Unduh Aplikasi
70.37% Maji de Tada no Futsuu na Kenshi datte! / Chapter 19: Chapter 19 - Hide-and-Seek

Bab 19: Chapter 19 - Hide-and-Seek

"Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, I hereby commence the hide-and-seek contest!" Shōichi spoke out with big grins on his face as he points a finger at everyone.

There are Kazama Family and new additions of 3 people, standing in front of Shōichi.

These new additions are...

"Man, it's been a while since I play hide-and-seek..." Jun hummed while rolling out his shoulder.

Jun was brought here by Koyuki since this lolicon doesn't have anything to do anyway in home because Touma was with his parents.

And since he doesn't really want to interfere them, so he's basically following Koyuki when she invited him to play together.

"Clapclapclap~" Besides him, Koyuki is making clap sound effects with her mouth while clapping her hands at the same time.

"P-P-Please take care of me!" The other additions are Yukie, the only first-year. She was brought here by Kokoro with Shōichi's approvement.

"Hyohoho, relax, Mayucchi. You'll be fine, just act normally." Kokoro cheered the youngest out while giving her a comfort hand on the back.

"I'm glad I made so many friends quickly." And of course the last addition was Chris herself, since the idea was to make her join the Family.

"We're just in this to have fun." Yōta started as he's being sandwiched by Momoyo and Miyako for some reason on the sideline, "So, let's not keep track of scores or anything."

Not gonna lie, having two beautiful girls sandwiching him and the sensation of their big boobs on his arms is heavenly, if the light blush on his face is any indication.

They are having 13 participants in total, and all of them are currently in the open field near the park.

They moved to this place to play the game after Yōta and the Kawakami sisters arrived, after all there are not many places to hide in riverbed.

"Isn't this quite a lot?" Takuya asked as he surveyed around, looking at every participants.

Miyako hummed in response, "I guess you're right. But then again as long as the 'it' was not you, I think it's alright. Because you'll have tough time to search them, especially Yōta, Momo-senpai, and Capt."

"Hah! If you're taking far too long on searching Capt, he will be gone somewhere far away and the next moment you know, he's already in another district, completely forgetting about the hide-and-seek." Gakuto laughed from Takuya's side.

"Ah, he's been doing that 3 times." Yamato chimed in from the side, "First when I was the 'it', second when it was Gakuto, and the third time when it was Moro. He can't really do the same to others since they'll find Capt first before he gone for good."

"Hahaha, I am the wind. You can't stop me!" Shōichi smiled brightly as he puffs his chest out in pride, "I'll go wherever the wind guide me to!"

"He's so free!" Kazuko shouted out excitedly.

"He has a heart of an American people!!" Yōta followed up.

The others are laughing at that, it's the same case for Shōichi. He means, American people are cool in his book.

The rules of the game are simple.

Those who aren't 'it' will find a location somewhere within this open field to hide, and the player who's 'it' will count to 100 before opening their eyes and going to look for them.

"So, how are we gonna decide who's 'it'?" Momoyo asked as she still sticks by Yōta's side.

She's been like this since her sparring match against Yōta. And other people doesn't really question that at all.

"Want me to do—"

""HELL NO!!"" The others, except for Momoyo, Miyako, Kazuko, Koyuki, Chris, and Yukie, are fast to cut Yōta off.

Like hell they will let that man to be the 'it'.

The game will ended instantly or he's simply gonna troll them all and going home to eat some sweet while listening to his weird idol song again.

They mean, he's been doing that shit for 6 times already!

"Yōta, Momo-senpai, Miyako, and Kazuko are banned to be the 'it'." Shōichi ordered while pointing a finger at the said people, "You guys are no fun!"

"I've to agree with Capt. You guys always find us too fast." Kokoro fanned her face with her fan.

"And just for your information, I wanna hide." Gakuto chimed in from the side.

"Me too." Takuya raised his arm. He doesn't want to be the 'it' when playing with these people.

"I wanna hide-hide too~!" Koyuki also raised her arms.

Chris hums thoughtfully before she nods her head with a smile, "Same here."

"Etto... Ano... Umm..." Yukie on the other side looks like her words are stuck in her throat as she's struggling on putting the word together.

And because of that she's moving her body with very animately and extraordinary way right now.

"Hahaha, this girl is fun and interesting!" Shōichi laughed jovially at Yukie's movements.

It seems bringing this girl to join the Family is a good choice. Having fun and unique people in the group are always the best, after all.

That's what Kazama Family about.

"Naturally, we'll be deciding with a old-fashion game of rock-paper-scissors..." Jun started as he puts his hands on the hips, "But you know what, let's just keep it simple. I'll be the 'it'."

"Huh? Are you sure?" Takuya asked from the side.

"Sure. I don't mind at all. Let this poor ol' lolicon be the 'it'." Jun casually waves his hand in response.

"Man, sometimes you're being too considerate, Jun-san." Yōta shakes his head as he understands the reason why Jun volunteered himself to be the 'it'.

Since he is the only person who isn't from Kazama Family here.

He also understand the meaning of this game which is to get along with the new members, Chris and Yukie, therefore the reason why he decided to be the 'it'.

Since they're kind enough to invite him playing together, so why not helping them?

"Ha ha. I don't want to hear that from you, Young Emperor-dono."

"Stop calling me that."

"Not a chance, Sword Emperor-dono."


The others were laughing, Yukie included, at Yōta's predicament as he's scratching his head in frustration.

Chris on the other side tilts her head in confusion at the interaction, "Why Nagakura-dono doesn't like being called Young Emperor? Shouldn't you be happy when people are recognizing you?"

"Don't worry about it." Yamato waved his hand off dismissively, "He just being humble."

"You know what, I think he's that type of person who thinks hiding his power behind weak mask is cool and badass shit to do." Gakuto chimed in from the side with shit-eating-grins on his face.

"Ah, I think I understand that." Jun nods his head, "There's a lot of characters like that in JUMP. Just when people thought that he's weak as slime, but when he's getting serious, he's actually as strong as Demon King."

"And then people around him are flabbergasted and speechless at the sudden power move he just showed." Takuya snaps his fingers with big smile.

"How cliché." Shōichi finished with shit-eating-grin on his face as well.

And the reaction that they've been waiting is showing itself as Yōta starts curling up in a ball on the ground and screams behind his hands in embarrassment.


It's not like he's seriously thinking doing that shit is cool and all. Also he's not being humble like they thought. No, not at all. He had a good reason why he's being like this.

And those people should knew about that already, but they still decided to bully him! How cruel! He couldn't believe it!!!

"Okay, okay, stop that, you guys." Momoyo clapped her hands with a fond smile on her face.

"Yes, you guys teased him enough." Miyako said while patting Yōta's back in comforted manner.

"It's okay, Yōkkun." Kazuko joined in with Miyako to comfort him.

"Yosh, yosh~" Koyuki smiles softly at Yōta as she caress his head.

Kokoro covers her smile face with the fan as she looks at Yōta, patting his back for once, "You guys are so mean." She said playfully to the male group, who's chuckling in response.

Chris just brought the chance to tease Yōta, and you can't really expect them to miss the chance, don't you?

They'll tease him everytime they got the chance. That's what friendships about.

"He's so loved, isn't he?" Matsukaze chimed in from the side.

Yukie nods her head in response as she looks at the group bantering like usual around Yōta, "He is."

"Why don't you go there and comfort him as well? Maybe that'll get you more affection points from Yōta-boy." Matsukaze slyly teased the girl.

Yukie screeched out inaudibly with a low voice as she shakes Matsukaze up and down in embarrassment.

The groups are looking at Yukie with amused looks on their faces, they were already informed about her circumstances and her habit of talking to herself from Yōta and Kokoro.

So, they're not really that surprised or anything when they saw her doing ventriloquism like that, more like they're impressed at how good she is at that.

"So cool..." Chris blurted out as her eyes brightened.


Everyone look at the Friedrich with raised eyebrows.

"He just looks like Kagetora!" She continued while clapping her hands in excited manner, "The Hero who lives in shadow and acts behind the shadow!"

"Ah, Kagetora from Yamatomaru, huh..." Yōta hummed out loud as he remembers the name.

Kagetora from Yamatomaru Yummenikki. He is very popular in the series, and sometimes even beating the popularity of the protagonist himself.

He's the only the character who could fight toe-to-toe with the protagonist, Yamato, and also the man who always help everyone from the shadow.

Just like Yōta, Kagetora also very humble and never took the credit for what he's been doing behind the scene.

He's the man who live and die in shadow.

As long as the light, Yamato, is still shining brightly on the surface, there's no need for him to show himself.

His way of life that makes fan attracted to him.

"You watch the series as well, Nagakura-dono?" Chris asked as she's zooming fast to Yōta, staring at him with sparkly eyes.

"H-Huh?" Yōta instinctively back away when he looks at her bright expression, "Yeah, I love sword and swordsmanship in general after all. At first I only watch the series for the sword fight, but before I knew it, I've been hooked to the series and I've been watching it from the first season until nine seasons." He rambles while nodding his head and crosses his arms, "I've to say, their choreography in every fights are top-notch."

Chris' brightened eyes gained more intensity at that statementd, she unconsciously grab Yōta's hand with both of her hands, "I know right!? Because most of the actors from the series are real martial artists, their movements are always looking sharp and fluid! Especially Yamato and Kagetora, they both are..."

"There it is. Yōta's natural ability to draw people to him like a moth to a fire." Yamato commented from the side, looking at the two geeks gushing out about Yamatomaru Yumenikki series.

Miyako pouted at that, the same as Koyuki.

"I've been wondering all of this time... When it comes to CHA stats, I wonder which one is bigger between Capt and Yōta?" Takuya suddenly throw a random ass question.

"Hm? It should be Ca—Hm..." Gakuto stops himself from answering as he's starting to think about it as well.

Now that they're thinking about it, that's kinda tricky.

"It's obviously Capt." Yamato said, catching the group's attentions, "While their stats in CHA maybe quite close, but Capt's definitely winning."

"Am I?" Shōichi asked as he pointed at himself.

"Yeah." The tactician nods his head in response, "Yōta is good at catching the attention of unique and strong people like Nee-san, I mean just look at the people around him."

The group goes 'aahhh' at that statement.

Now that they're looking at it, it's true that Yōta is always catching the attention of unique and strong people like Momoyo and other girls.

Until he became today's Young Emperor, people often doesn't recognize his existence at all in the past.

"But Capt is good at catching the attention of people in GENERAL. So I had to say, Capt had the biggest CHA."

Jun hummed at that as he scratches the back of his neck, "I guess you're right. Kazama is born to be leader, just like our class rep."

"Right, Hideo and Capt are kinda the same." Kokoro nodded her head.

"Hoot, hoot~" Koyuki coos cutely from the side, flapping her arms like a wings, trying to be a owl for some reason and other people just looking at her with fond eyes.

"That's enough!" Shōichi finally have enough talking and claps his hands repeatedly to get everyone's attention including two geeks in background, "Let's play!!"

"Right." Jun nods his bald head, "I'll start counting now. You have 100 seconds before I come find you." He looks at everyone with a light smile on his face, "Okay, all ready? Now go!"

"Oneee! Twooo!"

He wastes no time in beginning his count.

The group have 100 seconds to spare, so that gives them plenty of time to hide.

"Welp, I'm gonna find my place to hide. See ya later." Momoyo said before she jumps high above, leaving a trail of dust behind.

"I'm gonna find mine too. Good luck, everyone." Yōta waves his hand once before he's gone from other's sight.

The Gods of hide-and-seek also waste no time in making their moves.

Both of them were basically gone in an instant since they already had a place to hide in mind.

"God, I really don't want to hide in some place that'll get my clothes dirty." Kokoro started as she walks out from the group with Yukie beside her, "But then again, I'd hate to lose too. Let's go, Mayucchi, Matsukaze. We need to find good place to hide."

"Y-Yes, senpai!" Yukie nods her head excitedly beside Kokoro. This is gonna be the first time she's playing with BIG GROUP like this.

She's so excited!

"We homies goes together!" Matsukaze spoke out.

"Hey, Koyuki. Where are you thinking of hiding?" Miyako asked while walking side-by-side with Koyuki.

"Hoot..." Koyuki coos toughtfully while pursing her lips, "I don't know, hoot~!"

"I guess we'll just have to find it on the way."

"Hoot, hoot~!"

"I'll defeat you again, Kri!" Kazuko pointed a finger at Chris with big smile on her face.

"In your dream. Today's gonna be my win, Dog!" Chris retorted.

Both of them steps forward and glaring at each other with such intensity that they shoot electricity through their eyes.


They humphed at each other at the same time before running through different directions.

"Let's go, Moro."


Gakuto and Takuya are going in the same direction as they're seemingly have decided to hide together.

Yamato surveyed the area with a critical eyes and he noticed that Capt already gone together with the wind.

"Sixtyyy! Sixty-oneee! Sixty-twooo!"

It's time for him to find his place now.

Truth to be told, he already had eyes set on a pretty sweet place right from the moment Jun started to count.


Yamato concealed himself perfectly at the designated place—inside a large heap of waste that's in the shadow of tree, near the bench park.

He says waste, but it's nothing that gross and nasty. It's just stuff the park sweeper swept up into a pile with a broom, so mainly fallen leaves for the most part.

Having perfectly concealed himself in that heap, he stays as still as humanly possible and only moves slightly to secure himself a gap when he checks on Jun.

From where he's at, Yamato has an unobstructed view of the entire park area.

Jun is also quite close by, which enables Yamato to spy on him effortlessly.

"Eighty-four! Eighty-five! Eighty-six!"

He's getting closer and closer to the magic number 100.

Since Yamato's all ready to go, he switches his focus now to checking on all the participants.

Observations is absolutely quintessential when it comes to hide-and-seek.

Part of what makes it fun is that you can steal tricks and skills from other people that may have different mindset than you.

'Let's start with Kazuko.' Yamato thought as he's surveying the area, looking for the youngest Kawakami.


Kazuko is tirelessly carrying over a broken bicycle from one of the edges of the park, where it had been left abandoned.

She takes the utmost care not to make any loud sounds, and as simple as it is, she starts to put up the bicycle near Jun.

Afterwards, she merely crouches down behind it and hides there without doing anything fancy.

Any experienced hide-and-seek player will tell you that this can be a very effective tactic when used against the right type of people.

The fundamental idea behind this tactic is the expectation that the seeker holds the preconceived notion that nobody would be stupid enough to hide right near them.

That motion will cause the seeker to not focus on areas nearby them, thus even if Kazuko does something that would normally give herself away, Jun will subsconsciously ignore it.

He will register the bicycle first instead of whovere's there, so as silly as it sounds, his brain will automatically write the spot off thinking it's just a bicycle.

Another key component is the fact that the bicycle doesn't completely conceal your body.

So as long as you don't move, you can blend in and become 'part of' the bicycle, which allows you to monitor the seeker knowing they won't notice you.

That is the greatest reward for this tactic.

If you hide yourself at the back of a vending machine, for instance, you'd need to poke out your head whenever you want to check on where the seeker is.

Just like what Gakuto did right now.

He's clearly hiding behind a vending machine while Takuya's taken the simple approach of hiding behind a bench near the machine.

From the looks at it, both are not concerned about hiding themselves completely.

When he's looking for the others, he spots Chris crawls on the ground with a bunch of leaves covering her whole body, even her head.

The reason why Yamato able to spots her, because she's currently observing her surrounding with binocular.

She's treating this game as if she's in war or something right now.

It seems she's planning to play the style of dynamically changing her spots as the game goes on, depending on where Jun goes.

Yamato can't deny that Jun seems like the simple-minded type, so he doubt that lolicon will have perfect awareness of his surroundings as he searches.

That makes this an effective strategy too.

And when he's looking at the middle of the park, Yamato can see Yōta just openly sitting on the bench, casually having a conversation with two beautiful and sexy older girls while drinking boba milk tea.

The same can be said to Momoyo, as the oldest Kawakami is currently flirting with a bunch of girls in the park. She's making the girl to pay her for the sweets she ate.

'H-Holy hell...'

By purposely putting yourself in plain sight for the seeker in such a blatant fashion, you, in contrast, escape their search criteria.

And since both of them are currently in their casual outfits, they're not really standing out that much like usual.

Especially Yōta, you can't really tell where he is since he's blending with the background so perfectly with his mediocre face.

Momoyo on the other side is killing her aura so she won't stand out like a sore thumb, she also changes her hairstyle into ponytail right now, clearly giving her a new image.

In addition, merrily chatting away with people makes for such a perfectly natural situation, so it also function as mental camouflage that protects you from the seeker.

Incredible. This is a stunt only feasible by those who have mastered the art of blending with their surroundings.

And what makes this strategy is so perfect and unmatchable is the fact that both of them are choosing OLDER girls to have conversations with.

For Jun who's a lolicon to the core, he wouldn't even BOTHER to look at OLDER girls nearby, he will automatically ignore them.

Both of them are indeed godly at hide-and-seek.

Miyako and Koyuki on the other side are hiding on top of the tree, perching on the strong branch like a bird.

With Miyako as the scout, it will be easy-peasy for both of them to spot and observe the seeker's position with 100% accuracy even from the top of tree.

Last but not least, Kokoro and Yukie...

They are currently sticking to attic knee wall like a ninja in the building not far from Jun's position.

They're doing it like a pro right now. This is what you can expect from atlethic girls like them.

And Yamato also doesn't need to mention about Shōichi's whereabout at all since that leader of his is already gone from the area, he's nowhere to be seen right now.

"Ninety-eight! Ninety-nine! One hundred! Alright! Let's see where everyone's hiding."

Having finished the count, Jun finally starts moving.

"Okay. Who should I take out first?" Jun asked to no one else as he's surveying the area with keen eyes, "Yōta and Momo-senpai is a no-go. I doubt I can find them if they're seriously trying to hide from me..."

He's already giving up on finding Yōta and Momoyo from the get-go.

"And Kazama... I bet he's already gone somewhere far away."

And damn he's right about that. Shōichi is currently in another area far away from the park, eating some ramen with elderly that kind enough to treat him.

"Well, I'm gonna take my time, I guess."


"Hmm... No one around, huh..."

Jun is currently right next to Yamato, talking to himself.

It's already been 10 minutes since he started searching around the area, but he hasn't found a single person.

Hide-and-seek does just seem like a simple walking around and searching game, but it's actually a battle of wits where both ingenuity and endurance of the players clash.

"I guess, I will use that..." Jun mutters to himself in low tone before he suddenly sits down on the bench furthest from the edge of the park.

Apparently, having lost all motivation to keep searching already, Jun starts to idly sip on a milk strawberry.

Yamato can see a look of terror on Kazuko's face as well, behind the bicycle she's hiding at.

"Blehh, this game sucks!"

Yamato can't believe it.

If the player who's it goes a decent amount of time without doing anything, the impatient types will NATURALLY get curious about what's going on and poke their heads out.

Gakuto is the prime example of this as the musclehead curiously glimpse in Jun's direction from his hiding spot.

"Gotcha, Shimazu! Morooka!" Jun pointed a finger at both of them with a shit-eating-grin on his face.

"WHAAAT!?? I got found like right away!" Gakuto yelled out while scratching his head in frustration.

"Hah..." Takuya on the other side simply shakes his head. He knew the moment Gakuto tries to glimpse in Jun's direction, they'll get caught.

How foolish. You can't live through hide-and-seek without endurance.

You couldn't allow yourself to lose focus and slack off for even a moment. That goes for the endurance to stay hidden, the constant grasp of the seeker's position.

"Damn it, I thought you were totally done there..." Gakuto grumbles out.

Jun snorts in response, "'Twas a mere act, my friend."

"I thought so." Takuya chimed in from the side.

If you actively search for the hiders, they'll just change up their location in response to where you go, just like what Chris did right now.

She's changing her location behind a shrub while occasionally observing Jun discreetly.

Kazuko's still staying hidden behind the bicycle, not moving an inch. She's executing that vital hide-and-seek skill of endurance at full throttle just like Yōta taught to her.

"Gotta say though, the rest of you guys are really giving me a run for my money." Jun sighed out while scratching the back of his bald head.

"Haha. They're probably trying their damnedest not to get found." Gakuto nods his head in agreement.

"I guess we will give up on finding Yōta, Momo-senpai, and Capt like usual?" Takuya asked the obvious.

Gakuto hummed thoughtfully before he looks around the area, "If we want to find both of them, our best bet is Yamato, Miyako, and Wanko. With Miyako and Wanko, we can easily find them unless Yōta and Momo-senpai decided to get serious, then there's no way we will find them."

"I guess you're right. But Naoe? Why he's our best bet?" Jun curiously asked.

"Because he's the most observant between us." Takuya answered instead, "I bet he's hiding in the best position where he can easily observing the surrounding area, so he can also take account of where everyone's are hiding."

"Hm, I see." Jun nods his head understandingly, "By the way, I did hear some sounds though while I was counting."

"Sounds? What're we talking about here?" Gakuto asked.

Jun points a finger at his ear in response, "I was secretly straining my ears while I was counting. The sound of your footsteps is quite characteristic, Shimazu. So, I could pretty easily get a grasp of the general direction in which you were hiding. I also heard the sound of the basket of a bicycle hitting something, plus the sound of someone entering bushes..."

"Holy shitballs..."

"You're taking this game so seriously, huh..."

Yamato who's hiding near them is breaking out a sweat right now as he heard that.

This lolicon's certainly a force to be reckoned with.

He did technically hide without making any sounds by habit, but he guesses this means Jun still registered that something took place somewhere around him.

It's either Chris or Yamato.

The general term 'bushes' is also somewhat associated with 'leaves', so that'll pretty much be checkmate for Yamato once Jun starts to direct his suspicions towards it since he can't move from his hiding spot.

The only thing Yamato could do at this moment is to become one with theses leaves and grass!

Jun and the others scatter in different directions to look for the remaining hiders.


"Finally found you, Yōta, Momo-senpai." Jun said as he deadpanned at both of them. He can't believe at how openly they're hiding right now.

"Man, that sure took you a while..." Momoyo commented as she pats Yōta who's currently resting his head on Momoyo's plum thighs comfortably.

Three hours have passed since the start of their hide-and-seek game, and Jun has finally managed to find everyone except for Shōichi.

He's already confirmed that Shōichi is already left the area, so there's no need for him to search that man.

"Alright, that's the last of us." Yamato said as he looks at every participants. He doesn't really think that it will take this long just to play hide-and-seek.

"You were taking so long that I had to go to Momo-senpai and hang out with her towards the end." Yōta yawned as he raises his head from Momoyo's laps and starts stretching out.

"I don't think I've ever seen someone opt to hide and plain sight before!" Chris said from the side in excited manner.

"Yeah, you guys are godly dope." Matsukaze added.

"I have to say Kokoro and Mayuzumi-san are also going all out. I mean, sticking to the attic knee wall, who ever thought of that?" Miyako shakes her head.

"Yeah, imagine my surprise when I look above and I saw these two sticking to the wall like a ninja..." Takuya chimed from the side as he scratches his cheek.

"Haha! And you're screaming like a girl back then too!" Gakuto teased his best friend with big smirk on his face.

"Yes, you really surprised us when you're suddenly screaming like that, Moro." Kokoro added while covering her big smile behind her fan.

Besides her, Yukie is nodding her head repeatedly, agreeing on her senior's statement.

She's indeed get surprised when Takuya suddenly screams with such high-pitched voice that she accidentally slips out and falls on her butt.

"And Yuki is easy to find since I just have to make an owl calls and she's instinctively responding to it." Jun grinned at the said girl who's pouting at him.

"Jun, not fair~!"

"But who would've thought that you guys are having hard time to find Wanko." Yamato chuckles behind his hand.

"Fufu. I'm getting stronger in hide-and-seek too, I've also last longer than you, Kri." Kazuko triumphantly puffed out her small chest and sports a big smug smile on her face.

Chris on the other side pouted so hard that her cheeks getting red. She can't believe she once again lost against Dog.

"Okay, let's throw a small party tonight at the Shimazu Dorm. I'll bring some meat from the Kawakami Temple." Momoyo suddenly suggested while dragging Kazuko's back so the youngest Kawakami won't starts a fight with the Friedrich, "After that, we girls will take a bath together to deepen our intimacy!"

"I would love that." Chris clapped her hands excitedly at the thought.

She loves Japan and it's tradition. So, she's so excited to follow the tradition of knowing someone better by taking a bath together.

"M-Me too!" Yukie nods her head frantically. She will take a bath together with her FRIENDS! Not alone or with her sister.

This is the best day in her life!

"Someone should bring Capt back then."

"Hm, I guess I'll go fetch him." Yōta scratched the back of his neck.

The groups nods their heads at the same time in response to that. Yōta is their best choice if they want to fetch that troublesome leader of theirs.

The Young Emperor casually spreading his Color of Observation throughout the whole city to look after their leader.

After finding Shōichi's whereabouts, Yōta uses his Shukuchi and disappears together with the sound of wind, leaving the group behind.

Seeing that the Nagakura is already on move to fetch their troublesome leader.

The groups then starts walking and having conversations together with Chris and Yukie as the main topic, trying to get to know them better.

And with this, the hide-and-seek game finally meet its end.

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