck is wrong with this world, it must be Fuga's fault.'


Meanwhile with Fuga.

*Achoo* Fuga sneezes while checking his "borrowed" possessions.

"Someone must be jealous of how fabulous I am," Fuga says really believing his own words.

"Whatever let's see with what I am going to reward Yozora, after all, he has made things a lot funnier and I would be sad if he dies on the Land of the Boobs….Oh, I had forgotten about this thing." Fuga says glancing at the multicolored orb in his hand and starting to smile evilly.

"Wasn't Yozora a fan of that manga? I remember him quoting the main character, and since he is going to a world full of Devils… Hehehe." Fuga laughed creepily

"This is going to be interesting."

Again, with Yozora.

I looked at the girls to see how they were taking the boy's bet. Surprisingly Daphne is making made a victory sign with a small smile. Hermione was in different shades of red looking with anger at the boys and Tracey well…

"Of course, I wouldn't make the first move," Tracey says looking at the boys as if they were idiots.

"Why?" Ron asks curiously. And looking at the expression of everyone present, most of them are quite curious.

"Because of the girl code. Daphne showed interest first in him, and Hermione knows him the longest so is just fair that they try first. You know Gals before Pals." Tracey says proudly earning the respect of the boys.

"Bro…" The boys muttered.

'So she likes me…. well this complicates things even more.' I think to myself with a wry smile.

"You are a good friend," Daphne says patting the girl's shoulder.

"Now…." Hermione says with an ominous voice. "Why are you betting on our personal affairs?" Hermione says with a not-so-friendly smile making the boys shiver.

"Will it make it better if I say that I betted on you?" Harry says with an awkward smile.

"No," Hermione says giving Harry a reproaching look.

"Yozora…" Harry looks at me with a pleading expression.

"Don't look at me man, you reap what you sow," I say leaving to the kitchen to finish the arraignments for today.

"Traitor!!" The boys scream as Hermione started to lecture them.

"Voilà, everything is set," I say as I proudly look at the table with everything that I prepared for today.

Since is Harry's and Neville's birthday party I decided to make dishes that they liked the most, for Harry that is a cheese lover I made some Gringas, Hamburgers with Jack-Monterrey cheese and Pizza and for Neville who likes spicy food, I made Spicy Ginger Szechuan Beef, Nasi Dagang and Mapo Tofu. As for the cake, I decided to make a three-layered cheesecake with an Oreo base and strawberry sauce on the top.

"Wow, Yozora everything looks delicious!" Tracey says with stars in her eyes.

"Thanks, Tracey," I say with a small smile on my face. "How are the boys after Hermione's punishment?"

"Physically? They are fine but now they are going to think twice before doing something like that again." Tracey says with a mocking tone.

'They are young so they didn't know about a woman's wrath' I thought to myself making a small prayer for their souls.

"By the way, you haven't said anything about my indirect declaration," Tracey says cheerfully.

I smile wryly at her word. "Well, you see Tracey, the thing here is..." But before I could finish my sentence Tracey started to laugh.

"Hahaha what's with that smile, you look so lame," Tracey says while holding her stomach at how hard she was laughing. "Daphne didn't give the exact details of what happened, but she is not the only one that had noticed that you sometimes look sad thinking of someone." She says this in a serious tone, different from how she usually talks.

"Am I that obvious?" I ask since I was confident about hiding my emotions.

"Just from time to time. And there's no rush, we still have a lot of time to know each other!" She says cheerfully.

"I appreciate your understanding," I say to her, still surprised at how the people of this world are many times more mature at a younger age in comparison with my former world.

"No biggie, by the way, is the story of Kamaboko Gonpanchiro true? I've been trying to split a rock all summer and I haven't even made a dent in it." Tracey says rather curious.

*Pff* I couldn't help but laugh at how she got Tanjiro's name wrong exactly like Inosuke. "It's Kamado Tanjiro, and it's as true as you and me. But remember that he trained a total of two years before he could do so."

"And you can? "Tracey asks with a hopeful tone.

'Oh, Tracey if only you knew.' "Let's just say that Dragons are just bigger swallows," I say quoting the savior of France.

"Wait what do you mean by..." Tracey tried to say but I ignored her words.

"Food is ready!" I yelled so everyone started to come.

"Yozora you meanie!" Tracey yells at me for ignoring her.


1st of August of 1992. Ministry of Magic. Fudge office.

I teleported to the corner of Fudge's office after verifying that he was on his way here. The reason? It's because I wanted to scare the hell out of him, I don't like him, but he is not annoying enough to just kill him, so a good scare is good enough.

Soon after, Fudge enters his office locking the door not noticing my presence, going directly to the shelf where he has his liquor and serving himself a glass of what seems to be Fire Whiskey.

"Stupid Luxu if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be in this sort of problem." Fudge says as he takes a big sip of the whiskey. "It's not even my fault, to begin with, it was Millicent Bagnold that had that stupid idea, and now I am paying for her stupidity, at least that Hoshimura kid had remained quiet since the Dumbledore fiasco, Merlin knows that I can't handle another problem, especially from him."

"Oya, I didn't know that I was such a problem minister," I said in a joking tone. "And I thought that we were friends."

At my words, Fudge spilled what he was drinking and turned around at me while raising his wand in my direction. "What are you doing here Hoshimura?" He says with a lot of poison in his voice. +

"What? Can't I just come to say hi?" I say mocking the man.

"A vile thing like you wouldn't come for such a petty excuse. So, you are finally showing your intentions of taking over the Ministry?"

"As if." I rolled my eyes at Fudge's sheer stupidity, always thinking that whoever has a little bit of power wants to overrule him. "Even if you begged me to take control of the Ministry, I wouldn't waste my time with this pitiful place full of blood supremacists."

"Why are you here then?" Fudge says lowering his wand.

"So cold, and here I am thinking of giving an olive branch to the ministry."

Fudge gave an incredulous look "Why would you do that? You hate the ministry."

"That's where you are wrong," I said moving from my spot. "I don't hate the ministry, it just happened that there are many that I don't like. But I must admit that my offer is not altruistic at all."

"What is your plan."

"I want to make an event like the Triwizard Tournament but bigger, like the world, has never seen before," I say with a grin on my face. "And before you ask, I don't want the Ministry money, I will pay for everything."

"So, what do you want from us?"

"In the Triwizard Tournament only the three largest Wizarding schools of Europe and like its name says only three Wizards or Witches participate, but I want to involve every school that wants to participate no matter from which country they are, so you might guess why I am talking to you."

"Cause you need the permission of the Ministry" Fudge says.

"Well, permission is a strong word. While I don't really care about your rules, the same thing can be said about other countries and schools. So, I might throw you a bone and get what I want without threatening someone, not that I mind though." I say what I really think as it would be many times easier just to either blackmail or threaten him, I do not want to make the ministry fall as it will make many annoying people and cause trouble in the country.

Fudge in another hand started to think about my proposal. "So how exactly this is going to help the Ministry?"

"As you know the problem is that the media is on the Ministry ever since that hooded guy revealed how they messed up sending innocent people to Azkaban without a trial, including Sirius Black someone from one of the noblest and Ancient houses, something that pissed off many people and me by the way as you know that he also is Harry Potter's godfather," I say with mild annoyance that made Fudge sweat a little bit.

"So, if you accept without complaining or trying to gain more benefits out of this, I will make sure that everyone starts talking about me instead of the Ministry and I might convince Harry to not public berate the Ministry for imprisoning his legal guardian after all even if he is young, he still is The-Boy-Who-Lived and his words have a lot of weight with the common populace."

Fudge starts to think about the pros and cons of accepting my offer. "Fine," Fudge says with some exasperation. "When do you want to make public this?"

"After your public apology and declaring Sirius Black's innocence," I say as Fudge glares at me. "What do you expect to get free without apologizing? Think Fudge Think, your fame is as low as it can be…well it could be worse, but you get it. So, making a public apology might help your image."

Fudge nods understanding that this might help him as well. "Anything else that you want from the ministry?"

"Just make sure that your people don't do something stupid," I say as I teleport from the place.


August 5th of 1992. Ministry of Magic.

Yesterday as I instructed him, Fudge made an open declaration about Sirius's innocence and he gave a proper apology even if it was a fake one, but Sirius was happy looking at Fudge lowering his head in public so it was good enough for me. And now since he was a free man by all terms it was my turn to take the stage.

"Hello everyone, I am glad to see some familiar faces in a more pleasant situation," I say half-joking looking at the reporters who chuckled a little bit, but they quickly started to make questions.

"What is your opinion about the past events relating to Azkaban?"

"It's true that you are best friends with Harry Potter even if you are from the houses that have enmities?"

"Do you have any opinion about the terrorist group known as Organization XIII?"

"Do your family had any contact with Nargles?"

The reporters asked many questions related to the things I did even if they don't know about them, but the last one is obvious who made that question.

"Mah, mah, let's calm down, I will answer some of your questions after I finish what I have to say."

"A few weeks ago I got to know there was a tournament where the 3 biggest schools in Europe participated and after getting more information about that tournament I got… disappointed to no end," I said blandly with a little bit of disgust to annoy the people here and it worked as I could see many people offended.

"What did you expect something different? Different from the Quidditch Cup where every country of the world participates, this tournament is bland in comparison with other events like the muggles do." I say with a mocking tone. I know that there is also the Dueling tournament where every country participates but for the sake of pissing people off, I am going to ignore that fact.

"So, I decided to make my own tournament," I say with a smirk on my face. "Every school of any country is welcome to participate if they dare to do it. They can participate either in solo events or team events. Different from the Tri-wizard Tournament I will allow every school to select its best students up to 10 students from each school are allowed to participate, it doesn't matter how old they are as anyone can enter as long, as they wish."

This made the people in the ministry cause an uproar since there has never been an event that has taken so many Magic Schools at the same time let alone the number of people that will participate.

"For the prizes, the monetary rewards would be 2000 Galleons for the first place, 1500 for the second, and 1000 for the third place in both solo and group categories, and that is just the monetary reward," I say making once more the people in the Ministry of Magic go into an uproar since the third prize alone is as big as the one that they gave in the Triwizard tournament, and if it was before loathing all the places, I was in the summer I wouldn't be able to give that, but not it's just a small dent to my finances. 'Mercenary life for the win'

"But as I said before that alone is just the monetary reward as the first place will gain something, a chance to precisely," I say with a cheerful smile. "The chance of fighting against me in a duel and if by any luck they win, I will reward them with one thing that anyone else can offer in the world," I say in an arrogant tone.

"The opportunity of entering my family's library and being able to copy what is inside of it, the most ancient house known in the world." This made everyone present glint greed in their eyes, something understandable, even if the people here are not as crazy as the magus families from the Nasuverse they keep their knowledge on a tight leash. So, the opportunity of looking at my library is something that many will kill for, especially people from other old families.

"Now I will answer some questions, but please refrain from making any question that is not related to the tournament. You the gentlemen with the black fedora."

"Thank you, Mr. Hoshimura, and may I ask why the sudden feeling of making a tournament of this magnitude? You said that it was because you were disappointed in other tournaments made in Europe but that can't be the only reason for you to make something this big right?" The man asks politely.

"You are right that the motives behind me doing this tournament are not derived from my disappointment in the tournament," I say confirming the reporter's suspicion. "I just found that is sad that the magical world is so big but there is little to no interaction of different types of magic outside of wand magic, so I want to make this event so the young generation has the opportunity to interact with it in one place," I say to the reporter, which is not true as after traveling around the different magic communities, I found many types of magic school that has their own benefits.

"Thank you for your answer, Mr. Hoshimura."

"No problem, next you the lady with the emerald-colored grabs."

"Thank you, Heir, of Lucis-Caelum." She says politely using my "noble" term. "When and where is this tournament supposed to happen?"

"As you might understand, I want to make this tournament as big as possible so it will take a little bit of time to finish the minute details of it as well as the required necessities of it, so it will be held until the next year, but I thought of giving time to the other schools to prepare their best students. And for the place it will be held at Hogwarts, of course, the Director has already approved and supported the decision." While the first part is true the second part it's a complete lie since I haven't even informed Dumb-ass-dore about this but is not like he has any other option since he is basically my slave.

The reporter just nodded at my answer and the Q&A continue without a problem, I answered Xenophilus's question about the Nargles, different from the Crumple-Horned Snorkack that I did actually see, I haven't got any clue about them but since this version of the Potter-verse is different from the original they might be actually real, so I just said that I open-minded about their existence, something that made the man very happy.

And now I will select someone that I knew will make a question that will help me to annoy the whole Magical World, of course, you might know whom I am talking about.

"Next the lady with the glasses and flying quill." I say with a fake "kind" smile, but not as fake as the one from the reporter that I selected.

"Rita Skeeter from the Daily Prophet." She introduced herself with fake politeness. "Mr. Hoshimura or Heir of Lucis-Caelum, which one of those do you prefer.?"

"I don't have a particular preference if I am honest, is up to you how you want to address me," I say keeping my fake smile.

"Very well Mr. Lucis-Caelum." She says just mixing things up. "How are you so sure that other schools from different countries and continents will participate in your tournament? Sure, while the prices are enticing, to say the least, realistically speaking your fame is not big enough so people will just leave things behind and come to this country to participate. Besides aren't you acting little arrogant promising something by just, besting you in a duel? I don't want to offend you but even if the rumors say that you are a brilliant student, you are still very young so an older participant can win over you as they would be more…experienced." She says trying to add some salt in the last part.

Most of the reporters made a face that they couldn't believe that she even if indirectly, mocked the heir of the most ancient house in the world while some of them nodded as they think the same as her. But different from the rest the people that participated in Dumbledore's hearing turned as pale as a ghost, reminding them of how I reacted to plain mockery.

"Hahaha, Quite a sharp tongue you have Miss. Skeeter if I didn't know better, one would think that you are making fun of me." I say half closing my eyes. "Of course, a reporter from the Daily Prophet, a business that has all its money saved in Gringotts, who I must say are very close friends with my family from generations wouldn't say that, don't you? After all, that would be quite idiotic since I could leave your business on the street." I say with a mocking tone and a smile that would make a certain silver-haired god of death.

"But answering your question, you have some truth in your words, while my family name has a lot of weight in the magic community, I can't say the same about my own given name, that is except for the events of the past year."

"But if they don't accept…well, what can I say they are just pitiful." I say with a lot of "disappointment" in my voice.

My statement made the Ministry fall into an uproar once again, with some of them being really pissed off since they are foreigners, quite ironic since I am not even British.

"Mr. Lucis-Caelum, don't you think you are being disrespectful?"

I shake my head in negation. "Not at all, as Ms. Skeeter said in the eyes of most I am just a kid, barely a teenager(adolescent), so they would be wasting a lifetime opportunity of seeing one of the most ancient libraries in the world just for laziness or perhaps…" a wide grin started to appear in my face that would put on shame a certain F-Rank Hero at the thought of how annoyed everyone would be "… would they be scared of facing me?"

"Outrageous!" A blond man from the crowd yells while moving forward in my direction.

I raised an eyebrow at the man. "And you are?"

"Edward Brook from the New York Chronicle." He says fixing his gaze upon me.

'Huh, first it was J.J Jameson, and now him, what's next? Norman Osborn?' I thought to myself with mild amusement. "So, what do you find "outrageous" about my former confirmation?"

"Everything." He says with poison dropping in his words. "You are just a brat, that happened to get lucky of being born in a prestigious house like all the pretentious idiots from old houses, so don't think that you are better than everyone just because of that!"

"When did I say that I am better the everyone? As a matter of fact, my grandfather can kick ass." I say making some of the people laugh thinking that I was joking. "If they are not afraid of me, they can just prove it by participating in the tournament and winning first place, oh by the way…"


From the perspective of everyone else I was just standing there with a smile on my face, but from Brooks' perspective was a different story. He started to sweat cold, and his face turned pale as if he was right in front of a Dementor, he looked as if he wanted to run out of the place but the fear and the overwhelming feeling of my aura made him unable of doing so.

"Let's be clear on one thing, I am just using my family name as an incentive. I am not confident because I am from an old family, I am confident because I am me, so don't associate me with those marrons, did I make myself clear?" I asked "sweetly" slightly dismissing my aura just enough so Brook was able to nod. "Good," I say completely dismissing my aura making Brook faint confusing everyone present since they were not affected by my aura.

"Any other question?" I say to the confused people in the audience.

"What is the name of the tournament?" Asked a young female reporter who didn't care about the fainted person.

A wide smile was present at her question.

"Scala ad Caelum."

Hello, Nice and Nephews and Uncle Author is back!!!!

Sorry for the two weeks delay but better late than never hahaha and the word count of this chapter is of 6500 so is a rather long chapter. As many of you know the last couple of weeks have been….less than pleasant for me for work-related things so I want to thank everyone that commented on the last announcement giving me your support. *Uncle Author makes a small bow* I can't say that I am completely over with that shit but at least things have gotten better than before so now I can have time and energy to continue writing chapters.

So finally, Sirius and Harry had their reunion and in better conditions than the cannon if I may say. *fufufu*

Yozora: Well not that is that hard taking into consideration that in the books Harry thought that he was his parent's murderer and on the same day he fought a Werewolf and a hundred dementors.

Uncle Author: Get out of here this is my section!

*Yozora leaves the chat*

Uncle Author: Can you believe the audacity of this guy? *sighs*

Anyways we also had a brief reunion with the Hogwarts gang and most important Yozora did what he does best. Pissing off people. Hahaha

For the moment I don't want to write many specific things about how the events of the tournament even though I already have the structure of the tournament written, as I would have to write them again and I would feel that I am cheating on the word count, like those guys that rewrite the last 5 paragraphs at the start of every chapter. Nothing against them but is not my style to do that with some exceptions. And I think that the Kingdom Hearts fans that read this fic already know the reason for the name of the tournament.

And as you read before, Yozora already can use Nen! I was breaking my head thinking of how to introduce him using Nen, but I opted for doing something simpler and more practical. And how he got to learn Nen so fast will write about that in the next chapter with a believable explanation at least from my perspective also I will finally reveal what type of Nen user he is so stay tuned for that.

Also, any guesses about what Fuga wants to give to Yozora as a reward? Like he said he made a reference to that manga/anime. A little hint, the manga is underrated. Not much but giving too much help would not be fun at all hahaha.

So, with anything else to say, thank you for reading this chapter, if you like this ff so far please leave a review, it will help me a lot so more people start reading it.

Also, leave a comment with your thoughts on this chapter and the ff in general, and maybe drop a stone or two hahaha (Stones are my source of POWA!!)

Remember that I also created a Ko fi account if any of you want to support me.

Ko - fi. com / stuckinapileofbooks (just remove the spaces)

See you again in the next chapter.

*The author leaves the chat to start the next chapter since he has free time*

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